

赤ちゃんパンダ お披露目・2016年10月30日(日)

2016-10-30 17:58:37 | 日記
  Catch the News
赤ちゃんパンダ お披露目
Giant panda cubs, born this year,made their public debut
at a panda breeding and research center in China.
The 23 cubs lay on their bellies, occasionally exerting
just a little effort to crawl forward.
One of them attempted to run, however, and tumbled off
the stage.

沖縄 恩納村の通信所体験に興奮・2016年10月30日(日)

2016-10-30 10:04:00 | 日記
英語で読もう  ユルヴァーグ・A・デイビッド 訳
沖縄 恩納村の通信所体験に興奮
 On television and in newspapers, we often see scenes of
astronauts working at the space station and rockets lifting
off to go to space.
The Japan Aerospase Exploration Agency's(JAXA) Okinawa
Tracking and Communications Station is located in Okinawa.
This station plays an important role.
It uses radio waves to communicate and send commands to
probes and satellites flying around in space.
On the 22nd, the station was opened to the public,
and many children visited to learn more about space and rockets.

ハロウィーン イベントに・2016年10月23日(日)

2016-10-23 09:40:33 | 日記
英語で読もう  ユルヴァーグ・A・デイビッド 訳
       ハロウィーン イベントに
 October 31 Halloween is a holiday that people in Japan
are very familiar with now.
Around this time, even Okinawa gets a little chillier.
There is a hint of autumn in the air,and we feel a little
lonely at night.
It's the perfect season for ghosts to come out.
In fact,in Okinawa as in other regions around the world,
events associated with ghosts are held this time of the year.
What sort of festival was Halloween originally?
And, what kind of events are there in other areas?

ノーベル受賞 最初はうそかなと・2016年10月23日(日)

2016-10-23 09:11:58 | 日記
  Catch the News
 ノーベル受賞 最初はうそかなと
 Japanese scientist Yoshinori Ohsumi won the Nobel Prize
in physiology or medicine,but his wife Mariko could not
believe the news at first.
"My husband sometimes fools me and teases me, so when
he mentioned the Nobel prize I thought it was a lie,"
she said at a press conference with him.


2016-10-16 10:05:00 | 日記
英語で読もう  ユルヴァーグ・A・デイビッド 訳
The Naha Giant Tug-of-War was held at kumoji intersection
in Naha City on October 9th.
People filled the streets and used all their might to pull
the world's biggest tug-of-war rope, weighing 43 tons
and measuring 200 meters long.
THe venue for this event was National Route 58,
which is usually crowded with cars.
During the short time the intersection was closed to traffic,
how was this huge rope brought in and then put away so quickly?
The truth is that several large cranes worked together to pull
off this amazing feat.