

本日 歴史秘話ヒストリア(NHK、総合)・2016年11月11日(金) 

2016-11-11 09:11:17 | 日記

航路の目印 灯台の役割・2016年11月06日(日)

2016-11-06 10:53:58 | 日記
英語で読もう  ユルヴァーグ・A・デイビッド 訳
航路の目印 灯台の役割
Do you know that lighthouses protect the safety of the seas?
Ships, which sail over the broad ocean, travel through
sea lanes safely by taking care not to hit any rocks or
run aground in the shallows.
Lighthouses are essential markers providing safe passage.
On October 30, just before Lighthouse Day on November 1,
the chinazaki Lighthouse, which is located in the China
section of Nanjo City's Chinen district, was opened
to the piblic.
Children also climbed up the lighthouse and learned
how it works and the role it plays.

五輪 復興のシンボルに・2016年11月06日(日)

2016-11-06 10:21:33 | 日記
  Catch the News!
五輪 復興のシンボルに
International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach
proposed to hold some 2020 Olympic events in
northeastern Japan as a symbol of the region's recovery
from the 2011 quake-tsunami disaster.
"An inaugural match of baseball with the participation
of the Japanese team, I think, could be a very powerful
message," Bach told reporters.