ダンス以前 》》》

■__/dance izen.

New year resolution; morning walk to 黒谷

2016-01-26 | this AND that

It has been very warm winter, although last week we had a big snow day in Japan, including here in Kyoto.


How are you doing on keeping your new year resolution?

I luckly happen to wake up early to visit Yoshida shrine for new year greeting on new years day and I found of morning fresh air since then and GUESS WHAT!

I, myself used to be more night person, become a morning person like a bird!

It actualy surprises me. LOL


Well, since then my dairy routeen is to wake up before sunrise to walk up to Yoshida mountain, go through the shrine to get to Kurodani temple to meditate while the monks do their morning chantings!!

It got so much snow last week, though my walking routeen is still with me.

What a surprise!


Everyday, same pathway...

thuogh none of the morinings are the same ever.

nothing is the same.


it stated to remind of me the spirite of appreciation.

the every life,

the every neighbors,

the everyday food,

the every breath...


it kinda nice to sense the changes in the same routeen.

It is a habit I happend to create with joy in taking one deep breath of  morning fresh air.

Start with pleasurable new year resolution is not a bad idea.


I wish you all a year with full of discovery and smiles.







...Something to come up soon...

Feb/13 Talk about LOVE dialogue @ Cafe Aina

Mar/7  Music and Feldenkrais night @ Kyo-machiya 人と生活研究所 音楽と植物と。。。

Mar/11Art of caring night for care workers @ Bethesda no Ie

Apr/7 Dance for Shaka's B.D. @瑞泉寺

May  Tea and feldenkrais after Picking the wild straberry @ 吉田山

June Fresh herbal tea time after picking the wild mint @鴨川



Penny meditative spot in Yosida area, Kyoto

2016-01-05 | this AND that

Now Happy Holidays are over...


though my holiday activity created such a fabulous habit to have in my dairy life.


that is visiting 真如堂 for the morning walk through Yoshida shrine with mountain foggy air...


recognizing a fresh air makes my day.


arriving at 真如堂 while looking at sunrize coming out from mount 大文字


the door of 御堂 is slightly open. though don't be shy here.

Takee off shoes quietly and bow before you go in there.

and entering 御堂 and offer the donation into the box at the front.

Chime and pray here.

 After that flow...if you wish, go to aside of御堂 and meditate.

My favorite spot is sitting at the right hand side, so that you won't disturbing nobody.

just sit there calmly as long as you wish..


enjoy priceless quiteness inner and outer.


my  outcome was won't get wasted after all day work, deskwork or the physically hard work.

thetruth is...seems like i learned how to rest one in a while...during work.

i like this new habit this environment created for me.


thanks new year!






---feldenkrais Kyoto