<Keiko schedule>
1/9(Wed) 10-13
1/16(Wed) 10-13 

* 16日は、徳山の食文化イベントへ参加するため17日10時からへ変更
1/23(Wed) 10-13
1/30(Wed) 10-13


里山を借景に踊るダンス活動家 小林三悠

現在は、2018年9月より6ヶ月間岐阜県根尾村樽見にあるGIDS-Gifu Indies Design Sessions の短期デザイナー制度を活用し根尾樽見で踊る場をつくる活動をスタートしました。日々、出会いと驚きを大切にダンサブルな根尾を探しては根尾の人と風景、音らと踊る日々を過ごしています。今回開催する根尾ダンス•マッピングも地域の方々の支えとご縁によって開催可能となりました。
•___/ダンス以前 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/bwlkyoto/
2003年California Institute of the Arts 芸術学士取得
Here's video Clip about the Keiko
Keiko is based on Body Weather Laboratory.
What is BWL?
■Video Clip of OGURI
Body Weather is a comprehensive training and performance practice that investigates the intersections of bodies and their environments. Bodies are not conceived as fixed and separate entities but are - just like the weather - constantly changing through an infinite and complex system of processes occurring in- and outside of these bodies.
This introductory workshop proposes a re-examination of the habitual body and it's accompanying mental structures as a means of indicating and reflecting upon possible areas of change in the perception and the actual state of our own body and that of others.
As a training, Body Weather is of relevance to anyone interested in exploring the body and physical presence and can be aligned to various dance and theatre practices.
The daily training-routine consists of:
- ‘MB’ (mind/body, muscles/bones)
An energetic, dynamic and rhythmic movement work-out that observes the kinaesthetic sensitivity and co-ordination potential of the body-in-motion while developing strength, endurance, flexibility and grounding.
- ‘Manipulations’
Structured and paced work with partners, concerned with breathing, stretching, alignment and the notion of ‘relaxation’.
- ‘Laboratory’
A wide forum of explorations including work on segmentation, different speeds within the body and the notion of time, sensory investigation, spatial awareness inside and outside the body, image-to-movement work.
Emphasis is given on observation and feedback as a means to objectify experience and to sharpen and articulate the perception of bodies.
The term and philosophical basis for Body Weather was founded in the early 1980's by dancer Min Tanaka and further developed by Laboratories worldwide. Oguri was members of Min Tanaka’s Maijuku Performance Company in Japan. Body Weather US is a platform for Training and Performance Research. Meyou Kobayashi was studied and performed with Oguri when she was a student at California Institute of the Arts where she was majored in Dance department.
Lead by:
Miyuki Kobayashi (GIDS ShorttermDesigner 4th member)
Pictures from Keiko at Jyotokuji-tempke in KYOTO