①出典TIME July13Beyond the Veil
Iran's women are determinedly political actors, claiming fundamental rights, and deserving our support when they do so. When they risk their lives to claim such rights, what they wear is irrelevant. With Muslim women showing such involvement in basic political struggles, is it too much to hope that Western male leaders will find something more worthwhile to comment on than their clothes?
②出典TIME Sept28Is Wikipedia a Victim of Its Own Success?
Before Wikipedia, nobody would have believed that an anonymous band of strangers could create something so useful. So is it crazy to imagine that, given the difficulties it faces, someday the whole experiment might blow up? "There are some bloggers out there who say, 'Oh, yeah, Wikipedia will be gone in five years,'" Chi says."I think that's sensational. But our data does suggest its existence in 10 or 15 years may be in question."
まず①は、全文を読めばわかるようにイスラム圏の女性の服装についてしかコメントしないオバマ、サルコジへの批判が基調になっています。結論部分での、イスラム圏女性の服装以外にもっと気のきいたコメントをWestern male leadersに対して求めるのはやり過ぎだろうか?という趣旨の筆者の問いかけに対する答はNoでなければわけがわかりません。
②は、Before Wikipediaにおいてはan anonymous band of strangersがそんなusefulなものを作れるなんて誰も信じなかったであろうという話が前に来て、Wikipediaが五年でなくなるという予測はsensationalだが、our data does suggest its existence in 10 or 15 years may be in question.という話が後ろに続いています。したがってsomeday the whole experiment might blow upつまりWikipediaがいつの日か消滅してしまうという想像はcrazyではなく、問いかけへの答はNoです。
Iran's women are determinedly political actors, claiming fundamental rights, and deserving our support when they do so. When they risk their lives to claim such rights, what they wear is irrelevant. With Muslim women showing such involvement in basic political struggles, is it too much to hope that Western male leaders will find something more worthwhile to comment on than their clothes?
②出典TIME Sept28Is Wikipedia a Victim of Its Own Success?
Before Wikipedia, nobody would have believed that an anonymous band of strangers could create something so useful. So is it crazy to imagine that, given the difficulties it faces, someday the whole experiment might blow up? "There are some bloggers out there who say, 'Oh, yeah, Wikipedia will be gone in five years,'" Chi says."I think that's sensational. But our data does suggest its existence in 10 or 15 years may be in question."
まず①は、全文を読めばわかるようにイスラム圏の女性の服装についてしかコメントしないオバマ、サルコジへの批判が基調になっています。結論部分での、イスラム圏女性の服装以外にもっと気のきいたコメントをWestern male leadersに対して求めるのはやり過ぎだろうか?という趣旨の筆者の問いかけに対する答はNoでなければわけがわかりません。
②は、Before Wikipediaにおいてはan anonymous band of strangersがそんなusefulなものを作れるなんて誰も信じなかったであろうという話が前に来て、Wikipediaが五年でなくなるという予測はsensationalだが、our data does suggest its existence in 10 or 15 years may be in question.という話が後ろに続いています。したがってsomeday the whole experiment might blow upつまりWikipediaがいつの日か消滅してしまうという想像はcrazyではなく、問いかけへの答はNoです。