


2013年04月08日 | VOAから作成した英検&大学入試対策問題
 以下はIMF's Lagarde Says Global Economy 'Looks Better'という記事から作成しました。/で区切られている部分は整序し、下線部にはアルファベットを加えて文脈に合った単語を完成してください。

International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde says that a large part of the world economy "looks better" than it did a year ago, but also warns there (1)(remaining / are / from / risks) the global recession in some countries.

The IMF managing director told a forum on Asia Sunday night in China that "growth continues to broaden and strengthen" throughout emerging and developing economies, and that the U.S. economy is showing signs of (2)im_______________.

She (3)(performance / praised / economic / Asia's), noting that two-thirds of the global growth since the recession started in 2008 has occurred in Asian countries.

But Lagarde said there is a "patchy recovery" throughout the world, and that the overall improved economic fortunes do not amount to "enough of a real recovery." She said (4)(about / growth / worries / low ) are centered in the 17-nation euro currency bloc in Europe, and that lack of (5)ag_______________ on financial policies in Washington could thwart growth in the American economy, the world's largest.

Lagarde said she expects the Asian (6)(by / grow / to / economy) 6 percent this year, well above the U.S. and European economies. But she said that for future economic success, Asian countries need to increase their spending on the health and training of future workers, increase the (7)em_______________ of women and protect the continent's environment.

※解答(1)(are risks remaining from) (2)improvement (3)(praised Asia's economic performance) (4)(worries about low growth) (5)agreement (6)(economy to grow by) (7)employment.

 上記記事に登場するrecesssionをオンラインで無料で使えるコウビルド英英辞典で調べると、A recession is a period when the economy of a country is doing badly, for example because industry is producing less and more people are becoming unemployed.と定義されています。定義文自体が優れた英語教材になっている英英辞典に日常的に親しめば英語力を順調に伸ばせます。
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