


2020年12月22日 | 和訳せずに理解度を確認できる長文整序問題

□Milk is considered an important food around the world. Some advertisements even call it “the perfect food.” This has some truth as milk ①(protein / contains / muscles / to build), calcium for strengthening bones, and vitamins that are essential for good health. The importance of milk in our diets has a long history. In fact, since people started to breed farm animals, they have consumed animal milk.

□The oldest ②(milk consumption / evidence / was found / of ) at sites more than 10,000 years old. Surprisingly, it was not cow’s milk but sheep’s milk. People raised sheep for their meat, wool, and milk long before they began to raise cows. They turned this milk into the first types of cheese. Sheep’s milk has over 50% more fat than cow’s milk along with about twice the amount of protein. As fat content plays an important part in making cheese, sheep’s milk is often used to produce a number of cheeses. Goats, another animal raised before cows, also provide milk. Goat’s milk has a similar level of fat to cow’s milk, but less sugar. More recent examples of animal milk include deer’s milk and horse’s milk. Deer’s milk has higher levels of protein and fat than cow’s milk. Horse’s milk has less protein than cow’s milk, but six times as much vitamin C.

□At the present time, most milk ③(from / in stores / sold / comes) cows. The worldwide dairy industry depends on cows, which consistently ④(far / milk / produce / more) than other animals. The milk is sold to be drunk or turned into dairy products such as cheese, butter, yogurt, or ice cream. Regardless of how it is used, nowadays, most raw milk ⑤(get rid of / is / to / heated) harmful bacteria. Modern methods of treating milk and careful inspection of milk products have helped to ensure that the milk we consume today is safe. It has become one of the most highly ⑥(many countries / foods / regulated / in).

□Not all people, however, can digest milk. Although infants are able to take in milk easily, ⑦(declines / ability / in / this) a certain percentage of adults. Some of them can still eat products made from milk, like cheese or ice cream, while others are ⑧(to digest / unable / in / milk products ) any form. They know that having a bowl of delicious ice cream is only going to cause them torment. For these people, milk is certainly not the perfect food.

□Recently, different kinds of milk made from plants have appeared in supermarkets. These are especially ⑨(who cannot / popular / digest / with people) animal milk as well as with people seeking better health. A variety of plants are used, and each plant milk differs in its original state. The most popular type of plant milk is made from soybeans. Soy milk is similar in the amount of protein to cow’s milk but lacks calcium. Rice milk has a lower sugar content and less protein than cow’s milk. Coconut milk, which is common in Southeast Asia, has about half the calories of cow’s milk and less protein. In short, each of these plant milks ⑩(different amounts / nutrition / offers / of) to consumers.

□Currently, ⑪(milk / the decision / making / to drink) requires that we examine our options and choose the ones that are best for us. Each offers different benefits, allowing us to select the levels of protein or fat we want in order to satisfy our nutritional needs. No matter what these requirements are, milk in all its forms will continue to find a place in people’s diets.

※解答①(contains protein to build muscles)②(evidence of milk consumption was found) ③(sold in stores comes from) ④(produce far more milk) ⑤(is heated to get rid of) ⑥(regulated foods in many countries)⑦(this ability declines in)⑧(unable to digest milk products in)⑨(popular with people who cannot digest) ⑩(offers different amounts of nutrition) ⑪(making the decision to drink milk)

 ※わからない単語が多ければ辞書を使って解いても力はつきます。ただし試験本番で辞書は使えません。大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、上記の長文中のキーワードを以下の赤字で示したように網羅的にカバーしています。

□Milk is considered an important food around the world. Some advertisements even call it “the perfect food.” This has some truth as milk contains protein to build muscles, calcium for strengthening bones, and vitamins that are essential for good health. The importance of milk in our diets has a long history. In fact, since people started to breed farm animals, they have consumed animal milk.

□The oldest evidence of milk consumption was found at sites more than 10,000 years old. Surprisingly, it was not cow’s milk but sheep’s milk. People raised sheep for their meat, wool, and milk long before they began to raise cows. They turned this milk into the first types of cheese. Sheep’s milk has over 50% more fat than cow’s milk along with about twice the amount of protein. As fat content plays an important part in making cheese, sheep’s milk is often used to produce a number of cheeses. Goats, another animal raised before cows, also provide milk. Goat’s milk has a similar level of fat to cow’s milk, but less sugar. More recent examples of animal milk include deer’s milk and horse’s milk. Deer’s milk has higher levels of protein and fatthan cow’s milk. Horse’s milk has less protein than cow’s milk, but six times as much vitamin C.

□At the present time, most milk sold in stores comes from cows. The worldwide dairy industry depends on cows, which consistently produce far more milk than other animals. The milk is sold to be drunk or turned into dairy products such as cheese, butter, yogurt, or ice cream. Regardless of how it is used, nowadays, most raw milk is heated to get rid of harmful bacteria. Modern methods of treating milk and careful inspection of milk products have helped to ensure that the milk we consume today is safe. It has become one of the most highly regulated foods in many countries.

□Not all people, however, can digest milk. Although infants are able to take in milk easily, this ability declines in a certain percentage of adults. Some of them can still eat products made from milk, like cheese or ice cream, while others are unable to digest milk products in any form. They know that having a bowl of delicious ice cream is only going to cause them torment. For these people, milk is certainly not the perfect food.

□Recently, different kinds of milk made from plants have appeared in supermarkets. These are especially popular with people who cannot digest animal milk as well as with people seeking better health. A variety of plants are used, and each plant milk differs in its original state. The most popular type of plant milk is made from soybeans. Soy milk is similar in the amount of protein to cow’s milk but lacks calcium. Rice milk has a lower sugar content and less protein than cow’s milk. Coconut milk, which is common in Southeast Asia, has about half the calories of cow’s milk and less protein. In short, each of these plant milks offers different amounts of nutrition to consumers.

Currently, making the decision to drink milk requires that we examine our options and choose the ones that are best for us. Each offers different benefits, allowing us to select the levels of protein or fat we want in order to satisfy our nutritional needs. No matter what these requirements are, milk in all its forms will continue to find a place in people’s diets.

大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語の制作に当たってはセンター試験の過去問全てと共通テスト試行問題を参照し、800の例文と800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テス トのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を組み込み、以下のような練習問題にしまし た。

①accept(Ex: In *accepting a *formal *invitation, it is important to *respond *appropriately)(.001)
②provide(Ex: Our *company *provides our *customers with clothing at *reasonable prices)(.002)
③display(Ex: He is an artist whose paintings are *displayed in a *museum in Paris. )(003)
④imagine(Ex: In an *increasingly *connected world, many people can't *imagine life without the Internet)(.004)
(A)to form a picture of something in your mind
(B)to give something to someone or make it available to them
(C)to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily
(D)to take something that is offered


1accept:受け入れる(Ex:正式な招待を受け入れるにあたって、適切に返答するこ とは重要だ )
2provide:提供する(Ex:当社は、手頃な価格で衣類を顧客に提供す る)(2005中央大)
3display:展示する(Ex:彼は絵画がパリの美術館に展示されている芸術家だ ) (2016東海大)
4imagine:想像する(Ex: ますますつながっている世界で、多くの人々はインター ネットなしの生活を想像することはできない)
(B) 何かを誰かに与える、あるいは利用できるようにすること

次に以下のような英英挟み撃ち問題に取り組みます。定義文を読んでから例文を 作成するのがおすすめで、音読するとさらに有効です。
(001)In acc------- a formal invitation, it is important to respond appropriately.
【to take something that is offered】

(002)Our company pro------- our customers with clothing at reasonable prices.
【to give something to someone or make it available to them】

(003)He is an artist whose paintings are dis------- in a museum in Paris.
【to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily】

(004)In an increasingly connected world, many people can't ima------- life without the Internet.
【to form a picture of something in your mind】

(001)の正解はaccepting(, 002)の正解はprovides, (003)の正解はdisplayed, (004)の正解はimagineとなり正しい形にしないと正解にならないため、語彙力の みならず文法も強化できます。予備校の授業で採用したところ、共通テスト試行 調査問題の正解率が5割以下だった受験生が半年弱で8~9割正解できるまでの 成果が出ています。
見出し語、定義文、例文はすべて音声を無料サイトからダウンロードして 聞くことができます。定義文→単語 定義文→単語→例文 の2種類の音声ファイルを用意しました。 目的に応じて 使い分けてください。
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