


2020年12月11日 | 和訳せずに理解度を確認できる長文整序問題

 Images of elephants are ①(good fortune / symbols / in / of) both India and Mexico, but there are some interesting differences. In India, the position of the trunk is not usually important. Carvings of elephants may have their trunks pointing upwards or downwards. In contrast, if you give a Mexican family a carving of an elephant, the trunk should be pointing upwards. It is ②(that / with / thought / elephants) their trunks pointing upwards will keep luck within the house. In addition, three elephants placed to face the front door of a Mexican home ③(bring / supposed / are / to) the greatest luck and, therefore, keep a family safe and happy.

 Throat microphones, which pick up the vibrations of normal speech directly through the skin rather than through the air, are useful in ①(such as / noisy / extremely / situations) when motorcycle messengers on the freeway must communicate with their headquarters. Now NASA scientists have ②(more / a / advanced / developed) system than throat microphones. The system is ③(pick up / sensitive / to / enough ) the “inner speech” we use when we are silently reading or thinking. While ③(people / that / some / worry) a system like this will be able to read our minds, in ④(current / its / it / stage) can only understand a few simple words.

Gorillas are social ①(many similarities / with / to / animals) humans. When threatened, a male leader may ②(to protect / attempt / through / his group) aggressive displays which commonly involve chest-beating or short rushes toward the danger. However, studies ③(gorillas / indicate / are / that) normally quiet, even shy, animals that live in stable family groups. In zoos this shyness sometimes ④(or depression / into / develops / inactivity). Some zookeepers in Russia therefore have come up with a plan to give gorillas a broader experience of ⑤(life by showing them) wildlife videos. Although watching TV or videos is sometimes ⑥(to / said / harmful / to be) human beings, the keepers think that this plan might make gorillas “think more about life.”

 The past thirty to forty years have ①(huge increase / a / in / seen) the number of children who suffer from allergies, and scientists are still looking for the explanation. Some have blamed increased air pollution, but it has also been found that allergies ②(common / are / among / not only) children in the city but also among children in the countryside, where pollution is typically much lower.
 A currently popular ③(in / explanation / the rise / for) allergies is the so –called “hygiene hypothesis.” The basic idea is that young children brought up in an environment which is too clean are more ④(risk / developing / at / of) allergies. Nowadays, people bathe and wash their clothes more frequently than in the past, and thanks to vacuum cleaners homes are less dusty, too. One result of all these changes is that in their early lives children ⑤(fewer / exposed / are / to) allergens─substances that can cause allergies─and this means that their bodies cannot build up natural immunity to them. Simply put, exposure to allergy-causing substances is ⑥(for / against / necessary / natural protection) them to develop.
 The trend towards smaller families also means that young children ⑦(allergens / fewer / in / encounter) the home. In fact, it is known that children who have older brothers and sisters are more resistant to allergies. The same is ⑧(of children / share / true who) their home with a pet. Such children are much less likely to develop the very common allergy to cat or dog hair, for example.
 Scientists agree ⑨(to / that / exposed / being) a wider range of allergens early in life helps children to develop greater immunity. There is, however, also some data suggesting that genetics, family income, and even the parents’ level of education may play a part in how likely ⑩(to suffer / is / from / a child) allergies. Thus, although the hygiene hypothesis is an important area for research, we cannot yet be sure that too much ⑪(cleanliness / attention / is / to) the only explanation for the enormous rise in the number of allergy victims.

第3問A①①(symbols of good fortune in)②(thought that elephants with) ③(are supposed to bring)

①(extremely noisy situations such as) ②(developed a more advanced) ③(sensitive enough to pick up) ④(some people worry that) ⑤(its current stage it) can only understand a few simple words.

①(animals with many similarities to) ②(attempt to protect his group through) ③(indicate that gorillas are) ④(develops into inactivity or depression). ⑤(life by showing them) ⑥(said to be harmful to)

①(seen a huge increase in) ②(are common not only among) ③(explanation for the rise in) ④(at risk of developing) ⑥(necessary for natural protection against)⑦(encounter fewer allergens in) ⑧(true of children who share) ⑨(that being exposed to) ⑩(a child is to suffer from)⑪(attention to cleanliness is)

 ※わからない単語が多ければ辞書を使って解いても力はつきます。ただし試験本番で辞書は使えません。大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、上記の長文中でtrunk(象の鼻)のような大学受験に必要ない単語以外はほとんどカバーしています。
 共通テスト英語ではリーディングの総語彙数が増え、リスニングの比重が高く なり一回しか読まれない部分が登場します。出題者側が英語を英語で理解する能 力を求めているのは明らかです。対策に は、キーワードを英英定義で理解して 普 段から英英思考に親しみ英語を英語で理解する英語頭を鍛えるのがきわめて 有効 です。

 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テス トのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を組み込み、以下のような練習問題にしまし た。

①accept(Ex: In *accepting a *formal *invitation, it is important to *respond *appropriately)(.001)
②provide(Ex: Our *company *provides our *customers with clothing at *reasonable prices)(.002)
③display(Ex: He is an artist whose paintings are *displayed in a *museum in Paris. )(003)
④imagine(Ex: In an *increasingly *connected world, many people can't *imagine life without the Internet)(.004)
(A)to form a picture of something in your mind
(B)to give something to someone or make it available to them
(C)to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily
(D)to take something that is offered


1accept:受け入れる(Ex:正式な招待を受け入れるにあたって、適切に返答するこ とは重要だ )
2provide:提供する(Ex:当社は、手頃な価格で衣類を顧客に提供す る)(2005中央大)
3display:展示する(Ex:彼は絵画がパリの美術館に展示されている芸術家だ ) (2016東海大)
4imagine:想像する(Ex: ますますつながっている世界で、多くの人々はインター ネットなしの生活を想像することはできない)
(B) 何かを誰かに与える、あるいは利用できるようにすること

次に以下のような英英挟み撃ち問題に取り組みます。定義文を読んでから例文を 作成するのがおすすめで、音読するとさらに有効です。
(001)In acc------- a formal invitation, it is important to respond appropriately.
【to take something that is offered】

(002)Our company pro------- our customers with clothing at reasonable prices.
【to give something to someone or make it available to them】

(003)He is an artist whose paintings are dis------- in a museum in Paris.
【to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily】

(004)In an increasingly connected world, many people can't ima------- life without the Internet.
【to form a picture of something in your mind】

(001)の正解はaccepting(, 002)の正解はprovides, (003)の正解はdisplayed, (004)の正解はimagineとなり正しい形にしないと正解にならないため、語彙力の みならず文法も強化できます。予備校の授業で採用したところ、共通テスト試行 調査問題の正解率が5割以下だった受験生が半年弱で8~9割正解できるまでの 成果が出ています。
見出し語、定義文、例文はすべて音声を無料サイトからダウンロードして 聞くことができます。定義文→単語 定義文→単語→例文 の2種類の音声ファイルを用意しました。 目的に応じて 使い分けてください。

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