


2010年02月15日 | ボキャビル
 たとえば、TIME誌2009年Sept18号のSewn in Secret : Iranian Designers
 Lacking the manpower to crack down on this barrage of Western clothing, authorities have zeroed in on local designers—especially female ones—whom they consider a greater threat to the values of the theocratic regime than racy imports like Victoria's Secret lingerie or Manolo Blahnik pumps.という文がありました。
 crack down onもzero in onもニュース記事を読むにあたってよく見かける重要イディオムです。ただ、カードの表裏に英和の意味を書いて覚えるような無味乾燥なことをしなくてもイディオムの習得は可能です。

 Lacking the manpower to ●●ack down on this barrage of Western clothing, authorities have ●●roed in on local designers—especially female ones—whom they consider a greater threat to the values of the theocratic regime than racy imports like Victoria's Secret lingerie or Manolo Blahnik pumps.


 加えて単語も簡単に自作教材を作成できます。前述のSewn in Secret : Iranian Designers

①A surreptitious action is done secretly.

②If someone in authority censors a book, play, or film, they officially examine it and cut out any parts that are considered to be immoral or inappropriate.

③If you evade something, you find a way of not doing something that you really ought to do.

④If a person or thing is under scrutiny, they are being studied or observed very carefully.

⑤If you say that a place or region is a stronghold of a particular attitude or belief, you mean that most people there share this attitude or belief.



①A ●●rreptitious action is done secretly.

②If someone in authority ●●nsors a book, play, or film, they officially examine it and cut out any parts that are considered to be immoral or inappropriate.

③If you ●●ade something, you find a way of not doing something that you really ought to do.

④If a person or thing is under ●●rutiny, they are being studied or observed very carefully.

⑤If you say that a place or region is a ●●ronghold of a particular attitude or belief, you mean that most people there share this attitude or belief.


①A (s-     ) action is done secretly.

②If someone in authority (c-     )s a book, play, or film, they officially examine it and cut out any parts that are considered to be immoral or inappropriate.

③If you (e-     ) something, you find a way of not doing something that you really ought to do.

④If a person or thing is under (s-     ), they are being studied or observed very carefully.

⑤If you say that a place or region is a (s-     ) of a particular attitude or belief, you mean that most people there share this attitude or belief.

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