


2020年12月12日 | 和訳せずに理解度を確認できる長文整序問題


 While I was growing up in our small town, Rosemont, I always thought of my neighbor, Mr. Peal, as a strange and somewhat frightening old man. He was always yelling at me and my playmates ①(from / stay / to / away) his yard and his old truck. My parents never said much about Mr. Peal and only told me ②(him / leave / alone / to), so I never had any reason to believe he was anything more than an unpleasant old man.
 But sometimes, at times and places we least expect, we learn something new about people that changes how we look at them. Such a thing happened to me last year at my university, a hundred miles from home.
 One day I was in the cafeteria talking with a classmate about my hometown. Suddenly a student who was ③(next / sitting / interrupted / to us) and said, “Did you say you come from Rosemont? Do you know an old man named Peal there? He drove an old blue truck.”
 “ Why, yes,” I answered. “ He’s my neighbor. Do you know him?”
 “I do! What a coincidence!” said the student and he began to tell me a story. He told me that he lived in Sunnydale, where the university is, and that one day seven years ago he, his mother, and his little sister ④(a day / to / decided / spend) in the mountains near my hometown. “We had to take a train to Rosemont early in the morning, and then a bus from there into the mountains,” he said.
 He said that he and his sister began using rocks to make a small pool in a mountain stream. “We wanted to catch baby fish and collect them in the pool so that the three of us could watch them swim around for a while before we ⑤(escape / them / back into / let) the river.”
 He was ⑥(one / the rocks / arranging / of) in the wall when suddenly his sister accidentally dropped a large rock right on top of his left hand. It cut his fingers to the bone and made a terrible wound. “It hurt so much, and it looked awful,” he said. “Mom wrapped my hand in a towel and told us we had to find a doctor.”
 But the bus back into town was not due for another four hours. The three decided they would have to walk down the road back to town. However, that too, would take more than an hour. “My mother kept ⑦(me / telling / brave / to be), but I could tell that she was really worried. We were all scared.”
 Just then, a small blue truck came up the road in front of them.
 “Mom started waving and yelling, and the truck stopped. She ⑧(happened / what / explained / had) and asked the driver, an old man, if he would take us into town to see a doctor.”
 But the man told her that the doctor was out of town and that the only other doctor in the area was another thirty miles away on the other side of Rosemont. “He told us to hop in and that there was some ice for my hand in a bucket in the truck.”
 The student continued his story, telling me that he could not remember much about the trip to the doctor. However, when he finally walked out of the doctor’s room with his fingers bandaged, Mr. Peal was sitting in the waiting room with his mother and sister.
 “He said he would ⑨(back / drive / to / us) Rosemont so we could catch the last train home. On the way back he told us that he had no grandchildren, but that his next-door neighbors has a daughter named Sarah around my age, so he knew how Mom must have felt. You must be Sarah, I guess. When you see Mr. Peal again, tell ⑩(that / him / majoring / I’m) in music─guitar! My hand is perfectly fine.”
 “I’ll do that,” I answered.
 Our university is large, and I never again met the student who had told me this story. But I did see Mr. Peal again. I see him with new eyes now, and I am glad I have ⑪(him / neighbor / a / like).

解答)①(to stay away from) ②(to leave him alone) ③(sitting next to us interrupted) ④(decided to spend a day) ⑤(let them escape back into)⑥(arranging one of the rocks) ⑦(telling me to be brave)⑧(explained what had happened) ⑨(drive us back to) ⑩(him that I’m majoring) ⑪(a neighbor like him)

 ※わからない単語が多ければ辞書を使って解いても力はつきます。ただし試験本番で辞書は使えません。大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、上記の長文中で固有名詞以外はほとんどカバーしています。
 共通テスト英語ではリーディングの総語彙数が増え、リスニングの比重が高く なり一回しか読まれない部分が登場します。出題者側が英語を英語で理解する能 力を求めているのは明らかです。対策に は、キーワードを英英定義で理解して 普 段から英英思考に親しみ英語を英語で理解する英語頭を鍛えるのがきわめて 有効 です。

 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テス トのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を組み込み、以下のような練習問題にしまし た。
①recover【rikʌ'vər】(Ex:I still haven't *recovered from the cold I caught last week.)(2005センター)(097)
②burn【bə'ːrn】(Ex:When fossil fuels are *burned, they release carbon dioxide.)(098)
③expect【ikspékt】(Ex:Never did I *expect to see him in such a place. )(099)
④preserve【prizə'ːrv】(Ex:What can be used to *preserve food?)(100)
(A)to think that something will happen
(B)to get better after an illness or an injury
(C)to keep something in good condition
(D)to damage something with fire

①gather【gǽðər】(Ex:*Gathering seafood by hand is very simple.)(101)
②avoid【əvɔ'id】(Ex:Which fruits should be *avoided for weight loss?)(102)
③hide【háid】(Ex:Where can I *hide my secret diary in my room?)(103)
④decide【disáid】(Ex:She *decided to quit her job.)(104)
(A)to keep away from someone or something
(B)to make a choice about something
(C)to bring many things together
(D)to keep something in a place where it cannot easily be found



①remove【rimúːv】(Ex:Chewing gum and yawning are effective ways to remove water from your ears.)(105)
②hate【héit】(Ex:If your child *hates doing homework, you're not alone.)(106)
③illustrate【íləstrèit】(Ex:This picture illustrates a method of protection utilized by many animals.)(107)(2009センター)
④lead【líːd】(Ex:The guide led us to the museum.)(108)
(A)to dislike someone or something very much
(B)to make something easy to understand by giving examples
(C)to take someone somewhere, usually by walking in front of them
(D)to take something away from a place

①prevent【privént】(Ex:Fire doors help *prevent fires from spreading through a building. )(109)
②invent【invént】(Ex:Who *invented the telephone? )(110)
③bark【bɑ'ːrk】(Ex:*Barking dogs seldom bite.)(111)
④achieve【ətʃíːv】(Ex:Nothing can be *achieved without effort.)(112)
(A)to create something that has never been made before
(B)to stop something from happening
(C)to succeed in doing something
(D)to make a short loud sound



(097)I still haven't rec------- from the cold I caught last week.
【to get better after an illness or an injury】

(098)When fossil fuels are bur-------, they release carbon dioxide.
【to damage something with fire】

(099)Never did I exp------- to see him in such a place.
【to think that something will happen】

(100)What can be used to pre------- food?
【to keep something in good condition】

(101)Gat------- seafood by hand is very simple.
【to bring many things together】

(102)Which fruits should be avo------- for weight loss?
【to keep away from someone or something】

(103)Where can I hid------- my secret diary in my room?
【to keep something in a place where it cannot easily be found】

(104)She dec------- to quit her job.
【to make a choice about something】

(097)recovered (098)burned (099)expect (100) preserve
(101)Gathering (102)avoided (103)hide (104)decided

(105)Chewing gum and yawning are effective ways to rem------- water from your ears.
【to take something away from a place】

(106)If your child hat------- doing homework, you're not alone.
【to dislike someone or something very much】

(107)This picture ill------- a method of protection utilized by many animals.
【to make something easy to understand by giving examples】

(108)The guide le------- us to the museum.
【to take someone somewhere, usually by walking in front of them】

(109)Fire doors help pre------- fires from spreading through a building.
【to stop something from happening】

(110)Who inv------- the telephone?
【to create something that has never been made before】

(111)Bar------- dogs seldom bite.
【to make a short loud sound】

(112)Nothing can be ach------- without effort.
【to succeed in doing something】

(105)remove (106)hates (107)illustrates (108)led
(109)prevented (110) invented (111)Barking (112)achieved



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