

怪人二十面相 73

2023-01-08 00:11:23 | 怪人二十面相


The detective Akechi handed some luggage to a porter and came to Kobayashi.


"Kobayashi, you had gotten some difficulties. I learned by the paper. I'm relieved you are all right."


That was his master's voice he heard after 3 months. Kobayashi was aflame with joy, staring the great detective's face and got closer to him. And before they knew, they were shaking their hands.


At that moment, Tsujino from the Foreign Affairs came to Akechi and talked to him handing a business card.


"Are you Mr. Akechi? I haven't met you before, this is who I am. Actually I heard you are on this train from some source so I came here because I have something to talk to you in private."


Akechi took the business card and looked at it for a while as if he was in thoughts. And then he answered cheerfully changing his attitude.


"Ah, Mr. Tsujino. I see. I have heard of you. I was going to visit Ministry of Foreign Affairs after I changed my clothe at home. Thank you for coming to meet me here."


"You're tired I guess, still if you are all right, I'd like to talk on tea at this station hotel. I try make it soon."


"The station hotel. Well, at the station hotel."
Akechi muttered, staring at him as if he was admiring.
"Yes, that's no problem at all. Then let's go."


He approached Kobayashi and said after he whispered something to him.
"Kobayashi, I will go to this hotel with him. You go home by the taxi"
That was his order.


"I see. Then I go home."


怪人二十面相 72

2023-01-06 22:52:56 | 怪人二十面相


As Kobayashi said this, he opened the newspaper to show the article. Half of the city news section was about Twenty Faces. Basically the director of National Museum recieved a express letter from Twenty Faces which was a surprising declaration that he will take all of art works in the museum. As usual it said the date clearly, 10th of December. It means that they have only 9 days.


It seemed like Twenty Faces' audacious ambition reached the summit. Of all things, he is trying to antagonize this nation. So far all he has done is stealing the private possessions which was abhominal but not unprecedented. However attacking the museum is to steal the possession of the nation. There has never been such a daring thief. Is it audacious or reckless.


Come to think of it, is it possible? In the museum dozens of people are working. There are guard people too. There are policemen too. On top of that with this declaration how closely they watch, you never know. Maybe a wall of policemen surround the whole museum.


Ah, is Twenty Faces has gone insane? Or he is confident enough to do things impossible? Does he have a devil's conspiracy no human can imagine?


Now, put aside Twenty Faces, we are meeting the detective Akechi.


"Ah, the train's coming."
Before Tuzino warned this Kobayashi rushed to the edge of the platform.


Standing front row of crowd and turn left, he could see the express train Akechi was on coming nearer and nearer.


With an aerial vibration the steel black boxes passed through bofore him. Passing people's faces in the windows, a squeak of the brake, then train stopped. He could see familiar Akechi on the entrance of the first class coach. He was in black suits, black coat and black hat, saw Kobayashi and waved his hand smiling.


"Master, welcome home."
Kobayashi ran to him with a delight feverishly.


怪人二十面相 71

2023-01-05 01:52:55 | 怪人二十面相


A giant and a suspicious man


One afternoon, it was a half a month after Art castle case, there was a cute boy in the crowded Tokyo stasion platform. It is the boy Yoshio Kobayashi. Akechi's assistant boy my readers must know very well.


Making footsteps with the shining shoes, Kobayashi was walking back and force on the platform in a jamper and a matched cap. He was holding a rolled up newspaper in his hand. My readers, on this paper there was an amazing news about Twenty Faces you would know later.


Kobayashi came to Tokyo station to meet his master Akechi. The great detective is coming back finally.


Akechi had accepted an invitation from a foreign country, delt with a big case successfully, so he is like a victorious general. Properly speaking, he should get a big welcome from Ministory of Foreign Affairs or some private groups, but Akechi didn't like that kind of fuss, and as a detective, he shoud move in secrecy. So he didn't notify his schedule to those publicity but only his home. And his wife didn't come usually, it's always Kobayashi's task.


Kobayashi checked his watch now and then. Within 5 minutes, Akechi will be arrieve at last. It's been almost 3 months. He missed him and now he got excited.


Suddenly he realized an excellent gentleman was coming toward him with a smile.


He was wearing a warm overcoat, attractive gray hair and beard, a pair of tortoiseshell rimmed glass on his chabby face and had a rattan cane. Although he was smiling, to Kobayashi, he was a stranger.


"Aren't you a person from Akechi?"
He asked with a thick tender voice.
"Yes, I am.."


As the gentleman saw Kobayashi's questioned face, he nodded.
"I am Tsujino from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I learned Akechi would be on this train so I came to meet him unofficially. I have something to talk to him."
He explained.


"Oh, I see. I am his assistant, Kobayashi."


Kobayashi took his cap and bowed. It made Tsujino's smile bigger.
"Oh, I've heard of you. To tell you the truth I've seen your face on the paper, that's why I decided to talk to you. It was amazing act you got with Twenty Faces. You're now so popular. My children are your big fun too."
He extoled him.


Kobayashi got shy and blush.


"Speaking of Twenty Faces, how audacious that he had impersonated Akechi in Shuzenji. And today's newspaper says he is going to attack the National museum. It's such a bold attitude, just like making a fool of Police. We can't let him be. To beat him I was waiting for Akechi's return.


"Yes, me too. I tried everything but it wasn't enough. I have been waiting for him because I want my maser to avenge.


"Is the paper you have today's?"
"Yes, it is. The one got his warning that he is attacking the museum."


怪人二十面相 70

2023-01-03 21:41:09 | 怪人二十面相


"Man, how did you like the egyptian cigarette last night? Ha ha ha, You remember? I put  some drug in it. I wanted you to sleep during the two detective got in the room, brought everything out and put all of them into the car. Do you ask how I could get in the room? It was nothing. I just borrowed the key from your pocket.


Twenty Faces talked calmly as if he was enjoying a small chat. But for the old man, It must be more irritable that he was talking nicely.


"Now we must hurry, so excuse us. Please feel comfortable about art works because we will take a good care of them. Then, good bye."


Twenty Faces bowed politely, left there grandly with those detective-disguised subordinates.


The poor old man mumbled something, tried to follow them. But the rope tying him was connected to the pillar, he stood up totteringly and fell soon. Remaining in this position, he ground his teeth, wept, squirmed by chagrin and sadness.




怪人二十面相 69

2023-01-02 23:59:17 | 怪人二十面相


"Hey, hey, Master Akechi, what's wrong with you. It's not the time to praise the thief. Shoot, what are you doing. Poor Sakuzou and his wife. Detecitive, don't just stand around, please untie the ropes and take the gags off. Then we can get some clue from them.


Akechi can't be relied on, old Kusakabe started giving the commands like a detective.


"Now, old guy ordered. Untie the ropes."
Akechi gave a strange sign to the detective.


And so the detective who didn't nothing until then, stood straight, took a bunch of ropes out of his pocket and started tying the old Kusakabe's hand on his back.


"Hey! What are you doing? Oh, every one of them is crazy. What do you do with me tied up? You shouldn't tie me up, untie those two on the floor. No, not me."


But the detective didn't care. Without a word, he tied up the old man all the same.


"Hey, crazy man, what are you doing? Oh, it hurts! Master Akechi, what are you laughing at? Stop him. This man must have gone insane. Now, order him set me free. Hey, Master Akechi."


The old man couldn't understand anything anymore. Has everyone gone mad? Otherwise there is no reason to tie up the cliant. And more, the most ridiculous thing is the detective is sneering at him.


"Old man, who are you talking to? You said Akechi, I think."
Akechi himself started talking like this.


"Are you kidding? Master Akechi, you don't forget your own name surely."


"Me? Are you saying I am the Akechi Kogorou?"
Akechi said weirder thing coolly.


"Of course I am. What a silly.."
"Ha ha ha, old man, you are the one being silly. There is no man named Akechi here."


To this, the old man's jaw dropped, he looked like a bewiched man. Being utterly astonished, he couldn't speak.


"Old man, have you met Kogorou Akechi before?"
"No, I haven't. But I saw his photos.

「写真? 写真ではちと心ぼそいですねえ。その写真にぼくが似ているとでもおっしゃるのですか。」

"The photos? It's a litte bit unreliable. Do you say I look like the man in the photo?"


"Old man, you must have forgotten what kind of person Twenty Faces is. Twenty Faces, he is a master of disguise."


"The.. Then you, you are.."
The old man undanstood everything now. He turned pale in alarm.
"Ha ha ha,, now you understand, don't you."


"No, no, that's ridiculous. I read the newspaper. 'Izu Nippo' said Akechi has come here clearly. And the maid of Fujiya said you are him. There was no mistake."


"Still, there were mistakes. Because Kogorou Akechi hasn't come back from abroad yet."
"The newspaper never lies."


"Still, the paper lied. One of the city desk journalists was tricked by me and reported false news to the chief editor."


"Huh, then how about those detectives? It's impossiblle the police has been decieved by a false Akechi."


The old man didn't want to believe that this standing man was the horrible Twenty Faces. He wanted this man to be Kogorou Akechi.

「ハハハ……、ご老人、まだそんなことを考えているのですか。血のめぐりが悪いじゃありませんか。刑事ですって? あ、この男ですか、それから表門裏門の番をしたふたりですか、ハハハ……、なにね、ぼくの子分がちょいと刑事のまねをしただけですよ。」

"Ha ha ha, man, are you thinking like that now? You have to check your blood stream. The detectives? Oh, this man? And those two standing in front of the gates? My subordinates played the detectives, that all."


The old man have tried not to believe, but now he couldn't. The man he thought Kogorou Akechi was no at all the great detecitive but the big thief. It was the one he was so afraid of.


Oh, what a superb idea. The detecitive was really a thief. Old Kusakabe asked a man who was Twenty Faces in reality to guard his tresures.