


2018-04-08 13:53:26 | 日記


第一人称写作包括使用一些单数人称代词,例如:I, me, my, mine等。什么时候适合使用第一人称呢?





适合使用第一人称的常见文体有:个人叙事散文(Personal narrative essays)、回忆录 (Memoir)、个人陈述(Personal statement)。除此之外,其他正式论文中一般不采用第一人称。



由于母语的影响,很多留学生在写作论文时会经常使用“你们”或“你”,但是这在写英语论文时可能会被看成错误。英语论文的人称使用原则是:少用“我”(I, me, we, us ),慎用“你”(you, yours, your),多用“他们”(they, he/she, them, him/her)或具体性的描述(those who, individuals, citizens)。为什么要慎用“你”呢?主要有三个原因:一是英语论文中作者和读者的关系不同于口语中讨论参与者面对面交流的关系,缺乏使用“你”的语境;二是第二人称“你”很有攻击性;三是数据量不够,而且指代不清楚。一般在英语论文中,用“你”的地方都可以用“他们”代替。



When you meet troubles, you should not give up yourself.



When one meets troubles, he/she should not give up him/herself.


这是英语论文中应用最广泛的。第三人称写作时通常使用代词:they, him, her,和it等一些专有名词。这种类型的写作你会在一本以局外者角度来写的小说中看到。为什么用第三人称写作最普遍呢?


如果你在写文章时使用的是第一人称,你会冒着风险陈述像‘I think’或者‘I believe’这样的句子。



This is why I believe jazz is the first form of truly American music.

This is why jazz is the first form of truly American music.



需要注意的是,使用第一人称写作会让你的论据听起来缺乏可信度。呈现事实或观点时用“I think”或“I believe”开头不能给予你的论据真实性和可靠性。



I believe that children should consume less sugar because it leads to higher risk of obesity.

According to the Obesity Action Coalition, children who consume a lot of sugar have an increased risk of obesity.







When writing a novel, you should think about what kind of tone you want to portray before choosing which point of view you want to use.

When writing a novel, authors should think about the kind of tone they want to portray before choosing which point of view they want to use.



英文论文并不是唯一一种作业类型。短篇小说和诗歌也会不时出现在课堂里,而这些文章可以有很多种写法。短篇小说可以用第一或第三人称来写,但很少使用第二人称。诗歌可以使用任何一个角度来写。当你正在集中精力要完成一篇学术性论文时,去使用第三人称写作至关重要,这做起来并不难。多看一些参考文献和读物来消除围绕在你句子周围的‘I, me, you, we’和‘us’这一类的代词吧,这样做会使你的文章更出彩、清晰和专业。




Leadership Essay怎么写,Leadership Essay写作技巧

2018-04-08 13:52:42 | 日記
Leadership Essay,顾名思义就是展现领导力的论文,在商科专业中经常能遇到。对于申请商科的学生而言,写作一篇Leadership Essay可以让你在申请中占据很大的优势。那么Leadership Essay该怎么写呢?下面就给大家讲解一下Leadership Essay的写作技巧。

1. Leadership Essay最忌讳什么

经常见到的关于leadership essays的写法就是,在文章的开始,交代困难1,2,3;把困难描述的很大很大;然后接着再用一段,说我做了4,5,6,就解决了前面那1,2,3的困难。让我觉得这个故事的主人公很厉害,他一出手,世界就和平了。

这样的文章让我读来很不真实,也很无趣。我觉得这个是leadership essay最忌讳的东西。当然,前提是你文章描述的故事是真正的leadership。那么leadership essay该怎么做?

2. Leadership Essay应该一波三折

是的!Leadership Essay应该一波三折。其实你前面的困难1,2,3;和后面的actions 4,5,6都没有白写,只要把他们打乱下顺序;再增加个之间的递进关系,一篇核心的leadership essay就搞定了。为什么要一波三折?!因为要增加故事的可读性,让你的文章,以至写文章的这个applicant都变得interesting起来。这样,Adcom的人才愿意在众多的文章中选中你的,给你面试机会,想进一步看看这到底是个什么样的人。

3. Leadership Essay的制高点

Leadership Essay其实很好写,因为就是讲故事。但如果说有一点最难写的,那就是最后的ending,你对leadership的理解 -- Leadership Essay的“制高点”。你对leadership的定义和总结,才是体现你的高度和深度的地方。

4.Leadership Essay究竟应该怎么写

建议大家在写Leadership Essay之前,多做一些research。这里的research既包括在网上多看些别人关于Leadership定义的文章;而更多的是,多research下自己。例如,你认为confidence很重要,你的优秀品质之一是confident。你可以google一下英文的论文,confidence是什么、来源是什么,对自己和团队有什么影响,为什么一个confident的人更能成为好的leader,一个好的leader好何帮助别人建立confident。这样,如果你写essay时,讲了自己如何帮助别人建立confident的故事,就会成为一篇有深度的essay。

我必须再一次强调,essay is the most critical part of your application,and the understanding of leadership is the critical of the critical。



困难要巨大,困难不巨大,也要写出巨大性。要把意义写出来。因为只有在这样的一个setting下,才能突出你的leadership ability。如果,不拿困难度来衬托的话,谁都可以achieve到,也就体现不出你的伟大和高明之处了。



这里面,不光讲出了自己的leadership的actions,还重点强调了自己是个什么样的style。建议大家去看看HBS 65篇的范文,虽然比较老,但是你都能从一篇篇的leadership essay中看出来,申请者的风格是什么。


因为这是一篇关于你自己的essay。所以要突出你的形象和R&R。比如,刚才举的那个例子。2008年捐电视看奥运的活动,需要在文章中整理出来自己的actions。 我怎么带领同学们不气馁,我怎么积极地和捐助方沟通,我怎么在三天里不吃不睡地访问了媒体相关的专家,打了XXX家媒体的电话,弄明白媒体想要什么等等。


最后,最直接的方式就是直接的说出你的impact:最后你怎么成功了,得了多少钱,多少人心,多少奖励,帮助了多少人等等。当然,在这个过程中,语调要humble,谦逊。这一点,大家可能会意外. 但是,你细读成功人的essay,都不是那种一味自夸我怎么了不起的.大家都强调,我之成功,我之骄傲,在于,我带领了一个团队,我帮助到了别人,而不是一味我牛。

以上就是关于Leadership Essay的写作讲解,同学们在写作Leadership Essay的时候可以考虑一下上面这些观点,把需要表达的表达出来就行了。

想要了解更多英国论文写作技巧或者需要英国代写,请关注51Due 英国论文代写平台,51Due是一家专业的论文代写机构,专业辅导海外留学生的英文论文写作,主要业务有essay代写、paper代写、assignment代写。亲们可以进入主页了解和获取更多关于论文代写以及英国留学资讯,我们将为广大留学生提升写作水平,帮助他们达成学业目标。如果您有论文代写需求,可以咨询我们的客服QQ:800020041。

Paper代写:The trade liberalization

2018-04-08 13:52:25 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The trade liberalization,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了贸易自由化。多边主义是贸易自由化的主要推动力,其意义不言而喻。贸易自由化是各国和地区不断减少贸易壁垒,取消或减少政府对国际贸易的干预,扩大自由贸易的范围,以及不断调整开放政策的努力。贸易自由化在各国自由贸易政策的选择和努力下,它能够在提高国内资源配置效率和增进世界经济福利方面发挥巨大作用。

In the context of economic globalization, the most common theme between countries is economic cooperation. As a result of the differences in national interests, the current dialogue is dominated by bilateral negotiations, while multilateral cooperation is still in its infancy.

APEC is a testing field for transnational cooperation. It is still a long way to achieve mature development.

Multilateralism is the main driving force of trade liberalization and its significance is self-evident. Trade liberalization is an ongoing effort by countries and regions to reduce trade barriers, eliminate or reduce government intervention in international trade, expand the scope of free trade, and constantly adjust the opening policy. Trade liberalization, with the choice and effort of free trade policies of all countries, can play a significant role in improving the efficiency of domestic resource allocation and enhancing the welfare of the world economy.

Trade liberalization is the main trend of international trade development. In recent years, the international multilateral trading system has made great progress in achieving the goal of trade liberalization. The degree of trade liberalization deepening, expanding the field of trade liberalization, a series of multilateral trade agreements signed up one after another, countries have reduced tariff and non-tariff barriers, trade liberalization has become the common consensus, and a number of ways to participate in the process of trade liberalization. However, in the interest of private interests, some countries have pursued a strict policy of strict policy, which has brought great resistance to trade liberalization and greatly hampered the process of regional cooperation.

The author believes that the trade arrangement between countries should help strengthen the function of the global multilateral trading system to facilitate a free trade environment. The mistake of blindly pursuing the maximization of short-term profits will only lift the stone to the foot. In a globalized economy, cooperation is the only way.

To promote multilateral trade and achieve mutual benefit, we must adhere to the principle of reciprocity and non-discrimination. In the game mechanism of the multilateral trading system, the principle of reciprocity is mainly manifested in two aspects: one is to avoid free-riding behavior, and the other is to balance the two-level game negotiation of each member government. Some economies are international, but all politics are local. The multilateral trade negotiation is a two-layer game process for any one of the members, namely, the international level game and the domestic level game. The principle of reciprocity plays a role in balancing the government's two-tiered game, with reciprocal tariff reduction putting pressure on free trade in each country. Weakening the impact of protectionist groups through promises of reciprocity. Without the pressure of a reciprocal system, even if consumers have a quantitative advantage, protectionist groups will still exert a greater influence on trade policy than consumers.

The principle of non-discrimination is the cornerstone of the multilateral trading system and an important guarantee for equal trade among all members. In the WTO system, the principle of most-favored-nation treatment requires that a member should give preferential treatment and exemption to any third member in the present or future, and should also be given to any other member. On the hand, most-favored-nation treatment principle is to regulate the multilateral trade system participants domestic trade policy, the principle of reciprocity is to carry out the specific safeguard measures, international trade always benefit mechanism of distributive justice between the parties. This regulation of the multilateral trading system not only enlarges the game interest, but also can stabilize the game interest.

In addition, multilateral trade must have a mechanism for dispute settlement. The key to the fulfilment of the actual obligations of the international trade agreement is the need for a set of enforcement measures, as the importance of the tribunal is limited internationally. With this mechanism, one can solve the problem by putting it on the table face to face.



Paper代写:Death valley national park

2018-04-08 13:52:06 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Death valley national park,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了死亡谷国家公园。美国死亡谷是北美洲最炽热、最干燥的地区。这里夏天的气温相当高,经常在摄氏37.7℃以上。死亡谷国家公园里有盐碱地、沙丘、火山口、峡谷、雪山等丰富的地质地貌,游客不难找到地壳里各式各样的断层以及峡谷往荒漠注入时形成大大小小的冲积扇平原等。死亡谷中令人惊艳的,还有山巅谷底寸草不生、脉络分明的岩石上所记载着的十多亿年来的地球发展史。

The death valley in the United States is the hottest, driest area in North America. Because of the high temperature in summer, and often above 37.7 degrees centigrade, there were many people who lost their way in the valley of death because of the adventure, unable to get out, and died of fever and starvation. On September 13, 2012, the world meteorological organization announced that the death valley in California was officially listed as the hottest place in the world, with a record of 56.7 percent of ground temperature in the summer.

The picturesque valley of death was ordered by President Herbert hoover in 1933 as a national monument. "California desert protection act passed by congress in 1994", will officially established as death valley national park, also by two million mu expanded to two million mu, become the United States the largest national park in the 48 states.

Park a saline-alkali land, sand dunes, craters, valleys, snow mountains, such as abundant geological landforms, tourists is not difficult to find all kinds of faults in the earth's crust and the canyon to desert greatly small alluvial fan plain formed when injection, etc. According to scientists, the north American continent once crossed the equator, while death valley national park is located on the equator. This is the approximate orientation of the Cambrian era of Cambrian, which geologists have calculated 5.7 billion years ago.

Badwater basin is the lowest point in the north American continent and the second lowest in the western hemisphere. It stands on a wooden sign in front of the water basin and marks its altitude. On the cliffs above the parking lot stood a sign indicating the position of the sea level. The water basin is not only the most famous scenic spot in death valley national park, but also a favorite of photography lovers.

The valley of death is stunning, and there are more than a billion years of earth's history on the rocks of the valley at the bottom of the mountain. From primary to Paleozoic to Mesozoic to Cenozoic; From igneous rocks to sedimentary rocks to metamorphic rocks; The valley of death is still in the process of making mountains, exposing different generations of rock faults to the sun and telling people about the past.

In one area of the valley of death, there is a strange phenomenon: the huge stones will move slowly on their own, leaving a long trail on the dry lake bed. This strange phenomenon has baffled scientists for decades, but no one has been able to see the actual movement of the stones, and no one can give a satisfactory explanation. This strange desert area is known as the runway dry lake racetrackPlaya. It was a dry lakebed, and the clay of the lakebed had cracked into numberless pieces. The lakebed is about 4.5 kilometers long, about 2 kilometers wide and surprisingly flat. On the lake bed, the moving large stones left a trail. While no one can see the actual movement of the stones, they must be moving, because their positions and trajectories have been changing over time.



Essay代写:Housing bubble

2018-04-08 13:34:47 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Housing bubble,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了房地产泡沫。房地产泡沫可理解为房地产价格持续上涨,这种价格的上涨使人们产生价格会进一步上涨的预期,并不断吸引新的买者,随着价格的不断上涨与投机资本的持续增加,房地产的价格远远高于与之对应的实体价格,由此导致房地产泡沫。房地产泡沫的存在意味着投资于房地产有更高的投资回报率。在泡沫经济期间,大量的资金向房地产行业集聚,投机活动猖獗。

The real estate industry is the pillar industry of the national economy, and its development can drive the development of other related industries, and it is also one of the industries that can easily lead to the bubble. In recent years, China's real estate market has been heating up and housing prices are rising rapidly. Therefore, there is a lot of debate about whether there is a bubble in the real estate market. So, what is the real estate bubble? How did it come about? How should we control the bubble and keep the real estate sector healthy? These questions are analyzed and discussed below.

Economics on definition of bubbles, it is widely accepted is the American economist Charles? P? kinder's point of view, and he thinks that the bubble is "an asset or a series of asset prices in a steep increase in the process of continuous, the initial prices make people expect prices to rise further, so as to attract new buyers... "According to his point of view, real estate bubble can be understood as real estate prices continue to rise, the prices that people expect prices to rise further, and constantly attract new buyers, with prices rising and speculative capital continue to increase, the real estate price is much higher than the corresponding entity price, which caused the real estate bubble.

The property bubble has the characteristic of steep rise and steep drop, the amplitude is bigger. The real estate bubble is in the form of real estate prices. During the bubble, prices rose sharply in the short term; When the bubble burst, prices fell sharply again.

The real estate bubble is not continuous, there is no stable period and frequency. During the period of real estate economic cycle, it is easy to produce a real estate bubble.

The real estate bubble is mainly caused by the rapid increase of the speculative behavior and money supply in the short and short period of the real estate economic system. The real estate bubble is bound to break up to a certain extent, and it will inevitably hurt the economy once it is broken.

With the increase of population and the development of cities, there is a tendency of potential appreciation of real estate prices. Therefore, the real estate price will also increase in the expectation of people's future. Caused by irrational expectations of future price for real estate investors to the idea of the future real estate investment high return, excessive monetary capital into limited real estate buying and selling, driving prices continue to rise, making the real estate prices are soaring.

Because the real estate industry is capital-intensive industries, real estate development must have abundant capital, with the expansion of the scale of real estate development, developers only on its own capital is not enough, its main source development funds is a bank loan. The high return of real estate, the operation of many Banks in the loan process, in violation of the relevant provisions of the grant a large number of loans to developers, financial risks piled up, make the possibility of a bubble.

China's land resources are relatively scarce. With the development of economy and the increase of population, people's demand for scarce land has a tendency of infinite expansion. This demand has both the objective demand of developing economy and the demand for land profit, and the acquisition of land rights and interests is driven by land profit demand. Land rights are a kind of virtual capital, which can be changed hands over and over again. The scarcity of land and its virtual capital make land prices bubble in repeated transactions.

The real estate bubble means investing in real estate with a higher return on investment. During the bubble economy, a lot of money was concentrated in the real estate industry, and speculation was rampant.

The relationship between the real estate industry and the bank is mainly determined by the high investment and high value of the real estate industry. Once the housing bubble burst, Banks became the biggest payers. Security is particularly important for Banks, unlike the general business. The failure of general productive enterprises is only about themselves and shareholders, and has little impact on other subjects. The failure of Banks is not just a matter for the bank itself, but it tends to set off a chain reaction that puts other Banks at risk.

The bursting of the real estate bubble is often accompanied by economic depression and falling stock prices. The fall in land prices and share prices has also allowed companies to absorb huge losses on their assets. The decline in corporate earnings has led to a lack of investment, which has reduced investment in research and development and reduced investment in equipment. The slump in production has led to a drop in real incomes for its residents. The failure of a business means that a large number of employees are unemployed, and the decline in earnings is also being reduced. Due to the economic downturn and the decline of personal income, residents will reduce the consumption in the current period, and the shrinking of personal consumption will bring the industrial sectors of consumer goods into trouble.

With the bursting of the housing bubble and the economic crisis, a large number of factories closed and unemployment soared. Crime surged in the wake of the financial crisis. As people resent the worsening economic crisis, the social crisis has intensified.

It is the first step to prevent a real estate bubble. Real estate has both asset and consumption duality, because of this, the real estate market investment is very active, easy to produce the real estate bubble, must strengthen the management of the real estate market. First of all, we should strengthen investment management in real estate construction, determine the scale of investment according to the level of income, so that the production and sales of real estate are basically appropriate, so as not to overstock. Secondly, it is necessary to strengthen the management of the secondary market of real estate to prevent the excessive speculation of high-rise buildings, so that the real estate bubble will soar. Thirdly, we should strengthen the market statistics and forecast work, so as to make the real estate industry a real leading industry without bubble.

The government should adjust the supply of land resources to control the unreasonable rise of commodity house prices. According to the requirements of the real estate market, the reasonable supply of land and the proportion of the supply of all kinds of land should be maintained. We will strictly punish all kinds of irregularities, crack down illegal enclosure, covers an area of real estate development enterprise behavior, avoid to obtain temporary and short-term land income while squatting and transaction, where more than there is no time limit for the development of land, the government should immediately withdraw. Resolutely crack down on developers' enclosure and speculation.

First, we need to further improve the financial regulatory system, increase regulatory tools, enhance regulatory capacity, and raise the level of supervision. Secondly, it is necessary to strengthen the control of the total credit scale, so as to avoid the vicious expansion of the social total credit from the demand of the real economy, and prevent the occurrence of the modern bubble economy from the source. Thirdly, we should strengthen the regulation of investment structure, and guide the flow of funds to real economic sectors such as production and operation through interest rate and industrial policy. The object of housing development loan should be a real estate development enterprise with real estate development qualification and high credit rating. We will strengthen the management of personal housing loans.

In a word, as long as we can fully understand the potential crisis in the development process and timely conduct governance, the real estate industry will become the new economic growth point. We should maintain a high level of rationality, macro-control, scientific decision-making and correct guidance to prevent the "false prosperity" of the real estate market and avoid the great harm to society after the bubble burst.

