

北美作业代写:Internet finance mode

2018-04-23 17:03:27 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Internet finance mode,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了互联网金融模式。互联网金融模式,就是一个既不同于商业银行间接融资、也不同于资本市场直接融资的第三种金融运行机制。在互联网金融模式下,因为有搜索引擎、大数据、社交网络和云计算,所以市场信息不对称程度非常低,交易双方在资金期限匹配、风险分担的成本非常低。另外支付便捷,搜索引擎和社交网络降低信息处理成本,资金供需双方直接交易,可达到与现在资本市场直接融资和银行间接融资一样的资源配置效率,并在促进经济增长同时,大幅减少交易成本。

The most basic function of the financial service real economy is the financing, and the matching between the supply and demand of funds can be carried out through two kinds of intermediaries: one is commercial bank, which corresponds to the indirect financing mode; The other is the stock and bond market, which corresponds to the capital market direct financing model. These two kinds of financing models play an important role in resource allocation and economic growth, but the transaction costs are huge, mainly including the profits, taxes and remuneration of financial institutions. In 2011, the profits of national Banks and brokerages were about 1.1 trillion yuan, with tax revenue of about 500 billion yuan and employees' compensation of 1 trillion yuan.

Modern information technology represented by the Internet, especially mobile payment, cloud computing, social network and search engine, will have a fundamental impact on the human financial model. Twenty years later, may form a different from both the indirect financing of commercial bank, it is also different from direct financing capital market of the third kind of financial operation mechanism, can be called "Internet direct financing market" or "Internet financial model".

In Internet financial mode, because there are search engines and cloud computing, big data, social network, market information asymmetry degree is very low, both parties match the financing time limit, the cost of risk sharing is very low, such as Banks, brokers, and exchange the mediation doesn't work; The issuance and trading of loans, stocks, bonds, etc., as well as the payment of coupons, are directly online. This market is fully effective and close to the state of financial intermediation described by general equilibrium theorem.

In this kind of financial mode, and convenient payment, search engines and social networking information processing to reduce costs, capital supply and demand both sides traded directly, can achieve and now the capital market of direct financing and indirect financing as the resource allocation efficiency, and promote economic growth at the same time, significantly reduce transaction costs.

Understanding this mode of Internet finance needs to grasp several key points: first, information processing; Second, risk assessment; Third, the matching of the time and quantity of capital supply and demand does not need to be solved by Banks or brokers. Fourth, the centralized payment system and individual mobile payment; Fifth, the supply and demand side trade directly; Sixth, product simplification; Seventh, financial markets are fully internet-enabled and transaction costs are minimal.

The payment method in Internet finance mode is based on mobile payment. Mobile payments depend on the development of mobile communications technology and devices, especially the popularity of smartphones and ipads. Juniper Research estimates that global mobile payments totalled $240 billion in 2011 and is expected to grow 200 percent over the next five years.

With the development of technology such as wi-fi and 3G, the convergence trend of Internet and mobile communication network is very obvious, and the cable telephone network and radio and television network are also integrated. Mobile payment will be further integrated with electronic payment methods such as bank CARDS and online banking, which can be paid in any way at any time, anywhere and in any way. As the identity authentication technology and the development of the digital signature technology and other security software, mobile payment can not only solve micropayments in daily life, also can solve large payments between enterprises, replace the bank settlement and payment method such as cash, cheque.

Although mobile communications equipment is more intelligent, it is limited by portability and volume requirements, and storage capacity and computing speed cannot be compared with personal computers in the short term. Cloud computing can make up for the short board of mobile communications devices. Cloud computing can shift storage and computing from mobile communication terminals to cloud computing servers, reducing the burden of information processing on mobile communication devices. In this way, mobile terminals will integrate the functions of mobile phones and traditional PCS to ensure the efficiency of mobile payment.

Under the Internet financial model, the payment system has the following fundamental characteristics: all individuals and institutions have opened accounts in the central bank's payment center; The payment and transfer of financial assets such as securities and cash shall be carried out through the mobile Internet; Payment and liquidation is completely electronic, there is no cash flow in the society; A secondary commercial bank account system may no longer exist. Both individual and corporate savings accounts are in the central bank, which will have a significant impact on money supply and monetary policy, and will also promote major changes in monetary policy theory and operations. Of course, such a payment system would not overturn the current system of the central bank issuing a unified credit currency. However, in the current social network, it has issued its own currency, which is used to pay for the purchase of private data and even the purchase of physical goods, and has established an internal payment system. According to a survey, in China, 60 percent of urban youth under 35 use online banking to pay for shopping.

Information processing is the core of the financial system. Financial information, is at the core of capital supply and demand information, especially the capital demanders of information, such as borrowers, issuers, offering enterprise, is the foundation of financial resource allocation and risk management.

Internet financial mode, the information processing is composed of three parts: one is the social network generation and dissemination of information, especially for individuals and institutions under no obligation to disclose information, make people's rising levels of "good faith", greatly reduce the cost of financial transactions, have basic role of financial transactions. The information revealed by social networks can be expressed as: individuals and institutions have a large number of stakeholders in the society. These stakeholders have some information, such as property status, business situation, consumption habits, reputation behavior, etc. Individual stakeholders information may be limited, but if these stakeholders are posted on social networking information, send together can get complete information for the credit certificate and earnings outlook. "Taobao" similar to the social networks, for example, merchants trading between formation of huge amounts of information, goods and capital exchange of information, in particular, shows the merchant's credit certificate, if taobao set up small loan company, use the information to some merchants make small loans, the effect will be very good.

The second is the organization, sorting and retrieval of information by the search engine, which can alleviate the problem of information overload and meet the information needs pertinently. The integration of search engine and social network is a trend. The essence is to use the relational data contained in social network to conduct information filtering, which can improve the degree of "integrity". For example, the "crawler" algorithm that crawls web pages and the link analysis method of web page sorting all take advantage of the link relation between web pages, which belongs to relational data.

Third, the cloud computing guarantee the massive information high-speed processing power. Under the guarantee of cloud computing, the information of both sides of the fund is revealed and transmitted through social network, which is organized and standardized by the search engine, and finally forms the information sequence of continuous and dynamic changes. The risk pricing or dynamic default probability of any fund demander can be given, and the cost is extremely low. Thus, the information base of financial transactions is satisfied. In February 2011, there was a spot market for computing power, and futures markets are expected to emerge. The financial sector is a big user of computing power, and cloud computing will have a big impact on the financial sector.

We can cite a few examples of information processing in the Internet financial mode: for example, because the information technology developed enough, natural person after the birth of key information and actions were recorded, can query, inaccurate information via social networks and search engines to verify or filtering. In this case, the analysis of the personal credit situation will be very efficient. Again, such as, people found a bank service in our daily life is bad, efficiency is low, can send the information to social networks, these information summary helps to assess the bank's profit and credit outlook, if the "people" to participate in the bank bond CDS trades, the price change is dynamic probability of default. CDS market, therefore, is to use with a similar mechanism, social networks and search engine, through the market to produce time sequence, continuous and dynamic changes of default probability on the default information reveal more effective than the credit rating agencies. In theory, in the future any financial products are in fact implies a CDS, at any point in time can know the probability of default, in this case all financial products pricing will be very easy. In the modern stock market, shareholders can only deal with their judgment on the bank's profit outlook by "buy - sell".

Resource allocation is the feature of the Internet financial mode: money supply and demand information directly online and match, contact and matching supply and demand both sides, do not need to mediation by Banks, brokers or exchange, etc. A typical example is p2p lending. Prosper, founded in 2006, has 1.25 million members and contributed $307 million in membership loans. The us "Lending Club", established in 2007, took facebook as a platform for member loan business. By 2011, it had borrowed $590m, with interest income of 51,000,000 yuan.

In 2004, Google used an online Dutch auction method for its IPO, rather than a typical investment bank roadshow and inquiry. The likely scenario is that issuance and trading of loans, stocks, bonds and so on are on social networks.

In the supply and demand information is almost completely symmetrical, the transaction cost under the condition of very low, the Internet financial model to form the "full trading possibilities set", such as small and medium-sized enterprise financing, private lending, personal investment channels and other problems would be easy to solve. In this resource allocation mode, the two parties or multi-party transactions can be carried out simultaneously, the information is fully transparent and the pricing is fully competitive, thus the most efficient and social welfare maximization. All kinds of financial products can be traded in this way. It is also the most fair market, with transparent and fair opportunities for supply and demand.

On facebook's platform, for example, there are nine hundred million Internet users, have been issuing its own currency, data between the Internet users, commodities, stocks, loans, bonds issuance and trading of all can be dealt with through the network, while retaining the full credit default records, the formation of the optimal price. The value of facebook's $96 billion listing is due to its huge value.


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Assignment代写:Java Programming

2018-04-23 17:03:09 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Java Programming,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了Java图形界面的编程。

Throughout the semester, we have been working on command line applications. While the command

line can be a powerful form of interacting with the computer, most modern applications have a

graphical user interface, or GUI. This program will give you some initial experience making GUI

applications with Swing.

Things you will learn

• How to set up a simple GUI based on JFrame

• Setting up listeners and responding to events

• Drawing simple shapes and images

• Dealing with mouse and mouse motion events


1. Write a GUI application in Java using Swing that has four buttons and a drawing area. The

buttons should be at the top of the window. Three of the buttons should be labeled “Oval”,

“Image”, “Center”. The fourth button should be labeld with your name.

2. Give the window an initial size of 800 x 600 pixels, and put your name in the menu bar.

3. The drawing area should cover the remainder of the window.

4. When it starts, the program should show an oval in the center of the screen. Also the

background of the drawing area should be a non-white color.

5. Pressing the Oval or Image buttons should switch between the display of an oval and an image

of your choice, so that only one is visible at a time.

6. You must also be able to click and drag the rectangle or image around the screen with the

mouse. Also, the positions of the two objects must not change as you toggle between them.

7. The “center” button should cause the oval and image to jump to the center of the window.

8. When the user presses the button with your name on it, the program should do something else

not described in the assignment that is unique to your program, such as change the color of all

the things you draw, switch the oval to be outlines instead of filled, or draw your name in the

middle of the window.

9. As always, make sure the proper block comment is at the top of your main file with your name.

10. Once your program is working, pass it off directly to the instructor or TA. Also, turn in your

code to D2L.


• Get the skeleton of your GUI working first. First get the buttons drawing properly, then go on

to listen to and respond to events.

• Initially, hook up the event listeners so that they print something to the console when a button is

pressed. That way you can know that your code is getting events.

• Make a subclass of JPanel called “DrawPanel” or something like that to draw the objects.

Override the “paintComponent” method of this class. This class needs boolean variables to

decide whether to draw the rectangle, oval, your name, and the special. It may also need other

variables to indicate colors, positions of things, etc.

• You can measure a string using the FontMetrics class. This measures how much space (in

pixels) the string will take when drawn. You would use this information to determine where to

place the text and backing rectangle.

Point Breakdown (20 points total)

Compiles and runs on command line Required for a non-zero score

Proper indentation, spacing, header comment 2 pts

Starts with an oval and colored background 3 pts

Quits when you press the x on the window 2 pts

Draws oval and image and switches between them 5 pts

Moves oval and image independently using mouse 5 pts

Does special 3 pts


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Compare&Contrast essay万能开头句式讲解

2018-04-23 17:02:33 | 日記
由于Compare&Contrast essay可以锻炼学生们的辩证思维和分析能力,所以它在作业中占的比重不低。每篇对比比较essay都有自己的主题,所以写作难度也不低。当然,只要大家学会Compare&Contrast essay万能开头句式,那么也难不倒大家。下面就给大家讲解一下。










方法三:组织compare&contrast essay内容




4.根据你选定的文章组织方法接着写compare&contrast essay的剩余部分。你所写的介绍和论题部分已经给剩余部分开了个好头。



以上就是给同学们分享的关于compare&contrast essay开头的写作技巧,万变不离其宗,同学们只要满足老师的要求的情况下进行创作,写出“万能开头”也不是那么难!


Paper代写:How to control the financial risk of mergers and acquisitions

2018-04-23 17:02:16 | 日記
本篇paper代写- How to control the financial risk of mergers and acquisitions讨论了如何控制企业并购的财务风险。企业并购是市场竞争的必然结果,是优势企业并购劣势企业的一种行为,实现企业并购对促进社会经济的稳定发展发挥着重要的作用。企业并购活动会面临着较大的风险,尤其是并购过程中的财务风险,财务风险贯穿于企业并购活动的始末,这种风险的存在决定了企业必须做好风险管理工作,只有结合实际来做好风险管理工作,才能有效地规避风险的发生,进而确保并购价值与预期价值实现平衡。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

The financial risk of enterprise merger and acquisition is a kind of risk associated with the merger and acquisition activity of the enterprise. To understand the risk, it is necessary to have a certain understanding of the enterprise merger and acquisition. Enterprise merger and acquisition is the inevitable result of market competition. It is a kind of behavior of advantageous enterprises to acquire the inferior enterprises, and it plays an important role in promoting the stable development of social economy. The financial risk is the possibility of the financial security in the process of merger and acquisition. Mergers and acquisitions as a kind of economic activity, under the market economy system, enterprise merger and acquisition activity will face bigger risks, the existence of these risks has a great impact on the stable development of the enterprise, especially in the process of mergers and acquisitions of financial risk, financial risk through the enterprise merger and acquisition activity, the existence of the risk determines the enterprise must do a good job in risk management is only practical to do a good job in risk management can effectively avoid the happening of the risk, to ensure that mergers and acquisitions with the expected value balance.

Valuation is the first step of merger and acquisition, the purpose of the valuation of target enterprise overall value is measured, so as to give a reasonable price, make sure the enterprise can pay the price in the future implementation of the management efficiency. However, there will be some deviation in the value assessment of the target enterprise. The current estimation of enterprises mainly depends on the third-party evaluation institutions and enterprises themselves. When take third party appraisal institution, valuation solely by appraisal institution, the overall level of ability to a lack of understanding of evaluation mechanism, not involved in the evaluation, in this case, it's easy to risk problems. When by the self-assessment way of enterprise, the enterprise in the valuation of target enterprise is not comprehensive enough, when the target company did not fully understand, especially if there is a debt target enterprise, the business ability of target enterprise whether can bring benefits, etc., once the valuation of target enterprise is unreasonable, make the enterprise pay more money than can realize the value of target enterprise, the enterprise will face the huge debt crisis, a threat to the stable development of the enterprise itself. In addition, because of information asymmetry in the process of mergers and acquisitions, unable to thoroughly understand the financial information of the target enterprise and the accused, and most of the target enterprise financial information can check without a license, once the financial information distortion, will increase the risk of enterprise merger and acquisition pricing.

In the process of enterprise merger and acquisition, the acquisition enterprise needs to spend a lot of money to acquire the target enterprise, and the financing needs of the acquisition enterprise in the acquisition process need to be solved by diversified financing methods. However, in the market economy environment, enterprises will face greater risks in the process of financing. In the process of corporate finance, shall be carried out according to certain principles, for enterprise mergers and acquisitions act, if the real benefits of the merger of less than expected, means that companies cannot drained into the capital of the target enterprise, in this case, the acquisition of companies will need to bear the risk of financing, the enterprise needs to pay more interest.

The most critical part of the financial risk of enterprise merger and acquisition is payment, and completion of payment means merger and acquisition. However, in the process of payment, it is affected by a variety of factors, such as epidemic change, control change, capital structure and financing cost, etc., to increase payment risk. Such as transfer payments, because it is through the network processing, and the openness of the network make payment there is a big risk, once the payment process network malicious attacks, will cause the leak of information, which threaten the m&a capital security, the money can't arrive in time if the m&a, the m&a behavior existed, and serious cases, the implementation of m&a of enterprises are likely to need to bear the high-yield debt, increase enterprise capital operation pressure. In addition, the staff level of the ability of the business is also an important cause of paying risk factor, because business not skilled, payment process, it is easy to lose wrong account, wrong number appearing problems, thus increasing the risk of enterprise.

As an important part of the market economy, enterprises in the market economy environment, some enterprises are not well managed, facing bankruptcy, bankruptcy, and then a series of social problems. Mergers and acquisitions can effectively avoid such problems. But mergers and acquisitions as a kind of economic activity, this activity is bound to be affected by the market environment, make enterprises are faced with the larger financial risks, mergers and acquisitions, in turn, affect the enterprise the realization of the ultimate goal, serious still can drag on the enterprise itself, make the enterprise faced with the huge debt crisis. Mergers and acquisitions are the inevitable result of market competition. Mergers and acquisitions can optimize resource allocation. However, different enterprises have different cultures, business philosophies and management systems. There are many risks in enterprise merger and acquisition, which can affect the stability and security of enterprise funds and thus threaten the development of enterprises themselves. In the process of mergers and acquisitions, risk is an inevitable problem, and to avoid risks to the impact of mergers and acquisitions, promote the stable development of the enterprise, must be in the process of mergers and acquisitions of financial risk control and to avoid work. Only by actively doing the risk prevention work, can we reduce the financial risk loss of the merger and acquisition, avoid the occurrence of risk, promote the successful conclusion of the merger and acquisition, and improve the enterprise merger and acquisition benefits.

Ensuring the rationality and scientificity of valuation is the key to realize the maximization of the enterprise's merger and acquisition benefit, and also the effective way to reduce the financial risk. To evaluate this link, the enterprise must be treated scientifically. When the enterprise puts the appraisal work to the third party, it should arrange the professional personnel to supervise, and participate in the whole process to ensure the scientific and reasonable valuation. When enterprise's self-reported way, want to combine the actual situation of the target enterprise evaluated, to further target enterprise, the operations of a comprehensive understanding of the target, thus the target enterprise carry on the reasonable forecast of future free cash flow, and combined with the situation of the enterprise itself to mergers and acquisitions, to avoid a hostile takeover. In addition, different valuation methods should be adopted to evaluate the unified target enterprises, so as to determine the reasonable pricing.

The so-called asset valuation method is the method to evaluate the assets of the target enterprise and determine the value of the target enterprise through the evaluation. In order to ensure the rationality of asset valuation, we must choose the appropriate asset valuation standard. The asset appraisal method is objective and can comprehensively evaluate the asset value of the target enterprise, including the book value of the target enterprise, which is applicable to the listed company in the market standard environment. However, this method also has some defects, which ignores the value of the enterprise as a whole and the valuation of the important external factors.

Market comparison method is one of the most commonly used methods in the process of enterprise merger and acquisition. It is to determine the corresponding parameters through the market comparison method and obtain the optimal solution by comparison. The market comparison method is realistic and the results are very convincing. However, this method requires a high level of staff and requires professional quality and high quality. C ability, understand the market, be good at comprehensive comparison.

Cash flow discount method is based on the expectation of future cash flow and risk of the target enterprise, then choose reasonable discount rate and convert future cash flow into present value. This valuation method fully takes into account the impact of the ability of the target enterprise to create cash flow in the future, which has practical guiding significance for the enterprise merger and acquisition decision. At the same time, the cash flow method is forecasted from different angles, which makes the capital cost have many choices. But this approach ignores the value of environmental changes in the value of strategic investment opportunities.

The enterprise merger and acquisition need huge amount of capital, the settlement of the enterprise merger and acquisition fund issue can promote the success of the enterprise merger and acquisition activity. For the implementation of m&a of enterprises, its difficult to short out huge amounts of money, and means to solve the problem of financing is financing, through internal and external financing channels to obtain the cash needed to mergers and acquisitions. If it is only temporarily held, the enterprise needs to continue to invest more capital, thereby increasing the burden of servicing and paying interest. If the enterprise is not properly arranged, it will fall into financial crisis. If the enterprise is to hold the target enterprise for a long time, the enterprise must combine the capital structure of the target enterprise and the capital needed to determine the specific financing method of the acquisition fund.

In the process of enterprise merger and acquisition, flexible payment method can reduce financial risk effectively. Terms of payment are cash is commonly used at present, enterprise mergers and acquisitions, debt and equity, etc., in the past, many companies at the time of payment is often adopt single method of payment, such as cash payments, and a single payment risk, if the target enterprise value after the merger does not meet expectations, will affect the enterprise capital safety and stability. In order to avoid and reduce financial risk, enterprises should adopt flexible merger and acquisition methods, such as cash and debt combination, cash and equity portfolio, etc. For the merger and acquisition parties, the combination of different payment methods can reduce excessive cash payment pressure and prevent the occurrence of capital turnover difficulties; For the target enterprise, it can share the development of the post-merger enterprise and various benefits.

Financial risk problems related to the enterprise management work does not reach the designated position, such as the target value evaluation, the enterprise did not go deep into the target value in the evaluation work, completely done by rating agencies, thereby increasing the risk evaluation. To effectively avoid the financial risk, the enterprise must strengthen the financial management work, on the one hand, want to combine their own actual situation to carry out mergers and acquisitions, avoid blind mergers and acquisitions, will appear in the process of mergers and acquisitions of financial risk to carry on the comprehensive analysis and evaluation, establish the scientific management system; On the other hand, to strengthen the management in the process of mergers and acquisitions, comprehensive control of merger and acquisition activity, to ensure that all actions in the process of mergers and acquisitions in the controllable range, thus reducing the uncertainty of financial information, guarantee the quality of financial information.

In the process of enterprise merger and acquisition, different enterprises have great differences in culture and system, which will increase the financial risk of enterprise merger and acquisition, thus affecting the development of enterprises. Enterprise merger and acquisition can optimize resource allocation, promote the transformation of enterprise structure and change the way of business operation. Smoothly to mergers and acquisitions, avoid financial risk, the enterprise must integrate, after the merger want integration analysis of merger, acquisition and reorganization of the differences between the two sides on the culture, system, not only to the traditional sense of the assets, integrating business, organization, personnel, and at the same time, you have to integrate the culture, system and management innovation of enterprise system, so as to improve the market competitiveness of enterprises, ensure the normal working of implementation by restructuring the production and operation of an enterprise.

To sum up, the enterprise mergers and acquisitions as a kind of economic activity, the economic activities can achieve the optimal allocation of resources, promote the optimization of enterprise structure, promoting economic growth, however, in the process of mergers and acquisitions, mergers and acquisitions will be faced with the financing risk, valuation risk and payment risk, the existence of these risks will directly affect the enterprise m&a efficiency. Therefore, the enterprise to be successful m&a, get good benefits, will be aware of the activities of the potential risk of m&a, reasonable to do a good job in risk prevention according to their own actual situation of reasonable assessment of target enterprise, scientific acquisition scheme is determined, so as to promote the stable development of the enterprise.


Essay代写:Elmer ・ les

2018-04-23 16:31:18 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Elmer ・ les,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了埃尔默・莱斯。埃尔默・莱斯是美国 20 世纪 20 年代以来非常具有影响力的剧作家。他早期、中期、晚期的代表作《加算器》《街景》《梦女孩》都具有一个共同主题:人在面对人性的异化这一现代社会的普遍问题时产生的困惑、焦虑、愤怒、反思和反抗。人们对其文学解读多强调其技巧以及舞台效果,忽视了莱斯作品的自我的遗失与重建。

Elmer ・ les early, mid, and late three representative works "add device" "street view" "dream girl" in expressing the modern existential predicament of life and at the same time, also offered by alienation of modern people gradually and existentialism is not the same solution. Today, the role of contemporary readers still faces and rice have similar life dilemma and spiritual crisis, they can les and existential give different answers for independent interpretation and choice.

The United States since the 1920 s, the influential playwright Elmer ・ the representative work of early, mid, and late rice "add device" "street view" "dream girl" is a common theme: people in the face of the alienation of human nature at the exit of the common problems of modern society, anxiety, anger, confusion, reflection and resistance.

The same problem was detected by existentialist philosophers, who were contemporaries of Sartre. But the previous existentialist interpretation of the adder was focused on the similarities between les and existentialism, but not the fundamental difference between them. Rice and existentialism found the same problem, but presented different solutions, which is the focus of this article.

Existentialism holds that the modern life of the world is absurd and meaningless, and people lose their real existence in the "daily business". Rice's three representative works are set in the existential context: people are in a ridiculous world and are pushed to a node that must be resisted. The absurdity is reflected as follows:

Les is very good at describing the disillusionment that underlies the vast difference between dreams and reality. In the calculator, Mr. Zero is unable to get a respected life. Mrs. Zero can't get a husband with a successful career. Daisy can't get the love of her boring life. In "the dream girl", the heroine georgina is in the life, career and even the relationship between the desire to do not; In "street view," Mr. Morenet is the only one who can't make the world outside his home run according to what he thinks is the best order. Mrs. Morente was deeply in the desire and despair of tenderness and understanding. Thus, individuals lose confidence in the environment and themselves and lose their dignity. Mr Zero self evaluation is extremely low, "street" in most of the role is of no dignity of life has been numb, georgina ideal self and real self differences are rooted in her mind a kind of powerlessness, inferiority makes her and become sensitive and sharp.

Existentialism believes that one of the first problems of modernization is "how to deal with the primal instinct and passion of mankind". The conflict between moral ethics and primordial sexual desire is also the motif of rice's writings. Mrs Morant, who had been romantically involved in a family affair, was teased by her married boss. Georgina, who was worried about her age and lost sexual attraction, had a lust for her brother-in-law Jim. Mr Zero and colleagues Daisy secretly covet each other, but Mr Daisy is not zero in the relationship of repressed sexuality unique projective object: Mr Zero has been snooping on a live for a long time in the apartment across the prostitute. The sexual desire is suppressed, in the form of the wrong way to express, further aggravates the contradiction, forms a vicious circle.

Existentialism holds that human beings are faced with triple alienation: natural, social and personal. This triple alienation is reflected in the three works of rice.

Society: the people were equal to his social function, as Mr Zero is equivalent to add and subtract Numbers of machines, naming his colleagues also according to the figures, all dress the same, suggest that alienation exists generally in the industry. Street view focuses on female alienation. Mr. Morant had been trying to use the patriarchal power bestowed by society to control Mrs. Morente, and to see her as a machine to support her family. Rose's boss, ester, asked her for pleasure in the form of material transactions and made her a beautiful product.

Religion: "the addition device," heaven is portrayed as a workshop, cheap production of soul, and since the earth too many newborns, the soul is in short supply and the soul "reuse", until the broken soul, is completely destroyed. This is the bureaucratization of god and the materialization of the soul.

Individual: the result of alienation is the loss of self - consciousness and the confusion of self - perception. In order to adapt to the society, individual recognition, can only be harder to its social function, the alienation of consciously deepen, as Mr Zero in heaven cannot imagine do besides addition. But the social function is not the real self after all, and the individual does not have a real sense of belonging in it. Man is pushed into despair by the absurd world, and he has to rebel.

Different existentialists have different answers to how to resist the absurd. And the resistance of les's character, which is very different from the resistance of Sartre, is their fundamental difference. Les's characters fought in different ways. Georgina resisted the unrealistic dream, and Jim ran away to fight it. Others fought through death -- the lost Mr. Zero killed his boss, Mr. Morant killed his wife and his lover, and Daisy chose suicide to end the void. But in the sense of existentialism, these resistances are failures.

Sartre argues that the point of resistance is to find a real way of being, and that individuals choose to be heroes or cowards through his "freely made" choices. But les did not give him too much freedom of choice. Sartre, in "existentialism is a kind of humanism", admits that freedom of choice is faced with the limitations of reality, but he still believes in the initiative of people when making choices. In les's pen, the limitations of reality are very strong, and the choices made by the characters under such high pressure are passive and helpless. Not wise. The result of their revolt was not free. Not only did Mr. Zero and Mr. Morente lose their spiritual freedom, but they also lost their physical freedom under the sanction of the law. Daisy, who had killed herself, was unable to get free love because of Mr. Zero's withdrawal.

Sartre does not acknowledge the preexisting nature, but in les's dramatic world, there is a preexisting power that determines the nature and destiny of man. Mr. Zero's tragic life is because his soul was "inferior" when it was created. The mark of the "slave" was seared into his soul at the beginning, and he was born into a world that could not be shaken off, and the will of the indifferent god was in full control of the fate of the individual.

Sartre emphasized the responsibility that individuals make choices for themselves as well as for others. Therefore, while being responsible for oneself, one must also be responsible for "everyone". Les's characters are rarely strong enough to be responsible for others. The conflict of interest between individual and individual, individual and collective is very sharp, want to both self and others also unrealistic: Mr Zero was replaced by the more accurate the new machine, it is typical of the economic system as the pursuit of economic interests at the expense of individual case. In the triangle love mode that appears in the three dramas, to satisfy the desire is only to abandon the responsibility. People who try to do both are hypocritical, such as the one who tries to "balance" the family with the lover.

Sartre wants individuals to be able to find their own way of being, beyond their own existence. Yet in three of les's plays, no one has achieved independence or transcendence: all the upheaval in life has failed to make Mr. Zero aware of the importance of spiritual independence. Mrs. Morant had always pinned her life on others, disappointed her husband and turned to her lover, until she was killed without an independent spiritual world. Mr. Morant, the wife of the regicide, denied himself entirely for his remorse.

"The calculator," the 1923 public performance, "street view", 1929, "the dream girl", which ended in 1945. Thus, rice's confidence in human nature was gradually strengthened. None of the characters in the calculator can be saved; Most of the characters in street view are selfish, hypocritical or depraved, but the pure good rose is free from the harsh living environment. Georgina in dream girl finally found her place in the world. In Ross and georgina, les gave the answer to recasting the self.

Les sympathized with the repressed desires of the characters, but also warned of their excessive catharsis. For those who never adjust to the likes of Mr And Mrs Morenet, he gives them only fleeting glimpses of hope. Georgina eventually learned to adjust to her desires, and les gave her a chance to start again. Rose is the only person who can resist the temptation: she does have a crush on east, and her promise of material and emotional satisfaction is a real temptation. But Ross has a bottom line and won't get lost in the temptation to make the wrong choice. Her self-control not only helped her to resist the danger of drinking poison, but also kept her sanity in the harsh living conditions of modern society.

Love is the key to gaining inner strength, including the love of men and women, and the broader passion for life. Georgina, in real life, is hard to focus on, so she has a bizarre dream. Clark bridged her heart's desire for love and attention and brought her from her dreams to reality. At this point, the impractical georgiana is increasingly healthy and brave, and the cynical clark is becoming more and more tolerant.

Compared with georgina and clark, les's more men and women are vulnerable and fickle. Clearly, les was more convinced of the power of life's love and gave it to Ross. Rose has a passion for life and draws energy from all the odds and ends of life: "I sometimes feel bad... But as I walked past the park this morning, I saw that it was green and full of vitality, and I suddenly felt that everything might not be so bad. In addition to the beauty of nature, she also cherishes the daily pleasures of life: "live, breathe, take a walk, look at the people you like, and hear their laughter". As the only person who loves life, rose is the only person who can reconcile with the world and retain a healthy personality and independence.

Alienation is a common topic in modern social literature, philosophy and psychology. Rice and Sartre analyzed and solved this problem from the Angle of literature and philosophy respectively. Sartre's solution is more elitist, and his dual responsibility and the idea of free choice are heroic. But les is more civilian, through the ordinary people's emotions and emotions expressed a more modest return to the true road.

