

作业代写:Form education and education

2018-04-17 15:31:06 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Form education and education,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了形式教育与实质教育。形式教育认为教育的目的在于让学生们的天赋以及能力得到持续发展,而实质教育则认为教育的目的在于让学生们进行相关理论知识的获取。这两种教育观都存在着一定的片面性,这也就要求教育工作者们能够对这两种教育模式的科学依据以及适用条件进行深入的研究,并借此来在实际的教育工作中进行两种教育模式的有机融合,从而取得一个良好的教育效果。

Formal education mainly through specific examples to trigger a universal conception of the students in the heart, and then decided that in the concrete practice of the original point of view, so that the students in the original thinking to correct errors in the part, and good teaching effect. In the form of education, we pay more attention to the training of students' thinking ability, while the specific knowledge of appearance is only to induce the ideas that students already have in mind. There are many education scholars for the secondary school curriculum knowledge system has certain opinions, as many of the existing teaching system to focus on knowledge, and neglect of students' intelligence and ability training. Driving the development of education as a long-term education theory and practice as a result, they think secondary colleges in specific teaching process, teaching should be focused on the cultivation of students ability, thinking and imagination to the above, and not just pure theoretical knowledge teaching. Only in this way can the students' personal ability and thinking ability be improved so as to achieve a good teaching effect.

As an important explanation system of education, functional psychology is also called functionalist psychology. In faculty psychology, the psychology of people divided into knowledge skills and move for the two different parts, including knowledge skills mainly contain feeling, imagination, memory, and savvy, etc., and for the latter includes the students happy and unhappy feelings and always. Faculty psychology after long time of development, its thought the essence of learning is to let the students individual psychological structure in various talent faculties, so that the individual can on cognitive ability, and modal attitude to obtain the good development. This understanding attaches importance to the study of mathematics and logic, and believes that these two disciplines can improve students' reasoning ability and thinking ability. In addition under the theory think that sports and music discipline education is also very important, it can let the students have a strong body and good aesthetic quality, so that the students with a better attitude to participate in the study.

Form so the rationality of faculty psychology basis lies in the full attention of individual mental faculties and students development, and effectively avoids the traditional non-computer majors and cramming teaching method, in this teaching mode can also further improve rationality makes the choice of subject matter, and fully stimulate students' interest in learning, to achieve a good teaching effect.

In essence education has denied the existence of students' faculties, and fully emphasized the important role of teaching materials in the development of students' mental and moral tendency. Can say in real education, its thought feeling is the source of all knowledge, and any mental activity at the root of all come from the outside world, so the purpose of education should be given to the students to provide some useful knowledge. Said so in essence education theory, education is not by the unfolding outside introversion, nor on the faculties of the students psychological training, it is more external to provide materials and on the basis of the combination of external content to let the students get to the relevant knowledge. Therefore, in the theory of substantive education, students should acquire some knowledge that is of practical use and require that the knowledge itself contains the value of ability training.

Associationism psychology requires schools does not exist in the education process of the concept of the gifted and the aim of education is to promote the joint between the ideas, so lenovo psychology of full attention the importance of the choice of teaching material, the required materials not only have rich knowledge, also need to have some use value, also calls for the teachers in the process of specific teaching helps students originally existing in the old ideas, to arouse the students' learning interest, and the new theory on the basis of knowledge acquisition. In short in the essence of lenovo is dominated by the psychology of socialism education thought that knowledge acquisition is more important than the ability of the training, the purpose of learning is to connect the old and new ideas and different ideas, forming a person's inner heart.

Faculties of education psychology and lenovo psychology does not belong to scientific system of psychology, because these two kinds of psychological theory is more psychological behavior through philosophical system, and the lack of empirical scientific validation. In faculty of education psychology will be the person's mental structure is divided into different functional structure, and then a thorough analysis on these structures, and in the early days of the faculties of education psychology) fully highlighted the students the day natural instinct, and emphasizes the functions of development is to rely on a lot of forms of training. Functions in education psychology attaches great importance to the study of migration, think psychological function after fully development can also be migrated to other areas, so as to promote the students are learning other knowledge. However, the psychological theory needs further research on the authenticity of students' psychological structure.

In the psychology of associationism, it directly denies the nature of the ability, and attaches great importance to the important role of education in the development of students' body and mind. In the psychology of lenovo obtain knowledge ability was thought to be mainly comes from students' sensory experience, and fully highlighted the lenovo and coupling in the new role of meaning in the process of knowledge acquisition, choice of the students' daily learning patterns also have a certain guiding significance. But in the theory of the execution of lack of interest in the students and the role of psychological activities such as the emotion will also directly on the linkage between the ability and knowledge to separate, so too biased.

In the secondary school education in the process, how to fully coordinate the knowledge training and ability training of the relationship between the two, is also in the present stage our country education work urgently needed to solve a problem. Form of education and the essence education both as the necessity of developing history and reality, although it has some limitations, but for China's education reform work still has good guidance meaning.


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MBA专业申请 essay讲解

2018-04-17 15:30:40 | 日記

一、MBA essay写作原则










1. Career essay



2. Leadership essay

商学院的目标是培养Global Business Leader,如何通过事例展现Leadership是申请者需要认真思考并且表现在essay中的。试想,每年MBA申请者涵盖了工作经历多年的公司高管和初出茅庐工作一两年的毕业生,难道后者就完全没有机会了吗?答案肯定不是,因为商学院最为看重的不是申请者绝对的工作能力和经历,而是申请者的潜质——Leadership。

写作建议:Leadership很难被定义,甚至可以分为很多种表现形式,无比巨细的事例也可以体现出一个人的领导才能。申请者需要做的是be personal,把自己所经历的事例进行深层次的挖掘,而不是单纯地描述怎样带领一个团队走向成功的事例。在事例的描述中,申请者的所思所想并且如何应用在实际工作中才是Leadership essay的重点。

3. Achievement essay

这类题目考察的是申请者面对困难、逆境时所展现出的处理危机的能力。很多MBA毕业后都会在企业里担任中高层管理人员的职务,有很多抉择和挑战需要面对,面对逆境时处变不惊的能力以及坚韧的魄力是很多企业家共同拥有的特质。商学院希望录取的申请者是拥有高逆境情商的,这是Business Leader必备的素质。

写作建议:我们可以参照斯坦福商学院(GSB)的第一题——What matters the most to you,公认最为经典的Achievement essay题目。申请者要描述自己是如何面对日常生活、职业生涯追求中所遇到的挫折和困难,以及在克服的过程中展现出来的魄力及精神,并且打动招生办公室。很多优秀的essay都经历了多次的修改,申请者所要做的是感动自己。

4. Characteristics essay


写作建议:申请者并不需要根据学校录取的风格偏好改变在essay中描述的个人特质,而是通过描述Personal story来表现申请者与众不同的特点。申请者需要将完整且立体的个人形象塑造在文笔当中,展现给招生办公室,使他们在面试前就有了大概的印象。

5. Contribution essay



6. 其他类型

除了以上五类常见的essay题目外,有不少商学院会根据学校特色而设置一些创新性的essay。比较典型的有芝加哥布斯商学院(Booth)的第三题,要求申请者通过PPT等方式向招生办公室展现,在其他essay中还没有充分体现的自己。很多申请者在看到第三题后就放弃了申请,实际上这题并没有想象中那么难,反而,申请者可以通过这一类发挥空间大的题目脱颖而出。除此之外,个别商学院还要求申请者撰写自传的目录,用Video的形式做自我简介等,这些都是很具有创新性的题目。笔者在这里建议大家在申请时应该把握重点——Be yourself,也就是把真实的自己展现给招生办公室。这样,无论essay要求的形式怎样改变,申请者的个人特质并不会因此而改变。

此外,商学院essay题目中还有一类Optional essay,是为了让申请者进行进一步阐述的essay。但笔者在此建议申请者不要写Optional essay,除非是有以下几种情况:


2.推荐人非直属上司,这对于创业者而言较为常见。推荐人是生意伙伴或客户时,可以选择写Optional essay向招生办公室阐明原因。

3.如果申请者经历有空窗期(Gap),而且是有意义的经历,可以选择撰写Optional essay。



paper代写-Special finance audit

2018-04-17 15:30:19 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Special finance audit,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了财政专项资金审计。财政专项资金主要是指行政事业单位为了能够顺利完成某一项工作任务,由相关部门根据相应的要求拨付给企事业单位的具有特殊用途或者指定用途的资金。身为财务工作者,一定要加强对财政专项资金审计工作的高度重视,善于发现存在于工作中的问题,并针对问题及时提出有效的解决对策,为促进经济的发展、社会的进步贡献自己的力量。

Fiscal special funds is mainly refers to the state-owned units, administrative institutions in order to be able to complete a certain task, appropriated from relevant departments according to the requirement of the corresponding to the enterprises and institutions with special use or designated use of funds. With the development of market economy in our country, allocated to the enterprises and institutions of finance special fund investment increased year by year, however, in the aspect of finance the use and management of special funds underlying some of the problems are increasingly exposed. For example, the investment target of special funds is not clear, the special fund lacks proper performance evaluation and long-term supervision mechanism, and the special fund waste is serious. In these problems, the process of special financial funds is the most obvious. For example, there are many problems in the national project setting of special financial funds, and some units have more than 100 special funds and involve all functional departments within the unit. And these funds are divided into different departments of the specific responsible personnel; This leads to many projects with the same nature being scattered in different departments, or in the same department with many similar projects. Or: set a lack of rationality of national projects, scientific and normative problems, some units of project performance is not obvious, also do not have strong practical significance, but the finance unit in order to be able to get a special fund and declare the project, lead to these projects can get special funds every year, but each year is not the actual spending on the project; And financial system of existing problems in the management of special funds, although in the unit interior has developed a special special funds management approach and the corresponding system, lack of integrity, but many system guidance and practical, eventually lead to a special fund use optional sex is bigger. In addition, there is the unit of special financial funds of expert evaluation link decoration, such as: some unit applied for special funds in order to promote the development of certain industries, in order to be able to pass to experts presented a gift.

Special financial funds are also a problem in the process of use. Individual special funds exist in the same country project long application for funds; Some units lack rigor and lack of supervision on the audit of special funds; And units in order to solve the problem of insufficient funds in the daily expenses, without authorization, change the use of special funds, because of the lack of effective supervision, some special funds use artificially increasing range.

With the original financial capital occupation, misappropriate, embezzle single illegal means such as different, at present many units of special financial funds of illegal means to appear the characteristics of strong concealment, and gradually a cross-industry, cross-regional, interdisciplinary characteristics. For example: some units use the name of the labor fee to collect special funds, and take these funds as their own; Some people in charge of special positions use their positions to gain personal influence. Some national project leaders, managers and relevant staff members use their authority to set up individual companies, empty development tickets and jointly carry out special funds. In addition, through collusion, internal and external collusion, and division of labor cooperation, we can build a community of interests and realize the purpose of concealment of special funds on the basis of this.

In recent years, although national projects supported by special financial funds must carry out the whole process of audit supervision, the system, authority and independence of audit are seriously insufficient. Although some units proposed "early planning, unified leadership, verification plan, step by step implementation, unified handling, focus on" the integration of special funds audit mode, but from the point of view of the audit work quality is not very desirable, such as: lack of finance special funds audit organization, planning, management audit organization lacks scientific processing, auditors engaged in auditing work, a lot of time is busy, for the audit target, audit contents, organize the implementation of the management of the various links such as the lack of effective organization and cohesion, poor coordination. Therefore, this situation seriously affects the improvement of audit work quality, which affects the physical and mental health of the auditors.

The full application of the audit results of special financial funds is the basic premise and guarantee for the real audit function. However, at present, many units do not attach importance to the audit results of special financial funds. Puts forward some feasibility, such as: after the audit often targeted Suggestions, but ignore these useful Suggestions, many units for rectification requirements, audit recommendations are often ignored, usually on the audit results far off the mark. In addition, because there is a congenital defect in audit accountability problems, some units for the audit in question has not really changes, also did not really put in place, it needs to be some problems in processing and other departments to carry on the coordination and cooperation, but because of poor audit coordination mechanism makes the accountability audit results does not reach the designated position, some parts has been handed over to the relevant departments of economic case clues did not cause the related leadership attaches great importance to, this to a great extent, the serious influence the audit authority, independence, auditing is the result of the cans be imagined. To sum up, there are still many problems in the audit results of the current fiscal special funds. If we fail to properly solve the problem, it will cause the waste and loss of our financial capital.

As mentioned before, for the fiscal problems arising from the special funds audit, the author thinks that the hysteresis of accountability mechanism and related system is the most important cause of special financial service efficiency of funds is low?? The topic. At the same time, also it was due to the lack of accountability mechanisms that lead to a lot of units and violate often appears in many areas of finance and economics discipline and regulations, and audit supervision has the effect is not obvious, it has made an impact on the healthy development of China's financial order and influence. Audit supervision is the important respect of the audit found problems, and ring, improve the rectification of the auditees initiative and self-consciousness, to promote the healthy, sustainable and stable development of the society. The final effect of audit supervision is mainly through the corresponding supervision status, and the role of audit supervision can only be truly played with the support of supervision status. Such as: to strengthen the attention of the audit results rectification, earnestly implement the contents of the audit improvement report, and track inspection, the results of the audit corrective of relevant responsible persons shall be investigated for their administrative and legal responsibility.

As being audited, the unit should be unified fiscal special funds in the various functional departments into the unit budget, at the same time should be in time for the purpose of the special funds, verify the applicable scope, on the other hand, must also be further clear and straighten out the special funds management responsibilities and operation process, must carefully follow the "who manage who allocation, who issued check and confirm who is responsible for" the basic principles, and to strengthen the unified coordination and administration of special funds. The aim is to prevent individual departments will be supposed to appear in the items for the daily administrative funds into the financial is listed in a special fund, in order to improve special funds focus, scope of application of the special funds used to complete the task, real economic development support units.

As financial personnel of the auditees, must shift in consciousness as soon as possible, strengthen the supervision over the use of special financial funds, which is beneficial to strengthen the unit internal departments use fiscal responsibility consciousness of special funds. Such as: unit interior in order to strengthen supervision over the use of special financial funds can enhance financial performance management, internal comprehensive targeted budget performance management in the unit, and evaluate the performance targets, with the use of the evaluation results as the safeguard mechanism, further enhance the comprehensive budget management level of the unit, to realize the further optimization of resources.

Xi jinping, general secretary of a new generation of leaders came to power, vowed to combat corruption and build a clean government, launched many measures, the agricultural special fund as a company accept country is dialed has the special use of funding, the use of special funds for agriculture and acceptance more strict and even harsh, as the company more and more national projects, the management of agricultural special funds more and more get the attention of the company, the financial supervision and control functions in the course of agricultural special funds management is becoming more and more highlighted.

In my company to declare "national iot application demonstration project" as an example, in 2014, the national development and reform commission agreed to eligible countries iot application demonstration projects included in the national high-tech industry development projects and national funding plan, in May 2014, our company was to determine the first national iot application demonstration project implementation unit, the project in Beijing's daxing, shunyi, tongzhou, yanqing, such as well as the district 5000 acres of facilities agriculture iot technology, the construction of the core application demonstration area, 20000 mu of direct drive the demonstration and radiating and driving area of 50000 mu, built base - level liang facilities agriculture application system, the project total investment 97.05 million, national capital 20 million, self-raised funds of 77.05 million. The project has repeatedly submitted information, and repeated on-site inspections. Finally, it received 20 million yuan in December 2014, and finally accepted it successfully in December 2015. For facility agriculture iot to demonstrate the application of vanguard, from early to participate in the project book to write to the execution of the project as well as the annual financial audit after acceptance, financial plays an indispensable role in the process. The author as the national project director, finance department and cooperate with related departments to complete the project application, and to assist in project implementation, solve the problems in the operation of the project, shall be carried out at the same time many countries throughout the daily work of project of fine management, do find problems timely communication, instant solutions, to ensure the full and accurate financial information reported in time, in order to achieve long-term project management to lay the solid foundation.

Existed in the work of special funds to declare and acceptance and a series of audit problems, the author has carried on the detailed summary and improvement, teasing out the agricultural special funds audit should focus on the related issues.

In order to maximize the use efficiency of special funds for agricultural finance, the financial department of our company has built a perfect financial system guarantee system for national projects with the support of relevant leaders. The author as a national project finance director, starting from the declaration of agricultural special funds budget, focusing on budgeting is scientific and normative, in project declaration link pay more attention to the feasibility of the project application; During the implementation of the project, it focuses on the rationality of agricultural special fund expenditure. Focus on compliance issues during project acceptance.

In the implementation of the project, the author, as the head of the national project finance, guarantees the authenticity of the project expenditure according to the relevant accounting system and policy requirements. In the execution of the project, according to the contract book of the project, relevant management measures and policy provisions, the fund is guaranteed to be allocated according to the budget, and the matching funds are guaranteed to the account. Special attention is paid to the preservation of data and financial accounting, so as to avoid problems such as incomplete data preservation and improper financial accounting, thus affecting the standardization of the use of special funds for agriculture.

During project execution, the author as a project finance director, based on the principle of seeking truth from facts and objective of agricultural special funds of social benefit, economic benefit, public welfare benefits and so on carries on the comprehensive analysis and research, and make a comprehensive and objective evaluation. We will ensure that special funds for agriculture are used in key areas to give full play to the role of special agricultural funds.

To sum up, the special financial funds are directly related to China's political development, economic construction, social progress and people's livelihood. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the management of special financial funds. Of fiscal special funds audit work will be further consummates our country public finance management mechanism, effectively solve the existence of random, occupy, divert, diverted the stranded fiscal special funds, etc. As a financial worker must strengthen the financial special fund attaches great importance to the audit work, good at discovering the problems exist in the work, and put forward effective countermeasures in view of the problems in time, in order to promote the economic development of China, the progress of the society contribute their strength.



Paper代写:Social responsibility marketing

2018-04-17 15:30:00 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Social responsibility marketing讨论了社会责任营销。广义的社会责任营销是企业将自身作为社会长远发展的责任承担者和分享承担责任后得到可持续发展利益的受益者。企业将承担一定的社会责任视为己任,逐步形成企业意识或文化,贯穿于产品生产及流通的各个环节,对一定社会问题的关注及解决体现了企业和社会共同长远和谐发展的一种战略选择。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Under the background of establishing social ecological civilization and promoting sustainable development, social responsibility marketing has become the trend of development. However, the lack of social responsibility remains the common phenomenon among the process of enterprise marketing. This thesis applies the SWOT method to put forward that the enterprises should be fully aware of their roles and shoulder the social responsibility in order to design and implement their strategy and tactics in social responsibility marketing.

Economic globalization has made the new scientific and technological revolution flourish, and the fierce competition between enterprises has made the business philosophy and marketing strategy have undergone a great transformation. In the face of environmental pollution, ecological imbalance, vicious competition, fraud customer problems such as frequent, people began to reflect on the disadvantages of industrial civilization brings to the economic development, and explore new man and nature, man and society, people live in harmony of civilization, ecological civilization form. Ecological civilization is the fundamental principle of sustainable development, which coincides with the pursuit and vision of sustainable development driven by modern enterprises with the concept of social responsibility marketing. Companies that can meet the needs of its development level of social responsibility, in the process of marketing activities, abide by social morality, and the objective law of development of the environmental factors, attach importance to the interests of consumers, government, the general public, use contains the concept of social responsibility of marketing, with the right marketing means and methods, and provide products rich in the sense of duty to the society, to promote the development of the enterprise at the same time, also promote the progress of the society. Therefore, corporate social responsibility marketing becomes the inevitable choice of enterprises in the era of ecological civilization.

Enterprises are the cells of the social economy. While pursuing profit, enterprises also start to realize and pay attention to some relationship with the whole society and shoulder corresponding social responsibilities and obligations. Philip, the father of marketing? Kotler in the 1970 s for the first time put forward the concept of "social marketing", which emphasizes the enterprise should bear the corresponding social responsibility in the development of the society, the economic benefit is no longer as the only goal of its pursuit, but require companies to integrate social responsibility into the enterprise marketing development strategy, promote the enterprise sustainable development, realize win-win business and social interaction and harmonious development of the situation. This is a kind of marketing concept with social responsibility, which points out a new development direction for enterprise marketing -- social responsibility marketing.

Social responsibility marketing can be understood in both broad and narrow sense. The generalized social responsibility marketing is the beneficiary of the sustainable development interest after the enterprise takes responsibility for the long-term development of the society and shares the responsibility. According to the domestic scholar professor su-ling Chen's point of view, the enterprise will bear certain social responsibilities as own duty, gradually formed the enterprise or cultural consciousness, product throughout the production and circulation of each link, the attention to certain social problems and solving embodies the enterprises and the long-term common harmonious development of a strategic choice. Narrow sense of social responsibility marketing refers to the enterprise in the production and business operation activities, to a certain social responsibility as the foundation, use advertising strategies, with the aid of the news media, improve and expand the company reputation, enhance corporate image, enhance brand awareness and reputation, strengthen the contact with the target customer base, achieve the trust, in order to realize the increase marketing form of final sales as the goal.

Generalized the social responsibility of the marketing concept is the social responsibility of the enterprise combining with enterprise values, mission and goals, as the enterprise core competitiveness and enterprise part of the elements of the strategy of sustainable development. Therefore, this understanding is put forward from the perspective of enterprise development strategy. The narrow sense of social responsibility marketing is that the enterprise will only assume social responsibility as a marketing strategy tool, so it will appear utilitarian and short-sighted. Enterprise aspect in social responsibility, such as for the poor, caring donation and sponsorship of hope project at the same time, and trample on social responsibilities, such as fake production, the production process such as environmental pollution, the profit for the enterprise with a fancy "moral" coat. Ecological civilization construction, therefore, need to enterprise marketing from a strategic point of understanding and the understanding of social responsibility, the ultimate goal of social responsibility is not a short-term benefit, each related interest but to establish long-term trust, trust each other under the concept of Shared responsibility, ultimately return built to last, achieve the goal of enterprise and the social all parties.

Social responsibility and the market marketing combination is great progress in the development of marketing concept, compared with the traditional concept, social responsibility marketing can bring more benefits to enterprise development, but also make the enterprise for a certain risks, the external environment of rapid change in the market today, the SWOT analysis of corporate social responsibility marketing is very important.

The essence of social responsibility marketing is to build a bond of trust with customers and gain the trust of customers. Based on this, marketing activities based on social responsibility can be more easily trusted by customers. Traditional persuasive marketing easy to cause the customer's purchase, as some sell behavior, for sales people trying to persuade customers to buy goods, consumers are likely to thinks that there are some defects and refused to buy the product. However, social responsibility marketing will avoid such an embarrassing situation, and enterprises will take social responsibility as the premise to carry out marketing publicity, which will better consider the interests and needs of consumers. Because the consumer is the most closely relationship with enterprise in the marketing activity of stakeholders, so enterprise in the process of developing marketing strategy, will stand in the perspective of consumers for the sake of customers, to provide customers with more meticulous and thoughtful service, the customer will also be touched by the sincere service, which is easy to form to enterprise's loyalty, it is also a social responsibility marketing brings to the enterprise incomparable advantage.

Corporate reputation is a special intangible asset of the enterprise, and it actively assumes social responsibility to build a good image and win a good reputation among consumers and the public. In the process of actively undertaking social responsibility, enterprises have continuously accumulated the added value of their products and brands, gaining consumer support and promoting enterprise value enhancement. At the same time, enterprises actively fulfill their social responsibility to alleviate the losses caused by various uncontrollable factors and gain external trust and support in the face of crisis. Thirdly, social responsibility marketing can strengthen the integration of enterprises in production system and value chain network, enhance the dependence and loyalty of relevant stakeholders, and effectively reduce transaction costs.

A country the competitiveness of the enterprises tend to represent the strength of the country, under the condition of market economy, enterprise's ability to chase profits, and the concept of sustainable operation and development is the outstanding performance of the enterprise competitive strength. Social responsibility marketing competition is a kind of enterprise reflects the soft power, is beneficial to the sustainable development of the marketing concept, which an enterprise can grasp the from the strategic height of overall marketing and promoting social responsibility, make enterprise development more proactive, carved out a unique marketing model, forms the enterprise core competitiveness, which an enterprise can from the red sea, into the blue ocean.

The main characteristic of social responsibility marketing is to choose the right marketing mode by paying attention to social problems, and the social problem itself contains huge business opportunities. Although corporate responsibility behavior needs to pay a certain cost, but if you can find business opportunities, so enterprise pay can be compensated completely, and will bring unexpected opportunity, formed its own unique difference advantage.

Although most of the theory and practice has proved that the social responsibility and realize the positive correlation relationship between marketing performance, but the positive correlation relationship is generally for enterprise's long-term development. Social responsibility requires enterprises must, however, financial support, when the effect of corporate social responsibility implementation brings to the enterprise development is not very significant, the risk may bring to enterprise's development.

Corporate social responsibility behavior requires the enterprise to pay a certain cost. The improvement of the original products, the development of new products, and the support and participation of the public welfare undertakings will increase the short-term cost of the enterprise, thus affecting the enterprise's benefit. When the enterprise to social responsibility for the content to carry out marketing activities have not been wide attention of the general public, businesses for social responsibility behavior is not effectively you pay for, before costs will be sunk costs, enterprise's enthusiasm bruised, make the enterprise development.

Production and business operation activities of the enterprise is a wide range of stakeholders, such as customers, shareholders, government, employees, and the interests of stakeholders is not completely consistent, can appear sometimes conflict. For example, in the process of trying to provide good quality and cheap goods for consumers, the profits of enterprises will be reduced correspondingly, and shareholders' interests will be affected.

With the strengthening of economic globalization and the gradual improvement of the social public awareness, corporate social responsibility is widespread attention from all walks of life, calls for the voice of the corporate social responsibility is higher and higher. First, as an organization that guides and supervises the marketing activities of enterprises, the government encourages enterprises to take the initiative to undertake social responsibilities. Dogwoods? Some local government functional departments around the construction of ecological civilization made a lot of creative work, such as standards for corporate social responsibility, and reached the preferential policies such as government, improve the enthusiasm of the enterprise to carry out the social responsibility of marketing for the development of the social responsibility of marketing provides a good external opportunity. Second, people for the strengthening of environmental protection, product quality and safety awareness, make consumers are willing to pay more for the pursuit of the products of high quality, high safety coefficient, in the enterprise bear the social responsibility of higher profits and returns, pushing enterprises and stakeholders into the benign development of circular orbit.

Enterprises in environmental protection, the protection of consumer rights and interests, food safety regulation problem is outstanding, destroy the ecological environment in the process of management of enterprises, infringement of consumer rights and interests, the manufacture of fake and inferior products such as frequent events, stimulated the social from all walks of life attention of implement the social responsibility of the enterprise marketing, facing the enterprise bear the social responsibility of challenging test. The world already has more than 400 different level and corporate social responsibility related conventions, standards, principles and international standard for corporate social responsibility has become the enterprise to carry out international trade activities under the new trade barriers, to do not accord with standard of corporate social responsibility of some enterprises in developing countries, will no doubt be at a disadvantage in trade negotiations and trade friction. Standard, moreover, with the domestic corporate social responsibility management system and the code of conduct, code the enterprise in the environmental protection, product safety and so on many social responsibility index, thereby increasing the enterprise's operating costs, improve the market entry barriers of the enterprise.

The above-mentioned SWOT analysis of corporate social responsibility marketing shows that enterprises have both advantages and risks in carrying out social responsibility marketing. But in the long run, the social responsibility of marketing to the enterprise benefits far outweigh the disadvantages of it, and with the implementation of the international and domestic corporate social responsibility standard, will further promote the enterprise in the social responsibility of marketing in the process of evolution, the overall development of the society will also with the improvement of the corporate responsibility more green, ecological and harmonious.


Essay代写:The realism

2018-04-17 15:02:58 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The realism,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了写实主义。在西方艺术史中,写实主义的传统可以上溯至古希腊时期的古典艺术。纵观西方传统艺术,写实主义手法的运用一直是艺术表现的主要手段。文化的进步,视觉方式的转变,使写实主义在各个时期有了不同的理解方式。尤其是在二十世纪现代主义思潮的影响下,写实主义已同传统的写实艺术的面貌大不相同。

We must refer to "classicism" when we talk about realism. The term "classicism" is used for specific and repeated artistic traditions, linked to certain topics, such as style, literature, psychology, religion, and politics. This limits the scope of classicism, and its meaning is ambiguous, because its exact meaning is not always the same in different historical stages. The term "Classical" refers to the culture and art of ancient Greece and Rome from the 10th century to the fifth century B.C. The narrow sense refers to the period between Archaic and Hellenistic periods in ancient Greece. Classicism is a typical phenomenon of the tradition and the return to ancient times, which is the imitation of classic works. So we look at classicism and we have to look at classical art.

The art of ancient Greece and Rome had a broad conception, and the artificial creation which was closely related to the production technology, such as medicine, farming, horseback shooting and handicraft industry, was also included. Poetry, painting, sculpture, music and so on are called "the art of imitation". "Imitation" refers to a toddler who forms a form and function of natural objects. In ancient Greece, "imitation theory" has always been the principle of artistic creation. The philosopher Heraclitus first made it clear that art imitates nature. He thinks that painting, music, poetry and other arts are imitating nature with their own media and methods. Plato's whole idea is based on the core concept of "idea", which he believes is essentially a parody of ideas. Aristotle's poetics is based on "imitation theory", but his imitation reveals the creative nature of art imitation. "Imitation theory" is the core of Greek art and the basic principle of western classical realism. The achievements of Greek art in the classical period were unprecedented in the history of art, which left a perfect example for later generations.

The subsequent classical art is a parody of it. This can be seen from ancient Rome and medieval classical art. The classical art of the middle ages is obviously characterized by its preference for volume, symmetry and order. For religious reasons, medieval art is obviously symbolic. The subsequent Renaissance was the peak of classical art. As the beauty of the new culture, although the Renaissance is characterized by learning the classics, it is by no means simple in restoring ancient ways. It is essentially creating a new culture by learning the classical way. The concrete form of classical art is enlightening, but it is more important to realize the method of realism and the democratic thought of classical society. The early Italian Renaissance, the style of the giotto period, was mainly manifested in the observation of science, the subtle study of natural phenomena, rather than the ancient ways. It means the symbolism of the middle ages and the fantasy of heaven, to the natural world. This kind of thinking method to restore the interest in actual existence, it has an important meaning for the art and science, will lead to the artist characters in nature environment, with the precision of the anatomy, to describe the human body through the light and shade effect model a three dimensional figure, and indicate the foreground and background of the rule of the linear perspective. The real founder of the Florentine school is giotto. Giotto is a student of the kimboue, representing the realism of the new art. He created the arenal chapel fresco, borrow the real scene of religious subjects performance full of life breath, pay attention to space profound relations and characters of three-dimensional modelling, with real vivid artistic image about the humanistic spirit, 14th century Renaissance art is the most brilliant achievements.

In Renaissance art, Raphael's work embodies the highest achievement of Renaissance art. In his paintings, you can see the harmonious proportion of composition, exquisite technique, strict and skillful structure, can see the center perspective, also can see the accurate grasp of the characters. Raphael inherits the achievements of the past masters and focuses on the exploration of harmonious beauty in the Renaissance period. From the development of aesthetics to the Renaissance, the aesthetics of this period is only a perceptual aesthetic, but a continuation of the ideal of classical harmony. But it is this continuation that has had a great impact in the history of art. People begin to recognize themselves and begin to recognize the relationship between man and god, man and nature, man and reality. People discovered nature, discovered reason, discovered individuality, and provided new specifications for later art. Renaissance art is the continuation and development of classical art, and it is another peak of realism development.

Aesthetics in the 17th and 18th centuries is an abstract philosophical aesthetic. The aesthetic ideal of the Renaissance is harmonious beauty, while the aesthetic ideal of modern aesthetics is sublime. The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were the transition period of feudal society to capitalist society. During the period of the Renaissance, people began to sit quietly and think. The Renaissance held high the banner of "human nature", and the people of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries regarded "reason" as the basis of all things. The artistic achievement of this period is mainly reflected in the "baroque" art and "rococo" art. As a continuation of the Renaissance, baroque art took a step forward in realism. In the late 16th century, the popularity of "manipulationism" brought art from its peak to crisis. After overcoming the negative tendency of manipulation, baroque art brought the rational spirit of the 17th century to art. By the time of the baroque art in the seventeenth century, the artist had found a man's image for humanity. The image of women depicted in Rubens is to celebrate beauty and love by projecting the beauty of a woman's body. In his eyes, the beauty of nudity is no longer the beauty of the classical ideals, but the reappearance of the secular and the real. Caravaggio's saint, the image of the common man in Rembrandt, embodies the aesthetic tendencies of the seventeenth century.

Baroque art, like the popular rococo art of the 18th century, is in a rational age. Compared with the Renaissance, the art is more rational and sober. Although there are a large number of ancient art norms, but in reality and emotional expression is quite mature. Realism and classical based on the spirit of art have a common aesthetics, realism is formed in classical art, classical art as a whole, integrated and unified, harmonious art. The unified form of art and human universal and eternal spiritual needs, life activity has a deep connection, classicism and romanticism, realism is the extension of a kind of aesthetic concepts, are the results of the objective world attention.

From ancient Greece to the Renaissance, classicism achieved remarkable achievements, and the imitation theory guided the artists to create outstanding examples, which is the embodiment of classical harmony. In the later era of rationality, under the guidance of classical norms, neoclassicism, romanticism and realism reappeared in the 19th century, bringing realism to the top. By the time of impressionism, we have seen the artistic pursuit and artistic principle of naturalism and expressionism. First of all, in the opposite of subjective and objective, performance and reappearance, ideal and reality go to extremes. Naturalism demands absolute realism, imitates reality and abandons ideal. On the contrary, expressionism should abandon the reality completely and push the romanticism to the extreme in the expression of ideals, ideas, emotions and desires, and pursue the original ecology of the subject world. Secondly, the relationship between emotion and reason, thinking and imagination is pushed to the extreme. Naturalism advocates the scientific spirit, requires precision, opposes imagination, and expressionism pushes the imagination into more subjective states such as fantasy, dream and intuition. Third, in the relationship between time and space, naturalism requires that the object be traced in the physical space and time. And expressionism takes the traditional fixed point perspective and focus perspective, develops into multi-angle, multi-level observation and performance, and breaks through static three-dimensional space, extending to the dynamic four-dimensional space. As extreme phase of realism and romanticism, naturalism and expressionism in the realistic is a revolution of traditional realism, they overturned the development of the modern type of lofty artistic model, for the realism in the 20th century modern art opened the way.

