

作业代写:The referee documents

2018-04-25 16:36:49 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The referee documents,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了裁判文书。裁判文书是法院在案件审理终结后,依据案件事实和法律,对案件实体和程序问题所作出的具有法律约束力的书面结论,具有重要的法律价值。在一定意义上,当事人所触发的法律条文可以更好地帮助人们理解法律,并且运用法律保护自身的合法权益。其次,裁判文书对法律具有宣传作用,促使法律知识传播到各家各户。裁判文书对于公民法律意识的培养还起到一定的积极作用,这有助于促进社会整体法治意识的形成。

"Is the court written judgment after trial end, on the basis of the case facts and law, to the problem of entity and procedure by a legally binding written conclusion", it has important legal value. First of all, the adjudication instrument has the function of explaining and explaining the law. Written judgment was triggered by a judge on the parties legal explanation and illustration, in a sense, triggered by the laws, the parties may help people better understand the law, and apply the law to protect their own legitimate rights and interests. Our country law provisions in a certain sense is to describe for writing Chinese characters, and every law has its legal basis, without explanation, will cause the concept of uncertain specific malignant result. In, especially when the law conflicts between the law and the law, or concurrence of circumstances, the judge explains more need for rules, and to help the parties to decide cases, is a fair society.

Secondly, the judicial documents have a propaganda effect on the law, which promotes the dissemination of legal knowledge to various households. Because the referee documents could be breaking the law by the parties in the case clearly described, with the characteristics of a vivid and intuitive that people can clearly understand the consequences of breaking the law, legal knowledge, experience the majesty of the law and grave, which can be guidance to people. In addition, the referee instrument also plays a positive role in the cultivation of citizens' legal consciousness, which helps to promote the formation of the overall legal consciousness of society.

The judge's judgment on the facts of the case is sometimes not the same as the objective fact that has happened. For the drafting of the referee's instrument, the judge must take sufficient evidence as the principle, based on the objective existence of the legal provisions, and carefully and carefully analysis, thus concluding the conclusion. The adjudication of the tribunal is not arbitrary. Still exist such phenomenon in the individual court, the judge for the case of insufficient knowledge and analysis, and for the collection of evidence is not sufficient, sometimes disagree about the evidence of the parties is not authenticated, lack of authenticity and integrity often leads to the written judgment.

The referee's instrument is the judge's summary and analysis of the case, so the litigant must make clear and clear description of the case during the litigation so that the court can record the case in detail. If the court does not have a detailed description of the case, for example, it does not specify the time, place, etc., it will affect the integrity and authenticity of the whole case. There is also a lack of justice in the process of making judgments. Such as, no clear reflect the parties in the written judgment principles of justice, only listen to part of the litigation process, the parties have caused the judge sense impression of bias in favor of the other party. In addition, the language of the referee instrument is not standardized, there is still the text is not uniform, the format is not standardized.

One of the most important principles of justice is the justice and openness of the law. When the judge ruled in the legal document should not only ensure the reality and feasibility of legal cases get client's trust and affirmation, but also should be impartial referee disputes between the parties, and to open to the society. The law is open and fair is the guarantee of the legal value of the judicial documents. Both civil cases, and is a criminal case, the judge's jurisdiction has important influence, to determine whether the personal freedom of the parties, and exists in the world, as a result, the judge in the justice of judicial documents, publicity should be given to guarantee, have to achieve the objective of the trial is reasonable.

The judicial document plays an important role in judicial reform, so it is necessary to make up for the shortcomings of the judicial system. The reform of the judicial system requires not only the collective reform of the judicial system, but also the combination of the goal of reform and the expected time. For example, the improvement of the way a judge in judicial reform, clear each committee and other organizations, and the relationship between the leadership and responsibility, non-interference in each other and true reality the judge's independent jurisdiction. To perfect the deficiencies in the judicial system can not only create a favorable environment for the system of the adjudication instrument, but also lay the prerequisite for the reform of the judicial documents.

The judge played a vital role in the whole case. Written judgment is the carrier of judicial justice and the judges is to judge the decision-maker of the documents, the moral quality of the results of the fairness and justice, as well as knowledge of legal knowledge are closely related. If the overall quality of the judges is low and the legal knowledge is relatively deficient, the existence of the judicial documents will have no legal value. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the moral quality of the legal workers and the scientific and cultural quality in the first place. The selection mechanism of strict legal talents should be established, and high-quality legal talents should be introduced to make up for the lack of local legal talents.

The adjudication instrument is not only the court's trial of the case, but also the embodiment of the national will. Referee instruments are of great legal value both at home and abroad. China's judicial organs in the reform of the written judgment, should actively absorb foreign outstanding achievements, in the current China's actual situation as a starting point, the characteristics of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the written judgment to judge the legal value of the documents, reveal the law of justice and public.


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作业代写:Internet advertising in new advertising regulations

2018-04-25 16:36:29 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Internet advertising in new advertising regulations,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了新广告法规中的互联网广告。如今,新广告法规中互联网广告的概念过度扩张,缺乏合理性,以电子商务网站销售页面的信息为例,由于互联网广告概念的扩张,导致互联网广告与非广告信息界限模糊,影响了法律的可预期性。同时,互联网广告概念的扩张会导致严格的广告规制进入电子商务领域,造成种种不良后果。最后,即使互联网广告概念不扩张,电子商务网站销售页面信息不被认定为广告。

The rise and development of online advertising has greatly changed the ecology of advertising industry and brought new challenges to the implementation of advertising law. In response to these challenges, an AD regulation system adapted to the Internet era was established and the advertising law was revised. On April 24, 2015, the 12th session of the 14th meeting of the standing committee of the National People's Congress passed the law of the People's Republic of China advertisement law "amendment, marks the advertisement law of the revised after NPC SanShen finally completed, the revised advertisement law in September 1, 2015 formally implemented. On September 1, 2016, the interim measures on Internet advertising management, which is specifically regulated by the advertising law, was implemented in accordance with the revised advertising law. The revision of the advertising law and the promulgation of the supporting measures indicate that the legal system of China's Internet advertising supervision has been preliminarily established. But what is undeniable is that the specification is always something new law faces major challenges, new advertising laws and regulations while solved many problems, but also caused some new problems, unreasonable expansion is one of the concept of Internet advertising. Of new advertising regulations reflect the rationality of the concept of Internet advertising, to make more focus, based on the e-commerce sales page as the center, the information from the Internet advertising and the advertising information of fuzzy boundaries, the new concept of advertising regulations in expansion of adverse consequences and the necessity of the new concept of advertising regulations in expanding the three Angle discussion.

To explore the concept of Internet advertising, we must first return to the concept of advertising. The American association of advertisers, advertising is defined as: "the mass media advertising is paid, the ultimate goal for intelligence, change the attitude of advertising goods, induce its action and make the advertisers benefit." Chen Pei love said: "advertising is a kind of by advertisers, individual or organization will be encoded the specific information in the form of appropriate symbols, through certain media repeatedly conveyed to the target audience, to influence or change the idea of the target audience or behavior of an open, non face-to-face, paid information dissemination activities."

From the concept of advertising, advertisements have the following characteristics:

Advertising is not a simple information dissemination, but have a purpose, selective transmission of information, the purpose is through the transmission of information, "to influence, change, or reinforce the ideas, emotions, or behavior of the target audience, to advertisers and advertising spread of communicators desire to reach a purpose". In the field of commercial advertising, information transmission of advertising is to persuade an audience interested in the products being advertised or persuade them into buying program, this persuasion "by the media to communicate to inform consumers to purchase products, increase the manufacturer's profits".

In the process of advertisement, advertisers and advertising communicators in the active position, they choose to advertising to spread information, what is the mode of transmission, choose what object to spread, the spread of the number, etc.; At the same time, the receivers of advertising messages, known as "audiences", have passivity. From the perspective of the daily audience, the information in the advertisement is not the result of its active search, but the mandatory "push" to him, whether or not he wants to accept it.

Relevant to the above two points, the information in the advertising communication reflects the will of the advertiser and the advertiser, and finally reflects the will of the advertiser. As a result, their will to choose information is spread their information to advertisers, and in some cases, they even can spread fake information, this creates a false advertising. Thus, the will of advertisement may lead to the non-objectivity of advertising information, which is also the reason why advertising should be regulated.

Advertising is transmitted to the audience through advertising media, which refers to impersonal media. Personification of media, such as word of mouth or oral, not advertising, advertising as a famous American scholar William? arens says: "word of mouth or oral although is a means of communication, but it is not a kind of advertising media. It is not organized, publicly sponsored or paid for."

The revised advertisement law is not given in the form of definition about the concept of advertising, but is determined by the applicable scope of the form, its regulation: "within the territory of the People's Republic of China, commodity operator or service provider through certain media and forms directly or indirectly to introduce what you promote the sale of the commodities or services of commercial activities, this law shall apply." Compared with before revision, the most significant change in advertising concept in the advertising law is the removal of the "bear expense" requirement, which is that the redeemable elements are removed from the concept of advertising.

The compensation of advertising is an important element to control the rationality of advertising concept, especially in the concept of Internet advertising. Under the control of the payables, only those advertisers who are paid by the advertisers will be able to release information through other people's Internet media, which is controlled by others. And individuals or businesses through its have a legal right to use the information released by the network space, such as the official website, social media, e-commerce sales page information, because do not need to pay fees, will be excluded from the concept of advertising.

When the revised advertising law eliminates the compensation requirement, it greatly expands the advertising extension. Some scholars believe that all the Internet space for public commercial promotion can be advertising media, including blogs, BBS, e-shops and self-established websites. When all the network space is understood as a concept of advertising in the media, and paid elements removed from the concept of advertising, logic will lead to the result: the extension, the extreme expansion of advertising on the network can be almost all commercial information about the products or services are included.


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2018-04-25 16:36:11 | 日記

第一,我们先来了解一下英语Thesis topic的重要性。一篇好的英文论文必修有一个好的题目。很多同学认为不就是一个题目嘛,随便选一个就可以了,其实不然,题目是一篇英文论文的core部分,是要与文章的内容相符合的。如果题目制定的不合理,太大或者是太小都不利于自己的写作。英文论文的题目字数一般控制在20字左右,要选择一些精炼的词语,选择贴切的词语,仔细的对每个词语进行Hammer,使自己的论文题目可以足够的吸引人。

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第四,我们来了解一下英文论文引述部分的Writing norms吧。论文的引述是论文的主要写作部分,正确的饮用原文和学者的一些论述可以给自己的文章增添色彩,但是要引用的时候,要注意选择有Logicality的观点,能够充分论证自己论据的观点。引用比人的观点可以直接引用也可以间接引用,无论是采用哪种形式的引用,都是需要备注原引用文字的作者和出处等。在国外,一些留学生们如果不写引用文章的出处,很容易被导师判定为抄袭,这样对于自己的毕业是有一定影响的。




Paper代写:Joint-stock bank

2018-04-25 16:35:51 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Joint-stock bank讨论了股份制银行。近年来,许多互联网金融出现,因为很多银行和外资机构在华金融迅猛发展,特别是股份制银行的巨大发展。但股份制银行财富管理市场还处于起步阶段,因此要控制银行的风险。对股份制银行协调处理机制,资源共享。资产管理质量,给财富管理业务打下坚实的基础。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

In recent years, many Internet finance has emerged because of the rapid development of many Chinese Banks and foreign institutions in China, especially the development of joint-stock Banks. The deposit rate of state-owned Banks is no longer a favorable environment for survival and development in the competition. There is only one answer to the question of how share-holding Banks can compete in financial markets.

Current interest rate controls have been liberalised, limits on lending rates and the ceiling on deposit rates. Not only does it mean that joint-stock Banks face adverse selection, but prices are falling again, making savings bonds face many challenges. Because of the trend of interest rate, many Banks and enterprises can provide a platform of fair competition, which leads to fierce competition in financial markets.

Financial disintermediation increasingly rapid development of China's capital market and bank loans high thresholds, a large number of enterprises in the capital market to issue bonds, stocks or monetary capital supply and demand, avoid reduce joint-stock bank deposit and lending, Banks play a role of financial intermediary.

Strengthen capital constraint, according to the "commercial bank capital management method", starting in January 2013, commissioning, strengthen the capital constraint, break through the commercial bank credit bank market share, forcing the financial service concept and business model innovation, but this is also one of the joint-stock Banks vulnerability.

In 1994, the functions, loans and policies of Banks were transformed between national development and Banks in accordance with the reform and construction of the state investment system. While China construction bank has become a modern commercial Banks of the state-owned holding company, but to maintain financial market stability, also need through the national institutions, as well as conservative values, developing wealth management is a lack of understanding, the slow pace of reform, which limits the development of wealth management business. Independent management and regulation limits China's financial development. Regulatory policy means that Banks only have customers in the relevant financial services, which reduces the amount of financial products generally purchased. They also have the need to cover insurance, securities and trusts. There's a big constraint on line y.

According to the needs of customers, different services are provided, and wealth management is essentially satisfying the needs of customers, so that the customers' financial planning and wealth management can be properly handled. Therefore, a clear positioning is needed to find customers, understand the needs of customers and conduct market segmentation of various services.

Product innovation is the premise of understanding the customer's financial goals, in accordance with the requirements of the customers targeted for the development of financial products, especially for the development of the relevance and the comprehensive service ability, high value-added financial advisers and agent products, improve product innovation ability not only to develop a variety of financial products, but also focus on the financial and other product research and development, improve the financial management of the joint-stock Banks and financial transactions of a range of services, financial management of the joint-stock Banks different from competitors, and make the joint-stock Banks in the competition.

China is a vast country, affected by different fields, such as history, politics, economy, customs and so on. It has a great demand for it. For wealth management Banks to manage a large number of houses, a wide range of different area of the area of the client, the wealth management needs of customers have different difference, so according to this advantage. Therefore, the bank can give full play to its advantages, integrate the wealth of commercial resources, and ensure the safety of the management business.

Due to dissatisfaction with the service quality of the bank, the service fee will be lost to the customers. These services include: financial investment experience in the customization of financial products, pension and pension insurance, fund insurance, property inheritance law, taxation, etc. At present, the financial products and financial services in the market are relatively unitary, lacking personalized modeling and color, which can not meet the requirements of diversification and personalization of high net worth clients. Therefore, the construction bank needs a huge customer database to identify and analyze the needs of customers, improve personal financial products for high net worth customers, and meet the differences in financial services. Wealth management business is a high-tech knowledge-intensive service industry, which requires extensive knowledge, experience, technology, ability and social responsibility. So, the construction bank should training staff, training in wealth management business financial professional knowledge, improve their professional skills, marketing skills training, professional team in customer loyalty.

First, give full play to the advantages of capital and expand the scope of business. For good commercial Banks, we can actively carry out new business of Internet finance, and gradually accelerate business penetration into e-commerce, mobile payment, Internet finance and other fields. The second is to improve the database, make full use of big data to strengthen the management of credit and risk information, and introduce the data control model to effectively screen customers, measure risks and guide product pricing. Third, innovative service mode, providing a multi-channel, one-stop service. In the big data applications, cloud computing, mobile payment, social media and other innovative technology, will make the traditional bank branch bank "wisdom" and realize the basic financial products and effective docking, the Internet provide multi-channel sales, personalized service, customer experience as the norm, reasonable launch innovative financial products and services, improve service efficiency and customer satisfaction.

The joint-stock bank wealth management market is still in its infancy, so it is necessary to control the risk of the bank. The joint - stock bank coordination mechanism, resources sharing. Asset management asset management quality, to wealth management business lay a solid foundation.


Essay代写:Bentham utilitarianism

2018-04-25 16:14:19 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Bentham utilitarianism,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了边沁功利主义。边沁功利主义刑罚观产生的哲学基础是功利主义,尤其是对近代以来功利主义法律观的进一步描述和阐发。边沁功利主义刑罚观的主旨集中体现在其关于刑罚的根据、刑罚的目的、刑罚的适用以及死刑的限制等方面。这些思想在很多方面都具有创见性,乃至时至今日,这些思想对于正在推进的刑罚改革仍具有重要的启发意义。

Bentham utilitarianism in criminal influence on later in bentham's "great avoid bitter" utility computing, set is calculated using punishment, punishment crime Settings must be greater than the pain for the interests of such a crime and penalty after comparing two calculation, it is concluded that punishment evaluation criterion of setting reasonable or not, formed the modern relationship between the offense and the cost-benefit of legislative idea, relationship of crimes of cost-benefit analysis is a kind of crime in the crime in the process of psychological process and the methods of behavior. In criminal process, prior to the relevant provisions of the criminal punishment to realize criminal behavior will produce benefits and who will pay the cost of a larger, measure the interests of the gain and loss, the sinner to adopt favorable behavior, this theory as a general prevention through in criminal legislation in our country.

In bentham utilitarianism penalty purpose view, you can see in the system of punishment stage, the main purpose of the penalty is general prevention, the relationship between the offense and the cost-benefit of ideas must have effective penalty set a crippling. To curb the occurrence of crime and penalty set must be common mandatory constraint on rational social groups, to ensure that most of the main body of the society before the penalty constraints on their behavior. On the one hand, along with the changing times and the legislative lag, could the benefits of crime gradually is greater than the cost of punishment, punishment of a crippling gradually loses its ability to control effectively, then should use cost-benefit analysis of utilitarianism, set out a reasonable punishment to effectively curb crime. Utilitarian punishment for the society, on the other hand, most people seek the most happiness in the justification of punishment, can the society some damage to the most harmful behavior in criminal law field, use effective punishment a crippling to curb harmful behavior of most people. Such as new technology in the network of all kinds of criminal legal questions, about the criminal responsibility imputation or not, whether the modern type of crime should emphasize "crime" problem, utilitarian considerations should be prudent to avoid criminal law in order to protect the rights and interests of others, damage to the science and technology innovation power of the community as a whole. The scope of the regulation of criminal law should be determined according to the effective suppression of penalty.

Bentham's theory of penalty of utilitarianism argues that the death penalty should be abolished from the four bad characteristics of the death penalty, and it should not be applied in exceptional cases. The abolition of the death penalty has had a profound effect on the later generations, including our country. 13 "criminal law amendment to cancel the death penalty crime and the criminal law amendment to cancel 9 death penalty charges, this kind of gradually to limit the actual practice of death penalty and bentham's theory of abolish death penalty, but there are still many gaps.

The death penalty, under the guidance of bentham utilitarianism, is completely negated by its ineffectiveness, unpardonability, pure evil, and the addition of the right to an appropriate pardon. It should be seen that bentham's theory of capital punishment is well demonstrated, and there are certain experimental proofs in practice. The death penalty has one thousand years has other penal incomparable advantage, capital punishment permanently deprived of criminal crime ability has a crippling effectively, the death penalty deprived of life will produce an effective deterrent to others, the public will fully measure the cost of its behavior, don't rush into other serious crime. Although the obvious advantages, but gradually restrict the use of death penalty is the trend, according to the international general, only to kill or harm national security nature extremely serious crimes such as the use of the death penalty, of nonviolent crime, such as economic crime and property crime does not apply the death penalty. After the gradual abolition of the death penalty in economic crimes and property crimes, the application of the death penalty to violent crimes will be further restricted, and the restriction of the death penalty only applies to the scope of violent crimes which are extremely serious. It can be believed that the death penalty will gradually be abolished.

There before the utilitarian penalty retribution doctrine concept of punishment, the penalty retribution doctrine is focus on crime infringe on the rights and interests to the corresponding revenge, without considering the social average person crime prevention punishment should have need, and to prevent criminal crime and penalty plus or minus accordingly. Therefore, bentham's thoughts on the prevention of utilitarianism inevitably have an impact on the penalty of modern China.

In the evolution of punishment, retributive punishment and the utilitarian penalty from the field to the gradual integration. In this context, the retributive punishment is the basis for the judge to determine the specific punishment amount in the discretion. In this range, the judge decided to prevent the punishment based on utilitarianism, thus forming the sentence. Under the concept of retribution doctrine punishment, punishment only focus on accordingly with the rights and interests of criminal violations, but under the influence of utilitarianism of penalty concept, form the social average person crime prevention and prevention criminal penalty discretion of crime again.

Utilitarian view of punishment in the concrete penalty discretion, focuses on the possibility of a criminal crime again and crime deterrent effect which produces to the social average person, in the process of penalty discretion mainly focus on the special prevention. Because in legislation, the legislators have aimed at every kind of crime violates the right to give corresponding legal punishment, in penalty discretion should not be overly emphasized to add and subtract using general prevention punishment. What consider of delinquents when discretion punishment imposed to prevent you get punishment expected effect on experience is not proof, can only rely on the judge's intuition, and loss of general prevention discretion of certainty. Therefore, the purpose of special prevention is the basic consideration in sentencing. In the special prevention, based on the possibility of crimes committed by the criminal, the punishment system for the punishment of the punishment should be given. It is based on this kind of thinking that China's revised article 62 of the penal code stipulates that punishment should be imposed on the punishment within the limits of the law. Article 63 of the criminal law stipulates that the punishment shall be mitigated, and the punishment shall be punished within the next range of the prescribed punishment. In addition, the "criminal law amendment to the original article 72 of criminal law has made the correction: lighter, of the circumstances of the crime have penitence, did not make the danger and probation to live in a community without significant adverse effects can be suspended. According to the risk of criminal reoffending, the discretion of the criminal will constitute our country's precautionary measure system.

China's penalty under the influence of the utilitarian penalty concept is established, and then the sentencing plot is formed to influence the possibility of crimes. This kind of plot should be excluded as preparation, attempted, principal offense, accomplice, etc. According to China's criminal law and relevant judicial interpretation, there are two kinds of crime prevention and sentencing plot. Delimitation plot mainly included in the criminal law and relevant judicial interpretations, recidivism, make prevent aggravating sentencing plot and surrendered, merits, honest, positive return loss spoils, compensate for the losses, and actively to discontinuation of a crime, and has not reached the age of 18 years old and has reached 75 person crime prevention can reduce the sentencing plot. When discretion prevention and punishment, to grasp the essence of the criminal law provisions sentencing plot according to, to determine whether a criminal is c -, and were less likely to make the sinner or more, to determine criminal special prevention big or small. In order to predict the possibility of crimes, it is necessary to consider the criminal law to prevent the crime. The first thing to consider is the performance of a crime that shows the actor's consistent performance. However, the poor performance should be controlled in a very small scope, focusing on whether the defendant will commit another crime in the future, not to judge whether other crimes will be committed in the future. However, in the study of the crimes committed by the victim, only the motive, means, confession and penitence of the criminal are studied, and the sentencing problem is rarely studied from the perspective of the victim. Some think that criminal behavior is one-way, i.e. cause, crime, murder, punishment, only when how to consider the influence of the crime to the criminal, do not consider an offender and the victim fault two-way relationship, it's not influence the judge sentencing, lack a from the criminal law theory, defining the level of the victim fault and analysis, the lack of a kind of both dynamic response behavior, is not really the victim fault as discretionary preventive sentencing plot shall apply accordingly.

Is set at the penalty discretion inmates crime began to make the possibility of sentencing, but things are changing, inmates in the process of serving, the execution of punishment will slowly change life habits, character and standard consciousness of the inmates, gradually remove to serving staff of personal danger, again according to the discretion of punishment of execution in place at this time, can affect the effect of penalty execution, will reduce the transformation's enthusiasm, at the same time is not easy to really prevent the possibility of inmates it again, so it should be in accordance with the inmates of the actual changes make the possibility of change is serving time limit, make their return to society, so as to drive the other inmates positive transformation. There are two major systems of commutation and parole. According to the survey, the percentage of criminals who are released on parole is far lower than that of the criminals who serve the entire prison sentence, and the total ratio of the offenders who are released from prison will be lower than that of the offenders. The rate of reoffending is significantly higher than that of those who are released on parole, but far less than those who have served a full sentence. Therefore, our country punishment should actively change the penalty for criminal procedure, and should make court ruled to criminals of commutation and parole more in line with the special prevention of utilitarian thinking, design scientific and reasonable procedures, make the possibility of reducing inmates.

Bentham, in 1785, proposed the design of a circular prison, a central tower and a 360-degree ring of multiple cells. One of the two Windows in each cell faces the tower, and the other, on the opposite side of the tower, can see the situation from the outside. This prison has centripetal horizontal visibility and invisibility, supervisors in the center of the tower to see the prisoner's every move, prisons as a whole is like a multi-level three-dimensional, can show the prisoner current movements and expressions. The prisoners, however, were not able to observe the supervisor's information. Such a look-out asymmetric relationship, let inmates in an exposed - monitoring environment, thus urged the inmates to form a kind of self management and discipline of psychology to allude, realizes the prisoner's self management and control. This kind of asymmetric information enables the supervisor to make relevant rules and regulations to restrain the prisoners according to the situation of the prisoners, and gradually realize the transformation function. Bentham open outward in a circular prison a window, not only used for ventilation, lighting, and because the bentham hope building near the big cities, make prison a living reminder, let the social masses about the crime of people serving status, so as to prevent social average person crime.

Although there are only a few in practice, this kind of circular prison is not universal, but it provides an idea that it should be changed from punishment to monitoring. Prison should not only fulfill the function of penal execution in our country, but also in accordance with the requirements of the enterprise, the pursuit of economic interests, to undertake production functions, gradually weaken the should constantly strengthen consciousness of improving the quality of the education reform. The reform of the "oneness of the enterprise" is not complete. The prison is the condition of penal executor and enterprise management personnel, but there is no fundamental change. In addition, there is a fear disclosure in the use of the Internet to disclose the execution of criminal punishments, and the fear of public opinion and low disclosure rate. Such an open circular prison prison, for the modern prison approach provides a reference to, use of science and technology, information technology, such as real-time monitoring inmates, exposing inmates form - monitoring of psychological suggestion, let inmates to learn self management and control, and at the same time the life records, character and other data, so the effective correction mode, a targeted reforming prisoners, preventing crime again after out of prison, the rehabilitation of inmates will be implementation. Second, the circular prison also revealed that our punishment should be carried out separately. A single prison, which avoids cross-infection among prisoners, spreads criminal experience, and prevents prisoners from forming alliances. Third, circular center tower and in the surrounding of the prison room is isolated, so regulators and inmates isolation guarantees the inmates from innocent insults and beatings, at the same time provides the security of the personal safety of regulators. Finally, circular prison execution for people in the society to see penalty execution, inspired the way we should be transparent implementation, timely and perfect execution mechanism of information release, monitoring, guide, such as valley spread and Mr Liu's sentence was transparent, let society public real feelings of deterrence, punishment to form a brake of ordinary people in society, social public crime prevention.

On the way to abolish the death penalty completely, based on the fact of our country, it is far from the pace of qin's thought, but in the gradual abolition of the death penalty step, it also began to take substantive steps. Such as the amendment of the criminal law article 383, the crime of embezzlement and bribery, the amount is especially huge, and the interests of the state and the people were particularly serious losses, the death penalty, was sentenced to death penalty with suspension of execution, if the people's court according to the circumstances of the crime, and so on and so forth can be decided at the same time suspended death sentences in its commuted to life imprisonment in accordance with the law after the expiration of two years, life imprisonment, commutation and parole is not allowed. Such a punishment for life imprisonment is a copy of bentham's idea of abolishing the death penalty for life imprisonment. Life imprisonment punishment execution measures to overcome the immediate execution of a death penalty severity, both at the same time also replace commuted to life imprisonment in corruption and bribery crime, then can be commuted inefficiencies of the release of the prison on parole. Has double efficacy the execution mode, and restrain criminal crime again already, more major is to make the society to form a kind of punishment of corruption crime deterrent of execution, threatening to prevent state personnel that "corruption is crime, much corruption a less punishment" the concept of punishment, to carry out the life imprisonment is greater than the utility of the death penalty claims of utilitarianism.

