

Essay代写:British colonial policy

2018-10-27 18:29:13 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- British colonial policy,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国的殖民政策。近代殖民主义主要表现为殖民侵略,殖民侵略是西方资本主义发展的海外延伸,是资本主义世界扩张的必然产物。英国是世界上最典型的殖民国家,由于英国对于殖民地的统治具有很强的利己性,所以其统治势必会遭到殖民地人民的反抗,所以到二战之后,英国在世界各地的殖民地纷纷解放成为独立的国家。至此,英国的殖民体系瓦解,但是殖民地的独立时间并不是整齐划一的。

In the early 17th century, the Atlantic coast of North America and India became British colonies almost at the same time. North America relatively early got rid of the British colonial rule on the road of independent development. India, though eventually emerging on the world stage as an independent sovereign state, has been subject to British colonial rule for three and a half centuries. This article will discuss the reason of this difference from the Angle of British colonial policy.

Modern colonialism has been a phenomenon since the great geographical discovery, which is mainly manifested as colonial aggression. Colonial aggression is an overseas extension of the development of western capitalism and an inevitable outcome of the expansion of the capitalist world. The policy of colonial rule serves the capitalist development of colonial countries. Colonial countries adopted different policies at different times and in different colonies. However, no matter what kind of policies the colonial countries adopted, they were inseparable, that is, in order to make the colonies into their own sales markets and raw material producing areas to the maximum extent. Britain is the most typical colonial country in the world.

Since the end of the 15th century, Britain has gone to the sea for exploration. In the second half of the 16th century, Britain began to open up new routes. In the first half of the 17th century, British overseas expansion gradually developed into organized overseas settlement and colonization activities. In the 18th century, after a series of colonial wars, Britain established a large colonial empire system.

As the British had a strong egoism for the colonial rule, its rule was bound to be opposed by the colonial people. Therefore, after World War II, the British colonies all over the world were liberated and became independent countries. The British colonial system collapsed. But the time of independence was not uniform. The development of a country is naturally determined by many factors, and to a large extent by internal factors, but the centuries of British rule could not but have a significant impact on the colonies. Therefore, Britain's different ruling policies in various colonies were an important reason for the earlier or later independence of the colonies. This article will take the United States and India as examples to illustrate this point.

India is an ancient feudal country in South Asia. Since 1526, under the feudal rule of the mughal dynasty, India has been conquered by foreign forces for many times. Its culture is extremely inclusive. In 1600, the east India company began to operate in India and gained a monopoly on Indian Ocean trade. Since then, the east India company has gained the establishment of a military, war, peace, territory and other privileges. The company's conquest of India began with the capture of Bengal in 1757 and ended with the annexation of punjab in 1849. In 1858, the queen of England formally took over India. In this way, India, with a population of 100 million people, was completely colonized by Britain. The Indian people went through a hard struggle, and it was not until 1947 that India became the self-governing territory of Britain under the mountbatten scheme that it officially achieved independence.

However, the north American colonies were different from the Indian colonies, which were gradually built by the British through the conquest of feudal countries, and the north American colonies were gradually developed by the British in the desolate American continent. North America was established in 1607 first colony, into the north American colonies development period, here have set up 13 colony, colony in the very great degree to transplant the original political and economic system, by 1763, the north American colonies and home country relations soured, colonies through the war of independence achieved full independence in 1789, today, the United States after two hundred years of development, has become the most powerful country in the world.

Through the study of North America and India, it is not difficult to find that Britain, as the mother country or the suzerain country, adopted different colonial policies to the two colonies. There are several different types of colonies in history. The first is an overseas colony formed entirely by the out-migration of the mother country's population, which is not only derived from the same source of residents and the mother country's population, but also in terms of political management is in line with the mother country, which is an extension of the territory and sovereignty of the mother country. The second kind is a colony established by a state to subjugate other sovereign entities, where the uplifters rule directly or use the upper echelons of the conquered to achieve suzerain interests. This approach is often backed by force. The third kind is the colony between the two, which has the mechanism of dominating the conquered, and the colonization of the population from the home country. America belongs to the first type of colony, which is an immigrant colony, while India belongs to the second type of non-immigrant colony. Generally speaking, British colonial policies towards India and the United States are not unchanging, but changing with different historical development stages. The difference, however, is that policy towards India is first lenient and policy towards America is first lenient and then strict.

The British ruling policy on India is as follows:

In the first place, India was conquered by the corporation, and under the prerogative of the king and parliament of England, the colony of the corporation, ruled by the corporation. So after the conquest of Bangladesh, it was up to the company to establish power. The board of directors in London became the highest authority in India, exercising its powers from the formulation of policy to the appointment of civil and military officials, and the government of India was its executive body. Thus, in politics, the most prominent feature of the British colonial policy was the establishment of the principle that the British monopolized all office. This principle was confirmed in the company charter act passed by parliament in 1793. The bill stipulates that in India all civil service positions below the rank of counsellor must be held by corporate contractual civil servants. The indentured civil servants were the children of the aristocracy sent from England by sensible men, who had come to make their fortunes in order to get a promotion, with great ambitions, little knowledge, and no knowledge of India. So imagine the extreme tyranny of the company's early regime. It was not until 1806 that the board of directors, under pressure from public opinion, established haley's college in England as a training base for Indian civil servants, whose quality had changed somewhat.

In the judicial system, racial discrimination has to start from the beginning. Cases involving Englishmen can only be heard in the high court, and wherever there is a case against a Briton, it goes to the regional capital. This would be costly and unaffordable for the average person, providing an umbrella for some colonialists to run amok. Corruption is so prevalent in litigation that a case usually takes years to resolve.

In economy, naked plunder is its main feature. Once in power, the east India company was eager to exploit it. In this respect his greed and brutality dwarfed the Portuguese who ran amok on the coast of malaba. The British east India company's early plunder in India is most typical of the primitive accumulation of commercial capital in the colonial brutal plunder. The whole of India has been battered to varying degrees. It has brought great disaster to India.

These are the early policies of the British east India company in India, reflecting the naked plunder of the primitive accumulation of capital. In the future, Britain made a series of adjustments to adapt to the development of new forms. Two of the more typical adjustments were made in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, when British capitalism developed from the primary stage to the stage of liberal capitalism, in order to make the Indian colonies more adapted to the needs of British industrial development. In this adjustment, the exclusion of Indians was relatively relaxed, a byproduct of free competition. The second time was in 1858, after the British crown took over. The aim was to consolidate political rule over India, focusing on the further centralization and strengthening of the colonial state machine and, through various means, beginning to co-opt the upper echelons of Indian society to serve it. In this way, the colonists quickly allied with the feudal forces and the bourgeois intelligentsia, which separated the upper and lower classes from the upper and lower classes in Indian society, reduced the possibility of the outbreak of various classes' joint uprising in India, and consolidated their own rule.

In conclusion, the outside can be seen that the UK is a high pressure in colonial India's overall policy, closed, limited, the policy make Britain firmly grasp the control of the colonial India strictly before they are wide way satisfy the Indians in the stage of "victory", which to a large extent delayed their uprising and independent of time, until after the second world war, all the colonies were independent, national liberation is the trend of The Times, India gained independence finally.

The United States did not, and it was British coercion that eventually led to the American revolution.

In the process of the establishment of the north American colonies, the British government, though seldom directly contributed money or efforts, held the power over the colonies in its own hands through charters. According to charters and other documents, the British colonies were "legal and political entities" or "permanent political entities and corporate bodies" created by the king of England. That is to say, the colonies were on the one hand an economic organization serving the economic purposes of private or corporate individuals; On the other hand, it is also a political society, which has the legal power to exercise political rule, which comes from the grant of the king of England. A colony is not a possession of all the English people, but a possession of the king as much as the British mainland. Subject to the rule of the king, both politically and legally. From this definition, the colonies established, in accordance with the British system of government and customs, a government consisting of a governor, a council, and a court of elected parliament. The governor-general represents the king, the councillor represents the wealthy elite, and the house of Commons represents the people. It can be seen that each colonial government is formally corresponding to the British government, and its autonomy and integrity are higher than the British local political units. In the way of managing overseas territories, Britain established a system of control over the colonies, which required that the laws made by the colonies should conform to the laws and customs of the country of origin.

The above nature of the colony gave the colonists political and legal status: they were British subjects like the natives, enjoying all the privileges and immunities of British nationals, and were free to return to their homeland. And not only do British immigrants and their descendants enjoy the rights and equal protection of British subjects, but so do non-British immigrants and their descendants.

It can be seen that the colonies of British North America and European countries in Asia and Africa are fundamentally different. They are overseas colonies established by the British, settled by the British and ruled by the British. In theory, the word "colony" means attachment, which cannot legally and politically enjoy the same status as the home country. In fact, the north American colonies were fully developed under the protection of their home country, and the natives Shared a large portion of their dominion. Britain did not have a strong standing army in North America in peacetime. The recognition and obedience of the colonists to the sovereignty of the king was not the result of coercion or deterrence, but the result of voluntary and voluntary choice.

That is to say, Britain's colonial policy was generally negative. Its purpose was to prevent the colonies from losing their loyalty and attachment to their mother country, and to protect the colonies from being attacked by other colonial countries and Indians in Europe, rather than to regulate their social development path. As a result, the British had little intervention in the internal affairs of North America, which gave the colonists a lot of room for independent development. This led to the strengthening of the colonial capacity for self-government.

Since the mid-17th century, the British government has been seeking to effectively manage and control the north American colonies, but failed to find a proper way. Its management system and process are full of loopholes and disadvantages. During the seven years' war, the system's flaws became more apparent, prompting Britain to commit itself to reform. Ironically, this policy adjustment for the purpose of strengthening colonial rule opened the prelude of the colonial independence movement. After seven years of war, the British rulers enacted policies that prohibited colonists from moving west to the Appalachian mountains, stationing troops, and levying taxes. The colony revolted.

In a word, different British policies in the colonies resulted in different periods of rule in the colonies. Strict policies imprisoned the development of the country, while tolerant policies encouraged the development of the colonies. From this, we can see that the policy tolerance of the rulers, whether in politics, economy or culture, will generally promote the development of the society, otherwise, it will inhibit the progress of the society. This is still enlightening to all countries in the world today.


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Assignment代写:Quality in the United States

2018-10-27 18:28:49 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Quality in the United States,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的素质教育。在美国的教育文献中,很难找到与素质教育相同或相等的专有名词。从宏观角度来看,美国认为素质教育是指以培育每位国民都具有理想素质为宗旨,并能有效达成此项宗旨的教育。美国中小学课程设置的综合化,培养目标、教学手段、教学方法的多样化,评估标准的科学化和多样化,学分制、差别化教育等都从不同侧面体现了美国的素质教育。

In the American education literature, it is difficult to find proper nouns that are the same or the same as quality education. From a macro perspective, the United States believes that quality education refers to "education that aims to cultivate the ideal quality of every citizen and effectively achieve this objective". To understand the quality of education in the United States, we should comprehensively analyze and discuss the full picture of education from its education objective, school curriculum content and requirements, education program specially set by the government, as well as various legislation and specific measures related to education. The curriculum setting of American primary and secondary schools is integrated, the training objectives, teaching methods and teaching methods are diversified, and the evaluation standards are scientific and diversified. The credit system, differentiated education and general talent education model all reflect the quality of American education from different aspects.

The essence of American quality is to put what you have learned into practice. American elementary and secondary schools have a wide range of cultural and scientific knowledge. Take middle school as an example. English, mathematics, Chinese and natural science are all required courses. In addition to the compulsory courses, there are many optional courses to cultivate students' interests and abilities. Assignments for knowledge courses include classroom assignments and homework. The United States encourages research in elementary school. After learning a unit or a course, the teacher will ask students to make a "project", similar to the graduation design of college students, to improve students' ability to use knowledge. Primary schools focus on the cultivation of children's research ability to collect materials and ask questions independently. In secondary schools, the ability to determine research methods and implement research plans becomes the focus. In addition to knowledge courses, American elementary and secondary schools also offer courses to cultivate students' various abilities. For example, speech courses are generally offered from kindergarten to high school. Students need to consult a lot of materials to prepare a speech. Vocational education is a required course for primary and middle school students. Elementary and middle school classrooms are lined with tools for cutting and sewing, typewriters for secretaries and pictures for repairing cars. High school students also need to choose 10-credit vocational education courses according to their personal interests, and study in the community set up professional education center, and obtain professional education certificate after passing the grades.

Education in the United States does not ignore the shaping of students' ideological and political education, moral cultivation and sound personality. Since 2001, the United States has generally increased the weight of knowledge of American history and international understanding in related disciplines, strengthened the moral education function of the course and strengthened patriotism education. The federal education department's 2002-2007 education strategic plan, released in March 2002, reiterates the need to strengthen the political and ideological education for students and cultivate responsible, patriotic and high-quality citizens in the new era. American parents and schools also develop confidence, responsibility, compassion and an optimistic and open-minded character through various activities. Whether at school or at home, children are taught these values, whether consciously or not, and moral integrity has been internalized into everyday conscious behavior.

In fact, the education of American primary and secondary schools is the quality we pursue today education. The fundamental problem to be solved by education is to transfer the knowledge orientation to the track of the comprehensive development of the educated. Education is a education that makes every citizen have the ideal quality, reflecting the social and individual pursuit of education ideal. At the present stage, the implementation of quality education in China is to, under the guidance of the education policy, take the improvement of national quality as the fundamental objective, focus on the cultivation of students' innovative spirit and practical ability, and create the "ideal, moral, cultural and disciplined" all-round development of the socialist cause builders and successors.

American children "high-energy", an important reason is the culture of the United States, no matter how young children can put children first as a independent personality, independent will and aspirations, the rights of the child, ego and personality are fully respected, between adults and children, teachers and students is a kind of democracy, equality, harmonious interpersonal relationship. American schools advocate academic freedom, teaching freedom, flexible and open classroom teaching, and students can exchange views with teachers on an equal footing and even argue about issues. Students can put forward their own unique point of view, even if the wrong point of view, as long as there is new, can also give full affirmation and encouragement. American schools do not forbid teachers to express their own personal opinions, but limit teachers to use personal opinions as the criterion of right and wrong to influence students. American parents and teachers respect their children's choices, and even when it comes to winning or losing, they only offer enough advice, not alternatives. Thus, we wouldn't be surprised us software giant? Bill Gates why can feel at ease ground to withdraw from the university, to start my own a piece of heaven and earth society. American parents attach great importance to cultivating their children's independent personality. Roosevelt famously said, "in front of my son, I am not the President but a father." He objected to children's dependence on their parents for a parasitic life. He lets the children earn their own living in their own right. American children have been looking for jobs in their neighborhood since they were 7 or 8 years old, and have been trying to enter society since junior high school. Parents and schools in the United States also actively provide time and space for independent research and development of children's hands-on ability. They teach children to be independent and responsible for their own behaviors through various activities, especially sports activities. Because of their independence in personality, American children show excellent psychological quality, sense of responsibility, spirit of innovation and practical ability.

Japanese thinker fuzawa yuji said: "education is to teach people the way of independent self-esteem and open up practice." In fact, if there is no independent personality, there can be no innovative thinking and ability. The so-called innovation refers to the process in which the innovative subjects use new ideas and methods to do pioneering work and achieve results, while the creative thinking of human beings is based on the independence of thinking. Only by denying "parents' authority" and "teachers' dignity" can children dare to challenge, be good at learning and be willing to innovate. Therefore, we should respect and give children the following rights: the right to be education, the right to ask questions and understand, the right to say "no", the right to differ from others, the right to keep different opinions, the right to keep personal secrets, the right to develop their own personality and interests, etc. Of course, these rights are not absolute, there are corresponding conditions. At the same time, in the education practice, we should start from the personality of students, and to "character full of free development" for the purpose, to each student's individual difference, attaches great importance to students' personality, good at discovering personality, according to their aptitude, and explore the characteristics and advantages of each student and sparkle, provide favorable conditions for the development of each student.

A feature of education in the United States is to try every means to broaden children's horizon, so that they can connect with the society as soon as possible, in the process of contact with society, recognize their own value and determine their career direction. The national professional information coordination committee as early as 1989 issued the national career development guidelines, rules the career guidance from the beginning of the primary school, cultivate their professional consciousness, twelve, related to the job of child s ability training, let the child to the career development of the three links of understanding. A lot of families that have insight still hire as early as possible for the child enter a school adviser, undertake professional life is designed to the child from the childhood and career plan. Understanding the survival structure of real society, appreciating various professions in real society and accumulating social work experience play an important role in education of American schools. "Vocational interest analysis" is very popular in American high schools. Before high school, many schools conduct "vocational interest analysis" for students, helping them to analyze between "what they want to do" and "what they can do." Schools often have a "career day" where people from all walks of life are invited to introduce their work to children. In addition, April 22 is the "bring your kids to work" day, and many companies in the United States encourage their employees to bring their children between the ages of 6 and 16 to work on this day, so that children can learn and understand how their parents survive.

At present, the lack of career development education in basic education in our country, have not been able to in the child's childhood and youth in a timely manner to the rational, scientific, "lead" of career guidance, this not only makes students have no basic professional consciousness, no long-term career planning, and even the university stage also don't know what I want to do in the future. In fact, children will eventually go to the society. Their cognition of themselves and society, their profound understanding of the relationship between knowledge and career, and their ability to put their ideal life and career planning into practice are the most basic and necessary qualities for their survival and career success in the society. The cultivation of professional skills and qualities needs to undergo long-term training, while the establishment of life ideal and professional awareness must start from childhood and boyhood. Only when the fire of the ideal from the heart burns in the children's heart, will it become their huge internal motivation to strive for their career and achieve success.

The reason why American elementary and secondary schools can implement quality education consciously is related to the system of entrance examination and the social employment mechanism in the United States. The entrance examination system of the United States has the following characteristics: first, whether a student can go to university or to which level of university, mainly depends on the student's academic performance in senior high school for four years, and the SAT score and expert recommendation are only used as the reference conditions. The scores for each course in high school are composed of three parts: the usual class assignments and homework assignments account for 50% of the total score, the project exams account for 25%, and the section and term exams account for 25%. According to the proportion, the pressure of the students scattered in peacetime assignments and every project, students can get homework and projects exam score at ordinary times, instant exam and final examination is not ideal also ensures total score above class B, don't take SAT exam directly into the community college, take first must have a bachelor's degree, and then continue to pursue a bachelor's degree. Without the pressure of further study, the school has enough time and space to improve the quality of students. At the same time, students' scores are determined by the high schools themselves, so that the schools and students hand over greater autonomy in the recruitment and examination, schools can fully develop students' personality according to their own conditions and students' needs, and actually strengthen the quality of students education. Second, American students can take the SAT as soon as they enter high school, and there are multiple opportunities to apply to college with the best grades. Since the SAT is flexible in the number of tests and the recognition of scores, students do not have an excessive psychological burden. Thirdly, the recommendation letter is one of the measures of education system to encourage students to participate in social practice. The head of the social organization where the student's social practice is located will write a recommendation letter for these high school students as a reference for their ability to enter the university. Fourthly, in the United States, students who go to university are easy to enter and strict to leave, and they are eliminated in the middle term. Those who fail to pass the graduation certificate even if they go to a high-quality school will finally get no graduation certificate, which to a large extent guides the quality of education in middle school. In terms of social employment mechanism, the United States values personal ability and quality more than diploma. Even if a person does not have a diploma, as long as he/she has high quality and strong ability, he/she can still make use of it in the United States.

In view of this, to implement quality education in the true sense, we must strive to do the following two aspects: one is to further improve the system of exam of higher education, to give reasonable in colleges and universities enrollment autonomy, establish multiple examination evaluation system structure, creating a flexible way of examination and multi-channel parallel entrance channel, send out in line with the professional and comprehensive quality training capability is strong, with high potential talents, play to "the university entrance exam baton" of the guiding role of quality education, further weakening the role of pure knowledge orientation. Second, we should try to change the social employment mechanism based on academic experience. Essence, countries should formulate and implement as soon as possible new scientific talent and talent evaluation standard, the whole society and the socialist market economy as soon as possible that meet the needs of diverse, flexible employment mechanism becomes very XueLiLun value orientation for the ability theory of value orientation, exert the social mechanism of choose and employ persons to the guiding role of quality education.

The success of American quality education has its own social foundation. First, as a result of economic development and social progress, higher education in the United States has entered the popularization stage, and the supply-demand contradiction of higher education basically does not exist. Second, the standard of social employment has changed from the theory of education to the theory of energy. Due to the restriction of China's current level of economic and social development, the reform of the system of entrance exam and only XueLiLun the change of the social mechanism of choose and employ persons will not happen overnight, as a result, in the true sense of the implementation of quality education needs to be a long time, but at least we can be a lot of inspiration from the basis of the American education, further defined the direction of future efforts to quality education in our country.


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2018-10-27 18:28:27 | 日記



还有一个特别好的方法就是:拆分题目。这里给大家举例说明一下,比如你拿到一个题目'Compare and contrast the representation of masculinity in two James Bond films from the 1960s and 2000s'(比较1960年代和2000年代的两部007电影在男性主义表现手法上的异同),这个题目就可以被拆分成以下几个部分:

1. Instruction: compare and contract

2. Topic: the representation of masculinity

3. Focus: in two James Bond films

4. Further information: from the 1960s and 2000s


































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Paper代写:Carbon finance

2018-10-27 18:27:52 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Carbon finance讨论了碳金融。碳金融,指的是所有服务于碳排放交易市场的金融活动。在京都议定书的框架之下,国际排放贸易机制、清洁发展机制和联合履行机制协同作用,帮助缔约国完成温室气体减排目标。同时催生出一个以二氧化碳排放权为主的碳交易市场。碳交易市场的交易主要是各种减排配额通过交易平台易手,派生出类似期权与期货的金融衍生品,还有相对复杂的以减排项目为标的的买卖。碳金融是围绕碳市场开展直接投融资、碳指标交易和银行贷款等金融活动。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Since the us subprime mortgage crisis evolved into the global financial crisis and economic crisis, the world countries have timely adopted the relatively correct macroeconomic policies, which successfully prevented the world economy from repeating the great depression in 1929. As the crisis eased, the global economy entered a period of relatively stable growth. However, since the inherent crisis has not been fully resolved, there are still many uncertainties and uncertainties in the world economy. China has entered the post-crisis era. In this post-crisis era with both opportunities and challenges, it is an urgent topic for us to discuss how commercial Banks can grasp the new economic growth point of low-carbon economy, innovate and develop "carbon finance", and reverse the sluggish financial industry.

"Carbon finance" generally refers to all financial activities that serve the carbon trading market. Under the Kyoto protocol, the international mechanism for emissions trade, the clean development mechanism and the joint implementation mechanism work together to help parties to achieve greenhouse gas reduction targets. It has also spawned a carbon trading market dominated by carbon dioxide emissions. The trading of carbon market mainly has two aspects. On the one hand, various emission reduction quotas are changed through trading platforms, and financial derivatives similar to options and futures are derived. The other is the relatively complex trading of emission-reduction projects. "Carbon finance" refers to financial activities such as direct investment and financing, trading of carbon indicators and bank loans. In China, "carbon finance" is closely centered on low-carbon economy.

Developing a "low-carbon economy" is a strategic decision. Low carbon economy, it is to point to in under the guidance of the concept of sustainable development, through technical innovation, system innovation, industrial transformation, new energy development and other means, as much as possible to reduce the high carbon energy consumption coal oil, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, achieve economic and social development and ecological environment protection of a win-win economic development form. The common consensus of all countries in the world is that the traditional economic growth model at the cost of destroying resources and the environment is unsustainable. Low-carbon economy is favored by all countries for its characteristics of low energy consumption, low pollution and low emission, and has become a new economic growth point. Now, the global economic recovery is just around the corner. In order to seize the commanding heights of economic development as soon as possible, all countries have set their sights on "low-carbon economy". The U.S. government has made new energy and environmental protection industries a strategic focus of economic recovery. The eu plans to invest 105 billion euros by 2013 to create a "green economy" with international standards and global competitiveness. The UK proposes to build the UK's future by developing a low-carbon economy and a digital economy. Japan has made low-carbon industries an important part of its new growth strategy. China has spent more than 200 billion yuan on energy conservation, emission reduction and ecological construction in the 4 trillion yuan economic stimulus package implemented in response to the global financial crisis. The battle for a low-carbon economy has been quietly fought on a global scale, which will be a challenge for China to seize this opportunity.

Carbon finance has a broad prospect in China. China's economy is still dominated by fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas. In the primary energy consumption structure, the proportion of coal is generally 2/3. This typical carbon-based energy economy highlights the high carbon characteristics of China's economy and energy structure. Carbon dioxide emission intensity is high, and the situation of energy conservation and emission reduction is very serious. Therefore, to develop low-carbon economy, build low-carbon society and promote the transformation of China's economic development from high-carbon energy economy to low-carbon and carbon-free energy economy is an urgent requirement and strategic choice for scientific development, harmonious development and green development. China must firmly follow the development path of "low-carbon economy", which is a matter of great interest to the country and the people.

In addition, as a developing country, China does not need to undertake the obligation of emission reduction before 2012. All the greenhouse gas emissions reduced within China can be converted into valuable commodities and sold to developed countries according to the CDM mechanism in the Kyoto protocol. The proceeds from the transfer of emissions reductions through CDM projects can amount to billions of dollars. With more and more Chinese enterprises participating in carbon trading activities, the market potential of "carbon finance" in China is even greater. Whoever can seize this "virgin" land early will have a place in China's future carbon market.

In terms of international market, the statistics of the world bank show that since 2004, the total amount of global trading in the subject of carbon dioxide emission rights has increased from less than 1 billion us dollars at the beginning to 70 billion us dollars in 2007, with a 70-fold increase in four years. The need for developed countries to buy greenhouse gas emissions credits through the CDM is annual

The price of 200 million to 400 million tons is between 15 and 20 euros per ton, and even reaches 25 euros at the peak. Carbon dioxide permits circulate as freely as commodities such as soybeans and oil, greatly enriching the financial derivatives of carbon trading.

From 2008 to 2012, the global carbon trading market could reach 60 billion us dollars annually. In 2012, the global carbon trading market capacity was 150 billion us dollars, which is expected to surpass the oil market to become the world's largest commodity trading market. A move into overseas markets is bound to be promising. Therefore, our pursuit of carbon finance is not a fashion trend, but a trend. With China's more active participation in curbing global warming, China's commercial Banks should seize this opportunity as soon as possible.

Commercial Banks' development of carbon finance has far-reaching significance. The subprime crisis made bankers realize that returning to industry was the best way out of the crisis. The financial industry is built on the foundation of industry, do not do industry only financial will inevitably produce turbulence. Only by implementing finance into industry can the steady development of finance be guaranteed. And "carbon finance" is undoubtedly the "star industry" in many industries. Whoever can develop "carbon finance" well means that he or she can "smile and stand tall". Of course, the fact that China's carbon market cannot be taken seriously by most people for a short time does not mean that "carbon finance" cannot work in China. Although China is not short of economic growth point, we have a lot of infrastructure to do, in a short time no attention. However, in the near future, "carbon finance" will sweep China's financial market, and commercial Banks will be able to get familiar with the transaction process earlier, accumulate valuable experience and occupy market share.

Commercial Banks' development of "carbon finance" is the best way to embody social responsibility. China's "carbon finance" is closely around the low-carbon economy, China is in the stage of rapid economic development. The traditional economic development model blindly pursues the rapid growth of GDP at the expense of environmental resources and ignores the importance of sustainable development. In the long run, it will cause endless damage. Such GDP is known as bloody GDP. Low-carbon economy is to use the concept of sustainability to build green GDP with the development of low consumption and high efficiency. As a commercial bank should grasp this trend firmly. Support low-carbon economy and support green industry. This is not only out of consideration of commercial Banks' own interests, but also reflects the social responsibility of protecting environmental resources. The development of "carbon finance" can achieve a win-win situation and win both profits and extensive social praise.

China's commercial Banks have a unique advantage in developing carbon finance. In western developed countries, the cost of technological innovation and equipment renewal in high-energy industries is very high, and the cost of greenhouse gas emission reduction is high. But in China, the CDM project, emission reduction costs are low, experts predicted as low as 10 euros per ton. Statistics from the United Nations development program show that China now provides about one-third of the global market for carbon dioxide reduction. China is expected to account for 41 per cent of all emissions targets issued by the UN by 2012. China is now vigorously promoting energy-saving and emission reduction technologies, striving to improve the efficiency of resource use and taking a sustainable development path. More and more enterprises will be involved in the transformation from "high carbon" to "low carbon" or even "zero carbon", and there must be a large number of projects that can be developed into CDM projects. The huge difference in emission reduction costs and the increasing number of CDM projects will surely encourage enterprises from developed countries to actively enter China for cooperation.

In China, the development of "carbon finance" is both a rare opportunity and a severe challenge. Chinese commercial Banks should explore the road of "carbon finance" in accordance with China's national conditions from the following aspects.

China's commercial Banks should seek cooperation with the government to vigorously promote the low-carbon industry. Carbon finance is a systematic project with strong policy, high participation and wide coverage. It requires government, business and commercial Banks to work together. This requires the government and relevant departments to formulate a series of standards and rules according to the principles of sustainable development, and provide corresponding supporting policies such as investment, taxation and credit scale orientation. According to their own characteristics, enterprises update equipment, improve technology. Commercial Banks actively participate in financing activities in energy conservation and emission reduction, support low-carbon enterprises, jointly operate CDM projects, and support the development of low-carbon economy. In addition, commercial Banks should strengthen the propaganda promotion, the government, the enterprise should fully aware of the CDM and great value contained in the energy conservation and emissions reduction, promote the project owners and developers, according to industry development plan, to expand international cooperation, actively develop CDM projects, strive to make the government, Banks and enterprises tripartite benefit maximization.

Chinese commercial Banks should actively enter the global "carbon finance" market. China is a major emitter of greenhouse gases and has many energy conservation and emission reduction projects in China. However, due to our long lack of awareness of carbon trading, we have not found the great value of "carbon finance" and its derivatives. This requires us to draw on the experience of foreign countries, especially western developed countries, explore and study the international carbon trading mechanism, and actively participate in the global "carbon finance" market. In May 2007 alone, there were 157 new CDM projects worldwide, 65 of which came from China, according to the China clean development mechanism website. As of January 19, 2010, the total number of CDM projects approved by the national development and reform commission was 2,369, and there were 701 CDM projects registered in the United Nations in China. The number of CDM projects accounted for a growing global share. As the CDM system gradually penetrates into China's market, more Chinese enterprises begin to pay attention to and take advantage of the opportunities of CDM. Chinese commercial Banks should support and guide Chinese enterprises to enter the international carbon market.

China's commercial Banks should accelerate the innovation of environmental financial products and actively participate in the construction of green capital market. Commercial Banks should put the interaction of low-carbon economy and financial innovation into an organic system when they participate in the construction of China's green capital market. Commercial Banks should explore financial innovations that can improve environmental quality, transfer environmental risks, develop low-carbon and circular economies, and base on market. Commercial Banks can explore the establishment of venture capital funds related to environmental industries, the issuance of green finance and corporate bonds, and the development of corresponding environmental financial derivatives. The national comprehensive environmental fund, which has been widely used in countries with transitional economies, is of great reference significance to China. We can draw on the environment fund of the United Nations, the world bank and the international finance corporation to establish a local environment fund in large and medium-sized cities, focusing on supporting local low-carbon economic development and ecological environment construction, and supporting low-carbon economic projects and environmental protection projects, so as to achieve win-win results in low-carbon economy and financial innovation.

China's commercial Banks should implement the green credit policy and actively carry out the project loan business of carbon emission trading. At present, the vast majority of commercial Banks in China, on the basis of the state environmental protection administration, the people's bank of China banking regulatory commission jointly issued the "on the implementation of environmental policies and regulations to prevent credit risk of the opinions, to does not conform to the industrial policies and environmental illegal enterprises and credit control project, established the barriers to entry in the field of credit environment, through the green credit to cut off the energy intensive and highly polluting industries of sprawl and blind expansion of sources of funding, and increase energy conservation projects focus on energy saving and emission reduction projects such as loans, loans to energy conservation and emission reduction technology innovation the supply of green credit, promote energy conservation and emissions reduction. Green credit is not without risks, of course. Green credit assessment covers a wide range of areas, and the cost of assessment is relatively high, and the economic benefits of some credit projects are not very good. To this end, China's commercial Banks should work closely with government departments, establish long-term effective mechanism of green, appropriate to reduce financial barriers to entry in the field of energy saving and emission reduction, to provide credit support to key energy conservation and environmental protection projects, can allow firms to use energy saving technology as credit guarantee financing, thus effectively guarantee the steady development of the "carbon finance" deals.


Essay代写:The credit risk

2018-10-27 18:10:06 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The credit risk,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了信用风险。信用风险又称违约风险,是指交易中对手未能履行约定契约中的义务而造成经济损失的风险,它是金融风险的主要类型,也是当今银行风险管理的重点。商业银行因其经营货币的特殊性,其所面临的风险是与生俱来的,而信用风险是商业银行所承受各种风险中最为主要的一类风险。在市场经济不断发展的大背景下,随着金融市场的不断开放,银行之间的竞争不断加剧,信用风险的大小从根本上决定了整个金融体系的稳定与否。

Credit risk, also known as default risk, refers to the possibility that the borrower, the issuer of securities or the counterparty of the transaction may suffer losses due to the unwillingness or inability to perform the contract conditions for a variety of reasons.

Because of the particularity of operating currency, commercial Banks are faced with inherent risks, and credit risk is the most important risk among all kinds of risks. Under the background of the continuous development of market economy, with the continuous opening of financial market and the intensifying competition among Banks, the size of credit risk fundamentally determines the stability of the entire financial system. This risk is not only in loans, but also in off-balance-sheet and off-balance-sheet businesses such as acceptance, guarantees and securities investments. If Banks fail to identify lost property in a timely manner, increase provisions for writing off bad debts, and stop recognizing interest income under appropriate conditions, they will face serious risk problems.

Credit risk assessment is a priority for the commercial bank credit risk management and the key link, is a matter of the bank's survival and social stability, the research on credit risk measurement and management in the developed countries focus more and more high, coupled with the developing countries, led by southeast Asian countries, concern for credit risk, credit risk measurement and management will become the 21st century, the risk management research center of the most challenging task.

Credit risk management refers to the management of risks arising from the possibility of default by a counterparty, borrower or issuer of a bond.

Expert system is a very ancient method of credit risk analysis, and its remarkable feature is that the decision-making power of bank credit is in the hands of long-term trained and experienced credit personnel in the institution.

At the same time, the expert system has many drawbacks, such as a large number of manpower; Vulnerable to the professional level of experts; There are no uniform standards.

The credit rating method was developed by the U.S. office of the comptroller of the currency. However, this method also has some deficiencies, without clearly specifying the weight of each indicator. The evaluation system of different weights could not be established.

The credit scoring method includes two models: the first model is the Z model. Its main content is the discrimination analysis technology based on the mathematical statistics, statistical analysis of the case of bank loans in the past, choose a part of the most able to reflect the financial position of the borrower, the loan quality, the most value, the ratio of prediction or analysis can design a maximum area points loan risk degree of the mathematical model of credit risk of loan applicants and credit evaluation. If Z2.675 borrower is classified as non-default group; The second model is ZETA credit risk model. It is the second-generation credit score model after the Z model. The variables have been increased to 7 from 5 to 7 from the original model. The scope of application is wider and the identification accuracy of non-performing borrowers is higher.

At present, China's commercial Banks credit analysis and assessment technology is still in the traditional ratio analysis stage. Most commercial Banks use expert system to measure credit risk, which makes the quantitative analysis in the evaluation process insufficient, and the evaluation talents are in great shortage. Therefore, we should improve the credit assets database of commercial Banks as soon as possible, and establish a sound enterprise credit rating system; On the one hand, it attaches great importance to the research, development and use of internal rating system. On the other hand, it is necessary to establish a risk rating model suitable for China's banking industry, train and build a professional credit risk assessment team.

In the new Basel capital accord, the credit risk, market risk and operational risk are considered in the minimum capital rules, and alternative plans are provided for the measurement of risk.

Modern financial innovation characterized by derivative finance provides market tools for creative solutions to various financial problems, enriches and develops the modern financial market, and also provides theoretical, technical and practical support for solving related financial problems.

The essence of portfolio management is to diversify portfolio risk, reduce non-systematic risk and obtain diversified return through asset selection and adjustment based on the quantitative analysis of risk return and extremely correlation. With the rapid development of China's economy, the combination management of industry, industrial chain, region and variety can be strengthened in the credit extension link through transaction supervision. The stock can also be adjusted through the risk control and management processes such as asset securitization and loan recovery, and the asset portfolio management can be implemented, laying a foundation for further realizing the optimized asset management of modern risk portfolio.

