


2019-02-27 17:42:15 | 日記


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Paper代写:The light and shadow effect of coloured glaze art

2019-02-27 17:41:31 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The light and shadow effect of coloured glaze art,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了琉璃艺术的光影效果。琉璃是冷峻坚硬的材料,由于透明和折光而有流光溢彩的表象。琉璃材质本身的透明性这种特性,使得光影能在我们后期再创作中,发挥出举足轻重的作用,原本看似黯淡的琉璃作品,由于其透明的特性,在光影的作用下原本单一呆板的色调,在光的捉弄下,竟变得如此让人神往,光影和琉璃能迸射出色彩流动的美感,作品在不同美学元素配置下,因光影而呈现出璀璨色彩。

Coloured glaze is the carrier of light, light is the rhythm of coloured glaze, light, like notes on the thickness of coloured glaze playing rhythmic music. In a specific environment, the surrounding light and color, shape together to participate in the performance of glass works of art, kaleidoscopic, gorgeous, is the light achievements of glass, gave him unlimited performance space. Max Lucia, professor of psychology at the university of basu in Germany, once said when talking about the use of lighting: rather than using color to create atmosphere, it is better to use different degrees of lighting, the effect will be more ideal. The combination of coloured glaze material and light and shadow makes coloured glaze art stand out in the multifarious art field.

Coloured glaze is cold and hard material, as a result of transparent and refractive and have the appearance of time excessive color. Coloured glaze is heavy solid solid, and as a result of transparent and seem to have if do not have. Coloured glaze has the industrial society character with regular machinery already, also have natural and guileless, sweet and lovely style and features. Give priority to with transparent qualitative feeling is the glamour of coloured glaze, it makes coloured glaze having rich expression space. The transparent of coloured glaze has each different, have complete transparent, translucent, almost opaque even: have coloured transparent with colorless transparent: have very pure transparent, also have the transparent that fills bubble impurity. The transparency of coloured glaze is very characteristic, which is the unique and valuable quality that other materials cannot match. The pure and immaculate transparent visual effect not only conveys the clean, delicate and crystal aesthetic feeling, but also conveys the same personality with the purity, magnanimity and selflessness. Transparent qualitative character can make a person daydream is myriad, can undertake any analogy and imagination, also constituted the emotional appeal that other material cannot imitate and feeling. Just because of the transparency of the coloured glaze material itself characteristic, makes light can in our later creation, play a decisive role, that seemed dark coloured glaze work, due to its characteristics of transparent, under the action of light and shadow, the original single dull tone, under the light of, unexpectedly become so fascination, light and coloured glaze can flow burst out colour aesthetic feeling, works under the different aesthetic element configuration, presents the bright color with light and shadow.

As artistic creation materials, coloured glaze is very special, it may be said that hard when such as drilling, soft when like water. It does not have a fixed melting point, but has a wide, gradual plastic forming area, which brings a lot of possibilities for the formation of glass, greatly enriched the modeling language and light and shadow color show. From 400 ℃ to 1000 ℃, the state of the coloured glaze by softening to conglutination, by extension, to melt flow, forming area, this is a very wide area is a good color fusion. Using its semisolid, it can be pinched, pulled, wrapped, wound, cut, pressed and bent. Use its solid state, but grind, cut, cut, drill, carve etc., formed different colour to flow area, form feeling and artistic feeling union are more close, administrative levels and space come to the fore.

Traditional glass melting mainly relies on artificial experience. Modern glass manufacturing temperature control technology has been very mature. In particular, the "glass studio movement" of low-temperature fused glass technology developed in the 1960s in Europe and America has very accurate control of the melting temperature of coloured glaze. Glass materials in the solidification, melting process is also reversible. It can undergo repeated molding process of solidification after softening and softening after solidification. Thus, the various characteristics in the process of soft music, melting, solidification and condensation provide artists with rich creative language, and create various shapes and dreamlike colors of glass art.

In the combination of light and shadow, the work will produce changes in the light and shade interface and the shadow hierarchy, and give the visual sense of three-dimensional. If the spectral composition, light flux, light intensity, projection position and direction of the source are changed, various changes of tone, light and shade, intensity and shade, virtual and real, and contour interface will be produced, which is an important means to apply light and shadow together to render the artistic atmosphere. So many works do not use eyes reflect the characteristics of its permeability, but in the form of a backlight foil a coloured glaze material in the liquid and the modelling of semi-solid state characteristic, make works for the silhouette effect, compared with the straight by light irradiation to the work itself is more hazy feeling, mystery, more to strengthen the work form aesthetic feeling.

Another characteristic of the beautiful material of coloured glaze is light, specifically refraction and reflection. Light is of great significance to the art of coloured glaze. Had light, coloured glaze had a soul. Without light, there is no color. Color is closely related to light. Color in vision cannot be separated from light. The use of light in painting is very important. Light can show the stereoscopic sense, contour, depth and space of objects. Light may adorn a portrait to make it young or old, beautiful or ugly; When describing the environment, light can make the environment warm, comfortable or cold and simple, or make the environment larger or smaller. Light can emphasize key points and highlight the main characters. The use of roundness in ballet is an example. In western painting, the use of light and shadow is the most important. From the beginning of drawing, under the effect of light and shadow on the body and color changes.

Under the participation of light, the quantity and texture of colored glaze sometimes make people have a psychedelic feeling. It is an important and unique artistic language of colored glaze art to skillfully use the variability of light and shadow, or contrast, or foil, or simple, or illusory. Different light intensity and color, can obtain a variety of visual space effect and artistic atmosphere: sometimes bright and gorgeous, sometimes dark and depressing; Sometimes warm and comfortable, sometimes fidgety; Sometimes joyous, sometimes ghastly; Sometimes warm warm, sometimes cold cold; Sometimes rich romantic sentiment, produce mysterious feeling to wait a moment sometimes, the glamour of illumination it may be said is capricious. Color is ever-changing under the influence of light, and they are expressed by subjective images, which increases the imagination for the creation. Instead of deliberately expressing light and shadow, light and shadow are used to express the emotion of creation, and it is completely feasible to use reason and emotion.

Transparent and the material of the dense smooth jade-like embellish makes coloured glaze has very good light transmission, can light transmission, refraction, reflection, absorption and other reactions. After the precise calculation of cutting and polishing, there are rules such as diamond stone surface glass body, can be refracted out of the dazzling light. After sintering the natural condensation of the surface has a round and glossy beauty. Different thickness and color glass works in the light transmission of color concentration changes, more beautiful. After the re-creation of cold cutting, more fully show the light transmission, refraction, reflection of the glass material characteristics.

In short, light and shadow itself is a kind of special art. When the sun shines through the treetops, a patch of light falls on the ground, and the wind changes the density and density, the artistic charm is hard to express in words. Be like the shadow of the bamboo on white wall below moonlight and the shadow of the droplight that swaying in wind and rain, it is a kind of taste however. The light and shadow of nature is arranged by the sun and moonlight, while the light and shadow art of coloured glaze is created by designers. The form of light can be from the sharp point of the small needle to the boundless form, we should use a variety of lighting devices, in the appropriate place, to create a vivid effect of light and shadow to set off the work.


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Academic Review是什么

2019-02-27 17:40:13 | 日記
​Academic Review指的是学术评论,类似分析文学或者科技类的文章。Academic Review对于学术的要求比较高,可能初到国外大学的同学们不一定hold得住,所以同学们要做的就是先了解Academic Review,下面就给大家讲解一下。


















以上就是关于Academic Review的写作讲解,同学们可以参考一下这些写作步骤,这对Academic Review的写作肯定是有帮助的。


Paper代写:Business Environment in India

2019-02-27 17:39:43 | 日記
​本篇paper代写- Business Environment in India讨论了印度的商业环境。印度是世界上人口非常多的国家,也是最大的经济体之一。印度的商业机遇和风险并存,外国公司必须对两者都了如指掌,才能在印度市场取得成功。印度的机遇在于基础设施和制造业,正如政府所强调的那样,它们的重要性在于为外国投资扫清障碍,并首次向外国公司开放国内市场。电子商务和互联网是另一个主要的机会,但如果没有先建立有效的物流系统,它可能会受到阻碍。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

India is the world’s most populated country, and one of the largest economics. In history, the influence of India has been all over Asia. India is considered a country with high potential of development as well, due to its pivotal location connecting Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Although India is still lacking on infrastructure and average income, it is rapidly catching up with the developed world in information technology and manufacturing. In this essay, the business environment of India will be discussed, from the legal and political perspectives. The opportunities in manufacturing, construction, internet and e-commerce are identified. This is followed by an analysis of two most prominent risks for foreign companies operating in India, and corresponding recommendations for mitigation strategies.

As one of the four ancient civilizations of the world, India has a long history and prosperous culture. In the past, India was once a colony of the Great Britain, as the “jewel in the crown.” In 1947, India became independent, and the Republic of India was founded in 1950 (Knutson 2009, p.326). The political system of India is checks and balances designed, making it the largest democratic country in the world. Although the President is the head of the state, it does not have any administrative power. India’s cabinet is built around the Prime Minister. In 2014, Narendra Modi was elected the prime minister of India (Wallace 2015). Although there are multiple active political parties in India, BJP, BSP and INC are the dominant ones. The current prime minister Modi is also the leader of BJP. In India, religion and politics are intertwined. Most of the major religions in the world have a large crowd of followers in India. In history, the revolution in religion have contributed to the economic development and social evolvement of India. Meanwhile, violent conflicts between religions have also occurred multiple times (Baber 2004, p.705). In addition to politics and religion, there exist a third type of social rules, the Caste system. This system traces back to thousands of years, and is deeply rooted in India’s society. It categorizes people into four different types, establishing rigid social levels and reinforcing control of the ruling class. Although this system has been abolished officially, India’s society is still largely structure by it. The Caste system has also become the major reason holding back the economic growth in India.

Legally, one of the guiding principles of India’s legal system regarding foreign investment is that foreign companies are regulated the same way as local companies (Goswami 2015, p.57). This means that although there are no specific hurdles that prevent foreign investment, there are no extra benefits for foreign companies in India, either. India has developed a series of laws targeting foreign investment management, including The Industries Development and Regulation Act of India (1951), The Companies Act (2013), The Competition Act (2002), The Trade Marks Act (1999), The Patents Act (1970), etc. (McArdle 2015, p.467), accompanied with the labor laws to protect the welfare of the common workers. In 2014, the Government of India has launched the plan of “Make in India,” with reduced the standards and requirements for the domains and share percentages of direct foreign investment (Mukane 2014). Basically, a foreign company is able to invest in all industries and businesses except gambling, nuclear energy, land development, risk funds and cigarette. There are other industries where a 100% foreign company is not allowed to enter, and foreign investment must seek to use joint venture with local companies in order to enter the Indian market. The legal system cannot construct the business environment alone, and needs the support of enforcement. In the past, the Indian government has been complained about its notorious inefficiency, taking around 9 months to a year for paper work before foreign investment entrance. In response, the Modi administration has been pushing for more efficient administrative process throughout the government (Jain 2015). International companies such as Siemens have also developed effective communication strategies to motivate the government to become more efficient, by threatening to withdraw the investment and relocate to other countries.

The biggest opportunities for India originates from its economic ambitions and the urgent need to improve the living standards of its people. Based on these needs, India has opened more industries to foreign companies, lifting some of the previous restrictions that held them back. The first major field of opportunity is in the manufacturing industry. A strong manufacturing industry will not only be an economic power engine, but also increase the employment rate, reinforcing the power of the ruling party. In the past two decades, India’s growth in the manufacturing industry is around 13%, which is higher than most of the countries (Nath 2014, p.473). This trend is expected to continue, especially with the policy support from the government. Since the launch of the special economic zone program in 2006, there are 389 zones established in India. However, only 185 of them are actively operating (Anwar & Carmody 2016, p.124). To change the situation, the Indian government has partly opened the domestic market to companies in these zones. India is also hoping that an improved transportation system can contribute to economic growth. Therefore, India is beginning to seek direct foreign investment to upgrade its railways system, establishing collaboration between the government and private foreign companies. This is unprecedented in Indian history. This has created great opportunities for foreign construction and manufacturing companies, since a comprehensive service system must be built surrounding the railways, including bridges, stations, elevators, etc.

In addition to construction and manufacturing, India also has huge potential in e-commerce. India has over 10% of the world’s internet users (Tehelka 2015). The need for online business is only taking off. From 2007 to 2010, the number of internet users in India increased from 50 million to 100, and reaching over 300 by 2004 (Tehelka 2015). This makes India the second largest internet market in the world, secondary to China only. With the popularity of mobile phones, the number is going to double very soon. In the future, e-commerce in India will break free from PCs and fully embrace the age of mobile devices. There are also unexplored markets in smaller city and rural areas, with similar levels of need. Although logistics can be a major problem hindering the development of e-commerce in India, the gradually improving infrastructure will be the solution for this problem. There are multiple industries that are associated with e-commerce. For example, online payment. Recently, the Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba has invested $575 million on an online payment company from India, Paytm (Zacks 2015). Amazon and eBay are also busy establishing their bases in India, setting up the logistic network and getting ready for the future market. The need for affordable mobile devices have also nourished foreign mobile phone companies, especially emerging Chinese ones. The mobile devices sold will then become the hardware basis for the development of future e-commerce in India.

Based on the previous analysis of the legal and political environment of India, the biggest risk for foreign firms and investment would be the inefficiency caused by the political system, social structure and government. In addition to the central laws of India, there are also local laws that foreign firms need to check before entering India. Under the federation system, all 28 states of India have the power to make their own laws and elect their own governments (Khemani 2007, p.691). This scattered way of legislation means that foreign investment must conform to both the federal and local business law terms. Every investment must obtain local approval on land use, environment protection, energy and water consumption, etc. Due to the different levels of economic development, different cultures, religions, and even languages between and within states, foreign companies must go through detailed research and preparation before making an entrance. This risk is made worse with the relatively inefficient administrative system, which is often complained by foreign investors. When there are business disputes, foreign companies may have to wait for months, even years, for a legal resolution.

Social disturbances are the second largest risk for foreign investment. Since India is a place where multiple religions co-exist, the differences in beliefs and practices have led to frequent conflicts, especially between Islam and Hinduism. In India, Hindus make up for 82% of the entire population, while 12% of the population are Muslims (Baber 2004, p.703). It has been a tradition for Hindus to feel animosity against Muslims. In 1992, extremists among the Hindus demolished the Mosque of Babur (Babri Masjid), which caused a series of violent conflicts between the two religions nationwide. Over a thousand died within a week. In 2002, such conflicts started once more, with dozens of deaths and hundreds of villages burned down (Baber 2004, p.702). Such conflicts have become the major source of disturbance in Indian society, and also a major risk for foreign investment. There are also social disturbances that are country-specific. For example, the negative factors have become increasingly dominant in recent years, in the relationship between India and China. Fueled by social media and rise of nationalism feelings, many Indians are beginning to perceive China negatively. The boarder controversies have continued to be the source of conflicts between India and China. Although a war is not likely in the foreseeable future, the situation will indeed create more uncertainties for Chinese companies intending to enter India. Years of effort from these companies can be destroy overnight, with the hostile feelings between the two peoples. This may be a problem for Chinese companies alone, but companies from other countries must evaluate the impact of nationalism and be prepared for its expansion, to avoid collateral damage.

To mitigate the risk of scattered and multi-layered legal system, a company should conduct comprehensive research before entering the Indian market. Such research is not only conducted from the national perspective, but also the local perspectives. Since different states in India have different degrees of development, regulations, and social norms, the political, economic and cultural background should be fully understood during the research. An overestimation must be applied considering costs and schedules, based upon the previous entrance experiences from other companies perhaps. During the construction and manufacturing phases, a profound understanding of the local conditions will also contribute to more precision in schedule control and resource allocation. Contracts should be as detailed as possible, and anticipate the potential problems that can occur during later phases, so that there are contractual terms to refers to when in trouble. A clear contract will also mitigate the inefficiency of the law enforcement. in communication and negotiation with the government, a stronger position can be held by the foreign investors, especially when there are potential delays caused by government inefficiency. To mitigate social disturbances, operating companies must keep a close watch with local and national news, and be able to prepare for potential conflicts and minimize the losses of both human lives and property. Buying insurance from reliable and trusted insurance companies is another way of risk mitigation.

In conclusion, opportunities and risks coexist in India, and foreign companies must be well-informed of both to succeed in the Indian market. The opportunities of India lie in infrastructure and manufacturing, as the government has emphasized their importance by lifting the hurdles for foreign investment and opening the domestic market to foreign companies for the first time. E-commerce and internet is another major opportunity, but it may be hindered if there is no efficient logistic system established first. The risks discussed in this essay come from two aspects: political/legal system and social disturbance. The different layers of the political and legal system mean extra work for foreign companies. Government inefficiency makes things even worse. This risk can be mitigated with market research and negotiation skills. The other risk originates from social disturbances and religious conflicts, which can be mitigated through continued attention on domestic affairs, quick response to real time disturbances, and adequate insurance.


Anwar, M.A. & Carmody, P. 2016, "Bringing globalization to the countryside: Special Economic Zones in India", Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 121-138.

Baber, Z. 2004, "'Race', Religion and Riots: The 'Racialization' of Communal Identity and Conflict in India", Sociology, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 701-718.

Goswami, V. 2015, "Foreign Direct Investment in India", International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management, vol. 6, no. 8, pp. 56-59.

Jain, B. 2015, Modi govt dismissed 13 officers, penalized 45 for inefficiency, Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd, New Delhi.

Khemani, S. 2007, "Party Politics and Fiscal Discipline in a Federation: Evidence from the States of India", Comparative Political Studies, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 691.

Knutson, J.R. 2009, "The Cultures of History in Early Modern India: Persianization and Mughal Culture in Bengal", Journal of Early Modern History, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 326-328.

McArdle, A.E. 2015, "A stick in the global carrot patch: the business of corporate social responsibility in India's Companies Act 2013", Suffolk Transnational Law Review, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 467.

Mukane, P. 2014, Highlights of #MakeInIndia launch: Narendra Modi woos India Inc; says no businessman must leave the country, Diligent Media Corporation, Ltd., DNA - Research, Archives & Syndication, Mumbai.

Nath, P. 2014, "Labour Market Flexibility and Employment Growth in India's Organised Manufacturing Sector, 1990-2010", Indian Journal of Labour Economics, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 465-499.

Tehelka, "Internet Users in India cross 350 mn, 60 percent on mobile devices", 2015, Tehelka.

Wallace, P. 2015, India's 2014 elections: a Modi-led BJP sweep, SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.

Zacks Investment Research: Alibaba to Enter India with $575M Investment in Paytm - Analyst Blog 2015, Newstex, Chatham.


Essay代写:Evelyn grace college

2019-02-27 17:24:42 | 日記
​下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Evelyn grace college,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了伊芙琳·格雷斯学院。伊芙琳·格雷斯学院位于英国伦敦的兰贝斯区,它是英国教育慈善机构ARK学校管理的八个同类学校之一,而ARK学校是国际儿童慈善机构ARK的一部分。伊芙琳·格雷斯学院的出现不但丰富了该区居民的教育选择范围,更是一次关于居民区内部教育机构的建筑环境的探讨与实践。伊芙琳·格雷斯学院呈现出开放、透明的姿态,希望能够融入当地社会文化,成为城市的一部分。

Evelyn grace college is located in lambeth, London, England. It is one of eight run by ARK, the UK's educational charity, which is part of the international children's charity ARK. The international body's activities span the UK, South Africa, India and eastern Europe, covering areas such as health, social welfare and education programmes.

The emergence of this school not only enriches the range of education options for residents in this area, but also is a discussion and practice on the architectural environment of educational institutions in residential areas. The college presents an open and transparent attitude, hoping to be integrated into the local social culture and become a part of the city. Located in the middle of two residential arteries, the design of the building naturally takes into account the continuity between the form of the building and the surrounding buildings, as well as the urbanity and academic character of the building, as well as its simple and clear identification.

The building guarantees students enough learning space and provides a positive and progressive atmosphere. The interior Spaces are naturally lit and well ventilated, and the materials used are rustic and durable. The design of the building follows the educational principle of "school within a school". The entire college of Evelyn grace houses four schools -- Evelyn junior, Evelyn senior, grace junior and grace senior -- for a total of 1,200 students. The overall design naturally divides the functional space, giving the four primary schools distinct characteristics from each other in the internal and external space. The architects also paid attention to the setting of social communication Spaces. In order to promote the communication among students, the four multi-function halls are arranged as a communicative and Shared space to promote the communication among students from the four schools within the college. In the Shared space outside the building, the layered design style is used to create a relaxed atmosphere for social interaction and learning.

In terms of the details and functions of the building, the architect also made a good reflection on the horizontal arrangement of the school. Starting from the first floor of the building, the two schools are skillfully divided to lead the students of the two schools to different areas. This horizontal organization ensures a smaller flow of people within the building. Junior high school is on the second and third floors, while senior high school is on the fourth floor. Junior high school students can directly enter the school from the second floor terrace stairs, unless in a state of safe escape, do not need to use the main stairs inside the building, so as to avoid the design of non-interference with the senior students of non-essential communication. The junior section occupies the second and third floors of the college, with a separate staircase in the middle. High school students on the fourth floor can also use the public facilities on the third floor. Public facilities on the ground floor are open and accessible from the surrounding area.

High school students can go straight up to the fourth floor via the main staircase. Multiple staircases in the building facilitate educators to supervise students' learning and activities in real time.

In addition, in the planning of the plan, the designer also paid attention to creating an education complex building that can be Shared by students and local communities. Multi-functional halls, science laboratories and other academic facilities on the third and fourth floors will be Shared between schools or exclusive to schools according to the actual situation. Some of the facilities on the ground floor are available to the community during off-school hours. Designers pay attention to cultivate their sense of pride and cherish for the school, because such a principle is conducive to extending the service life of the school, which reflects the designer's green concept of protecting the ecological environment and sustainable development design.

