

Essay代写:Student work in American universities

2019-03-11 17:05:59 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Student work in American universities,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的高校学生工作。美国的高校学生工作有学生人事工作、学生服务和学生发展等模式,逐步发展与完善,走出了一条专业化发展道路。学生工作以其学生本位的管理理念、条状运行的管理机制、服务为主的管理方式以及专业化的管理队伍为鲜明特征。

The student work in American colleges and universities has successively produced such models as "substitute parental system", "student personnel work", "student service" and "student development", and gradually developed and improved, and walked out of a path of professional development. Student work is characterized by its student-oriented management concept, strip operation management mechanism, service-oriented management mode and professional management team. These characteristics have important reference significance for the reform of student work in colleges and universities of our country.

College student work is an important part of college internal management. Along with our country the establishment of the socialist market economic system and a series of reforms to promote higher education field, such as the enrollment system, the two-way choice of pay cost school, graduate employment and independent choosing, the logistical socialization reform in colleges and universities, college expansion, the common practice of the credit system and flexible length of the trial, etc., to the student work puts forward a new topic and challenge. As the world higher education power and the country with the most complete and outstanding market operation mechanism, the United States has accumulated rich theoretical and practical experience in its student work. To discuss and study its student work is of great significance for improving our country's student work.

Student affairs, as a concept opposite to academic affairs, is a unique term of student affairs in American colleges and universities. Generally speaking, academic affairs involve students' study, curriculum setting, classroom teaching, students' cognitive development, etc., while student affairs involve students' organization, extracurricular activities, residential life, emotional and personal issues, etc. Therefore, student affairs is the general term for students' extracurricular activities and non-academic affairs, and student affairs management refers to the planning, organization and leadership of student affairs by colleges and universities. The division of student affairs is usually a major organization within American colleges and universities. It is the organization or unit responsible for the extracurricular education of students on campus. The student affairs administration is the general name of this professional field.

The student affairs and their management in American colleges and universities have experienced four stages of development: the early stage of history, the initiation stage, the development stage and the maturity stage, and accordingly formed the management mode of "replacing parents", "student personnel work", "student service" and "student development". Under the "alternative parental system", student affairs and academic affairs are indistinguishable. Colleges and universities take the place of students' parents and exercise strict boarding system for students and their campus life, with strict moral supervision and strict behavior control. It was used in colonial colleges and in state universities from independence until the early 19th century. After the middle of the 19th century, influenced by Germany, American universities began to focus on academics and research. On the other hand, the enactment of the morrill act led to the rapid development of the scale of higher education in the United States. Under the catalysis of these two factors, the student affairs management of American colleges and universities is separated from the academic affairs of the university and has gained the space of independent development. Colleges and universities began to establish some service, consultation and management institutions for students, and also began to set up a dean or vice President in charge of student affairs, thus forming the "student personnel work" mode. After the second world war, with the great development of higher education in the United States, the needs of the students are more diverse, to the end of the 60 s, with the number of slow growth, between college students increasingly competitive, and led to the student service mode, will be regarded as the relationship between students and schools both buyers and sellers, the relationship between school to establish the idea of "students consumers first", pay attention to and safeguard the rights and interests of students, provide various quality services for the development of students. "Student development" is an important theoretical and philosophical basis of student affairs management in American colleges and universities since the 1970s. It marks the increasingly perfect and professional development of student affairs management in American colleges and universities. This theory originated directly from the student wave in the 1960s and 1970s, and strengthened the special research on college students, such as the changes and development of students, the influencing factors of students' growth, the types of students' personality, and the relationship between various environments and students' growth. The student development model is student-oriented, respects the existence of individual students and promotes the self-realization of students. In other words, it advocates that college students have the right to decide their own life direction and choose the content of their education.

Today, there are three main terms in the field of student work in American colleges and universities: "student affairs", "student service" and "student development". Among them, "student affairs" is the most frequently used, and its content is increasingly rich, including all activities and related affairs of students outside the classroom. "Student service" is basically equivalent to "student affairs", which is characterized by a service-oriented concept to carry out "student affairs", reflecting the typical characteristics of the professional field of student work. "Student development" is more of a theoretical basis, which emphasizes that all student services, student affairs and management are aimed at promoting student development. According to published in 1994, the American association of university personnel "student learning is the top priority, the meaning of student affairs" spirit, the essences of student development lies in students' learning, "learning", "personality development" and "students' development" is inseparable, so American college students work by creating beneficial to education and learning environment, aimed at promoting students' learning and overall development. At this point, the university students work in its independent organization and staffing, on the basis of research and practice to strengthen unceasingly, has truly become neck and neck with academic affairs specialized fields, and more and more strengthened and academic affairs in the field of communication and combination, promote the all-round development of students, to realize the mission of higher education.

Twice in 1937 and 1949, the American council on education published the opinion of student personnel work report, points out that higher education institutions should "consider students as a whole person - the intellectual ability and accomplishment, feelings, physical condition, social relations, the professional attitudes and skills, moral and religious values, economic ability and aesthetic", namely "emphasize the students to develop as a person and not just for their intelligence training". In 1987, the national association of student personnel administrators issued the outlook on student affairs, which inherited the basic viewpoints of the outlook on student personnel affairs and reiterated the purpose of student affairs: to improve and support the teaching mission of colleges and universities; Promote common ideals and uphold individual rights by encouraging innovation and setting boundaries of conduct; Encourage independent thinking and joint action by students. In 1994, the American association of university personnel published "student learning is the top priority -- the meaning of student affairs", believing that "student affairs department oriented to student learning" should be committed to student learning and personality development.

It is not difficult to see from these guiding documents of student work that student work in American colleges and universities provides a variety of service programs or programs aimed at cultivating well-rounded people by creating an environment conducive to students' learning and development. In particular, six of the seven principles of student affairs management are closely related to the development of students, fully reflecting the student-oriented management philosophy. From the perspective of students, the student work in American colleges and universities emphasizes the management of the school in service and the realization of the mission and value of the school.

The student work of American colleges and universities implements the management system at the school level. School leadership, in general, there was a vice President in charge of students affairs, vice President of consists of the student affairs office as deals with the function of student affairs management institutions, and by a dean or several students affairs, in charge of, under the office of student affairs to establish various centers or office, and equipped with a head and staff engaged in a particular aspect of student affairs. At Texas agricultural university, for example, there is a vice President for student affairs, followed by an assistant vice President and an assistant vice President who lead and administer the student affairs. The assistant to the vice principal has five departments under his jurisdiction, namely, student accommodation department, student memorial activity center, leisure and sports center, multicultural service center and student activity center. The assistant vice-chancellor is in charge of four departments: the university arts collection and exhibition centre, the student life research centre, the major events and facilities centre and the student health service centre.

In terms of how to manage such a huge and complex variety of student affairs, four modes were summarized: The Revenue Source Model, The Affinity of Services Model, The Staff Associates Model and The Direct Supervision Model. Among them, the funding source model is mainly applicable to the management of such auxiliary services as dormitory administrator, student union, health service, catering service and bookstore. The staff association model, which allows the dean of students to exercise unified leadership over various groups and associations, is a compromise on the rigid direct management of large bureaucracies and organizational programs. However, the traditional direct supervision mode has been unable to adapt to the increasingly complex student affairs management. Comparatively, service - related mode is the most common operating mechanism in American universities. In this model, service items are classified according to their relevance, and different service items with similar purposes are classified according to certain criteria. For example, the usual division is as follows: first, admission services, including tuition fees, file management, financial aid, registration and admission education; Second, student life, including student activities, discipline, accommodation projects, student organization consulting; Third, the student service, including the consultation service, the employment resettlement, the overseas student service, the remedial service and so on; Fourth, auxiliary services, such as students living in the dormitory administrator management, student union management, health services, bookstore management. The experts responsible for these services report to the dean of students. Experts of all kinds have certain autonomy in their own fields, and the dean of students provides Suggestions based on the status of each branch to ensure mutual cooperation. In this way, the strip operation mechanism of student work is realized, and various institutions are independently set up and provided with window-like services by the team of experts.

The work of college students in the United States is rich and colorful, almost covering all categories except academic activities of students. For example, some experts believe that related to the student affairs department or service projects include: accommodation, transportation service, graduates, admissions, freshman orientation, financial aid, counseling center, advice, leadership development, student activities, student unions, community service, employment guidance, disciplinary and arbitration issues, contact with alumni and development, service for disabled students, learning services and various defense and support project.

In specific student affairs, the word "project" is most frequently used. This shows that the content of students' work is mostly a variety of service projects, such as orientation education for freshmen, accommodation and living services, financial aid, health services, counseling services, employment guidance services. Accordingly, student job basically adopts advisory, coach, service to give priority to means. Of course, student work in American colleges and universities also includes the management of students' codes of conduct and discipline, accommodation and life. But in the concrete management operation, regards the student as an equal member, the full respect student's main body status, the protection student's legitimate rights and interests. For example, strict procedures must be followed to punish the students who violate the rules. The process mode is as follows: the plaintiff's complaint and report, the student management department's investigation, the special committee's hearing and punishment decision, the defendant's appeal, the principal's arbitration, and the implementation of punishment.

In the United States, college student work has become a career direction, the management is a professional development path. First of all, American colleges and universities have the major of cultivating master's degree and doctor's degree in student affairs, and study student affairs as a science. As early as 1916, the school of education of Columbia University in the United States launched the postgraduate training program of student affairs management. Up to now, more than 100 universities have set up education and training programs at the level of master or doctor of student affairs. Secondly, colleges and universities have clear requirements and procedures for the employment and promotion of student affairs management personnel. Students usually apply to work in the field of student affairs with a master's degree in psychological counseling, student affairs practice, student development and other aspects. They must also have a doctorate in a related field in order to achieve a middle management position. Promotion to senior positions also places special emphasis on past experience in student affairs management. Finally, student affairs officers take full advantage of various learning, training and communication opportunities to promote their professional development. From the type of professional development, there are formal, informal and informal professional development; In terms of the form or level of professional development, there are individual professional development, group or project professional development, professional development in the field of affairs, interdepartmental professional development and professional development facilitated by professional associations, etc.


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Assignment代写:American deaf culture

2019-03-11 17:05:27 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- American deaf culture,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的聋人文化。美国聋人文化是在主流文化的背景下,在滋养和孕育其衍生的聋界领地与组织中不断产生和发展起来的;是在与主流社会被忽视和寻求自身平等权利与尊严的抗争中形成的具有向心力的社会群体;也由于聋人具有共同的视觉身体特征,美国手语承载了聋人丰富的艺术表达。聋人文化的兴起反过来也影响和推动着美国的主流文化更加朝着民主、平等和尊重的方向发展。

In his primitive culture, the British cultural scientist e. b. Taylor defined "culture" as a complex whole, including knowledge, belief, art, morality, law, customs and the abilities and habits acquired by anyone as a member of society. As a minority group, deaf people are not only consulted, developed and communicated in sign language during the group development, but also the customs, taboos and values Shared by deaf people are gradually confirmed and further developed into deaf culture. For deaf culture, there have been considerable research and achievements in Britain, America and the European continent, but domestic research is relatively insufficient.

Since most deaf people come from hearing families, and most families also have other hearing children, deaf people are in a scattered state of life. As boarding schools and clubs are relatively gathering places for deaf people, it is also an important environment for deaf people to form close ties and nurture deaf culture.

Boarding school for the deaf is an important place for the majority of deaf people to acquire a common language and culture. In deaf schools, deaf people can communicate with each other freely and deeply with the help of sign language, establish the most intimate interpersonal relationship, form loyalty to boarding schools and members of the community, develop identity of deaf people, and obtain a sense of security and belonging.

As many boarding schools for the deaf were founded and run by hearers, sign language was once banned in boarding schools, which made deaf people who recognized the core status of the territory seek for the region that truly belongs to the deaf instead of relying on a single boarding school. When the school life was over, the club became the main place for deaf people to deepen their cultural adaptation and further socialization.

At the deaf club, the deaf have a sense of home and enjoy being the host; Members can also seek information about the world, community, employment and friends. Participate in various sports and recreational activities, such as dancing, lottery drawing, banquets, cultural gatherings, beauty contests, speeches, anniversary celebrations, watching subtitled movies, etc. The club is also an important venue for young deaf people to gain access to deaf culture and values, learn American sign language, and tell jokes, stories and histories of the deaf community.

Deaf people's pursuit of territorial autonomy has prompted them to constantly strive for the establishment of a deaf world utopia. The famous gallaudet university has been playing the role of a symbolic symbol since its establishment. It has long been regarded as the "mecca" of the deaf community. Deaf people from all over the world have made pilgrimages to this place to appreciate the true pride of the deaf.

The DPN protest movement at galloway university has attracted the world's attention. The DPN movement has gone far beyond the rights it has won for the deaf, by electing the first President of the gallaudet university, or by the American deaf community to wrest back control of the gallaudet university from the deaf. What's more, the movement promoted the self-consciousness and strength of the deaf. As Dr. Arun sussman proposed, "if deaf people are not considered good enough to run this university, what is the point of running a deaf university? For the first time, the movement has attracted the attention of people from all over the world to the deaf and their rights.

Deaf people have their own unique ways of artistic expression, and deaf art has unique advantages in transmitting deaf culture. On the one hand, deaf people have keen visual advantage, which enables them to imitate and create more exquisite and realistic visual images. Deaf people, on the other hand, have a unique visual language, American sign language. Deaf art includes visual arts, performing arts and literature.

The 18th century is the beginning of the history of modern deaf education, and deaf artists have played an important role in inheriting this history. Through paintings, sculptures and other art forms, the deaf students, who had been educated in lepe, displayed the historical achievements of the "father of the deaf". Since then, deaf artists have continuously presented deaf culture to the world through various art forms.

Deaf artists Miller and Morris Broderson exhibited their works in gallaudet university and major American museums. Miller's paintings mainly reflected the criticism of the deaf world against the oppression of the deaf world. Broderson, however, was based on themes of religion and travel, incorporating hand gestures and letters into his paintings to remind the world that images could reflect not only sight but also sound.

In 1989, nine American deaf artists gathered before the first international congress of deaf culture to make a declaration to present a visual/graphic art form of the deaf - De 'via. De 'via means "the use of orthodox artistic elements to express the inner cultural or physical experience of the deaf" and means special attention to the face and the opponent.

Deaf drama is also an important expression of deaf culture, which not only has a natural audience in the deaf community; It is also a rare treat for the listener to be able to watch the excellent performances of the deaf and experience the rich visual life of the deaf.

The early American plays for the deaf may have originated in boarding schools in the mid-19th century. In the play, deaf students are able to perform and use American sign language without being restricted by their English language abilities.

Early works include my third eye, which shows the deaf experience and culture in American sign language.

There are four kinds of dramatic performances in the deaf world. One is adapted from hearing plays and performed in American sign language. The second category is deaf drama, which is the sign language stories in deaf culture. The original plays of the deaf usually show the issues of communication between the deaf and the hearers, the central role of schools in the cultural identity of the deaf, the oppressive attitude of the deaf school hearers, the dignity of the deaf, and the beauty of sign language. The third category is the integration of the first two types of plays with a cross-cultural nature, such as the famous love psychological drama children of the gods. There are four types of deaf plays that are adapted from hearing plays, like "gesture to me, Alice."

Deaf people have a variety of literary and artistic forms, in addition to drama, biography, but also sign language stories, fables, poetry, anecdotes, sign language humor and so on.

American sign language (asl) has a rich literary tradition, in which deaf people who tell stories and stories in sign language play an important role in strengthening the connection between deaf people, inheriting history and accumulating wisdom. In classic of the deaf sign language story there are two types of stories circulated widely, one is "success stories", described the growth on listening protagonist in a person's family environment, and had never met any of the deaf, later met a deaf, teach him the deaf sign language, guidance is in the way of the deaf, and eventually into the world of the deaf and forget the past successful experience. The other is the legend of origins. In the United States and other countries, there are stories about how the deaf education pioneer lepe became attached to two deaf sisters and founded the first deaf school. This also explains why lepe is called the "father of the deaf". In the United States, another legend of its origins describes how Thomas gaylord met Alice Cogswell, a deaf girl, and established America's first deafness school. Both lepage and gaylord are humble listeners, both seeking a calling in life; Before they met the deaf, they knew nothing about the deaf community and their unfair exclusion from education. They learn sign language, from the signs into the deaf, and then help the deaf open the door to education, to spiritual communication with each other. Both stories convey the happy ending from individual to society, from silence to communication. A successful storyteller must be able to control verbal and non-verbal communication, respond to the audience's response in a timely manner, and have the ability to observe and perceive the development trend of the deaf community, so as to properly reflect the material captured in the selected story.

The sign language humor of deaf people is rooted in culture, so it contains a lot of cultural information. In terms of content, it mostly involves catharsis of emotional repression and self-irony, thus arousing the sense of belonging and identification of the deaf community. As reflected in the following humor, there were three people on the train -- Russian, Cuban and a deaf person. The Russian is drinking the vodka. Halfway through, he throws it out of the window. The deaf man looks at him in surprise and asks, "why throw away half of the bottle?" The Russian replied, "our country produces vodka." At this point, a Cuban smoking a good cigarette suddenly pops it out of the window. Again the deaf man asks in surprise "why throw away the half-smoked cigarette?" "Our country produces a lot of cigarettes," the cubans replied. The deaf man nodded his head with interest. After a while, a hearer came along and the deaf man grabbed him and threw him out of the window. The russians and cubans were shocked.

To sum up, American deaf culture has been constantly generated and developed under the background of mainstream culture in the territories and organizations of deaf people that nourish and breed it. It is a social group with centripetal force formed in the struggle against the neglect of the mainstream society and the pursuit of their own equal rights and dignity. Because deaf people share the same visual and physical characteristics, American sign language (asl), their own language, is rich in artistic expression. In turn, the rise of deaf culture has influenced and promoted the development of mainstream culture in the United States towards democracy, equality and respect.


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2019-03-11 17:05:01 | 日記
想必在国外留学的同学都非常清楚,Report作为平时常见的作业形式之一,它的类型其实是非常多的,所以大家除了要掌握Business Report和Book Report之外,对其他类型的Report也必须要了解,下面就给大家讲解一下。


一、Reflexive paper 反思报告/心得报告

当你在国外大学你的老师带你听了学术演讲或专题报告之后,那么你的老师很可能就会让你写这类Reflexive paper。如果你把这心得报告当成流水账来写,一味的陈述演讲或者报告的内容,并没有自己实质性的心得体会,那么你的Reflexive paper绝对是拿不到高分的。所以这类的心得报告,阅读对象和主题设定是最重要的。在写Reflexive paper的时候,你可以从下面几个问题入手:





以上这四个问题是应该作为你Reflexive paper写作最基本的出发点始终贯穿在你的全文写作中。可作为各种报告的基本格式。

二、Field Report 田野观察报告








Field Report:Personal Interview 田野观察报告(个人化专访)


在格式上,你需要详细交代这个人物(specific person)的基本资料(background data)和历史(autobiography),必要的时候,需要做一个详细的有时间轴的背景纪录。(甚至,如果你使用一些辅助记录的多媒体信息:如,摄影和录像资料,也要做同等量的详细纪录。)


三、Position/Statement/ Standpoint paper 基本立论/立场报告



四、Review Paper 回顾式报告

这是研究生在书写论文计划书(thesis proposal)之前的热身式书写,在选修理论课的过程中应该要尽量选择这类的报告种类来深化理论性思考与批判能力(theoretical thinking/ critical thinking)。只有通过这类的写作,你才能渐渐累积成未来的「研究计划书」,并在文献回顾中提出自己基本的(理论性)问题意识。


1) Book Review(书评)


A) 作者的基本问题或问题意识?

B) 作者书写的历史/社会/文化/美学脉络?

C) 作者响应这个问题意识有何特色?

D) 作者有何写作风格特殊性?

E) 作者的书写在这个相关主题上有何新贡献?


2) Theoretical Review(理论回顾)

理论回顾是之前介绍的position/standpoint/statement paper的更深入的书写。但基本格式是差不多的,目的也雷同。但是书写的内容需要多着重在阐述「问题意识」(theoretical problematic)和「推论与论理过程」(theoretical inference)以及「理论之间关连性的阐述」(theoretical relevance),内容基本上也更多,更深。

读理论和写理论回顾,就是在铺陈出一种思考和书写的对话网络(the context of academic dialogues),并把自己的问题意识镶嵌入这个对话网中。

3) Research Review (研究/个案研究回顾)

研究个案的回顾书写格式跟理论回顾差不多,但是不同的是,它比理论回顾还重视研究结论(the result of research)对书写者的立论的影响。

五、Research paper 研究型报告


请注意,这类的小论文书写,跟其他报告最不一样的地方是,必须详细交代自己在做研究时所采用的「研究方法」(research method),以让读者或老师可以把这类报告放在以相同研究方法来研究的论文中来进行评估,而这样的评估也会比较公平。




Paper代写:Consumerist values

2019-03-11 17:03:28 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Consumerist values讨论了消费主义价值观。消费主义价值观源自于资本主义消费社会,是一种渗透在当代社会制度、政策和生活时尚之中的价值哲学,其影响力非任何学院派的价值哲学所可比拟。消费主义价值观危胁着人类社会的健康发展,因而亟待我们去探究产生消费主义价值观错误价值取向的社会根源。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

The values of consumerism are derived from the capitalist consumption society. "it is a value philosophy that permeates the contemporary social system, policies and life styles, and its influence is not comparable to that of any academic value philosophy. Therefore, it is urgent for us to clarify the distorted value connotation of consumerism values, explore the social system root of the wrong value orientation of consumerism values, and find the fundamental method to solve the problem.

The political function of consumerist values is to exert the influence of capitalist ideology and safeguard the interests of capitalist system and the bourgeoisie. The political crisis of covering up class contradictions internally; External guarantee of the production and reproduction of the global capitalist economic system. The economic orientation of the consumerist values follows the capital logic of the capital society and serves the desire for unlimited capital appreciation. It is subordinate to economism, which "holds that all human behaviors are, in the final analysis, economic behaviors, and that economic development is the sole source of personal happiness and social welfare." It is a kind of spendthrift consumption values, and the fundamental characteristic of this consumption value is the deviation from people's basic needs and use values. The social value orientation of consumerism values is strongly permeated with self-interest and selfishness, and advocates the value principle of putting personal interests first. Personal requirements and desires are in a high position, but everyone's sense of social responsibility is deeply dispelled. The social value orientation of consumerist values not only harms the intra-generational fairness of the current generation, but also damages the inter-generational fairness by neglecting the future generations. The natural ecological attitude of consumerist values deviates completely from the fundamental survival interests of human beings. The values of consumerism ignore the limitation of the earth's resources and ecological purification capacity, and constantly promote the economic system to take from the nature, "overdraw" and discard. It seems that consumption is an internal affair of human beings that has nothing to do with nature. Human beings do not need to consider the factors of nature, but only need to use science and technology, so as to satisfy their infinite consumption desire. Ellen? Du ning pointed out that modern "consumption" essentially means "destroy or destroy, waste or abuse, use and exhaust. The life value orientation of consumerism values takes material consumption as the only measure of life value and the fundamental purpose of life. "it is believed that only the abundance of material life and the satisfaction of perceptual desire are important and valuable, and only the material wealth possessed and enjoyed by people is the symbol of life significance and value.

"Contemporary human beings are faced with various crises, among which the crisis of values is one of the most fundamental. Consumerist values are threatening the healthy development of human society. Therefore, it is urgent for us to explore the social root of the wrong value orientation of the values of consumerism.

The analysis of capitalist system root of consumerist values originates from the important enlightenment of Engels' thought of institutional attribution of natural ecological problems. Engels inspired people to study problems and not to discuss them in isolation. As he pointed out, the contradiction between man and nature under capitalism is rooted in the conflict between man and man and between man and society under capitalism. Therefore, when we probe into the root of the problem of consumerist values, we also explore the social system root of the wrong value orientation of consumerist values from the defects of capitalist private ownership system, bourgeois class characteristics, capitalist production purpose and other aspects under the capitalist system.

The defects of capitalist private ownership system are the root of the wrong value orientation of consumerist values. The capitalist system is a system of private ownership, manifested in the private possession of productive capital and means of production. When social division of labor is closely combined with private ownership, interests of different groups of people, people and society will be divided and opposed, thus creating a destructive force of alienation. Private interests were encouraged to be pursued. The main classes of the society represented the rights and interests of only a few people, and the common interests were covered. "The main characteristic of capitalism is that it is a self-expanding value system in which the accumulation of economic surplus value is necessarily carried out on an ever-larger scale because it is rooted in the forces imposed by predatory development and the laws of competition." The malady of capitalist society is that "capitalism differs from other social systems in that it is obstinately obsessed with the desire to accumulate capital".

Bourgeois greed and venality are the class root of the wrong value orientation of consumerism. Engels pointed out that the bourgeoisie is characterized by greed and venality. The greed of the bourgeoisie and the pursuit of hedonic life make them constantly pursue high profits and the maximization of surplus value. In the prevailing social atmosphere of seeking the maximization of individual or standard interests and fierce competition, a large number of property owners, in order to obtain the immediate most direct, recent and maximum profits, are restricted by blind, short-sighted vision of all kinds of short-sighted behavior prevailing in the capitalist society. The bourgeoisie is so greedy for wealth: "I have never seen a class so depraved, so self-interested, so irredeemable, so corrupt, so impotent as the English bourgeoisie. By this I mean, first of all, the bourgeoisie in its narrow sense, especially the free bourgeoisie who opposed the corn laws. In the eyes of the bourgeoisie, there is nothing in the world, not even for the sake of money, and they are no exception, for they live to make money, and they know of no other happiness than to make a quick fortune, and of no other pains but the loss of money.

The production purpose of capitalism is to maximize profit, which is the logical root of the wrong value orientation of consumerist values. In a capitalist society, as in all previous societies, capital rules. In the pre-capitalist period, the purpose of human production is mainly to obtain the use value, while in the capitalist period, the "logic of capital hegemony" is followed. The purpose of production is no longer mainly for the use value, but for the pursuit of value and profit maximization. Engels pointed out that "what a capitalist can care about, which governs production and exchange, is only the most direct beneficial effect of his actions... The only incentive is to sell at a profit. Under the conditions of capitalism, the capital logic with super discourse hegemony rules everything, and the desire for the accumulation of capital value is endless, which means that capitalist production needs consumerism values as the value orientation to complete the trend of unlimited expansion of its desires.

Consumerism continues the life span of capitalism and promotes the continuous spread of capitalist economic system to the world. However, in the face of the limitation of natural ecological carrying capacity, it will eventually become unsustainable. Engels' thought on institutional attribution of natural ecological problems enlightens us that the important way to solve this problem is the complete transformation of the entire capitalist system including the economic foundation and the superstructure.

Consumerist values serve the capitalist system and undertake the mission of extending the life of capitalism. In the 1930s, the economic crisis broke out in the capitalist world, and the whole capitalism was faced with a severe economic crisis of overproduction, a political crisis of class conflict and a crisis of legitimacy. Capitalist countries have chosen Keynes's theory of effective demand shortage and stimulating consumption as the model to solve the crisis. One of the key links is to use the spreading of consumerism values to stimulate consumption and guide the expansion of consumption demand, so as to promote the continuous renewal and expansion of social reproduction. In this way, economic cycle and sustainability can be promoted. At the same time, it effectively alleviated the economic crisis of overproduction in the capital society and the political crisis of irreconcilable class contradictions, and "continued and prospered" the capitalist society.

Consumerism effectively alleviates the internal crisis of capitalism and promotes the global expansion of the capitalist economic system. It is also the process of transferring the crisis to the ecological field and constantly expanding the scope of the capitalist crisis. However, regardless of the limitation of the carrying capacity of external natural ecology, the persistent pursuit of sustainable capital circulation in the internal operation of the economy and the acquisition of excess profits will eventually collapse due to the lack of material support of natural ecology. As Engels pointed out capitalism "external economy", "when the Spanish planting farmers in Cuba fan burn hillside forests, think that wood ash as to get the highest profit enough fertilizer with a coffee tree generation, why would they care about the future of tropical rain wash it will be no fertile soil and leaving bare rock cover?" Such problems as "ecological imperialism", "ecological colonialism" and "ecological refugees" are emerging. With the accelerated development of capitalist production and the continuous expansion of the world market relying on political, economic and military strength, the demand for resources intensified, and at the same time, human society began to wantonly plunder the world's natural resources across time and space. In order to maintain a sound ecological environment, western developed capitalist countries often ignore the overall and long-term interests of human beings and constantly transfer ecological problems and responsibilities to developing and underdeveloped countries, which often become dirty industrial transfer sites, pollutant transport sites and toxic waste dumps. The means used are often: taking advantage of the economic difficulties of developing countries eager for foreign exchange, taking advantage of the third world countries environmental protection legislation is not sound, and taking advantage of the reality of the urgent desire for industrialization of developing countries. This leads to the internationalization of ecological environment problems, and is bound to cause the continuous accumulation of external uneconomic, accelerating the rapid deterioration of the global ecological environment.

Engels's two ideas of "promotion" and "reconciliation" as well as the idea of building a reasonable society give an important enlightenment to transcend the shackles of the capitalist system with consumerist values. In a society that has really achieved two "promotions" and two "reconciliations", that is, to "elevate" people from animals and to "elevate" people from social relations; In a society where "the reconciliation between human beings and nature and between human beings themselves" has been achieved, human beings have completely changed the capitalist values and become "free men" with the ethical concepts, moral consciousness and codes of conduct of a communist society, and live in harmony with each other. Such a society has got rid of the deep-rooted capitalist concept of private ownership, private ownership system and alienated labor, realized the social possession of means of production, and also realized the value of marxist communism.


essay代写-Selection of vice-chancellors of British universities

2019-03-11 16:52:45 | 日記
本篇essay代写- Selection of vice-chancellors of British universities讨论了英国大学校长的选拔。在英国,无论是私立还是公立大学,学校的最高管理机构都是董事会,各校董事会负责选聘大学校长。校董事会任命校长一般采取公开招聘的形式,由校董会组成一个校长选拔委员会,负责具体的招聘工作,委员会的主席由校董会主席兼任。该委员会负责确定备选对象应具备的条件,在有关报刊上登载招聘广告,对候选人进行筛选、任命并公布结果。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Britain has 169 universities and colleges. The university is an independent and self-governing institution established under the royal charter, the act of parliament or authorized by the privy council to offer courses and confer degrees. Universities and colleges are self-governing but are influenced by the government in two ways. One is that the ministry of educational skills provides teaching needs and policy guidance, such as providing fair access to university for all citizens. Second, the university appropriation committee has an impact on the university's funds, enrollment and majors, that is, it influences the university through policies and financial leverage. The university board of trustees is the highest governing body of the university and is responsible for the selection and employment of university presidents, the determination of the direction of the university and the major development of the university. The school affairs committee is responsible for the specific school affairs and daily management and operation.

The university board is the highest decision-making and power organ of British universities. The number of board members generally varies depending on the size of the school, ranging from 17 to more than 20. Half of the members of the board, including the President of the school board, are from outside the school; the rest are from inside the school. Off-campus members are generally representatives of local government agencies, the business community, the financial community and other aspects. They generally have relatively high social status, and these people can be included in the school board of directors to provide help for the development of the school. The members of the school are representatives recommended by the school council, teachers' representatives, teachers' union and students' union.

The duties and powers of the school board include the appointment of the President and vice-presidents, and the appointment of professors, though this is now a formality; To determine the development direction of the university, such as the construction of a research university or a teaching university, whether to add new disciplines or colleges, whether to build new buildings, whether to make new investments, etc. School boards are usually held two to four times a year.

In both private and public universities, the top governing body is the board of trustees, which selects university presidents. The appointment of principals by the school board usually takes the form of open recruitment. The school board shall form a selection committee of 5-7 principals to be responsible for specific recruitment. The chairman of the committee shall be the chairman of the school board. The committee is responsible for determining the qualifications of candidates, publishing recruitment advertisements in the relevant newspapers and periodicals, selecting candidates, appointing them and publishing the results. The joint recruitment committee, which is usually composed of the board of directors and the council of the university, selects some candidates with better conditions for interview, and selects 2 ~ 3 candidates as the final candidates of the President. Then, the final candidates are further investigated to determine the President elect. The joint recruitment committee makes recommendations to the board after consulting the school board, and then the board approves and appoints the candidate. The term of office of the President is 1 ~ 10 years, and the President may be elected from within or outside the school.

The recruitment committee publishes the terms of appointment of the President through recruitment advertisements. For example, in the President recruitment advertisement of Chichester university, the requirements for the President include: energetic and innovative spirit; Highly educated, with experience of holding senior leadership positions, have a good grasp of higher education; I am an amiable leader and team builder with first-class communication skills, business talents and good judgment. I am enthusiastic, appealing and inspiring. Is a high-level builder of strategic partnerships with the skills necessary to realize the full potential of the university. The university of Southampton solent, on the other hand, has the following requirements for the vice-chancellor candidate: as head of the university, the vice-chancellor is accountable to the university board, and can provide a solid foundation and an encouraging development strategy for the university's future development; Develop existing partnerships with local, national and international counterparts; To provide students with high-quality learning experience, multiple learning channels and a wide range of participation opportunities; Energetic, innovative, with a proven track record of managing large organisations in academic, business or public service areas; Passion for higher education, strong interpersonal skills and the ability to develop cooperative relationships; He is a thinker of strategic development and a team builder with good academic background, good judgment, political sensitivity and the ability to make decisions in difficult situations.

It can be seen from the above recruitment conditions that all universities require university presidents to have good character and political quality and be able to accurately grasp the direction of higher education development. Strong economic, diplomatic, publicity and public relations ability, to coordinate the university and external relations, to create a good material and cultural environment; Strong management skills, mainly in decision-making and persuasion; With certain academic quality, I have a deep understanding of teaching and scientific research, so as to better manage the school in accordance with the laws of education and teaching. With a strong sense of responsibility and a strong sense of professionalism, I regard the principal's work as my primary responsibility and try my best to do my job well.

Among British universities, there are four kinds of management documents: Charter, Statute, Statute and Statute. The first two documents describe the duties and rights of the board of directors, and the second two documents describe the duties and rights of institutions such as the school board. According to the charter, the principal is responsible to the board of directors to "ensure and improve the efficiency of the school and ensure a good teaching order". The principal is generally a member of the school board of directors and the head of the school affairs committee, and can have an influence on policy making. The President has a high degree of insight into the process of various meetings, guiding the meetings, making necessary summaries and reaching consensus.

The President and the executive vice President are members of the school board, while the other vice presidents are not, but must attend every board meeting. The President is responsible to the school board of directors. The term of office of the President is generally 3~5 years, not life tenure, but can be re-elected, with an average term of about 10 years. After the President is chosen, he has greater power to nominate vice presidents and appoint department heads of corresponding institutions within the university. Although the list of nominees must be approved by the university board of directors, in practice, the university board of directors will not raise any objection.

The President is in charge of the development direction and external affairs of the school, and directly manages the personnel and financial departments. Other affairs are managed by the vice President, and there is usually an executive vice President in charge of teaching. The President can not directly involve in the affairs managed by the vice President, but can only execute them through the competent vice President. Therefore, the appointment of the vice President within the scope of his/her responsibility does not need to consult the President, but can be completed independently. Every year, the principal shall report his/her position to the school board of directors. The school ranking and financial status are all specific indicators for the school board to assess the President.

In the UK, the President is a professional administrator who can no longer undertake teaching and research tasks, nor can he take on graduate students. If he is a professor, he still retains the title of professor. Vice presidents and deans, on the other hand, are explicitly stipulated in their employment contracts that vice presidents spend 80% of their time in the administrative management of the school or college and 20% in scientific research or teaching. The dean spends 60 per cent of his time in the administration of the school or college and 40 per cent in research or teaching. Their tenure is assessed according to this principle.

British university presidents have more power, and they have a close relationship with all sectors of society. However, the President may not give extra care to relatives or other personnel in matters such as enrollment. The university has rules and regulations, and the staff follow the rules and regulations. The relevant rules and regulations of the school are numerous and detailed. The leader may not be clear about how to deal with a matter, but the staff are very clear about it. This is one of the reasons why the principal, vice principal and dean of the school are changed every few years, while the normal operation of the school will not change greatly and the basic continuity can be maintained. Some of these rules and regulations are formed by the school itself in the long-term process of running the school, and will not change frequently. There are also documents or policies that are subject to changes in national laws, policies or situations, and are checked by lawyers.

According to the constitution, the university board of directors holds a special meeting every year, at which the President makes a report on the annual development of the university and the President's personal work. Members of the board of directors will evaluate the work of the President and make a decision to terminate the appointment of the President if the board of directors considers that the President has failed to perform the duties of the President.

According to the regulations, the university has laid down the principles for the dismissal of the President and other staff members. To commit an immoral, shameful or dishonorable act that is not consistent with the work or position he holds; Work error, negligence, long absence from work or inability to perform duties; Unable to perform duties due to health reasons. If three or more directors of the school board make a complaint against the President, the chairman of the school board shall have the right to dismiss the President upon the review and confirmation by the school arbitration committee.
