

Essay代写:American exceptionalism

2019-03-23 17:02:59 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- American exceptionalism,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国例外论。美国例外论是美国文化的一个核心理念,它认为美国是个与众不同的国家。之所以会有这种思想,是因为受到宗教因素、政治制度和地理环境的影响,并发展成为美国文化传统不可或缺的一部分。美国例外论对美国的理想主义、单边主义外交政策有重要影响。

American exceptionalism is a central tenet of American culture. Influenced by religious factors, political system and geographical environment, it has become an indispensable part of American cultural tradition. American exceptionalism has great influence on American foreign policy of idealism and unilateralism.

"American exceptionalism" is about how americans view themselves, the image and role of the United States in the international community, as well as their ideas and propositions on relations with other countries. Americans believe that the United States is different from other countries, americans are god's voters, the system of the United States is superior, is the model of other countries, the United States has the obligation to save the world, it must to the world to promote its advanced political system, the concept of democracy and freedom.

The puritans, persecuted in Europe, came to North America in the spirit of puritanism. These people saw North America as their Jerusalem, and they came here under god's guidance, and they were god's chosen people. John Winthrop, the Puritan minister who led the pilgrims to Massachusetts in 1630, said, "god's Israel is among us... We will be a city on a hill, and all eyes will be on us. Since there were no countries in North America at that time, there was no common national consciousness. At this time, faith and loyalty to god became the only spiritual bond. This "city on a hill" consciousness has been ingrained in people's minds since before the founding of the United States, and has become the legacy of American thought from generation to generation. After the founding of the United States, the society still has a strong religious color. In the early 20th century Albert j. beveridge, a republican senator, said that "god has chosen the people of America as his chosen people to lead the world toward renewal." Christian culture is a major part of the American cultural tradition. Americans believe that the United States is the only country in the world established according to the will of god.

In colonial times, far from European control, the colonists were accustomed to running their own affairs, enjoying far more freedom than the European people had then. As a result, colonial-era americans called themselves "free people." After the founding of new China, the United States abandoned the aristocracy, monarchy and hierarchy in Europe, avoided the corruption, autocracy and class conflict in Europe, implemented the separation of powers political system based on the principle of people's sovereignty, and established the first republic in the world. Americans see it as the noblest and purest regime in the world, one that upholds the best interests of the individual and achieves true liberty and equality. "All the governments of the old world are so deeply rooted... The conditions under which human politics cannot be reformed in Asia, Africa or Europe... Americans have gained a foothold not only for themselves but for the world. The colonists established a new regime in North America according to the republican principles, which became another important basis for the idea of "American exceptionalism".

The continent of North America is vast and fertile. It is separated from Europe and Asia by the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. This geographical environment has a great impact on the American psychology of exception. The early puritans believed that North America was the place where god had specially left them to conduct holy experiments. North America was their refuge from the sufferings and evils of Europe. George Washington said in his farewell address that America's "separation and remoteness" from Europe allowed it to "take a different course" and that it should not "abandon the advantages of a particular geography". By "a different course," he meant that to ensure security, the United States would not get involved in European affairs, isolate itself from European disputes, and concentrate on developing its own strength. Geography gives americans a sense of security, a sense that living here is guided by god, that the United States is a beacon, a role model for other nations, and an exception to the rule.

American exceptionalism is an important part of American traditional culture and has great influence on the formulation and implementation of American foreign policy.

Exceptionalism adds a highly idealistic dimension to American foreign policy. Unlike traditional European foreign policy, americans see themselves as a noble people with a noble altruistic motive and a mission to help uncivilized nations and nations escape from ignorance and backwardness. As for America's territorial expansion in the 19th century, they saw it not as an invasion but as "taking care of the unfortunate in a kind way" with a selfless purpose. Exceptionalism makes americans think that America is squeamish and benevolent in its international behaviour. For example, in the first world war, the americans claimed to participate in the war to "fight a war to end all wars", and the americans participated in the second world war to free the world from the slavery of fascism and establish a new world order on the basis of the "four freedoms". Americans believe that they are unique among nations in the world, that their motives are good, their actions moral, and their purposes pure. This is clearly reflected in the idealistic diplomatic principles of the United States.

Unilateralism is another important embodiment of American exceptionalism in American foreign policy. Americans believe that compared with other countries, the United States is an exceptional country that cannot be measured by the standards of other countries. What other countries cannot do, the United States can do. It presents itself as the architect of the new international order and the arbiter of international conduct, and sees reason to go beyond the existing international system and international law. It needs to transcend the current international order and establish a new order to promote the progress of the international community. In 1998, then-secretary of state Madeleine albright explained the cruise missile launch into Iraq this way: "if we have to use force, it's because we're the United States. We are an indispensable nation. We stand tall and look far. This is a clear demonstration of American unilateralism. Unilateralism still has many manifestations in American diplomatic history. For example, unilaterally withdrawing from the anti-missile treaty, bypassing the United Nations and starting the Iraq war.

"American exceptionalism" is deeply rooted in the thoughts of americans and has a complex and profound influence on the diplomatic behavior of the United States. By understanding its historical origin and its manifestation in the foreign policy of the United States, we can have a clearer view of the characteristics of the foreign policy of the United States, and know ourselves and the enemy, so as to make countermeasures to our own advantage.


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Assignment代写:American transcendentalism

2019-03-23 17:01:28 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- American transcendentalism,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的实验主义。超验主义影响了美国的方方面面,美国的文化、民族精神、美国文学和社会发展等等无一不受着超验主义的潜移默化地影响,这也是为什么超验主义有如此高的地位的原因。物质是重要的,而精神这种看不见摸不着却能感受到的东西也应该被平等对待,超验主义无疑为当时甚至现在的精神空虚的美国人提供了一片净土。

The transcendentalism of the United States arose in the 1830s and continued into the 1860s. It has been nearly two centuries, but as a pearl in American history, transcendentalism has not lost its luster with the passage of time, its influence has always been increasing, and people are still in the ascendant in the study of it. Transcendentalism represented by Emerson and Thoreau attaches importance to people's personality, independence and inner peace, which can be said to affect all aspects of America.

In the 19th century, the world was in a state of rapid technological development and substantial increase of social wealth. However, everything has its pros and cons. The industrialization and industrial revolution of the United States in the 19th century pushed the wheels of American history, but they also brought many troubles to Americans. On the one hand, they are obsessed with the "debauchery" and "drunkard" brought by economic development, but they also bear the inner world's hesitation and poverty. Transcendentalism advocates the importance and value of ideological independence. It thinks that material life is vulgar. This kind of thought ADAPTS to the development of society and is undoubtedly a good medicine for people at that time. So what is transcendentalism? Transcendentalism is a movement about literature, philosophy and art. Because a small group of intellectuals opposed the rationalistic formalism of calvinism and monotheism they came up with the belief in the sanctity of man and nature. Transcendentalists believe that everyone has the inherent divinity, and only through contact with nature can the divinity and human nature be integrated with each other, thus the transcendentalists emphasize individualism, independence and reject the traditional decadent authority.

When it comes to transcendentalism, we almost all agree that there is one person who was born specifically for transcendentalism, and he is Emerson. Emerson was born into a New England family of priests. When he was a child, the family had fallen into decline, so he experienced "the poverty of high society". As a child he was a Calvinist, but when he went to college he abandoned the principles of calvinism and embraced the Christian belief in one god. By acknowledging that man can be perfected by his own efforts, it is clear that the idea of unitarian god is more advanced than calvinism. Emerson was ordained as the unitarian pastor of Boston's second church, but soon found that unitarian values reason so highly that he decided to resign. He went to Europe, made friends with the likes of Clare, Coleridge and wadsworth, and brought European romanticism back to America. Emerson once sponsored the transcendentalist magazine sundial to promote transcendentalist ideas. For a time, transcendentalism was so prevalent that some people thought they were "crazy". The term "transcendentalist" was originally pejorative, meaning someone who is not down to earth. Despite leaving the ministry business, Emerson never stopped preaching, not from the pulpit, of course, but in the classroom.

Emerson makes a systematic synthesis of the transcendentalist view, the most important element of which is "superspirit", so he attaches great importance to the spirit. In on nature, he wrote, "philosophically, the universe is made up of nature and the soul." Emerson believes that the world can be perceived, and he emphasizes the importance of idealism, because only idealism can see the world of god. "The whole world: man and all things, deeds and events, nations and religions... They are giant paintings of god's eternal thinking soul.

It is only natural that we should find another transcendent view, which is equally important, that the individual, not the masses, is the most important. If a man by his own strength trains and sanctifies himself, he becomes more and more perfect, even perfect. This is what Emerson called "the infinite potential of man." Emerson tried to convince people that there was no end to the process of perfecting themselves; People should be able to stand on their own two feet; Everyone should see the world as his own and be able to control his own existence. Everyone should understand that by creating the world, he also creates himself. And by creating himself, he also created the world. Emerson thought, "the world is for you... ", you have to "build your own world", "believe in yourself" and "create yourself". Trust your own judgment and the world is yours.

Thoreau was Emerson's friend, about 14 years his junior. Thoreau's ambitious mother decided to send her son to college. She succeeded. Thoreau went to harvard, but he didn't like the atmosphere and life there. After graduation, Thoreau returned home to help his father with his business and later to open a private school of his own. Thoreau and Emerson became friends, used his library, and embraced his ideas. In 1845, something happened that influenced Thoreau himself and American literature. With the permission of Emerson, Thoreau built a cabin on the walden river in Emerson. Thoreau wanted to get away from the busy social life in America because he thought it was becoming more and more materialistic. Thoreau lived a self-sufficient life on the Banks of the walden river. As he told us, he spent about six weeks a year growing beans. He spends most of the year writing and enjoying nature. Thoreau was a sensitive woodsman, in a primeval forest, completely immersed in communication with nature.

Thoreau's representative work is walden, in which he explains to us his thoughts on the self, nature and all things. He told us some happy life rich "secret recipe" : the material requirements to be simple, simple as a bush of grass in the wilderness; The pursuit of the spirit do not stop, to fill the inner world. All of this coincides with the transcendentalist view.

The principles advocated by transcendentalism are indeed beautiful, but in the real world, not all people have the consciousness of Emerson and Thoreau. Human beings are full of material desires and other desires, so asceticism is actually not that popular. On the other hand, society needs these desires to drive. Transcendentalists talk and meditate against the trend of social development. After the civil war, the United States ushered in a rapid development of the era, people's spiritual world has ushered in a "iron iron", mechanical civilization is popular, but on the other hand, materialism is also prevalent. Transcendentalist thought, the ideal of trying to open up broad prospects for life, was completely distorted by people. The United States is a typical representative of the development of modern civilization. Its development trajectory is amazing. In just over two hundred years, the United States has become the most powerful country in the world. In the clamor for quick success and instant benefit, the transcendental and refined transcendentalist ideal of the United States appears so valuable. This noble ideal of life bravely shouted out to the world against the trend of The Times, it is also so valuable. The United States is highly developed, but on the other hand, modern material civilization produced by environmental pollution, ecological damage and other global problems are becoming more and more serious. Mankind should rethink the contradiction between human ideal and social development. American transcendentalist ideal provides another kind of thinking about the development of the United States and the development of civilization, which, though not playing an obvious role in reality, is precious enough.

Transcendentalism affects every aspect of America. American culture, national spirit, American literature and social development are all influenced by transcendentalism, which is the reason why transcendentalism has such a high status. Material things are important, while spirit, which is invisible but can be felt, should be treated equally. Transcendentalism undoubtedly provided a pure land for Americans who were spiritually empty then and even now. This paper attempts to analyze the transcendentalism itself, and also pays special attention to its impact on social development. From this, we can feel that the transcendentalism may still have important practical significance for today's America and even the whole world.


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Movie Review的写作术语分析

2019-03-23 17:00:19 | 日記
留学生在国外大学的学习过程中,无疑会遇到各种各样的作业,像Movie Review就是其中一种。Movie Review,其实就是电影的影评。在Movie Review的写作中,我们会用到一些特定的术语,这些可能大家不太熟悉,下面就给大家分析一下。

Movie Review写作术语








Point of View:视角。这个术语是电影、文学和视觉艺术通用的词汇。电影都是通过某一种特定的视角来看待世界。再拿《肖申克的救赎》来举例,如果电影不是从摩根弗里曼这个视角出发,你觉得会产生什么样的差别?




1)To exhibit something close to the earlier performance.

2)The film feels like a watered-down edit of a much more ambitious film.

3) To judge a picture solely on the merits contained within it.

4) Something that is sorely missing from the movie is (idea).

5) Something is haphazardly executed (concept, the main message).

6) Something is a far-cry from masterpiece (the work of a cameraman, film).

A film can…

-boast a star-studded cast;

-explore (dare to tackle) many issues;

-do a commendable job translating the book to the screen;

-deal with controversial issues;

-be a true classic of the silver screen;

-eclipse all preceding;

-trigger a lot of heated debates;

-win universal approval;

-bombard the viewer with scenes of suffering, upsetting or misleading information.

以上就是关于Movie Review的写作术语分析,希望同学们在以后写作Movie Review的时候,都可以熟练地运用这些写作术语。


Paper代写:The endgame

2019-03-23 16:59:17 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The endgame讨论了艺术终结论。在现代化的进程中,我们生活的世界发生了深刻的变化,唯理性、唯技术不仅使人们的精神生活日益贫乏,使艺术存在的社会基础变得摇摇欲坠,更改变了艺术品在社会中的定位。未来艺术的发展难以预测,但艺术不会终结却是肯定的。一时代的艺术形态必将随时代的离去而消失,但艺术整体却不会终结,艺术始终是在否定之否定的规律中扬弃传统,发展自身。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

In 1817, Hegel put forward the "end of art conclusion" in Heidelberg's aesthetics speech. He had already made fragmentary remarks about the end of art, but he was the first person to talk about this issue from the perspective of philosophical theory. Hegel's "the end of art" should be understood from his philosophical consciousness, because this conclusion is derived from his theoretical system. At the same time, it must be noted that Hegel was dissatisfied with his era, and the encroachment of civil society on art threatened the survival of art. This also shows that Hegel's "art final conclusion" does not believe that art will disappear, but aims to state that it is inevitable for art to be transformed into philosophy.

In the era when Hegel put forward the "end of art conclusion", the practice of art in reality was flourishing. It can be seen that his so-called "end of art" is not the end of the reality of art, but indicates that art should transform to ideas and form a new art philosophy. In Hegel's view, "in its highest function, art is a thing of the past for us moderns. Therefore, it has lost its true reality and life, and can no longer maintain its former necessary and lofty status in reality. Maybe in the past people could know the world directly through art, but now art can no longer lead people to know the truth of the world, so art no longer has a high status, which is obviously to separate the absolute spirit from the real world.

In Hegel's theory of ideas, he divided the development of absolute spirit into three stages: art, religion and philosophy. These three are the ways and means of human understanding the absolute spirit, but only philosophy is the highest means of understanding the absolute spirit, is the highest form of the development of art, the end of art is essentially art gives way to philosophy. Hegel divided the development of world art into three types: symbolic art, classical art and romantic art. Beauty is the perceptual manifestation of ideas. In Hegel's mind, true art should achieve a high degree of unity between content and form. In Hegel's view, only classical art reached the perfect harmony of content and form, sensibility and absolute spirit. Symbolic art is the material transcendence of spirit, while the spiritual content of romantic art is beyond the material form. Further development will inevitably lead to the division between the spirit of the subject and the form of the object, which will also lead to the disintegration of art itself. Art must seek a higher form to survive, so art gives way to philosophy and gains logical rationality.

Returning to the social reality, Hegel believed that the art of his era could not meet the spirit of the era, which in turn inhibited the development of art. "Every work of art belongs to its time and its people, each with its own special circumstances, depending on its particular historical and other ideas and purposes." Times have changed, the art reflecting the spirit of The Times will also change, the end of an era will inevitably lead to the end of an era of art form. In Hegel's eyes, the most perfect classical ancient art is represented by ancient Greek sculpture, which shows the serenity and nobleness of god in the form of human beings, presenting the ideal spirit and revealing the awakening of human subject consciousness. This was in keeping with the spirit of the time of exploring the world and discovering oneself. Under the influence of the industrial wave, the civil society Hegel lived in emphasized rationality, while the romantic art represented by painting, music and poetry advocated the principle of subjectivity, focused on absolute inner life and emotional impulse, and took lyricism as its basic feature. The dislocation between time and art also became a powerful example of Hegel's "art's final conclusion", so he clearly pointed out that "art is really no longer able to meet the spiritual needs of the past era and the past nation found in art and can only be found in art... The general conditions of our times are not favorable to art.

Art, religion and philosophy belong to the category of ideology, but they have their own social functions. Hegel deprived the independence and self-discipline of art in his philosophical system. Although the ultimate inquiry, enlightenment is the responsibility of art is not shirkable, but lost the aesthetic art also lost the meaning of existence. Aesthetic nature determines that art has its unique nature and characteristics in both content and form, and also indicates that art cannot be separated from perceptual knowledge and perceptual form and become an absolute concept. Moreover, in combination with the reality, art has not disappeared due to the weakening of dependence on material materials. On the contrary, some modern art returns to symbolic relationship in terms of the relationship between content and form, which seems to be a "reproduction" of previous art forms, which indicates that the "art final conclusion" will not be fulfilled.

Arthur? Danto's "the end of art history" can be seen as a preview of the crisis of artistic self-discipline. After art history entered the modern field of vision, danto reconsidered "the end of art" on the basis of Hegel's "the end of art". Hegel would end by talking about art as a whole, danto about the history of art alone. In danto's view, the history of the development of art is the history of art's constant self-understanding and exploration of its essence, while the self-discipline of art dissolves itself from within and loses its direction of development.

Hegel believed that art had limitations in the expression of absolute spirit. However, with the development of art form from symbolic and ancient models to romantic ones, spiritual content greatly surpasses material materials, and art disintegrates itself and turns into philosophy by denying itself. But philosophy is still within the scope of history, so the history of art has no end, art has become a kind of alienated philosophy. Danto believes that art has achieved its ultimate goal in the 20th century. Art and history began to develop in different directions, and the history of art came to an end. "Perhaps history will continue in what I call a post-historical form, but its existence no longer has any historical significance. ... Is art going back to history, or is this state of destruction its future: a cultural entropy? As the concept of art is exhausted from within, any phenomenon that is to come will be meaningless. It can be seen that although Hegel and danto have made similar statements, their positions are different. Hegel is based on the limitation of absolute spirit of artistic expression, while danto is based on the self-discipline of art. Hegel focuses on the whole of history, while danto talks about art within the history of art. Thus, in Hegel, art ends in philosophy and develops in history as philosophy; Tantor will isolate in art history from the historical context of reality, think of the concept of art and creativity from the inside a hollowed-out exhausted, art practice without the motivation and new possibilities, art can't along with the development of the history of the atoms in the same direction, but had to repeat the past has appeared various forms, in the history of art history to the end. Art is consumed from within from the self-discipline of art. Under Kant's aesthetic self-discipline theory, art began to establish a set of principles and standards with its own characteristics, which played a positive role in defining and regulating art. However, with the deepening of aesthetic self-discipline on the control of art, artists began to "art for art's sake", divorced from the social reality and the context of The Times, play with the concept of art, only in the form of fine arts, so that art in a narrow scope of impossibility. This shows that there is an internal connection between the art self-discipline and the end of art. Danto sees this, and he prompts us to think about why art cannot exist autonomously. Art is mainly to grasp the world through the perceptual way, through the artistic image to convey the concept of art, and perceptual knowledge is sometimes unreliable, the perceptual image of the performance range and thinking space is limited. These characteristics show that art cannot understand truth through abstract concepts like mathematics and physics, but can only express spirit and ideas in a limited space and time. The essence of art is that it can never be divorced from the realistic context, and it always needs to seek a balance between perceptual knowledge and abstract logic. Once separated from the appropriate context, art will lose its rationality of interpretation. Duchamp's fountain is undoubtedly one of the most controversial works of art. Danto acknowledges its philosophical significance, but holds a pessimistic attitude towards its artistic significance. Duchamp is a ready-made urinal named "spring", its itself is the concept of a play, is one of the philosophy of art practice, because no matter from which side, urinal properties of beauty, it is aesthetic value lies in its philosophical thinking, of "spring" does not have the beautiful form, has a concept of beauty. "Duchamp's works raise the question of the philosophical nature of art within art, which implies that art has become a philosophy of vivid form and has now fulfilled its spiritual mission by revealing the philosophical nature at its center. It is time to leave the task to philosophy itself, which is ready to deal directly and ultimately with the question of its own nature. Danto eventually returns to Hegel and formally states that art ends in philosophy. Although he overcame Hegel's neglect of artistic self-discipline, he still believed that art would be replaced by philosophy after losing its own definition. Danto's conclusion is disappointing. He proposed that art should have a sense of history, but he did not find a correct development path for art. Instead, he deprived art with philosophy, not only ignoring the significance of reality for art, but also developing art into an idea, which need to be rethought.

The arrival of the post-modern society determines that art must be open to reality, and the essence of art has become an open field with multiple possibilities. The essence of art is infinite, so are the forms of art, and all kinds of post-modern art schools have found their living grounds. From self-discipline to openness, the development of art seems to go from one extreme to the other.

In the process of modernization, the world we live in has undergone profound changes. On the other hand, science and technology and instrumental rationality also cause the opposition between man and nature. Rationalism and technology-oriented approach not only makes people's spiritual life increasingly poor, but also makes the social foundation for the existence of art fragile and changes the positioning of artwork in society. Benjamin proposed the concept of "halo" 1 in his works of art in the age of mechanical reproduction, which indicates that artworks are born with standards and should be unique and authoritative, while artworks without "halo" are not real artworks. However, in the industrial society, under the control of machinery and technology, the production of artworks has become a large-scale mechanical reproduction, thus losing its unique authority. At the same time, art also from the temple out of the public can become a consumer goods. Such an inevitable result is the non-art of art. That is to say, in the post-modern context, art has returned to the initial state where everything is art and nothing is art, and art has become ubiquitous. "The end of art" shows that art will not disappear, but into the daily life of the public.

In this way, when the self-discipline of art is broken as a whole, art suffers a new aesthetic crisis, which is generated in the era we live in. However, this kind of crisis will not lead to the end of art, on the contrary, art will be reborn in the confrontation with The Times. The "disenchantment" of postmodernism makes the aestheticization of daily life become an inevitable trend. The production and acceptance of art have undergone great changes, so the way for art to save itself should be to return to daily life. Every era should have its own art. The art in the mass society needs to reposition itself, rediscover and define its own concept and essence. Secondly, the art itself needs some unshakable and stable standards. Art needs to establish authority for itself in the confrontation with instrumental rationality. At the same time, the art to life should always be in the historical context and the realistic context, in the spiritual content and material form to achieve unity and harmony. Art cannot be independent from the history of society. "art for life" will replace "art for art". It is hard to predict what the future of art will look like, but it is certain that art will not end. The art form of an era will certainly disappear with the passing of The Times, but the art as a whole will not end.


Essay代写:Student aid services in the UK

2019-03-23 16:56:19 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Student aid services in the UK,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国的学生援助服务体系。英国高校倡导的是以人为本的理念,注重于学生的需要,构建了完备的经济援助和发展援助相结合的家庭经济困难学生援助服务体系。经济援助解决了学生的学费和生活费问题,发展援助在为学生提供高效便捷服务的同时,更加注重弱势群体帮扶和学生的自主发展。

With the rapid development of higher education in the UK, universities and the government are facing pressure from recruitment, cultivation and finance. At the same time, the implementation of the cost-sharing mechanism of higher education in Britain has brought economic troubles to many college students and parents. In order to ensure the fairness of enrollment, Britain has established a relatively complete system of assistance services for students from poor families in colleges and universities.

The financial aid service system for students from poor families in British universities generally includes two dimensions: economic aid and development aid. Financial aid mainly refers to providing students with government and school loans, various types of awards and bursaries and work-study opportunities. Development assistance is to provide long-term support for students' existing problems, such as assistance for students with psychological problems, students with disabilities, and students with dyslexia. Financial aid greatly solves the tuition and living expenses of students, while development aid plays a very important role in improving the comprehensive quality of students and promoting their development.

Due to the implementation of the higher education admission policy centering on the expansion of enrollment rate and the change of the concept of the cost-sharing mechanism of education, the British government reformed the charging system and established a mixed financial aid system for college students, which coexisted with student loans, grants, scholarships and work-study aid.

Student loans are the most important form of student aid in Britain. It mainly includes two parts: one part is "tuition loan", the loan amount depends on the fee standard of the university, the tuition loan is directly transferred to the university of the student, every full-time registered student has the right to apply for "tuition loan"; The other part is the "living expenses loan", which is a "loan provided according to the poverty level of the family", that is, the loan amount is assessed according to the three indicators of family income, the living expenses standard of the university location and whether the student lives on campus or not. Student loans are funded by public funds from the government, mainly by student loan companies. Local education authorities are responsible for qualification confirmation, and the state administration of taxation is responsible for urging repayment of loans. Loan repayment takes the form of "repayment in proportion to income". Only after reaching the 15,000 annual income "repayment threshold", can start repayment, the amount of the annual repayment of 9%, repayment period of 25 years. If the repayment period exceeds 25 years, the government will write off the payment and pay the remaining debt. The British government chooses the national revenue office as the recycling agency for student loans, and tracks student loans through the national tax network to calculate whether the annual income of graduates reaches the repayment limit and the amount to be repaid.

British university student grants are divided into government-funded projects and school-funded projects. Among them, the British government funded projects are divided into financial aid fund, higher education grants, child care grants, parental study grants, child support tax relief, adult support grants, disabled student grants, unattended student grants and study grants involving various aspects and different groups of students.

The university's financial aid programs include President's bursaries, college bursaries and other types of bursaries, as well as freshman scholarships and cultural and sports scholarships for outstanding students. In addition, according to the fair enrollment agreement, the school will also provide financial aid to some special groups, such as children with disabilities, etc. The school must provide strong financial aid to help them successfully complete their studies.

Work-study jobs in British universities do not focus on poor students, but serve all students. For the students in the school management system to provide all kinds of part-time jobs agencies has a lot of, can be divided into two kinds, one kind is vocational guidance and service center, while providing jobs for graduates, through in-depth contact with unit of choose and employ persons, as much as possible to provide students with reliable work, as well as some helpful to students' employment of environmental protection or charity volunteer work; The other is the national association of student part-time job services and the national association of work experience, which colleges and universities provide part-time job opportunities for students. On the one hand, these institutions contact enterprises and release job information for employers. On the other hand, relevant information will be delivered to students through campus posters, websites and emails.

While providing financial aid to students from poor families, British universities have set up a huge student service center, which is responsible for the management of all student affairs except teaching. The center has several functional offices, including psychological counseling service center, student support center for the disabled, and career guidance service center. These functional offices work centrally and provide students with professional, whole-process and personalized services from psychological counseling, academic guidance, employment guidance and other aspects.

For students with psychological problems, British universities have set up psychological counseling service centers. The working team is generally composed of psychological consultants, learning consultants, peer counseling consultants, mental health consultants, foreign student affairs consultants, etc., with full-time, part-time and temporary psychological consultants as a supplement. Mental health education is mainly carried out through workshops, lectures, group discussions, peer counseling and one-to-one counseling.

As the department that protects minority interests in student management, the support center for disabled students can best reflect the fairness and humanity of the British education system. Not only the service function covers the comprehensive, almost covers all the disabled students, but also highlights the disabled students should not be forced to serve the service concept, such as for the visual impaired students in the Windows and doors and other places to set up reflective signs, for the hearing impaired students to provide hearing AIDS and other humane, detailed measures.

British colleges and universities have a professional guidance service center to provide students with vocational skills training and career education and other services. The main work contents include: conducting employment consultation, vocational guidance lectures, training, holding job fairs, publishing recruitment information, providing internships and part-time jobs, providing online learning and workshops, making statistics on the whereabouts of graduates, providing information services and cooperating with employers, etc.

British universities implement the "personal tutor system", whose main purpose is to care about student life and support students' academic development. Each college has an associate dean or senior mentor who is overall responsible for the college's mentorship system and also liaises with the various departments that support the mentor. The "personal tutor system" fully embodies the educational purpose of educating the whole staff, so that students can get positive development in study, life, thought and psychology.

British colleges and universities advocate and implement the core concept of students as customers, students as the center, to ensure that students get the best service. In the process of operation and implementation, the assistance service system for students from poor families adheres to this advanced concept and fully embodies the characteristics of humanization, individualization, scientization and specialization.

The idea of putting people first is fully embodied in British universities. The university of Cambridge is student-oriented. All work focuses on serving the needs of students and providing them with the best learning and living environment. Focus on improving the quality of student training, pay attention to the shaping and ability of people, rather than simply imparting knowledge and skills. The philosophy of hull university is that students come first and every student is the most important. The school regards students as the service center and provides services and help to them before entering the school. Schools also respect students' subjectivity, including personal privacy, religious habits, national culture and so on. In order to enable students from different countries and ethnic groups to achieve cultural integration, the school holds "one world" activity every year, which allows students to display and publicize their own country and national culture through carefully rehearsed programs, so that students can truly feel the warmth of home.

In British colleges and universities, the responsibilities of the student aid service system are defined in a comprehensive and fine way, and the project design is scientific and reasonable. It goes deep into every link of students' study and life, so that students will know how to solve problems immediately. The school's student service center generally has more than a dozen departments, whose duties are clear and specific, and can provide students with in-depth, targeted guidance and help. The information service department of the University of Derby has 180 employees, who are responsible for the student affairs and service work of all the students in the University and provide one-stop hierarchical service for students through the service hall. The information of student affairs is clear at a glance. If you have any questions, you can enter the reception desk in the hall. Teachers at this level will lead students to take turns on duty and preliminarily accept questions from visiting students. If the problem can not be solved, enter the next link, by the hall staff diversion, and guide them to the corresponding departments; The last level is the single office, which is the office of the department heads. If the staff cannot solve the problems, the department heads will solve them.

The strategic goal of the UK student aid service system is to strengthen its outstanding role in academic practice, social integration, personal support, lifelong skills and other aspects for students, especially for students with disabilities, psychological disorders, poor students and other groups to provide support.

Support centers for students with disabilities, psychological counseling service centers, and student financial aid centers provide targeted support and services for special groups of students and their special needs. The center helps students with disabilities develop detailed help plans, provides targeted monitoring and assistance for each student, and comprehensively solves various problems of students with disabilities. Psychological counseling service center combines the psychological characteristics and actual needs of individual students, provides individual counseling and group counseling for students, and regularly holds small seminars and lectures. Students can voluntarily participate according to their own needs and interests, not seeking scale but seeking effect. The centre is mainly responsible for helping students financially and applying for different types of financial aid according to their needs. Through personalized assistance, all vulnerable groups can enjoy equal access to education.

Student's self - management and self - service is another remarkable characteristic of British universities in student management. Influenced by British culture and social environment, college students who are adults have a strong sense of independence and the ability to study and live independently. They have the tradition, willingness and right requirements of self-management and service. In the form of organization, this self-management and service is mainly realized through the student union. British universities have student union, which is a student organization with an independent legal person, independent from the university, recognized by the university and the government, representing and safeguarding the interests of students, and participating in the decision-making of school affairs. The student union has chapters of students' union of various countries, which are responsible for the affairs of students in that country and carry out students' activities with their own national characteristics.

