


2019-03-14 17:48:57 | 日記







英国留学生在参考文献的列举,或者可以说是陈列方面有比较多的标注方法,常见的有五种:Harvard referencing system哈佛文献标记系统;CMS: Chicago Manual of Style(CMS)芝加哥写作和文献标注系统;APA Style:American Psychological Association美国心理学会写作和文献标记办法;AMA:American Medical Association美国医学会文献标注系统 ;MLA:现代语言学会写作和文献标注系统。但是最常用的就是前两种,下面是哈佛文献的注释格式。






Paper代写:Children's education in little women

2019-03-14 17:46:34 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Children's education in little women,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了《小妇人》中的儿童教育。在路易莎·梅·奥尔科特的代表作《小妇人》中,书中体现的教育理念是把儿童看作有独立个体意识的儿童,充分地尊重儿童的主体性,让他们得到健康、全面、和谐的发展。这跟以人为目的,促使人的健康发展,在教育理念中确立人的主体地位,高扬人的主体精神,着重培养的是综合素质和创作能力的素质教育在本质上是一致的。

Louisa may Alcott is an American woman writer. Her masterpiece little women is a classic. The growth and life of the four sisters in little women deeply affects people's hearts. The educational concept embodied in the book is to regard children as children with independent individual consciousness, fully respect children's subjectivity, and let them get healthy, comprehensive and harmonious development. As Mrs March said, "I want my children to be beautiful, capable and kind, to be loved and respected, and to live a good and happy life, free from worry and sorrow." This is in essence consistent with the quality education put forward by China in the 1980s, which is "people-oriented, promotes the healthy development of human beings, establishes the subject status of human beings in the educational concept, advocates the subject spirit of human beings, and focuses on cultivating the comprehensive quality and creative ability of human beings". "Little women" even in more than 100 years later, still has a high reference value. This paper is explored from the following aspects:

Understanding the development process of children is the premise to cultivate their independence. We advocate the cultivation of children's independence, not to encourage them. Children begin to realize the existence of self, and enhance the positive interaction with the surrounding environment, which is the key period to develop children's independence consciousness and ability. At this time, educators should take the initiative to create an environment for children, according to the different ages of children, so that children can complete the task, to develop their independent ability. For example, Meg helps with the housework, takes care of her sister, and tutor children. Jo was taken care of by aunt march; Beth is mainly responsible for washing dishes and tidying up the room. Mrs. March knows that too much demand on a child may lead to frustration and loss of confidence. If the requirements are too low, the value of exercise will be lost, so the little sisters according to the age and personality characteristics to exercise their independence. From the perspective of psychological development, children's various psychological processes and personality characteristics are in constant change, among which some changes are essential and representative in a certain age stage. These essential and representative changes are the age characteristics of the age. Therefore, we see that only by understanding the general law of children's physical and mental development and the actual characteristics of children's age, educators can be targeted to put forward suitable for their children's development level requirements, gradually improve the child's independent ability, enhance the child's independent consciousness.

The key to developing children's independence is to give children the opportunity to face and solve problems by themselves. Children are children after all, they lack experience in getting along with others, their thinking is simple, their feelings are direct, their self-control is limited, and their quarrels are frequent problems. Most of the children don't have to worry when they have an argument. Once Joe was so depressed that he had a quarrel with his good - natured neighbour, Laurie. As is customary in China, parents who see their children in such pain will come to the door to make amends to their neighbors and help resolve their differences. But Mrs. March did not get involved with them. She thought the children should solve their problems by themselves. Later, after some soul-search, Jo wanted to make amends for the quarrel, and invited Laurie to dinner. In many cases, parents may handle problems well instead of children. However, children cannot perceive their own right and wrong, thus losing an opportunity to learn how to deal with problems, and thus failing to develop their ability to solve problems independently.

The cultivation of children's independence is a process of perseverance. In this environment, there is not only a clear self, but more importantly, mutual trust, support and encouragement, which is the true meaning of love as we understand it.

Respect for children, the first to maintain children's sense of self-esteem. The sense of self-respect and dignity is the most precious thing in human subjectivity, the core and cornerstone of basic personality quality, and the driving force for a person to form a sound personality.

The sense of self-esteem is the most sensitive and vulnerable place in children's mind. If educators intentionally or unintentionally violate it, the wound caused to children's mind will sometimes be hard to heal for a lifetime. Therefore, educators should take care to maintain children's sense of self-esteem whenever and wherever possible. So how does the work manifest itself? First of all, take a magnifying glass to find the advantages and advantages of children. All four of the march children had their faults, such as Meg's vanity, Jo's impetuosity, beth's shyness, and Amy's pride and selfishness. But they had no loss of self-esteem and lived happily, contentedly, and lovingly. Why? For Mrs. March valued the children's virtues, such as Meg's sweetness and gentleness, her love of acting, and her ability to write. Joe is lively and lovely, outstanding personality, good at writing, quite talented and creative, has a strong sense of responsibility for the family and society; Beth is beautiful and charming, kind and friendly, loves music, is good at playing, and is kind and selfless. Amy is charming and beautiful, elegant and noble, and loves art. Mrs. March looked at the children's good points and good points with a magnifying glass, so they did not hurt their pride. Therefore, as an educator, must be good at finding the eyes of beauty, hand with a magnifying glass, to find the advantages of children and strengths, in order to take the initiative to cultivate their sense of self-esteem, promote their talent.

Second, to treat children with a common heart to make mistakes. Making mistakes is often one of the important reasons why children lose their sense of self-esteem. Thus, when children make mistakes, educators need to help them recognize them without making a fuss and still be careful to maintain their self-esteem. Once, because of her pettishness, Amy set fire to a fairy tale written by Jo. It was her own work, and Jo swore that she would never forgive Amy again. Jo and Laurie go skating. Amy wants Jo to teach her, but Jo gives her the cold shoulder. Amy falls into the ice and almost dies. Jo was too contrite to accept herself, and remorseful of her coldness and bad temper, which had nearly killed Amy. Then Mrs. March said piteously to Jo, "don't cry. Just remember this day and make up your mind that it won't happen again. Joe, my dear, you think you have the worst temper in the world, but so did I. I've been trying to get over it all these years, just with a little self-control. Mrs. March's understanding and trust soothed Jo's bitter remorse and made her accept herself again. Her approach not only educates children, but also maintains their self-esteem.

The germination of self-esteem in early childhood is the foundation for the formation of self-esteem in later adult life. In the formation and development of self-esteem, educators play an important role in educating and influencing children.

Cultivating children's good personality quality is a crucial work, for a person's growth and talent has a very important role, it is not only the guarantee of the healthy growth of children, but also children to adapt to the internal needs of society. Love is a virtue, for children, educators should let children feel love at the same time to teach them to contribute to love, and then cultivate children's excellent quality. On the morning of Christmas day, under the guidance of their mother, the children gave the Christmas breakfast to a poor family, and made fire and cleaned for the family. They forsook their sweet breakfasts, and left merrily, a little bread and milk on Christmas morning, but there was not a joker in the town than the four of them. Because they get happiness and joy in the process of caring and helping others. For example, Jo reached out to Laurie out of sympathy for his loneliness and loneliness, Laurie's kindness and generosity, and beth's love for others before her. While they know how to show love for others, they are also loved by everyone. When such a child grows up, he is sure to be highly respected.

It is very important to cultivate children's sense of responsibility and cultivate their good personality. The sense of responsibility is developed in practice, so it is necessary to entrust each child with appropriate work tasks and roles, so that they can assume certain responsibilities in class and family, and bear the responsibilities in collective activities and social work. A sense of responsibility for small things is often the basis for a sense of responsibility for big things. Educators can develop children's sense of responsibility through the little things in life. The little sisters raise birds at home, provide birds with food and drink every day, but also accompany birds to play and chat. The little sisters are responsible for the bird, so the bird also brought them a lot of joy. But after a period of time due to the negligence of the children, the bird starved to death. At the same time, they began to understand the responsibility they shouldered. They should be responsible for the bird, for themselves and for others. Therefore, educators should start from every detail of life to consciously cultivate children, so that gradually become caring, compassionate, responsible children, children into the future to lay a good foundation for the society.

To sum up, we can see that little women presents us with scientific educational concepts in simple and simple language, and shows us how to cultivate children's independent ability, maintain children's sense of self-esteem, shape children's good quality and so on. It can be said that little women has practical reference significance and reference value for the current quality education in China. Quality-oriented education should aim at cultivating well-rounded talents. The implementation of quality-oriented education to achieve the desired goal, the first should start from children's education. So we each educator, the children should be regarded as independent consciousness of main body, as the hope of the future, if you really respect, care, understanding and trust every child, pay attention to cultivate children's independent ability, self-esteem, good quality, to constantly improve their personality, their quality and ability can obtain the comprehensive development and improvement.


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2019-03-14 17:45:17 | 日記






例: I believe that third-person writing is the best point of view when writing an essay.




例: You would do better on your essays if you wrote in third person.



第三人称写作时通常使用代词:they, him, her,和it等一些专有名词。这种类型的写作你会在一本以局外者角度来写的小说中看到。

例:Teachers and students agree that third-person writing makes essays sound better.



如果你在写文章时使用的是第一人称,你会冒着风险陈述像‘i think’或者‘i believe’这样的句子。



This is why I believe jazz is the first form of truly American music.

This is why jazz is the first form of truly American music.



需要注意的是,使用第一人称写作会让你的论据听起来缺乏可信度。呈现事实或观点时用“I think”或“I believe”开头不能给予你的论据真实性和可靠性。



I believe that children should consume less sugar because it leads to higher risk of obesity.

According to the Obesity Action Coalition, children who consume a lot of sugar have an increased risk of obesity.







When writing a novel, you should think about what kind of tone you want to portray before choosing which point of view you want to use.

When writing a novel, authors should think about the kind of tone they want to portray before choosing which point of view they want to use.









论文并不是唯一一种老师给你的作业类型。短篇小说和诗歌也会不时出现在课堂里,而这些文章可以有很多种写法。短篇小说可以用第一或第三人称来写,但很少使用第二人称。诗歌可以使用任何一个角度来写。当你正在集中精力要完成一篇学术性论文时,去使用第三人称写作至关重要,这做起来并不难。多看一些参考文献和读物来消除围绕在你句子周围的‘I, me, you, we’和‘us’这一类的代词吧,这样做会使你的文章更出彩、清晰和专业。



Paper代写:Public art

2019-03-14 17:43:18 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Public art讨论了公共艺术。公共艺术,是指建立于公共空间且具有某种公共性的艺术作品或艺术方式。它是一种具有当代文化意义并且与社会公众发生关系的一种艺术。公共艺术代表的是所有社会主体能共同享有具有“公共性”的艺术观念。同时公共艺术也是用一种观念探讨着城市空间与人类活动的互动关系。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

With the rapid development of society, there are many unique design works in urban public space, which are called public art, public art is the thought of city, and it is a form of contemporary culture. Using the angle of art sociology, this paper analyzes the sculpture of Shenzhen city to analyze the significance and development of public art and its influence on society and mankind. This paper focuses on the relationship between the public art of Shenzhen Sculpture and the city of Shenzhen, the influence and development of Shenzhen, and how to make the public art and urban public space to be accurately positioned.

Public art refers to the art work or art way which is established in public space and has a certain public nature. It is a kind of art which has the contemporary cultural significance and has the relation with the social public. Public art represents that all social subjects can share the artistic idea of "public". At the same time, public art also explores the interaction between urban space and human activities with a concept. Public art includes sculpture, mural, installation, landscape sketch and so on. In recent years, the form of expression gradually expanded to water features, lighting, dynamic devices, smoke, multimedia, and the protection of mountain slopes and decorative shapes.

As a public works of art, it is not only the embodiment of high material civilization, but also the space of spiritual civilization created by artists, aesthetics and architects. Any public works of art are closely related to the environmental factors, although the connotation of the works of art does not depend on the form of the works, but good works of art can not only "adapt", but also "create the environment", so that viewers have more beautiful imagination. Since the reform and opening-up, with the unprecedented prosperity of urban construction, the introduction of Western public art concept has greatly promoted the innovation of public art and the pluralistic development of form materials in our country. Shenzhen, as China's first special economic zone for reform and opening-up, is one of the important portals of China's interaction with the world, with strong economic strength and good urban infrastructure. Therefore, a complete carding and systematic study of the development and evolution of Shenzhen Public art is an important way to study and study Chinese public art in depth. At the same time, the image characteristics of its own ontology become the landscape of the space area, strengthen the theme of the environment, deepen the space of the artistic situation, rendering the city's pleasant atmosphere and elegant style, poetry of our life and work of the urban environment. Taking Shenzhen's public art-sculpture as an example, this paper, through theoretical exposition and demonstration, focuses on the urban culture from the angle of city image, and vitalize the problems in the design of public art.

Shenzhen is China's reform and opening-up since the establishment of the first Special economic zone, is the window of China's reform and opening-up, has developed into a considerable influence of the international city, has created a world-renowned "Shenzhen speed", is China's important high-tech research and development and manufacturing base. Its sculpture is also very famous, for the development of Shenzhen is also very meaningful, then, we will have a series of discussion of its sculpture, what it brought to Shenzhen, what is the significance of Shenzhen, it is in Shenzhen is a what positioning it? We all know that Shenzhen has many famous sculptures such as: Lotus Hill Square Deng Xiaoping statue, Ox sculpture, Shenzhen People's Day, Hai Wang Posaidon, 97 return and so on. These sculptures are of historical significance, time value and social realism. First of all, the sculpture "Shenzhen People's Day", located in Shenzhen, Futian District, the community, works with a group of sculpture-character statue, graphic relief-art shows the day of November 29, 1999 in Shenzhen, the city of all sectors of the life of the people and the day of the fixed social life-related events, Data. In the works of these 88 bronze figures, are based on "that day" in the streets of Shenzhen, the ordinary characters of the activities randomly selected and carved after the mold. Statues by a variety of professional personnel, such as designers, students, the elderly, and so on, statues and real people of the height, size, appearance, dress, dress, and so almost exactly the same, all the shape of God Bishop, Josh and various forms. Moreover, each character statue has a nameplate next to it, which records the person's real name, age, occupation, original place of origin, when to deep and other personal information. At the same time, is also the 90 's Shenzhen life status of the true portrayal, especially Shenzhen own taste. We all know that "1992, it was a spring, and an old man drew a circle in the South China Sea, the myth of the rise of the city, miraculously gathered in the seat of Jinshan ..." This song is the song of Comrade Deng Xiaoping and Shenzhen's story, Comrade Xiaoping made great contributions to the reform and opening-up in Shenzhen, Therefore, in order to commemorate Comrade Xiaoping, he built a sculpture "Deng Xiaoping statue", located at Lotus Hill Park peak, statue 6 meters high. Completed November 14, 2000, is the country's first approved by the central government, in the form of urban sculpture Deng Xiaoping statue. This sculpture is equivalent to commemorate Comrade Xiaoping's contribution to Shenzhen, Shenzhen forever Record, historical significance, political significance and Deng Xiaoping's design of reform and opening-up in China's long history marks a turning point. The sculpture truly shows the former leader's appearance and character, and will add a perfect masterpiece to the sculpture and artistic appreciation. "Ox" is the early stage of Shenzhen construction Pan professor for Shenzhen plastic pioneer cattle, for many years, this a pioneer cattle has been a symbol of Shenzhen, a symbol of Shenzhen builders like cattle, hard working, do not want to return the construction of Shenzhen. Very image, but also inspiring, but also to represent the spirit of Shenzhen people, the spirit of the Chinese nation. There is a very recognizable building near Nanshan South Oil road, as long as you say that the building that was passed by the horse, no one will admit it. This horse is a sculpture "Poseidon" by the hands of the "He Liping" sculptor. "Sea Wang Posaidong" is a very modern sculpture, but also very artistic, scientific and fashion. It is understood that the sculpture in the Shenzhen Sea King building in the design concept and technical difficulties, whether at the time or now even in the future are very representative. The sculptures are bold and innovative in design and are unprecedented in many technical breakthroughs. So far, it is probably the first and only one that has put such a large sculpture in a high-rise at home. The appearance of Poseidon is the symbol of Shenzhen city character. "After the 80 's, great changes have taken place in the city, and people need to find a symbol in space." But it is difficult to find the symbol of a strong sense of reality, only in ancient myths to find a corresponding. Poseidon is the contour of Western mythology, the performance of power and magic, through the imagination of the characters and stories to symbolize changes in the city.

Through the appreciation of several famous sculptures in Shenzhen, analysis of the sculpture in Shenzhen has a certain understanding, then, through the analysis to draw some conclusions, public art and Shenzhen forged a indissoluble bond, the reform and opening-up for more than more than 30 years, Shenzhen's economy has been rapid development, the people's living standards have been greatly improved, A variety of public art projects, but these rapid emergence of the level of public works of art is uneven, the overall level is not high, in view of the current situation, Shenzhen residents have the pursuit of "good" awareness.

Public art is the city thought, is a kind of contemporary culture form, is also a city mature development symbol. It has increased the spiritual wealth of the young city of Shenzhen, from a positive sense to express the unique characteristics of Shenzhen and cultural values, it can be said that the city with good public art is a city that can think and feel. Of course, the significance of public art to Shenzhen is much more than this, it can change the location of the landscape, highlighting certain characteristics and arouse people's thinking and understanding of the relevant issues, to express the history and value of the city of the SAR. In this sense, public art has a powerful power, it changed the face of Shenzhen, can affect the public's mental state for a long time and the world around the cognition, it will become the identity of the city identity, in shaping the city image of Shenzhen play a very important role. Shenzhen is a personality of the young rich city, her city sculpture should also reflect his unusual place, hope that in a few years, people no longer say that Shenzhen is a city without culture, at least Shenzhen city sculpture gave Shenzhen cultural construction hardware support.


Essay代写:British banking after the subprime crisis

2019-03-14 17:40:24 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- British banking after the subprime crisis,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了次贷危机后的英国银行业。2008年的次贷危机爆发后,英国的银行业受到了巨大的冲击,后来在英格兰银行的救市政策下,英国银行业进行了重新整合,但英国境内银行的存贷款业务在金融危机爆发后受到了储户信心下降的影响,多家银行出现了贷款违约或挤兑的现象,加之英国银行倚重同业拆借业务,银行资金的流动性遭受了严重损害。

As one of the countries with the most developed financial industry in history, British banking industry has profound capital and a long evolutionary process. With the reopening of the financial sector in 1986, the UK has re-implemented the mixed banking model, allowing Banks to provide comprehensive financial services including securities business. A bank holding group may operate a variety of businesses such as investment banking, commercial banking and retail banking at the same time and, in most cases, focus on the internal management of the bank. And the insurance business that bank group holds concurrently, basically be the insurance company of form of holding subsidiary runs relatively independent. The re-proposed mixed operation mode improves the capital turnover efficiency and profit margin to a certain extent and greatly promotes the development of the banking industry.

The structure of British banking is composed of three parts: the bank of England, local commercial Banks and overseas Banks. British commercial Banks are further divided into retail Banks, secondary Banks and other institutions that accept deposits and loans.

As the central bank, the bank of England takes the rediscount rate as the main adjustment means to supervise financial institutions according to law. Interest rate liberalization has been implemented in the UK, and the reserve requirement ratio is no longer the bank of England's macro-control means.

British commercial Banks are all joint-stock companies based on private ownership. Their businesses are diversified, including traditional deposits and loans, domestic and foreign capital transfer services, professional services, such as investment, insurance and agency services, and special financing services.

The banking industry in the UK also includes a kind of financial companies mainly engaged in deposit and loan business and foreign exchange business. Their main target customers are consumer groups, aiming to provide consumer credit for consumer groups. Some financial companies also operate housing loans. Although the word "bank" does not appear in the name of this kind of "bank", its main business actually belongs to the business scope of commercial Banks.

After the outbreak of the financial crisis in 2008, the impacted British banking industry underwent significant changes. Under the bank of England's bailout policy, the British banking industry was re-integrated. After the outbreak of the financial crisis, the deposit and loan business of British Banks was affected by the decline of depositors' confidence. A number of Banks defaulted on their loans or ran on them. In addition, British Banks relied heavily on inter-bank lending business, which seriously damaged the liquidity of bank funds.

On October 5, 2008, the ftse 100 suffered its biggest one-day fall since 1987, with Banks bearing the brunt. The British government announced that it would inject capital directly into the eight major British banking groups instead of buying bad assets to help the banking sector. The move is aimed at boosting the capital of Banks in a short time to resist the impact of the financial crisis. The bank of England will provide an additional 200 billion pounds in short-term loans to eight Banks as part of the government's rescue plan to help them get their money flowing again.

During the financial crisis, the British government bought a 100% stake in Northern Rock, which suffered a run on the bank. Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds Bank, whose business conditions deteriorated sharply, were acquired by the government in 83% and 41% respectively, which cost a huge sum of money. The government's capital injection has promoted the nationalization of bank shares and bank holding groups' assistance to other financial institutions, but the main method is acquisition. The two banking groups remain in the red after lloyds bought hbos and royal bank of Scotland joined abn amro.

Since the financial crisis, Banks generally facing the shortage of capital situation, the Basel Ⅲ under the pressure, the several major Banks have chosen to adopt strategies for the main business, under the environment of mixed management still choose contraction front even scale, major is good at business. HSBC group exited the insurance industry in 2009 and sold its stake in ping an in 2012-13 for $9.4 billion. In addition, HSBC group in 2012 disposed of a total of 26 shares not closely related to the main business, in order to focus on the banking business. Royal bank of Scotland and lloyds because in 2008 the government capital injection to state-owned Banks, in the next few years also adopted the policy contraction, the intention by cutting branches downsizing, in order to meet the more stringent capital requirements, and the two Banks as a local bank group, after the financial crisis, focus more on the development of its domestic business and management.

In 2009, the British government enacted the banking act of 2009, the most important act after the financial crisis. As part of the strategy of the financial crisis, the enactment of this law has achieved some innovations. The act established a regulatory regime for systemic risk, a "special resolution regime" for failing Banks, rules specifically applied to bank failures, and strengthened protections for financial consumers.

In 2012, UK regulators reduced trading risk by requiring all traders in financial products to trade in one market rather than across different product markets. In order to improve the transparency and strengthen the supervision of financial derivatives, the British regulatory authorities once proposed to include derivatives trading in the exchange, but the long-established trading habits of the derivatives market and the difference between the on-site and off-site trading cannot be realized in the short term.

With the outbreak of the financial crisis, various governments issued different response measures, which stabilized the economic level to the greatest extent and laid the foundation for economic recovery. Empirical results show that the impact of government governance on the response to the financial crisis should not be underestimated. Although financial reform cannot completely prevent the occurrence of financial crisis, the financial reform indicators of various countries have a significant impact on the financial system structure after the crisis and play an important role in the recovery of the financial system structure after the crisis.

