


2019-03-27 17:28:58 | 日記
Curriculum Vitae,即个人简历,对于留学申请者来说非常重要,是校方了解自己的重要途径。CV是对于过去一个人在学业上,工作经历上,以及个人技能与成就的一份总结陈词。一篇好的CV可以帮助你给招考老师留下好的印象,可以大大提高留学申请的成功率。下面就给大家总结一下留学CV的写作建议。





















Paper代写:A Discussion of Privacy in the Digital Era

2019-03-27 17:27:59 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- A Discussion of Privacy in the Digital Era,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了数字时代的隐私权。在数字时代,新技术的到来似乎给人类带来了许多便利,但它对隐私权的负面影响已经成为许多人关注的问题。现在,消费者对自己的隐私有了更多的认识。隐私可以影响品牌和财务的价值。而公司不仅是科技公司,而且行业中的各行各业都在竞争,如医疗保健,更注重和保护消费者的隐私,可以获得更多的优势。

The arrival of the new technology in the digital era seems to bring a lot of convenience for the human beings, but the negative impact of it on privacy has become a concern of many people. In this article, it is to probe into how the definition and view of privacy has been changed by new technology based on a discussion of three articles on privacy in the digital era.

In the article entitled Privacy Is a Business Opportunity by David Hoffman, it talks about the added value of privacy, importance of privacy protection, and challenge and also opportunities brought by the digital economy. Now, Consumers have more awareness of their privacy. And privacy can influence brand’s esteem and finical value. And companies not only technology companies, but also industry of all sectors in competition, such as healthcare, which pay more attention to and protect consumer’s privacy can gain more advantage. If not, their brands image and value will be diminished. For example, the harm is done to the brand image of OfficeMax when it is exposed to buy privacy of customers. In addition, new products and services related to privacy also appear to meet the needs and desire of privacy protection of customers. In the ending of the article, it is concluded that companies or individuals make profits by trading privacy will not last for a long time and only those companies which protect and respect customers’ privacy can earn consumers’s trust and prosper in the long run.

In the article entitled People's Deepest, Darkest Google Searches Are Being Used Against Them written by Adrienne Lafrance, it discussed search entries of internet users also leak personal privacy and are used to target consumers. As a result of frequent searching online, data will be collected and formed a portrait of socioeconomical status of one person. This data is bought by data brokers and sold to advertisers or even fraudsters. Although companies like Google issues some ads policies to prevent this and organizations like federal agencies and consumer advocates give stricter scrutiny, it is not very effective in practice as online marketing, advertising, and lead-generation system can always skirt those policies. In fact, online marketing, advertising, lead-generation system, and even companies themselves all contributed to the dangerous sharing and leak of individual data, either free or charged. In addition, digital information and advertising are organized and classified according to socioeconomic status of people, even if some rich people buy service of adlessness. Those combined put consumers at a very dangerous position.

In the article entitled Would You Let Companies Monitor You for Money by Keven Waddell, it discusses the economical benefits of sharing data and people’s attitude towards it, and more choices of personal data sharing in the future. It starts by presenting the newest result of survey on respondents’ attitude towards data: although people worried about the possible data stealing by hackers or criminals, they are willing to trade their data for money. And this idea is extremely popular among young people. But it also depends on what kinds of data are to share. It shows that people’s attitude and relationship with data is evolving. In fact, that is what technology users are doing:they are now trading free service and convenience of technology use with their personal data. And to defend privacy, one has to give up some financial rewards. So it is expected that different model of privacy protection is to be used: higher price of use of technology will have higher level of privacy protection. This is already put into practice in the internet service provided by AT&T in Kansas City. And different layers of pricing will affect how poor people use technologies. It will become harder for them to protect their privacy further.

Analytical Section

Currently, the concept of privacy is more complex and more important in the era of digital economy when it is of economical values and is shared in a larger scale and rapider manner, which leads to increasing awareness of privacy safety of companies and business.

Nowadays, the concept of privacy changes with the development of information technology: privacy acquires economical values and is more difficult to define. It is found that rewarding users with financial incentives can encourage them to share information. During the use of technology, data is used to trade free service, which makes it acquire the economical value (Waddell 3). Even if people realize the importance of data and they want to protect their privacy, they have to pay more money (Waddell 5). Likewise, if the user wants to obtain personalized service, they may provide more personal information. Just as Keven Waddell wrote, the judgment of privacy varies with people and everyone may have different idea on what can be shared (Waddell 4). Thus, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of different people and background when view the term concept related to the technology use. Therefore, the disclosure of personal privacy is not only the responsibility of enterprises but also is a result of personal choice of technology users. Therefore, privacy protection is more challenging as sensitive data is difficult to define, and personal privacy violations are difficult to identify.

Also, the wide use of new technology has made the sharing of personal privacy happen in a larger scale and rapider manner than the past. The Internet has become a part of our lives and in such environment; individual’s privacy is easier to leak. The daily activities of technology users are also being monitored, such as smart phones to use to monitor the location; major shopping websites are monitoring their users’shopping habits; the search engines like Bing, Google and other are monitoring records of their users’ inquiries. Consumers are targeted on a personal level by the combined conspiracy of companies and individuals (Lafrance 6). Those companies get a lot of personal data, and they will use these data to tap the great economical value of those collected data, to promote the development of enterprises or to trade it with others to obtain more economic benefits. And more importantly, the technology is capable to get a portrait of the social picture of its users. According to Lafrance (3), if one individual use internet frequently and increasingly, it means that he or she is going to be classified into categories based on a socioeconomic portrait of him or her and such categories are built over time by advertisers and search engines. The search on the Internet, especially social networks has generated a series of collected data. The characteristics of this sort of data are to be accumulated over time and relevant with each. Information from a single location may not expose users' privacy, but privacy can be valuable if a person's many activities are clustered from separate locations. The information about technology users has been enough to tell something about his personal socioeconomic situation. This feature of data is often what the individual cannot predict and control.

Companies and business of all industries are increasingly aware of the importance of protecting personal privacy data, but the real action of protecting it is in doubt. In the information era, data is not only an asset to individuals, but also economical value to companies. With the rising of consumer’s awareness of privacy issue in the use of technology, the ability and determination of a company to protect their privacy and data will be directly related to their brand value and trust of people towards enterprises(Hoffman pp.2-3). Companies like Google have issued some ads policies to prevent the violation of privacy, it is not very effective in practice as online marketing, advertising, and lead-generation system can always skirt those policies (Lafrance 3). However, how to manage the data, that is, to ensure the effectiveness of data use in practice while protecting personal privacy, is one of the great challenges facing companies in the era of digital information.

Synthesis Section

In these three articles, privacy is defined in a slight different manner with a different focus. Adrienne Lafrance(2015) defines privacy by pointing out an important feature of it: it could be several layers as the selling and buying of it involves search engines, lead aggregators, and the businesses (4). Hoffman (2014) defines it as a possible business opportunity or threat from the relationship between privacy (1). Waddell (2016) defines it from the individual perspective of privacy owners as an economical property and a subjective and vague term (4). And they both agree that the wide use of new technology is a context of larger and rapider personal privacy sharing and change of the nature of privacy. They think that online personal data are much easier to be obtained freely and last longer, which makes it easier to be shared by companies. Then third-party data broker buy and sell it. There is a lot of data breaching and it is needed to be protected. Also, Waddell (2016) points out how data is used in the further: they are bought from consumers as tradable commodity.

When they define privacy, the benefits and drawback of it are also discussed. Hoffman (2014) believes the neutral feature of privacy: it can either bring opportunity to business or challenge, and this depends on how privacy is treated in a business. But Lafrance(2015) think that drawback of privacy is that it is used against and to target the consumers. Waddell (2016) seems to be present a facts about privacy and its economical values and hints the negative impact of paying for privacy on the poor person.

Works Cited

David Hoffman. Privacy Is a Business Opportunity. Harvard business review. APRIL 18, 2014

Adrienne Lafrance. People's Deepest, Darkest Google Searches Are Being Used Against Them. The Atlantic. 2015

Keven Waddell. Would You Let Companies Monitor You for Money. The Atlantic. 2016


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2019-03-27 17:26:20 | 日記

1、结构方面:Report一般由Table of Contents, Executive Summary, Introduction, Body, Conclusion/Recommendation, Reference六部分组成。



1)Report实践性更重一点,少写理论,多结合实际情况分析。对于某些Case A analysis的Report来说,一定要针对导师提供的Case来做分析,而不是自由发挥和滥用无关联的理论。所有分析都必须针对Case里的内容来进行。



1) Table of Contents,一定要用Word自动生成格式。

2)Executive Summary,一般要出现“The main purpose of this report is to……”这样的标志性语句。一般来说,这部分主要介绍这篇Report的研究内容、研究对象、研究目的、研究意义等等一些概括性的东西。

3) Introduction,在一篇Report中,Introduction部分相当于是一个Background,而不是概括Report的内容。请注意与Essay的区别。Report中的Introduction不概括文章内容;不介绍文章结构(因为目录里已经有结构介绍了);只介绍Background。

4) Body,总原则“少写理论,多结合实际情况分析”,不要空谈。根据要求具体分析,用证据支撑、用事实说话。列出标题、次级标题、有必要时列出下一级标题。每段内容用简洁的语言提炼出要点关键词,然后进行解释和阐述。

5) Conclusion / Recommendation, 根据论文要求具体把握。

6) Reference:Reference是导师最看重的,所以请一定特别注意!绝对不能出现编造的情况,一定要真实。国外对这个问题查得很严。一旦查出有作假或抄袭情况,会直接挂科,甚至开除学籍。一般来说,Reference包含两个部分,一种是in-text reference也就是在文章里的reference,一种是在文章最后出现的reference, 也就是reference list。一篇论文须要包含文中的in-text reference和文末的reference list。论文有明确要求几个Reference的,根据要求来把握;没有明确说明个数的,一般按照每千字3-4个来操作。


Harvard referencing system 哈佛文献标记系统

CMS:Chicago Manua of Style (CMS) 芝加哥写作和文献标注系统:

APA Style:American Psychological Association. 美国心理学会写作和文献标记办法

AMA:American Medical Association 美国医学会文献标注系统


CSE:Council of Science Editors (CSE)科技编辑理事会文献标记和写作办法)

7) 字体格式:论文有明确要求字体格式、大小等时,根据要求来操作;论文没有明确要求字体大小等时,一般用用times new roman字体;12(小四);1.5倍行距;Word默认页边距;标题字体可加粗;每段落之间空一行;每段直接写,无需空格;在每页的右下角插入页数。



Paper代写:The Pseudoscience

2019-03-27 17:24:54 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The Pseudoscience讨论了伪科学。在生活中,我们经常会发现很多似乎有道理的事情,但却没有实例可以证明,这些就是伪科学。伪科学不是真正的科学,所以会有很多危害。很多时候会误导大家,影响人们的判断。伪科学其实源自于人们的生活经验和常识,所以才导致大家无法判断它的对错。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。


Pseudoscience is not bad science. Sometime it is only the hereby thought. There are several theories in physic are pseudoscience. The harm of pseudoscience is quite huge. It is likely to waste the many time and vigor of generations, not to mention money. With the development of science and technology, some theories are really acting as pseudoscience. For instance, in history, the scientist thinks that the poly-water is a polymerized form of water. This claimed by the Soviet physicist during the late 1960s. It was a scientific debate subjects. It was even cause a fear of "poly-water gap" in the United State. In 1973, it was found that just pseudoscience. Poly-water was not working as the scientist predicted. It is only water with an arbitrary number of common organic compound pollution. Poly-water has generated a compelling argument before it finally overthrown by instrumental and theoretical analysis. This reasons of this pseudoscience claim is not only because the mistake in scientific research, the attitude of people but also have much effect. It greatly interferes with the development of scientific experiments. This pseudoscience claim reminds us that the human guiding the scientific research not a robot. It is difficult to achieve the objective because of the desire of humanity. The findings of poly-water did not tell us the accurate about the chemistry of the water, but it is fundamentally revealed some real characteristics of human psychology. If you find the poly-water, then you want it to be true.

1. The basic identification of the pseudoscience.

In order to better understand the concepts and the identifications of pseudoscience, it is important to make sure the characteristics of science, as well as the difference and similarities between science and pseudoscience.

Science is a systematic method of acquiring information. It depends on the idea that the natural world works according to certain principles, and that we can discover those principles through observation and experimentation (Raff, 2016). What we should pay attention is that science is not unique when we need to know of the world we are living in. However, the reason why we respect science so much is that science works so well when we get to know the world.

As for disadvantages of Pseudoscience, there are still a lot. The first disadvantage I want to state is that Pseudoscience might do harm to our knowledge system. Because Pseudoscience is not real science, it might not be a obstacle when people are learning real science. Sometimes, people tends to be confused that where is Pseudoscience and what is real science. For example, when a professor in the class ask his or her students what is Poly-water, students like to say something from TV or internet information. The information seems to be right. But it is not supported by evidence, which cannot be real science. However, students who answer this question don’t know the truth. They might think information the gain from TV shows or Internet would be real science. At this time, those students need more help and evidence to realize the truth.

Sometime, unscientific beliefs are easy to be located in human’s minds. However, unscientific beliefs cannot be deeply considered such as magic, ghosts, or monsters. We cannot subjectively find the evidence or data supports for unscientific beliefs. Looking at this question from another point of view, unscientific beliefs are totally different than pseudoscience. Pseudoscience tends to be our first thought towards objective things based our life experience or knowledge, especially life experience and knowledge from social media and other easy learning activities. In conclusion, both pseudoscience and science can help people to know new world and things, but science is an objective, systematical way to use data, evidence, and studies to state definitions while pseudoscience is based on people’s life experience and knowledge.

2. The background of the poly-water.

Poly-water was a hypothesized integrated form of water that was the subject of so many scientific controversy starts from the late 1960s. Until the year of 1969, the popular scientists had paid attention to and sparked fears of a "poly-water gap" in the USA.

Increased attention also came up with it increased scientific attention, and as early as 1970 doubts about its authenticity were being circulated. Until the year of 1973, it was found to be illusory, being just water with any number of common organic compounds contaminating it. Today, poly-water is best known as an example of pathological science.

Based on a long-term description of pseudoscience and science, let us go ahead and take part in the main discussing point of this topicof Poly-water. It is creative but typical to use poly-water as an example to explain the significance of differentiating pseudoscience and integrate it when we conducting real science.

When it first comes to the background of poly-water, we need to know the famous scientist named Nikolai Fedyakin, who is from Soviet. He is a great physicist, who worked in a small government research office in Russia many years ago. As far as I am concerned, one of his best contributions to the history of physical science was to determine the properties of condensed water. His contribution was a fundamental of the testament of poly-water.

Following Nikolai’s research contribution, another famous scientist, Boris Derjaguin, who is the chief of the lab of surface physics at the Institute for Physical Chemistry in Moscow (Wikipedia, 2016). Boris was affected by Fedyakin’s experiments, and he did some improvement about how to produce the new condensed water. He did put the water in different place and different temperature to see what would happen. To his surprise, his experimental results were published and everybody noticed what he contributed. In the year of 1966, Derjaguin came to England to do presentation of Discussions of the Faraday Society in the city of Nottingham. At this time,Derjaguin again presented the story of poly-water, and this time English scientists paid attention to what he means as anomalous water. English scientists then began researching the effect as well, and by 1968 it was also under study in the United States (Wikipedia, 2016).

Until the year of 1969, concepts about those two physical scientists’ experimental contributions had been spread to newspapers and magazines, in which the name of poly-water came to this world for the first time.

Kurt Vonnegut's stated in his novel Cat's Cradle, poly-water was a kind of water that could be seen as solid at the very temperature.

Derjaguin and Churaev,in August 1973,got a report in the book of Nature, which they stated that, "the poly-water is the biggest pseudoscience in the scientific history"Denis Rousseau applied poly-water as a traditional example of pseudoscience, and he has reportedon other journals as well.

Another scientist, Richard Feynman,stated that, if such a poly-water existed, then an animal could be existed that would eat it. That some of creatures would just ingest water and excrete poly-water, applying energy released on the progress to live.

In terms of this statement, after 10 years, poly-water has eventually been proved as a pseudoscience. In the story of poly-water, current scientists and researchers could learned much about the importance of conducting scientific researches, as well as the difference and similarities between pseudoscience and science.

3. The influence of the poly-water, both in positive and negative.

Poly-water, as a new scientific phrase, could help people to construct more chemistry things. It works as a landmark for chemistry field and help a lot of scientists to study new things and science. However, Poly-water is too complex to understand.

In 1960, reports have showed that there are emerged from the laboratories of several respected Russian scientists, such as Fedyakin and Deryaginm, who have been reviews as revealing a fourth stage of water, including other forms of this water such as gaseous and frozen forms. In order to confirm and maybe harness this new concept, many scientists with high academic reputations let their hopes and beliefs cloud their objectivity. In order to so, several of those scientists acted in this special instance much like pseudoscience. Those scientists managed to confirm the existence and report various novel properties of this “new” substance. The system of peer review and reputation eventually corrected these false starts. Some other analysis, which is being recognized as more meaningful, revealed that the “new” material as really in fact a very subtle form of contamination introduced by some researchers studying in laboratory. The phenomenon was broken by an honest mistake, not real science. However, as egos and reputations became threatened in the ensuing debate, many scientists cannot accept canons of their profession. The poly water is on the one hand a case of pathological science on the other hand a great example of how scientific system could work to correct such errors. Scientists in different generations seem to produce

Their own discussion of this concept. Current scientist have put emphasis on the discussion of could fusion, which is considered as new contribution of literature.

The experience of poly-water shows that even respected scientist can sometimes make big mistakes, in which those reputations seem like pseudoscience. The essential part for producing pseudoscience comes from outsiders who believe they have achieved striking discovers that are being overlooked.

4. The reasons for the poly-water claim.

About every ten years, something goes wrong in the physical sciences. Recently (2002), it was faked (Newswire, 2003), and in 1999, it was a faked discovery of Element 118 (Schwarzschild, 2002). Ten years before, in 1989, the world briefly watched the alleged phenomenon of Cold Fusion appear, perhaps cause a wild spike in world Palladium prices, and disappear. Twenty-three years before that, it was Poly-water (Franks, 1982). Neither cold fusion nor poly-water was a fraud; instead they were bad science perpetrated by people who were somehow blind to evidence against them.

While a history of Poly-water is beyond the scope of this paper, a very brief summary of events, drawn from Franks (1981), is provided to give some context for the reader unfamiliar with the controversy. The Soviet scientist N. N. Fedyskin (1962) reported the discovery of Poly-water (also known as anomalous water or modified water) in 1962, after observing the unusual capillary activity of a bound water sample while studying the behavior of thin films of water in contact with solid surfaces (Ackermann, 2005).

In 1962, N. N. Fedyakin reported one of his big achievements. This famous physicist Fedyakin, working in a famous public research lab in Kostroma, Russia, had reported measurements on the constructions of water that already has been condensed in, or repeatedly forced through, narrow quartz capillary tubes. Some of those famous studiesreported in what was seemingly a brand newstyle of water with a higher boiling scale, but lower reporting scale, and much higher validity and reliability of the water’s constructions. (Park, 2000).

Boris Derjaguin, the leader of the experimental team for surface physics at the Institute for Physical Chemistry in the city, hear from Fedyakin's studies. He increased on the methods to create the new forms of water, and though he still increase very small constructions of this new kink of material, he did so much faster than Fedyakin did. researchers of the material properties implied that a substantially lower freezing point of −40 °C or less, a hot point of 150 °C or greater, a density of approx. 1.1 to 1.2 g/cm³, and improved expansion with up temperature. The conclusions were published in Soviet science academic journals, and short summaries were published in Chemical Abstracts in English, but Western scientists had no notice of the jobs (Segerstrale, 2000).

In that period, poly-water is almost recognized by every scientist from different countries. Some scientists, such as E. R. Lippincott from the University of Maryland reported in Science that they have found poly-water and test its contrast. Until 1971, the research paper about poly-water in high peer reviewed journal come to more than 400. Some scientist with good ability of imagination even believed there are poly-water in other planets.

However, after the researches about poly-water come to the United States, scientists start to suspect its contrast. In 1969, some American scientist believe there were some other elements, such as boron, silicon, and sodium in the poly-water they made. In terms of this situation those scientists started to suspect that poly-water is just a kind of water that is been polluted. After that, various scientist had done research about the contrast of poly-water, while they found the poly-water is just pseudoscience.

Pseudoscience other than science is an interesting thing because it is typically a landmark that is invoked only post hot when it comes out that something do not have meanings. In the numbers of Book Reviews heat of a new productin, few scientists would create a finger and say something like that. There are definitely critics who do not believeall of thing, but that is always the case in science anyway. This makes Langmuir’s reputated criteria for pseudoscience other than science less valuable than perhaps believed. This was the methods that the N-rays, poly-water, cold fusion and other many phenomena are considered to have made their entry into the annals of would-be science. But, as Bauer points out, the same criteria for pathological science also fit quite nicely the discovery of prions, for which a Nobel Prize was awarded in 1997 (Evans, 2001).

When I got the information about poly-water from Felix Franks’ book, I felt it is also different to some extent. I noticed that concept of poly-water exist in the world for at least 10 years, especially between 1960s and 1970s. During these times, a hundreds of literatures have published about this new concept, while even no one found it is a kind of pseudoscience to some extent. In another word, the work on poly-water could be viewed as a waste of time and money. Eventually, it turned out that an impurity was involved, causing seeming polymeric water, although it had been generally believed that impurities had been eliminated. Could not the (even unexpected) impurity have been found if someone had looked more closely?

Deryagin's work in the 1960s, illustrates a common type of cognitive shortcoming: a failure to seriously consider alternative hypotheses to explain an unusual result. The dense liquid called poly-water that Deryagin and other researchers were able to produce through condensation in tiny capillaries--reproducibly, it should be noted, and with exhaustive attention to controlling physicochemical variables and answering the critiques of colleagues ultimately turned out to be an artifact caused by impurities in ordinary water. Deryagin and a worldwide network of adherents to his theory pursued the poly-water concept to extraordinary lengths, in part because of plausible theories about the behavior of water molecules in ultrafine capillaries. However, when purification tests using more sophisticated equipment convinced Deryagin to reconsider an obvious hypothesis he had previously rejected--that his polywater was contaminated ordinary water he readily and honestly conceded that his original experiments were flawed, invalidating any interpretations based on these results (Turro, 2005).

The chemistry of water has attracted more than its share of pathological investigations; the stories of cold fusion, poly-water, and infinite dilution, all involving properties of water, provide shining (or perhaps glaring) examples of how implausible ideas can run amok. Perhaps it is because it is essential to life, has numerous properties that are indeed anomalous (or at least ill-understood), and is rich in metaphoric connotations, water seems to bring out the un-skeptical enthusiast in some researchers. And perhaps because the dream of converting water into a cheap and plentiful fuel held particular promise in the years following the OPEC-induced energy crisis in the West, considerations of wealth and fame inevitably intruded into the Utah laboratories where palladium electrodes allegedly edited a heavy-water solution (Turro, 2005).

5. The experience and revelation of the poly-water events.

Periodically throughout the history of science researchers, a creation is reported that creates a scientific controversy. If the discovery is real, then a new domain or research specialty is created, often with an accompanying journal. If the discovery is not confirmed or replicated, then interest dies out, creating no lasting specialty or research area. Since the main product of scientific research is the publication, the by-product of a controversial discovery is a related literature (hereafter controversial scientific literature) composed of publications generated by researchers trying to prove (or disprove) the controversial claim. What do the bibliometrics of a controversial literature look like? How does it differ from a normal (or non-controversial) scientific literature? This study is an attempt to answer this question by examining the bibliometrics of a literature created by the reported discovery of a new kind of water, polymerized (or polymer) water, commonly known as Poly-water (Ackermann, 2005).

Combine with the case of poly-water, we could find that there are little evidence to support the value and contrast of poly-water since it has been first reported by Fedyakin. Other scientists followed his statements just because they do not have a right method to conduct science study. In there is only Fedyakin who was talking about this, I believe the theory of poly-water has already been certified as pseudoscience. However, there were many other scientists who followed his fault, in which most of those scientists are authority in the field. Fortunately, science has the ability to modify its self. One of pseudoscience, no matter how many scientists support it, no matter how long it has been existed, it will be found as pseudoscience. No evidence revealed that the theory of poly-water is faked purposely. It is only because no body pays attention to the right science methods. Scientists have wasted 10 years on a pseudoscience of poly-water, which might be more severe than faking science purposely.

Certainly, appeals to the classic ‘scientific method’ are not workable (Bauer 1992). Nevertheless, it remains common for scientists to rely on Langmuir’s notions rather than on modern views in science studies and for naive discussions of ‘pathological science’ to appear even in periodicals that might be expected to draw on referees versed in history or philosophy or sociology of science; for example, in 1992 American Scientist had an article castigating as pathological "infinite dilution" studies of the effectiveness of certain biological agents, poly-water, and cold fusion (Rousseau 1992). That Langmuir’s ideas have seemed convincing to scientists is illustrated by the publication of his talk 15 years after it was given and by re-publication a couple of decades later (Langmuir,1989). The 1985 version added such examples of pathological science as water dowsing, the canals of Mars, certain reported photomechanical and electromechanical effects, radar observations of Venus, poly-water, biological effects of magnetic fields, and the detection of gravity waves. One or another of these versions of Langmuir’s talk continues to be cited as authoritative: several references per year are listed in the Science Citation Index through the 1990s; and there are some un-countable larger number in such periodicals as Skeptical Inquirer that specialize in discussions of pseudo-science and pathological science but are not scanned for the Science Citation Index (Bauer, 2002).

6. Lessons I learnt from of Poly-water

The first important lesson I have learned from poly-water is that scientists need to keep the scientific standard when conducting researches instead of listening to others without thinking. In terms of poly-water, it can be resolved very soon in the beginning when someone found it. However, many scientists with high reputation agreed with the wrong theme and made this big joke. The claim of poly-water shows that even respected scientist can sometimes make big mistakes, in which those reputations seem like pseudoscience. The essential part for producing pseudoscience comes from outsiders who believe they have achieved striking discovers that are being overlooked. However, after the researches about poly-water come to the United States, scientists start to suspect its contrast. In 1969, some American scientist believe there were some other elements, such as boron, silicon, and sodium in the poly-water they made. In terms of this situation those scientists started to suspect that poly-water is just a kind of water that is been polluted. After that, various scientist had done research about the contrast of poly-water, while they found the poly-water is just pseudoscience.

In the process of literature review, I also learned how to distinguish pseudoscience from science. Science is a systematic method of acquiring information. It depends on the idea that the natural world works according to certain principles, and that we can discover those principles through observation and experimentation (Raff, 2016). What we should pay attention is that science is not unique when we need to know of the world we are living in.

However, the experience of researching poly-water helped us to improve our awareness of doing scientific research. Scientistshould not follow the authority blindly; the only way to decide whether the claim is right or wrong is the evidence. In the meanwhile, we need to a scientist with sprit of challenging authority. With this quality the scientists can save social resources and make more contribution to our society.

7. How to identify the pseudoscience.

Even I have discussed a lot of differences and similarities between pseudoscience and science, their distinctions are still a new place of researchers and scholars to study. And sometimes, the public could seldom understand the importance for identifying the pseudoscience from the science. However, as far as I am concerned, it is essential. The reason I have stated before shows that to identify the pseudoscience from real science can help people to know real science better.

So, specifically, how can we tell pseudoscience from real science? It is actually very difficult. Firstly, we should make sure what is pseudoscience, what is science, and what are differences and similarities between pseudoscience and real science. The then, we should make sure the importance to identify pseudoscience. Then we need to have several little tips when we apply practical activities of scientific studies. I have searched over various resources about those tips, and I would like to order them in the following for peer’s review and correct.

In the first part of this essay, I have put much content in introduction of the definition of pseudoscience. However, only understanding the concepts of pseudoscience is far away from identifying it from science. What we also need to do is to understand the concepts of science. Actually, we cannot think science as a positive word in all of the situations, for which sometimes science is somehow negative.

Take the story of poly-water for example. In order to identify the pseudoscience of poly-water from real science, scientists first need to understand the standard of what is real science and what is pseudoscience. For Fredyakin who found the poly-water, he might make some mistakes probably because of the mistakes in the process of experiment, or because of the lack of knowledge of the field. However, for the following scientists who agreed with this term, they might need more awareness of what is real science and what is pseudoscience.

Then, in order to identify the poly-water from real science, scientists need to have a series of appropriate experimental methods to conduct researches. After all, when the story of poly-water came to the United States, it had been proved to be pseudoscience really soon because several wise scientists did careful researches on the very theme with scientific research methods.

Lastly, as a scientist, no one could listen to others even others are famous ones with high reputation. In the story of poly-water, what made things worse was those following scientists agreed with poly-water without thinking. They publicized papers on academic journals, and helped poly-water to be a real science. However, listening to others without scientific thinking makes them a big joke in the history of science.

8. Treat the pseudoscience with the dialectical view.

Pseudoscience is not a real science, but it is different than unscientific things. Pseudoscience is a kind of way to gain information and knowledge from public ways, such as social media, newspapers, radios, TVs, and others. It is not a kind of science because it is not proved or supported by evidence. Only thing that can support Pseudoscience is people’s subjective point of views and previous experience. However, sometimes, people’s subjective point of views and previous experience work as the most important functions for human beings to gain information. Thus, Pseudoscience has both advantages and disadvantages.

For the advantages of Pseudoscience, it is easier for people to gain information. For example, when people gaining information and learning new things, it will be very long time and difficult if they do this through course works, data collecting, and paper writing. However, it is interesting and fun if people can learn new things and gain information through social medias, especially for young people. Take children before school ages for example. The only way for them to understanding this new world is to listen and watch. Many of what they can see and hear is not science but Pseudoscience. We know that children have no idea to distinguish what is benefit for them and what is the real truth. Meanwhile, they just accept what they can see and hear directly. Maybe in the future, when they have more experience and knowledge, they could distinguish new things. But as for this time, Pseudoscience is a significant important way for them to know new word.


Sources of the Claim

Bauer, H. (2000). Antiscience in current science and technology studies. In Segerstrale, U. (Ed.).

Beyond the Science Wars: The Missing Discourse about Science and Society (pp. 41–61). Albany, NY: SUNY Press.

Cromer, A. (1993). Uncommon Sense. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.

Wikipedia. (2016). Poly-Water

Scientific Sources

Achermann, E. (2005). Bibliometrics of a controversial scientific literature: Polywater research, 1962-1974. Scientific Journal. 63, 189-208.

Bauer, H. H. (2002). ‘Pathological Science’ is not Scientific Misconduct (nor is it pathological). HYLE--International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry, Vol. 8, No.1 (2002), pp. 5-20

Barber, B. (1961). Resistance of scientists to scientific discovery. Science, 134, 596–602.

Mugaloglu, E. Z. (2014). The Problem of Pseudoscience in Science Education and Implications of Constructivist Pedagogy. Science & Education. 23:829-842.

Pigliucci, M. (2015). Scientism and Pseudoscience: A Philosophical Commentary. Bioethical Inquiry. 12:569-575.

Raff, J. (2016). What’s the difference between science and pseudoscience? Violent Metaphors.

Turro, N. J. (2005). Toward a general theory of pathological science. Pathologial Science. 49, 268- 272.

Park, R. (2000). Voodoo Science. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. 35, 29-44.

Segerstrale, U. (Ed.). (2000a). Beyond the Science Wars: The Missing Discourse about Science and Society. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.

Segerstrale, U. (2000b). Defenders of the Truth: The Battle for Science in the Sociobiology Debate and Beyond. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.


Essay代写:The British campaign to save libraries

2019-03-27 17:22:40 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The British campaign to save libraries,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国的拯救图书馆运动。2010年10月,英国爆发了一场规模空前、影响广泛的拯救图书馆运动。拯救图书馆运动最初由英国各地的图书馆后援会倡导和发起,抗议政府削减图书馆经费甚至关闭图书馆。英国图书情报人员注册协会的大力推动和引导促进拯救图书馆运动在全国升级扩展,简述了图书馆对居民生活的重要性。

In the post-financial crisis era, Britain experienced the "pain" of economic recession, with continuous tax cuts, soaring fiscal deficits and high unemployment. In order to reduce the debt, the British government decided to implement the program of Comprehensive Spending Review published in October 2010, claiming that it would reduce fiscal expenditure by 26% in fiscal years 2010-2011 and 2014-2015. Local governments, under immediate financial pressure, have announced plans to reduce spending on libraries. Some councils have cut spending by more than 26%. Some local officials have suggested mass closures; Others have decided to cut library hours and slash staff, relying instead on volunteers and local social groups. Anne, chief executive of the British association of book intelligence agents registration? mogget closely around the library policies of the government, she believes that the public library under the pressure of fiscal austerity is bound to revive, but want the government to reconsider the public library of social education, community well-being and value and contribution of economic reforms, especially in difficult economic times is very important.

The British public library system is under severe impact, facing the threat of service cuts or closure, is in an existential crisis. According to CILIP, as of September 2011, about 600 libraries were facing closure due to lack of management. For example, the tonkstershire council will see its library budget slashed by more than 50%, with 14 libraries facing closure. In brent county, half the public libraries were closed, affecting 290,000 people. Somerset county council plans to close 20 libraries, lay off 1,500 people, cut mobile libraries to two, cut funding by 25% for the remaining 10 or so, and slash services for the elderly and disabled. In gloucestershire, 10 libraries are facing closure, all mobile home services are closed and the remaining 19 have seen significant service cuts. The number of libraries facing closure is growing every week, with an estimated 800 to 1,000 struggling, 10 per cent of library websites disappearing and 46,000 librarians being laid off, according to library news UK.

In October 2010, an unprecedented and widespread campaign to save libraries, known as the "voice of the British library community," broke out in Britain. The save the library movement was started by library support groups across the UK to protest against government funding cuts and even library closures. At the end of 2010, CILIP vigorously promoted and guided the campaign to save libraries, which was upgraded and expanded nationwide. The CEO of CILIP wrote a letter to all members of congress, reminding them that "library is a legal service" and outlining the importance of library to residents' life. At present, this huge library movement is still in full swing, the main measures are as follows.

Britain has a unique and relatively complete system of library laws and regulations, which provides strong legal support for the operation and management of libraries. The two basic laws of the British library legal system, the public library act 1850 and the public libraries and museums act, clearly stipulate that the government must provide extensive and effective library services to the public and guarantee the safety of library personnel, buildings and property. In addition, the freedom of information act, equality act 2010, equality and human rights act and other laws and regulations have also mentioned relevant contents. Cutting services or even closing libraries has seriously damaged the legitimate rights and interests of libraries and the general public. The British government has been widely condemned for its failings. Minister of culture, media and sport Benjamin hunt has also been at the forefront of public opinion for ignoring the library crisis. Children's author Alan gibbons, one of the founders of the save the library campaign, has called for a nationwide legal action against the government. More than half of the libraries have been closed after the metropolitan council of the bishop of tonks stopped funding them, prompting an outcry and calls for legal action. In February 2011 the save the library movement in somerset sued the council for its decision to close more than 60% of its libraries without consulting public opinion. In March 2011, the isle of wight council decided to drastically reduce public library service hours to just five libraries, and affected users complained to the high court. In September 2011, the brent save the library campaign launched a local fundraising campaign and applied to the council of legal services for funding, entrusting public interest lawyer John halford to file a lawsuit in the royal high court to stop the council from closing 12 libraries. The campaign to save libraries in bolton, Camden and cambridgeshire is also gearing up for litigation.

Quite a few well-known media in Britain have been following up and commenting on the library crisis and the movement to save libraries. Such as the BBC reports "the library closed crisis inspire all England movement" and "somerset council considering cutting the library plan", The Times of "surrey 19 library is under threat", the sun newspaper - "use your library because it's in temporarily open" and so on series shows to the public to save the cause of the library movement and progress. Budget cuts have a huge negative impact on libraries and their users, who don't necessarily know the truth. CILIP and save library movement organizations through the news media and people communicate effectively, and to the society to reveal the library in the harsh realities of the survival crisis and ongoing maintenance of library rights and public cultural rights dispute, calling for the general public concern and compassion, to put pressure on the government, public opinion environment conducive to the library.

The government's attitude is crucial to the survival of the library, and social groups have a great role in promoting the government's decision-making. CILIP attaches great importance to the cooperation with government agencies and social groups. First, it tries to explain the importance and realistic dilemma of libraries directly to the government, and lobby government officials for their support. Second, strengthen the contact with social groups and strive to obtain their solidarity. In February 2011, CILIP submitted a statement on the status of public library services in the UK to the minister for culture, media and sport, which explained the utilization of public libraries, the public need and love libraries, and hoped the government would pay attention to it. In may of the same year, CILIP members took advantage of the election of local government agencies to lobby government officials to vote for the library, which won the support of a large number of labor lawmakers. They opposed the closure of the library, believing that relying on volunteers to provide services was not feasible. In June the same year, CILIP chief executive Anne mogget was invited in the national women's association's annual general assembly speech, asking them to support public library movement, WI almost all passed support legislation to save library movement, WI, chairman of the promise: "WI members support library services and trying to stop around the library closed." In addition, numerous other social groups have spoken out in support of the campaign to save libraries and have actively participated in practical activities to protect libraries.

On February 5, 2011, CILIP successfully organized the "save the library day", calling on people to pay attention to the library, walk in and make use of the library. On this day, people from all over the country held a rally in local libraries to protest against the reduction of library services and the closure of libraries. Quite a number of celebrities also actively participated in and expressed their support for the campaign to save libraries. The event was the UK national and local news media reported the omni-directional, make public library crisis and save the library movement has become the focus of the whole country, and to have the "immediate" effect, Oxfordshire, tonks, and had, have said, the isle of wight, parliament will reconsider "budget cuts.

In order to expand the influence of the campaign to save libraries and reduce the harm to the Library business caused by the government's plan to cut financial expenditure, Friends of Library, Library Users Group and other groups and people all over the UK held many petitions, rallies and demonstrations spontaneously. In gloucestershire, for example, 15,000 people have signed a petition to stop cutting library services. More than 35,000 people in Suffolk have signed a petition against the closure of 29 local libraries, forcing parliament to suspend the plan. From February 2011 to July 2011, Byfleet Library Action Group organized local people to meet in front of the baifleet Library and parliament auditorium. In October 2011, people in brent gathered outside the Kensal Rise library and brought their own food for 24 hours to prevent the closure of the library. Residents of surrounding towns also came to help.

The UK save the library movement is well aware of the enormous power of online communication, making full use of online tools for information dissemination and communication. The most influential is Voices for the Library, a website set up and run by 11 Library intelligence professionals who are actively involved in the campaign to save libraries. The site set up Pages, Recent Posts, Recent Comments, and Browse Stories by Theme, Library News From Around the Web and other columns, this paper introduces the background, save the Library movement Around the Library, gather relevant information and timely release to save Library movement and social groups, enthusiasts Comments and News media coverage of a large number of real detailed information. It provides a platform for people who love library to clarify the value of library, exchange information and share experience. Library campaigns across the UK have dedicated pages to disseminate information and promote contacts, and some have launched online petitions and offline rallies, marches and fundraisers.

Readers are the value and source of the survival and development of libraries. British libraries have long been deeply involved in the community, providing free and equal education and entertainment services, constantly improving their own quality in the service, which is an indispensable part of residents' life, as well as a leisure space for the elderly and children in the community. According to statistics, the average annual visits to public libraries reach 320 million person-times. Alan gibbons, a children's author, says Britain will pay a heavy price if libraries are held back by budget cuts. The British library has a large number of loyal users, once the library, library cause the social from all walks of life care and the support of readers have called for, to protect the library of heat flux, they consciously active organization, to participate in various activities to protest government cuts in library budgets, generosity or find ways to raise money for the library to make the library is open to continue. Obviously, the reader is "saves the library" the formidable strength. Only by strengthening its own service construction, can the library improve its social status and credibility, attract more people to use and love the library, and thus gather more social forces to fight for the rights and interests of the library.

The perfect library legal system has been the escort for the prosperous development of the British library, and also the sharp weapon to protect the library. The relevant laws of the United Kingdom stipulate that the government has the responsibility and obligation to provide extensive and effective library services to the public. When the government's budget cut led to the deep crisis of British library industry, a large number of enthusiasts and social groups supporting libraries launched legal proceedings against the parliament one after another in anger, trying to prevent the government from shutting down and cutting down library services, and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of libraries through legal means. It can be seen that a sound legal system is a powerful weapon to ensure the stable development of library undertakings and cope with the "crisis". There is no authoritative library law in our country, and libraries lack the initiative of human, financial and material control, especially the great uncertainty of funds. This management mode is an important reason restricting the development of libraries. "No rules, no standards", we should accelerate the pace of library legislation, so that the operation of the library to be in accordance with the law, the law must be adhered to, and ensure the smooth development of the library.

In 1941, c. h. rown proposed in his book educational isolation and library that the relationship between government control and library management faced "isolation vs. cooperation". He thinks that in the coordination of the relationship between library managers and the government, they are faced with the problem of whether to develop independently from the control of the government or to cooperate with the government to assist the development of the library. There is no doubt that the library should coordinate the cooperation with the government, strengthen the information communication, and strive for the support of the government, which is the most direct and effective way for the library to win more resources. In the British library movement, CILIP implemented the "two-pronged" government public relations strategy. On the one hand, CILIP actively lobbied government officials and directly explained to them the great value of libraries in promoting social and economic development and the realistic dilemma. On the other hand, we should strengthen our ties with social groups to win their support and indirectly influence the government's decisions. Libraries in western developed countries generally attach great importance to government public relations, and the practice has proved that this strategy indeed provides good conditions for the development of library undertakings. In comparison, China's libraries are much inferior in this respect, so it is necessary to strengthen the awareness of government public relations, actively carry out multi-party communication and cooperation, and create a broad space for the sustainable development of the library cause.

