


2018-10-29 17:44:05 | 日記





















Paper代写:Market constraints on commercial Banks

2018-10-29 17:43:44 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Market constraints on commercial Banks,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了商业银行的市场约束。市场约束即加强公众对商业银行的监督。如今在加强市场约束方面,强调限制公共部门处置有问题商业银行方式上存在的扭曲和加强商业银行信息披露。要使市场机制在对银行的管理者和所有者的约束中发挥重要作用,就必须满足一个基本条件。即不向有麻烦的银行自动提供资金援助,不向银行的所有者和主要债权人提供金额的保护。这种制度安排表明,那些被监管人只认定失去给付能力的银行应该及时地补充勒令退出,以防止单个银行出现的问题蔓延和危害其他银行。

Market discipline means strengthening public supervision of commercial Banks. At present, in terms of strengthening market constraints, the two most emphasized points are: restricting the public sector from dealing with distortions in the way of problematic commercial Banks and enhancing the information disclosure of commercial Banks.

A fundamental condition must be met for market mechanisms to play an important role in binding the bank's managers and owners. That is, there will be no automatic financial assistance to troubled Banks and no monetary protection for the Banks' owners and main creditors. The arrangement suggests that Banks that have been regulated only to the extent that they are unable to pay should be required to withdraw in time to prevent problems at individual Banks from spreading and harming other Banks. Experience in many countries, for example, suggests that public sector support for troubled Banks is too generous. Although the practice of closing large Banks with the payment of compensation to most depositors is a fear of a general loss of confidence, it is useful to have the Banks' owners and main creditors bear a fair share of the financial losses. This would prompt better-informed primary creditors to impose market discipline on weak Banks. The advantage of this arrangement is that not only do big creditors have more money to monitor and influence Banks, but they also have access to more accurate information than others.

The appropriate role of the central bank lender of last resort is to provide timely short-term financial support to Banks that are illiquid but still solvent. Such loans are an important way to prevent bank panic and runs. Bank panics and runs can make healthy Banks illiquid. And lead to a decline in solvency. In practice, however, such loans often support insolvent Banks. This undermines the market discipline and the profitability of the banking system. The central bank did so because it feared a crisis of confidence in the banking system, and it was often hoped that troubled Banks would emerge from the crisis on their own. In order for lenders of last resort to function effectively, without compromising market discipline, the central bank would have to obtain sufficient information from regulators to determine which Banks were losing their solvency in order to provide funds to healthy but illiquid Banks.

In the event of a bank failure, the deposit insurance scheme will compensate certain classes of depositors. However, deposit insurance is prone to moral hazard problems, so it needs to be properly designed. The most effective deposit insurance schemes are limited to protecting small depositors and not covering large depositors and other creditors, including other Banks, in order to encourage market discipline to put pressure on Banks. Insurance coverage can vary from country to country. But a fundamental principle is that it must help curb moral hazard. The deposit insurance system needs to be adequately funded so that insured depositors can be paid on time and insolvent Banks can be shut down quickly. Credible exit policies for troubled Banks are essential for effective deposit insurance, lender of last resort arrangements, and a sound and competitive banking system. The financial system must be strong enough to keep the problem of failing Banks from spreading to other institutions in order for their exit to proceed smoothly. Banks should be closed until their solvency is severely compromised and their creditors are badly damaged. Even if these conditions are met, regulatory intervention is often needed to bring big Banks out of business, rather than simply citing liquidation. To reduce the political pressure on Banks to exit, the authorities should limit their discretionary powers and adopt rules-based policies.

Disclosing information about Banks and their operating environment to the public is an important means to enforce market discipline. The value of disclosure depends on the credibility and accuracy of the information provided.

Banks are often required to publish information on credit and credit risk, such as risk concentration and relationship lending by category. The customer should also be able to obtain quantitative information on the relationship between the loan and total assets, non-performance loans and the lender's provision. The bank should also explain the definition of loan classification, classification standards for non-performing loans, and standards for the treatment of reserves or reserves. In addition, information on loan write-offs and repayments is also important.

Liquidity risk can be explained through the balance sheet and the enclosing balance and liability maturity structure. This information should enable the client to distinguish between a more stable core deposit account and a less stable purchasing fund account. The information should also indicate which assets can be moved at any time, so that the level of off-balance-sheet commitments can be met.

Banks should disclose all substantive areas of market risk. As a minimum requirement, interest rate sensitive assets, liabilities and off-balance sheet items shall be included in each term. It should be based on the risk profile of the portfolio. Disclosure of risk exposure equity and commodity price risk exposure for major foreign exchange and risk exposure related to various investment transactions. If you use derivative hedging. The bank should also explain the hedging techniques it USES.

Information on benefits can provide important information about long-term prospects. In this way, the client can get the main revenue source and expenditure direction, and calculate the key indicators such as earnings per share, average return on assets and efficiency ratio.

Public disclosure is usually achieved by quantitative and qualitative information released in annual and quarterly financial reports. In addition, Banks can release other information, such as shareholder proxy statements, quarterly earnings and dividend announcements. Financial media can also publish their views.

Given the sensitivity of bank liquidity to public opinion, Banks are always reluctant to provide bad information. So when the message is not positive, there is a sharp conflict between market participants and bank managers. This situation can be addressed directly through laws or regulations, the direct way being mandatory minimum disclosure requirements. In addition, peer pressure for strong market participation can send this situation indirectly, since disclosure is good for raising funds, meaning that such disclosure makes potential investors and depositors more likely to provide capital and deposits.


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2018-10-29 17:43:17 | 日記


1.小心偏题 Beware of straying

阅读理解一定要谨慎,特别是看到这两个单词“discussion” and “analysis”,完全是两个概念。还有,随随便便动笔写的话,不自觉的就可能越拐越偏,到最后可能就~拐~不~回~来~了~为防止这种情况,请在写论文的时候,不时的回过头看看你的写作要求。现在写的内容到底符不符合题目要求,在偏离写作的时候悬崖勒马,可是非常重要的!

2.考虑到以前的作业和以后的作业相关性Consider the relation




Discuss the role of gender in bringing about the French Revolution 讨论性别在法国大革命中所起的作用




pointing to consistencies and inconsistencies in the evidence of gendered causes of the Revolution;

raising the implications of these consistencies and/or inconsistencies (perhaps they suggest a limited role for gender as catalyst);

evaluating different claims about the role of gender;

asking what is gained and what is lost by focusing on gendered symbols, icons and events.






Analyze two of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, including one not discussed in class, as literary works and in terms of sources/analogues.

分析Chaucer's Canterbury 故事集中的两个,包括在这本(文学作品中找)一个在课堂上没有讨论的故事。





它们在Boccaccio或Roman de la Rose中的来源:戏弄,文字游戏,恶作剧,滑稽戏,讽刺等。其次,consider the two tales critically.






Paper代写:Foreign IPO underpricing theory

2018-10-29 17:42:49 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Foreign IPO underpricing theory讨论了国外IPO抑价理论。IPO抑价是指股票首次公开发行时定价较低,首日交易价大幅上涨,新股认购者能够获得超额回报的一种现象。西方金融学界就IPO抑价展开了大量的研究,并形成了三个较为活跃的理论解说流派,分别是运用不对称信息理论来解释IPO抑价现象的非对称信息流派;从证券市场上针对IPO股票特定的制度规定来解释IPO抑价现象的制度成因流派;运用行为经济学的范式来分析IPO抑价原因的非理性行为流派。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

IPO underpricing refers to the phenomenon that the initial public offering price of a stock is low, the first day of trading price rises sharply, and the new share subscribers can obtain excess returns. It was not until the early 1970s that the financial community really paid attention to this abnormal price in the securities market. Stoll and Curley, Logue, Reilly, Ibbotson were among the first scholars to find and systematically describe IPO underpricing in the U.S. securities market from the available literature. Since then, a number of studies have shown that IPO underpricing is not a unique phenomenon in the U.S. market, which is prevalent in global securities markets. In general, IPO prices in mature markets such as Europe and America are about 10% to 20% lower, while those in emerging markets are usually over 50% lower.

Based on asymmetric information theory to explain the cause of the underpricing phenomenon, its basic assumption is that the IPO underpricing rate is positively related to the degree of information asymmetry, the IPO underpricing is caused by information asymmetry of the risk compensation, when the uncertainty caused by asymmetric information reduced to zero, the underpricing phenomenon will disappear in the primary market, issuers, underwriters and investors the three market main body, there is information asymmetry between them, thus cause the underpricing phenomenon. According to the different objects examined by information asymmetry, they can be divided into the following three situations, namely, three hypotheses:

Baron and Holmstrom point to a potential conflict of interest between issuers and underwriters: while the issuer demands maximum proceeds from the offering, underwriters have an incentive to set a lower price in order to reduce costs and the amount of work during the underwriting period. From this perspective, underwriters have more discretion over IPO pricing than issuers when IPO underpricing is an established fact, but they themselves believe that fierce competition among investment Banks makes evidence of this conclusion difficult to obtain. Baron defines underwriters' pricing advantages as information advantages. It also points out that the benefits obtained by the issuer by using the underwriter's right of suggestion are the decreasing function of the issuer's grasp of market demand. The optimal issue price is the increasing function of market demand. It is obvious that the role of the recommendation function of the underwriters is gradually decreasing with the increase of the issuer's understanding of the market demand. In the absence of market demand information, issuers have to compromise pricing to ensure a successful offering. He argues that underpricing is the result of this two-way asymmetric information and USES it as a reward for using information owned by underwriters. But we see that underwriting fees should be a direct return on the services and information of the underwriters involved in the IPO process. In fact, underpricing also reduces underwriting fees rather than increases them. A natural corollary, therefore, is that the asymmetric information in the proxy gives the underwriters the opportunity to allocate underpriced shares to their loyal customers to enhance their competitiveness.

Rock believes that investors as a whole have more information than issuers, but investors are divided into informed investors and uninformed investors. Informed investors know exactly what the shares are worth and will only subscribe if the offer price is less than the value of the shares. Clearly, the acceptance rate for an uninformed investor's subscription will vary depending on whether the informed investor is participating in the subscription. When the ipo price is higher than the value of the stock, the informed investor abandons the new share subscription, thus the acceptance rate of the uninformed investor increases, otherwise reduces. The result left unwitting investors in the "winner's curse", leaving them with little incentive to buy new shares. The issuer needs the participation of all types of investors to ensure the success of the IPO, so the IPO price must be set at a level below the expected value of the stock, that is, to attract uninformed investors through IPO underpricing.

Grinblatt and Hwang argue that the two "signals" -- the price at which shares are issued and the percentage retained by the issuer's original shareholders -- show the future cash flow of the issuer offering, reflecting the company's intrinsic value. After the issuer's shares go public, with the expansion of business scale, there will be the need for refinancing, that is, the listed company can issue warrants to the old shareholders or issue new shares to the public. At this point, investors will look at the company's initial offering. If the price is too high, investors will have doubts about the company's secondary offering pricing, which is not conducive to the refinancing of issuers. As a result, issuers use IPO underpricing to prepare investors for refinancing by giving them a higher return on their investment.

Allen and Faulhaber argue that positive underpricing is a "signal" that "shows" the value of the issuer. "Good performance" issuers to release company by selecting lower than actual value of the price, to potential investors "show" has a good development prospect, and "poor performance" issuer issuing company if choose the offering price below its actual value, so will face the shortage of underpricing issues place to bring the financing risk, and will also face before refinancing by investors detect the risk of company real performance, lead to refinancing plan, do not have access to more capital, so you don't choose it. Therefore, the underpricing and underpricing of the primary market share reflect the strengths and weaknesses of the issuer's company performance. IPO underpricing is the "signal" that the issuer "shows" to investors, indicating the real value of the issuer; IPO underpricing reaches a certain level, which prevents "underperforming" companies from doing the same. Only then can potential investors use this signal to judge that the issuers behind the underpricing strategy are "better-performing" companies.

Welch believes that when deciding whether to buy the new shares issued by the issuer, investors will not only make their own judgment on the investment value of the new shares, but also pay attention to whether other investors pay the price of the new share sheet to attract the initial small number of investors, so as to drive other investors to apply for the new shares.

In addition, an issuer can signal to investors a lower risk by entrusting reputable investment Banks to underwrite the shares. Using data from the 1980s in the United States, it was found that the reputation of investment Banks provided signals to the market about the risks of companies. Companies underwritten by investment Banks with low reputation had significantly higher underpricing rates than those underwritten by investment Banks with high reputation.

TinicHughes and Thakor argue that issuers are intentionally underpricing their offerings to reduce the risk of lawsuits. In order to regulate the securities market effectively, the most typical method adopted by the government is to formulate the information disclosure rules. The rule requires that when companies are listed and securities traders are engaged in securities trading, relevant information must be fully disclosed in accordance with the requirements. The purpose is to prevent various opportunistic behaviors in the process of securities issuance and trading. Because of differing understandings of "full disclosure," strict disclosure rules expose underwriters, accountants and issuers to significant legal risks, and shareholders can Sue them for misstatements or omissions of facts in the prospectus.

Ruud proposed the price support theory of IPO underpricing. This theory does not think lead underwriters are deliberately underpricing issuing new shares, instead they will lower the price after the listed on the expectations of the market value, to listed below the issue price of new shares, the lead underwriters will price support action, so the lead underwriters market interventions to eliminate the left half of the initial yield, namely expect new initial yield greater than zero.

To internal unit set lock period, this is the system arrangement in most markets, lock period is 6 months commonly. Aggarwal, Krigman and Womack analyzed the impact of lock-in period on IPO pricing, and pointed out that since managers' shareholders can only sell their shares after the lockout period expires, managers' shareholders' target is not the highest IPO price, but the maximum value of the shares they hold at the end of lock-in period. When the ipo is underpriced, the jump in share prices on the first day of trading will attract more analysts and media attention, generating information momentum and sparking demand from secondary market investors. When the lockup period is over, management shareholders can sell their shares at a better price. Therefore, they regard IPO underpricing as strategic behavior of management shareholders.


Essay代写:Invest in open-ended funds

2018-10-29 17:24:40 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Invest in open-ended funds,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了投资开放式基金。世界基金业发展的历史,就是从封闭式基金走向开放式基金的历史,开放式基金越来越成为基金中的主流。投资开放式基金,要获得收益,首先要认识开放式基金,了解基金的特点,明白投资基金失败的原因。采取科学的方法,选择好的基金,选择适合自己的基金。

The development history of the world fund industry is a history from closed-end fund to open fund, open fund has become the mainstream of fund more and more. Investment open - end fund, want to obtain yield, want to know open - end fund above all, understand the characteristic of fund, understand the reason that investment fund fails. Take scientific method, choose good fund, choose the fund that suits oneself.

United Kingdom and thrived in the United States, and has become an indispensable investment tool in the financial market. Fund differs according to operation way, cent is open mode fund and enclosed fund. China's fund industry started relatively late compared with developed countries, but its development has been relatively fierce. In March 1998, two closed-end funds: fund new century and fund golden tai kicked off the trial of China securities investment fund. In September 2010, with the birth of the first open-end fund hua 'an innovation, closed-end funds were gradually replaced by open-end funds. The development history of the world fund industry is a history from closed fund to open fund, open fund has become the mainstream of fund more and more.

At present, open end fund has become the mainstream of the international fund market, the United States, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong and Taiwan's fund market are more than 90% open end fund. By the beginning of December 2010, the number of open-end funds in China had reached 586. It may be said that open fund is full of beautiful things, how does the fund investor invest the open fund, how USES the open fund this investment tool to obtain the income? We have to think about it.

Fund is a kind of securities investment instrument, reflecting a trust relationship, which is different from stocks and bonds, is an indirect securities investment method. Investors invest in the securities market indirectly by buying fund units. Open mode fund is to point to fund issues total amount is not fixed, fund unit total increases at any time decrease, investor can according to fund offer in the business place that sets in the country explain buy or redemptive fund unit a kind of fund. It has the following characteristics:

Fund depends on the unit that issue fund, collect the capital of numerous investor to undertake common investment, capital scale advantage is apparent. This avoids the problem of high transaction cost for individual investors due to limited funds and small transaction volume. A fund company, also known as a fund manager, is staffed by a large number of investment experts who operate, manage and invest exclusively in the securities market. They have not only mastered extensive knowledge of investment analysis and portfolio theory, but also accumulated rich practical experience in the field of investment. They can correctly grasp the pulse of the market and improve the rate of return of investment.

The law stipulates that the fund must achieve the goal of dispersing risk through the portfolio, so as to guarantee the relatively stable return of the investor. The securities investment fund gathers the small amount capital of numerous medium and small investors, forms the abundant capital strength. It can spread investors' money into various stocks at the same time, and the loss caused by the falling price of some stocks can be made up by the profit of the rising price of other stocks, which disperses the investment risk.

The fund investor is the owner of the fund, the fund investment income after deducting the related expenses surplus, according to each investor holds the share proportion to carry on the distribution. Gains are Shared and losses are Shared. Open type fund and close type fund are compared, open type fund has issue quantity to do not have limitation, buy and sell the characteristic that price is accurate with asset net value, trade on the counter and risk are relatively little, suit to medium and small investor to undertake investment particularly. In China, each fund has a face value of 1 yuan. The minimum investment of the fund is generally low, and investors can buy more or less fund units according to their own financial capacity, thus solving the problem of "little money, difficult to enter the market" for small and medium-sized investors. To open mode fund character, investor can explain to fund manager directly buy or redemptive fund, also can buy or redemptive through acting sale orgnaization such as negotiable securities company, or entrust investment adviser orgnaization to buy and sell on behalf of. Because these convenient factors, open - end fund received the favor of broad investor.

The management of the fund, the fund company, and depending on the investment research team operation, mainly by the fund manager and help fund manager to collect information, research, caddy, fund investment research team of information gathering is correct, information comprehensive analysis whether science, fund managers' investment operation whether reasonable, etc., directly affect the investment income of investors. The management is not standard, the fund company that exists the rat storehouse, certainly will harm the interest of fund investor. If you do not know the comprehensive management level of fund management companies and choose the fund blindly, you will not have ideal investment returns.

Some people, only look at the net value of funds, do not look at the rate of return; Or see unit net value change only, do not see share out bonus condition, think the fund with high unit net worth is good fund. Other people, in pursuit of more shares, blindly choose low-net-worth funds. There are still some people blindly pursue new fund, do not know new fund does not have historical result to be referenced, whether the manager of fund has investment experience, whether can give you a surprise, these still are unknown. The size of the fund is also an important factor in fund selection. Some people blindly choose large funds, believing that large fund insurance is reliable. Little did they know that the fund size is too large and, to some extent, the operational flexibility will be limited. Smaller funds, though sometimes in danger of liquidation, have the advantage of a smaller boat to turn around.

Chase after high kill drop is the consistent wrong practice of stockholder, in fund investment respect, also not exceptional of course. Some investors blindly in and out, must pay the price for blindness. Stock, bond type open mode fund, explain buy and redemptive follow "unknown price" trade principle, accordingly, when investor is explain buy or redemptive, cannot get clinch a deal in time price. It is not uncommon to pick the wrong time, buy above the ideal price and sell below the expected price. According to fund "amount explain buy, share redemptive" principle, the fund that high price is bought, the share of income is reduced naturally, below condition of same dividend, investment income can reduce.

If the timing of buying and selling is wrong and the investment term is wrong, the cost of investment will be increased and the return of investment will be reduced. A fund is a medium - and long-term investment tool that requires investors to have a certain determination, that is, do not buy this week, sell next week. Influenced by China's 2007 unilateral bull market, some fund investors are in a hurry to make profits and operate funds as stocks.

First, choose a good fund company. The fact shows that the investment concept of China's stock market in a specific stage will have a rotation, and the realization of the concept innovation at the right time may have a good effect. And that depends on fund companies' judgment of the market. Select a formal, experienced fund team, and choose a good fund manager. The fund manager is the investment master who manages the trading on behalf of the investors. His operation has a great impact on the return rate of the fund. Second, choose a good fund. First of all, to understand the fund's income sources include two parts, one part is fund net value growth: open-end fund portfolio of stocks or bonds to rise or get bonuses, dividends, interest, such as lead to the growth of the net value of fund units, after rising and the net value of fund units, investors sold fund unit net value of the resulting price difference, namely investment profit margin. Gross profit deducts when buying fund explain buy fee and redemptive charge is real investment income. The other part is fund dividend yield: the dividend that the investor obtains also is the component of profit. As a result of fund management process style is different. Some funds seek short-term gains, while others seek long-term gains. Some funds like to give investors early dividends, less accumulation; Some like less dividends and more accumulation. Therefore, investors only look at the net value of the fund is difficult to judge the pros and cons of the fund. Want to combine the net value of fund unit, accumulation net value and situation of share out bonus together, comprehensive judgement, just may choose good fund in numerous good and bad different fund. Secondly, the ranking of the fund can be used as a reference for us to choose investment funds. Some experts believe that if a fund can maintain its performance within one-third of the ranking of similar funds for more than three consecutive years, it is basically a trusted fund company and fund manager. Investors also need to analyze the fund's management style and shareholding status, and analyze the growth level and stability of the fund's historical net worth. The growth and stability of historical net value are the performance of the fund in the past. Although it cannot fully explain the future situation, the continuity and continuity of the investment ideas of the fund will definitely affect the future income level of the fund.

Compared with stocks and bonds, fund investment costs are higher. Subscribe or explain buy when, want to pay subscribe fee, fee, redemptive still pay redemptive fee, and rate is higher. So repeated buy and sell, virtually increased the fund investment cost. Investors should always understand the economic information, understand the macro market, do not frequently buy and sell. But it's not as if the longer you hold it, the bigger the benefit. In 2008, the financial crisis, the decisive liquidation of the basic people on a very high income. Really "should make a move when the move". The right timing of entry and exit will improve the investment income of the fund. Take stock type open mode fund for example: when enter the market, hope price is a few lower, such, same fund, can buy some share more. The actual operation needs to be combined with the stock market analysis, if the stock index is at a low point, the market has a rebound trend, and the stock market is falling on the same day, you can boldly buy. When the stock market has reached a high point, and there is a sharp correction trend in the future, it is wise to choose "the bag is safe".

There are many types of funds, and investors will be dazzled by different investment ideas and management styles. Investors should choose funds scientifically according to their own capital strength and risk tolerance ability, and choose funds that are suitable for them. If you like to take risks and want high returns, you can choose stock funds or growth funds; If conservative some, pursue stable income, should choose bond fund or income fund.

Mix and match different types, different fund companies and different styles of funds to build a low-risk fixed investment portfolio, which can effectively disperse investment risks. Investors determine a clear investment target according to their risk tolerance and select funds with stable performance to form the core portfolio. Generally speaking, large-cap balanced fund is more suitable for the core portfolio of long-term investment. In addition to the core portfolio, it may be advisable to buy some industry funds and emerging funds to diversify the investment and increase the returns of the whole fund portfolio. Notice fund portfolio should not be too dispersive, the fund that holds 3 to 5 only high quality and investment style does not close according to oneself risk preference is better.

Choose good fund, choose the open fund that suits oneself, can bring ideal profit for investor, also can accompany certain risk at the same time. Investors only grasp the market pulse correctly and learn to manage money rationally.

