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"His Imperial Majesty's Reign" - Kimigayo - 君が代 Japanese / Transcription / Poetic English translation Support Us: https://www.paypal.me/JRvideos - Thank You! --- "Kimigayo" is the national anthem of Japan. Its lyrics are the oldest among the world's national anthems, and with a length of 11 measures and 32 characters "Kimigayo" is also one of the world's shortest. Its lyrics are from a waka poem written in the Heian period (794–1185), and the current melody was chosen in 1880, replacing an unpopular melody composed eleven years earlier. While the title "Kimigayo" is usually translated as "His Imperial Majesty's Reign", no official translation of the title or lyrics has been established in law. From 1888 to 1945 "Kimigayo" served as the national anthem of the Empire of Japan. When the Empire was dissolved following its surrender at the end of World War II, the State of Japan succeeded it in 1945. This successor state was a parliamentary democracy and the polity therefore changed from a system based on imperial sovereignty to one based on popular sovereignty. Emperor Shōwa was not dethroned, and "Kimigayo" was retained as the de facto national anthem. The passage of the Act on National Flag and Anthem in 1999 recognized it as the official national anthem. --- 君が代(きみがよ)は、日本の国歌。「天皇の治世」を奉祝する歌 であり、「祝福を受ける人の寿命」 を歌う和歌を元にしている。1869年(明治2年)に薩摩藩の砲兵隊長・大山弥助(大山巌)が薩摩琵琶の『蓬莱山』にある『和漢朗詠集』異本の短歌を歌詞として選び、その後1880年(明治13年)に宮内省雅楽課が旋律を改めて付け直し、それをドイツ人の音楽教師フランツ・エッケルトが西洋和声により編曲したものが、1893年(明治26年)の文部省告示以降、国歌として定着した。1999年(平成11年)に「国旗及び国歌に関する法律」で正式に日本の国歌として法制化されており、世界で最も短い国歌の一つである。