

Ukraine War: Putin wants to 'destroy humanity itself', says Ukrainian president

2022-03-08 04:00:31 | 日記

Ukraine War: Putin wants to

'destroy humanity itself',

says Ukrainian president


Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has spoken out

in a new video message as the conflict continues

across the country.

"We never wanted this war, but this war was brought to us,

" he said. "We never wanted to kill anyone but we have to

fight back to get the enemy out of our land and out of our life.


"We have to tolerate what a single nation in Europe didn't

have to tolerate for the last 70 years."

Mr Zelenskyy added: "If somebody loses their mind,

then weneed to lose the fear and forget about business,

we need tofight against inhumane evil

that wants to destroy humanity itself."


For the latest developments:


Ukraine War: Putin wants to 'destroy humanity itself', says Ukrainian president

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has spoken out in a new video ...




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