御歳64才とは思えない艶っぽい文章をNew York Timesに寄稿しているのです。いま現在(日本時間9月30日午前9時)アメリカの朝日新聞(?)で一番読まれている記事になっています。
September 29, 2005
After the Love Is Gone
I broke up with Bill a long time ago. It's always hard to remember love - years pass and you say to yourself, was I really in love or was I just kidding myself? Was I really in love or was I just pretending he was the man of my dreams? Was I really in love or was I just desperate? But when it came to Bill, I'm pretty sure it was the real deal. I loved the guy.
As for Bill, I have to be honest: he did not love me. In fact, I never even crossed his mind. Not once. But in the beginning that didn't stop me. I loved him, I believed in him, and I didn't even think he was a liar. Of course, I knew he'd lied about his thing with Gennifer, but at the time I believed that lies of that sort didn't count. How stupid was that?
Anyway, I fell out of love with Bill early in the game - over gays in the military. That was in 1993, after he was inaugurated, and at that moment my heart turned to stone. People use that expression and mean it metaphorically, but if your heart can turn to stone and not have it be metaphorical, that's how stony my heart was where Bill was concerned. I'd had faith in him. I'd been positive he'd never back down. How could he? But then he did, he backed down just like that. He turned out to be just like the others. So that was it. Goodbye, big guy. I'm out of here. Don't even think about calling. And by the way, if your phone rings and your wife answers and the caller hangs up, don't think it's me because it's not.
By the time Bill got involved with Monica, you'd have thought I was past being hurt by him. You'd have thought I'd have shrugged and said, I told you so, you can't trust the guy as far as you can spit. But much to my surprise, Bill broke my heart all over again. I couldn't believe how betrayed I felt. He'd had it all, he'd had everything, and he'd thrown it away, and here's the thing: it wasn't his to throw away. It was ours. We'd given it to him, and he'd squandered it.
Years passed. I'd sit around with friends at dinner talking about How We Got Here and Whose Fault Was It? Was it Nader's fault? Or Gore's? Or Scalia's? Even Monica got onto the list, because after all, she delivered the pizza, and that pizza was truly the beginning of the end. Most of my friends had a hard time narrowing it down to a choice, but not me: only one person was at fault, and it was Bill. I drew a straight line from that pizza to the war. The way I saw it, if Bill had behaved, Al would have been elected, and thousands and thousands of people would be alive today who are instead dead.
I bring all this up because I bumped into Bill the other day. I was watching the Sunday news programs, and there he was. I have to say, he looked good. And he was succinct, none of that wordy blah-blah thing that used to drive me nuts. He'd invited a whole bunch of people to a conference in New York and they'd spent the week talking about global warming, and poverty, and all sorts of obscure places he knows a huge amount about.
When Bill described the conference, it was riveting. I could see how much he cared; and of course, I could see how smart he was. It was so refreshing. It was practically moving. To my amazement, I could even see why I'd loved the guy in the first place. It made me sadder than I can say. It's much easier to get over someone if you can delude yourself into thinking you never really cared that much.
Then, later in the week, I was reading about Bill's conference, and I came upon something that made me think, for just a moment, that Bill might even want me back. "I've reached an age now where it doesn't matter whatever happens to me," he said. "I just don't want anyone to die before their time any more." It almost really got to me. But then I came to my senses. And instead I just wanted to pick up the phone and call him and say, if you genuinely believe that, you hypocrite, why don't you stand up and take a position against this war?
But I'm not calling. I haven't called in years and I'm not starting now.
Nora Ephron is a writer and director.
もちろん、このBillとはBill Clinton前アメリカ合衆国大統領のことであります。
民主党(というよりはもっとヒダリ寄り)支持のNew York Times、現在のブッシュ共和党政権が憎くてたまりません。ゆえに寄稿者にも民主党支持、共和党不支持の人物を持ってきます。有名な所ではプリンストン大学の経済学教授であるポール・クルーグマンなどがよい例です(もし次に民主党政権が誕生したら、クルーグマンはおそらく閣僚入りするのではないでしょうか)。
そのような新聞ですし、もともとNew York Timesの記者でもあった民主党支持のノーラが寄稿したとしても不思議ではありません(本業に忙しいので、実際に寄稿することはめったにないようですが)。
broke up with 「…と別れる」(ラブコメの王道ですね。)
when it came to 「…に関して言えば」(ここでは過去形で使われていることに注意です。このように文脈に相応しい時性に変化させなければなりません。)
believed in 「…を信じる」(inがキモでしたね。)
fell out of love with 「…との恋から手を引く」(もちろん、これはfall in love withの反意語です。)
hangs up 「電話を切る」(これもラブコメの王道シーンですね。泣きが入るともっとよいでしょうね・・・。)
got involved with 「…と関係を持つ」(もちろんあの「不適切なinappropriate」関係をもったモニカ・ルインスキーとのことです。)
narrowing it down 「…を絞り込む」(アメリカの大学で作文指導を受けたら、この言葉を5分毎に聴きます。話の内容を整理して分かりやすくするためには必須の行為ですから。)
bumped into 「…と偶然出くわす」(文字通り訳すと「…にぶつかる」という意味です。)
blah-blah 「ベラベラ」、「ああだこうだ」、「なんとかかんとか」(冗舌な感じを出したくてこの文脈では使われています。)
drive me nuts 「…を狂わせる」(これもアメリカ人が大好きな口語表現です。木の実nutには人を狂わせる魔力があるようです。He's a nut.とか使うと「彼のバカ!」とかいう感じです。分かりますよね?分からなかったら、『電車男』か、メグのラブコメで勉強してください。)
delude X into Y 「XをだましてYをさせる」
came upon 「思いつく」
御歳64才とは思えない艶っぽい文章をNew York Timesに寄稿しているのです。いま現在(日本時間9月30日午前9時)アメリカの朝日新聞(?)で一番読まれている記事になっています。
September 29, 2005
After the Love Is Gone
I broke up with Bill a long time ago. It's always hard to remember love - years pass and you say to yourself, was I really in love or was I just kidding myself? Was I really in love or was I just pretending he was the man of my dreams? Was I really in love or was I just desperate? But when it came to Bill, I'm pretty sure it was the real deal. I loved the guy.
As for Bill, I have to be honest: he did not love me. In fact, I never even crossed his mind. Not once. But in the beginning that didn't stop me. I loved him, I believed in him, and I didn't even think he was a liar. Of course, I knew he'd lied about his thing with Gennifer, but at the time I believed that lies of that sort didn't count. How stupid was that?
Anyway, I fell out of love with Bill early in the game - over gays in the military. That was in 1993, after he was inaugurated, and at that moment my heart turned to stone. People use that expression and mean it metaphorically, but if your heart can turn to stone and not have it be metaphorical, that's how stony my heart was where Bill was concerned. I'd had faith in him. I'd been positive he'd never back down. How could he? But then he did, he backed down just like that. He turned out to be just like the others. So that was it. Goodbye, big guy. I'm out of here. Don't even think about calling. And by the way, if your phone rings and your wife answers and the caller hangs up, don't think it's me because it's not.
By the time Bill got involved with Monica, you'd have thought I was past being hurt by him. You'd have thought I'd have shrugged and said, I told you so, you can't trust the guy as far as you can spit. But much to my surprise, Bill broke my heart all over again. I couldn't believe how betrayed I felt. He'd had it all, he'd had everything, and he'd thrown it away, and here's the thing: it wasn't his to throw away. It was ours. We'd given it to him, and he'd squandered it.
Years passed. I'd sit around with friends at dinner talking about How We Got Here and Whose Fault Was It? Was it Nader's fault? Or Gore's? Or Scalia's? Even Monica got onto the list, because after all, she delivered the pizza, and that pizza was truly the beginning of the end. Most of my friends had a hard time narrowing it down to a choice, but not me: only one person was at fault, and it was Bill. I drew a straight line from that pizza to the war. The way I saw it, if Bill had behaved, Al would have been elected, and thousands and thousands of people would be alive today who are instead dead.
I bring all this up because I bumped into Bill the other day. I was watching the Sunday news programs, and there he was. I have to say, he looked good. And he was succinct, none of that wordy blah-blah thing that used to drive me nuts. He'd invited a whole bunch of people to a conference in New York and they'd spent the week talking about global warming, and poverty, and all sorts of obscure places he knows a huge amount about.
When Bill described the conference, it was riveting. I could see how much he cared; and of course, I could see how smart he was. It was so refreshing. It was practically moving. To my amazement, I could even see why I'd loved the guy in the first place. It made me sadder than I can say. It's much easier to get over someone if you can delude yourself into thinking you never really cared that much.
Then, later in the week, I was reading about Bill's conference, and I came upon something that made me think, for just a moment, that Bill might even want me back. "I've reached an age now where it doesn't matter whatever happens to me," he said. "I just don't want anyone to die before their time any more." It almost really got to me. But then I came to my senses. And instead I just wanted to pick up the phone and call him and say, if you genuinely believe that, you hypocrite, why don't you stand up and take a position against this war?
But I'm not calling. I haven't called in years and I'm not starting now.
Nora Ephron is a writer and director.
もちろん、このBillとはBill Clinton前アメリカ合衆国大統領のことであります。
民主党(というよりはもっとヒダリ寄り)支持のNew York Times、現在のブッシュ共和党政権が憎くてたまりません。ゆえに寄稿者にも民主党支持、共和党不支持の人物を持ってきます。有名な所ではプリンストン大学の経済学教授であるポール・クルーグマンなどがよい例です(もし次に民主党政権が誕生したら、クルーグマンはおそらく閣僚入りするのではないでしょうか)。
そのような新聞ですし、もともとNew York Timesの記者でもあった民主党支持のノーラが寄稿したとしても不思議ではありません(本業に忙しいので、実際に寄稿することはめったにないようですが)。
broke up with 「…と別れる」(ラブコメの王道ですね。)
when it came to 「…に関して言えば」(ここでは過去形で使われていることに注意です。このように文脈に相応しい時性に変化させなければなりません。)
believed in 「…を信じる」(inがキモでしたね。)
fell out of love with 「…との恋から手を引く」(もちろん、これはfall in love withの反意語です。)
hangs up 「電話を切る」(これもラブコメの王道シーンですね。泣きが入るともっとよいでしょうね・・・。)
got involved with 「…と関係を持つ」(もちろんあの「不適切なinappropriate」関係をもったモニカ・ルインスキーとのことです。)
narrowing it down 「…を絞り込む」(アメリカの大学で作文指導を受けたら、この言葉を5分毎に聴きます。話の内容を整理して分かりやすくするためには必須の行為ですから。)
bumped into 「…と偶然出くわす」(文字通り訳すと「…にぶつかる」という意味です。)
blah-blah 「ベラベラ」、「ああだこうだ」、「なんとかかんとか」(冗舌な感じを出したくてこの文脈では使われています。)
drive me nuts 「…を狂わせる」(これもアメリカ人が大好きな口語表現です。木の実nutには人を狂わせる魔力があるようです。He's a nut.とか使うと「彼のバカ!」とかいう感じです。分かりますよね?分からなかったら、『電車男』か、メグのラブコメで勉強してください。)
delude X into Y 「XをだましてYをさせる」
came upon 「思いつく」
複雑な表現も殆ど無く、とてもシンプルで分かりやすかったです。先生がいつもおっしゃているReader Friendlyという文章はまさにこういうものだと感じました。