昨日の裏ブログ「映画と本と音楽にあふれた英語塾」で紹介したように(「気になる英語表現(11-43): ジョブズ、アップル社CEOを辞任」)、スティーブ・ジョブズ氏がアップルのCEOを辞めました。
経済界への影響は計り知れなく、Financial Timesなどは最新社説で論及しています。昨日と同じ題材ですので裏ブログの「気になる英語表現」では分析しませんが、記録しておきたい文章。引用しておきます。
August 25, 2011 8:14 pm
Apple faces up to the loss of its core
The debate will no doubt rage for some time about how Apple will fare now Steve Jobs has stepped down as chief executive. Will the group retain its extraordinary leadership in the technology sphere – one that has carried it to the brink of becoming the world’s most valuable listed company?
Few bosses – even founders – have defined their companies with quite the intensity that Mr Jobs brought to the task, nor enjoyed the same success. More than a chief executive, he has been a sort of impresario – the presiding intelligence behind Apple’s growth.
The company’s fortunes have waxed with his presence and waned without him. Creatively, all of the fecund periods have certainly been under Mr Jobs’ leadership – from the development of the iconic Macintosh in the 1980s to the recent flowering of iPod, iPhone and iPad. It is hard to think of anything memorable in his absence. And it has been the same with Apple’s finances. Contrast its current prosperity with the position in the 1990s, when it nearly collapsed into bankruptcy.
To some extent, the focus on Mr Jobs is deceptive. In recent years, he has built a world-beating management team. The succession process has been well planned – perhaps due to Mr Jobs’ past illnesses, which led to him taking extended leave of absence in 2004 and 2009. His replacement, Tim Cook, ran the company on both occasions and is well regarded.
The challenge for any successor though is to replace Mr Jobs’ special talent; his ability to bring a technological vision and aesthetic sensibility to bear on Apple’s activities. Stories abound about his attention to detail. He once demanded changes to the iPhone because he felt the second “o” in Google’s logo was the wrong shade of yellow on the screen.
Mr Jobs’ authority allowed him to bet Apple’s resources on a relatively small number of often experimental products. Investors’ confidence in his judgment can be seen as one of Apple’s secret weapons. Compare it with Hewlett-Packard, where a radical strategy has led to shareholder uproar.
Apple does not yet have to confront life without Mr Jobs, in spite of the elegiac tone of his resignation letter. He will stay on as chairman as long as the board consents, which it surely will. But when the link is finally broken, Apple will need to replace the vital spark that he has brought to its affairs. And history suggests that this can only come from another individual, not a management team, however talented.
ただし、ジョブズが残した遺産は大きいもの。10月にはiPhone5が出ると見られていますし、iPad3やiPod touch2の発売も期待したいところです。