

Shalom~Gifts from Onnuri Members

2011年08月23日 | 
Likewise the Sprit also helps in our weaknesss.
For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought ,but the Sprit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
New Teatament Romans8:26

Our Father Who Art in Heaven,
My Dad,Jesus
This is my new challenge to try to write to you in English
Days are passing not using English
Forgot my English
So I try to,now,my Jesus?
Because I want to continue studying it again
Also Chinese...So
Jesus,my Dad
Please lead me to continueing study English and Chinese
To talk to who speaks English and Chinese all over the world
Because I wish I 'd like to understand everyone each other
Dear my Lord
Please have mercy on me
I pray for you,in Jesus name,Amen.

P.S. These are the gifts from Onnuri Members for me in 2011,summer.
I really thank them. Kamusahamunida!

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