今日は蘇れ淀川の舟運のイベントに近所仲間と一緒に参加しました。枚方から八軒屋まで2時間30分の船旅。桜が満開で最高の船上からの花見🌸🍺🌸を楽しみました。 週末で桜も満開。天満橋には多くの観光客でにぎわっていました。帰りは京阪電車のプレミアムカーで枚方まで18分。江戸時代と現代の交通機関の差を感じた一日でした。
We had boat sailing from Hirakata to Hachikenya Osaka which took 2 hours and half with our neighbors 14 members.
Cherry blossoms in riverside of Ohkawa in Osaka were in full bloom and the weather was fine, so that we could enjoy cherry blossom viewing from a sailing boat with our neighbors. For return to our home, we took Keihan railway which took only 18 minutes by premium modern car.