

BBC 「パイロットに活動家殺人の罪」

2008-01-26 | Weblog
Last Updated: Friday, 25 January 2008, 10:54 GMT

Pilot guilty of activist murder

1: A former pilot has been jailed for 20 years for murdering Indonesian rights activist Munir Thalib - reversing an earlier ruling quashing his conviction.

2: Pollycarpus Priyanto was jailed for 14 years in 2005, but had his conviction overturned 10 months later.

3: Indonesia's Supreme Court has now reversed that decision - reinstating his initial conviction and increasing his sentence to 20 years.

4: Munir was poisoned with arsenic in 2004 on board a flight to Amsterdam.

5: The death of the campaigner, who had helped to expose rights abuses by the security services, caused an international outcry.

6: Munir's widow, Suciwati, said the verdict did not go far enough.

7: *"This is what he deserves, but I wish he got a longer punishment," she told AFP news agency.

8: "What's more important is to follow up on the intelligence people behind him - [Priyanto] didn't act on his own."
「彼の背後にいる情報部の人々を追及することがもっと大事なのです。 プリヤントは自分では行動しなかったのです。」

9: The presiding judge said Priyanto - a former pilot with national carrier Garuda Indonesia - had been found guilty of premeditated murder and forgery.

10: The decision followed a judicial review ordered by the prosecution after new evidence emerged during trials of Priyanto's alleged accomplices.

11:The BBC's Lucy Williamson, in Jakarta, said the evidence had suggested links between Priyanto and the state intelligence agency.

12: Testimony included eyewitness accounts of Priyanto drinking with Munir during his journey to Europe.

13: The head of Kontras - a human rights organisation that has been pressing for resolution of the case - said the decision gave them new hope.

14: But the group said the legal process should not stop until the plan's mastermind was brought to justice.



BBC 「ベイルート東部の郊外で爆発 」

2008-01-25 | Weblog
Last Updated: Friday, 25 January 2008, 10:13 GMT

Blast rocks Beirut eastern suburb

1: At least six people have been killed in a powerful car bombing in an eastern suburb of the Lebanese capital Beirut.

2: A senior member of the police intelligence unit and another officer were among the dead, police say.

3: Lebanese TV footage of Hazmieh, a mainly Christian suburb in eastern Beirut, showed a blackened crater and many tangled and burning cars.

4: Beirut has witnessed a string of bomb attacks since 2004, many targeting members of the anti-Syrian movement.
ベイルートでは、 2004年以来一連の爆弾攻撃が行なわれてきた。その多くは反シリア活動のメンバーを狙ったものだ。

5: The dead police official, Wissam Eid, was a technical expert in the Internal Security Forces who had been investigating the past bombings, local media said.

6: TV pictures showed what appeared to be the aftermath of a large blast causing damage over a considerable area at a junction in east Beirut.

7: Emergency workers were filmed putting out fierce fires in vehicles at junction near one of the main highways through the capital.

8: The blast comes at a time of political crisis in Lebanon between rival pro-Syrian and pro-Western parties which have prevented the election of a president for more than two months.

9: Lebanon's western-backed government says the bombings are a message from Syria, although Damascus denies it and condemns the killing.

10: The country has also been rocked by an uprising by Islamist militants in the north and attacks on UN peacekeepers in the south.

11: Ten days ago, a car bomb damaged a US diplomatic car in eastern Beirut, killing at least three bystanders, and last month the army's chief of operations was assassinated by similar means.



BBC 「イラクの議会が新しい国旗を承認する」

2008-01-23 | Weblog
Last Updated: Wednesday, 23 January 2008, 12:16 GMT

Iraq parliament approves new flag

1: Iraq's parliament has voted to change the country's flag.

2: The three stars that represented Saddam Hussein's Baath Party will be removed, to address the concerns of Iraqi Kurds.

3: They have refused to fly the flag since the fall of Saddam Hussein, saying it is too closely associated with a regime that repressed and killed their people.

4: The flag was also changed in 2004, when a line of script, allegedly in Saddam Hussein's own handwriting, was changed to Kufic script.

5: But the latest change - passed by 110 votes to 50 - is only temporary, as a design for a new flag will be sought after one year.

6: Agreement over the flag is another sign that the Iraqi parliament is moving forward on difficult issues, says the BBC's Jonny Dymond in Baghdad.

7: A measure that should allow former Baath party members to rejoin the bureaucracy and military was passed 10 days ago.

8: However, big obstacles to unity remain. The Iraqi parliament said on Tuesday that attempts to pass the 2008 budget had stalled, leading to fears that infrastructure projects would be delayed.

9: The new flag retains the three colours of the old one – red, white and black.

10: But the stars that represented the ideology of the Baath party - unity, freedom and socialism - will be removed.

11: The Arabic inscription "Allahu Akbar" ("God is great") in green will be retained. As with the 2004-2008 version, it is written in Kufic script, making clear it is no longer in Saddam Hussein's handwriting.
"Allahu Akbar"(神は偉大なり)と緑色で書かれているアラビア文字はそのまま残るだろう。2004年から2008年版のKufic文字で書かれた文字は、それがサダム・フセインの手書きではないことを明確にしている。

12: Kufic is an ancient form of Arabic script that originated in what is now Iraq.

13: "The new flag has no signs of Saddam's regime and is a sign that change has been achieved in the country," said Humam Hamoudi, a prominent Shia politician and member of the powerful Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council party.

14: In 2004, Iraq's then US-appointed governing council tried to introduce an entirely new blue-white-and-yellow, flag, but it was withdrawn after protests including the objection that it too closely resembled the flag of Israel.




BBC 「中国が゛オリンピックの死因“を調査」

2008-01-22 | Weblog
Last Updated: Tuesday, 22 January 2008, 08:48 GMT

China to probe 'Olympic deaths'

1: An inquiry has been launched into reports that at least 10 workers have died during the construction of the new Olympic stadium in Beijing.

2: Senior safety official Li Yizhong said those responsible would be punished severely if the reports were true.

3: The claims were made by UK newspaper the Sunday Times, citing unnamed witnesses to the deaths. The paper said families had been paid to keep quiet.

4: Earlier, the organisers of the Beijing Olympics denied the story.

5: When asked by journalists whether he could confirm the report, Mr Li replied: "This is the first I have heard of this.

6: "I will ask the Beijing work safety watchdog to conduct an investigation and if this is found to be the case, severe punishment will be administered according to the law."

7: China's work safety record is poor - thousands of people die every year in mines, factories and on construction sites.

8: But with the world's focus falling on China during the Olympics, officials are keen to avoid any controversy.


@:今、中国は、人権問題にピリピリしていると思います。人権問題が理由で、オリンピックの候補地選びで延期になり、ようやく、今回、勝ち取ったオリンピックです。 隣国中国の努力と成功を期待したいと思います。

BBC 「南アフリカが近隣諸国への電気をカットする」

2008-01-21 | Weblog
Last Updated: Monday, 21 January 2008, 10:22 GMT

S Africa cuts power to neighbours

1: South Africa's state-owned electricity company Eskom has stopped supplying power to neighbouring countries because of acute domestic shortages.

2: Zimbabwe and Mozambique are thought to be the worst affected countries.

3: A BBC correspondent says the recent daily power cuts have caused chaos and are threatening to have a major impact on South Africa's economy.

4: On Friday, enraged commuters set fire to trains in Pretoria after power cuts caused two-hour train delays.

5: The BBC's Peter Biles in Johannesburg says many small businesses are being crippled by the blackouts.

6: Economists are warning that the country's target of 6% economic growth by 2010 - when South Africa will host the football World Cup - is fast becoming a pipedream.

7: President Thabo Mbeki on Sunday met Eskom's executives to discuss the power shortages.

8: Mr Mbeki last month admitted the government had been wrong to refuse Eskom's request for more investment in power generation several years ago, reports the AFP news agency.

9: "We were wrong. Eskom was right," Mr Mbeki said.

10: The governing African National Congress has now recommended the urgent development of a national response plan, to keep the electricity flowing.

11: Zimbabwe was hit by a black-out on Saturday night, although power was later restored.

12: It is not clear if this was linked to the Eskom decision.

13: *State radio has blamed the problem on an unspecified breakdown.

14: Zimbabwe is believed to import about 40% of its electricity and has had trouble paying its bills because of its lack of foreign currency.

