

BBC 「オーストラリアがインドへのウラン販売を禁止する」

2008-01-15 | Weblog
Last Updated: Tuesday, 15 January 2008, 10:43 GMT

Australia bans India uranium sale

1: Australia has outlawed uranium sales to India because Delhi has not signed the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

2: Foreign Minister Stephen Smith said the move fulfilled the new Labor government's election promise.

3: The move reverses the policy of former Prime Minister John Howard, who was voted out late last year.

4: Australia has 40% of the world's known uranium resources and exports the product to more than 30 countries under strict conditions.

5: In 2007, Mr Howard's government overturned a long-standing policy of not selling uranium to countries outside the NPT when it agreed a deal with India.

6: Mr Howard defended the move at the time by saying that it would bring India into the nuclear mainstream and curb its fossil fuel emissions.

7: But Mr Smith told India's nuclear envoy Shyam Saran, who had negotiated the deal with Mr Howard, that the original policy had now been reinstated.

8: "We went into the election with a strong policy commitment we would not export uranium to nation states who are not members of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty," said Mr Smith.

Australia   オーストラリア
Canada   カナダ
China    中国
Kazakhstan カザフスタン
Namibia   ナンビア
Niger     ニジェール
Russia    ロシア
Uzbekistan  ウズベキスタン


@:オーストラリアの労働党の政策に私も賛成です。NPTに入らない国にまでウランを売る必要はない、売るのはいけないと思います。 ハワードさんはアメリカの金魚の糞でしたが、これからはそうはいかないでしょう。


BBC 「マラウイが台湾との関係を絶つ」

2008-01-14 | Weblog
Last Updated: Monday, 14 January 2008, 11:15 GMT

Malawi severs links with Taiwan

1: Malawi has announced that it is cutting diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

2: The move came as Chinese state media announced the African country had established ties with rival Beijing.

3: Before the announcement, Malawi was one of the few countries to maintain ties with Taiwan, which China regards as part of its territory.

4: Malawi cancelled a meeting with Taiwanese officials earlier this month, raising speculation that such a diplomatic move might take place.

5: Malawian Foreign Minister Joyce Banda read out a joint statement from the governments in Beijing and Blantyre.

6: The statement said that "in conformity with the desires of the two peoples", China and Malawi established diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level from 28 December 28, 2007.

7: "The two countries have agreed to develop friendly relationships and cooperation and the People's Republic of China will support Malawi in its efforts to safeguard its sovereignty and develop its economy," said the statement.

8: Most of Taiwan's 23 states with which Taiwan retains diplomatic ties are small, poor countries in South America, Africa and the South Pacific



BBC 「セシリア・サルコジさんが本の発禁できず」

2008-01-12 | Weblog
Last Updated: Friday, 11 January 2008, 12:15 GMT

Cecilia Sarkozy fails to ban book

1: A French judge has rejected a bid by President Nicolas Sarkozy's ex-wife to block publication of a book about her.

2: Cecilia Sarkozy had demanded a full injunction, arguing that "Cecilia" by Anna Bitton violated her privacy.

3: In the book, France's former first lady is quoted as calling the president a "womaniser", "cheap" and "a man who loves no-one, not even his children".

4: *The Paris civil court ruled a ban would be "totally disproportionate", mainly as the book went on sale on Thursday.

5: Ms Sarkozy's lawyer immediately announced that she would appeal to a higher court against the decision.

6: "Cecilia" is one of three books about her which were set for publication this week, such is the public fascination with the president's personal life.

7: Excerpts of Anna Bitton's book have already been published in French magazines and newspapers.

8: In one excerpt, the president's ex-wife is quoted as criticising his entourage as "a gang of young guys drunk on power who take themselves for the princes of Paris".

9: The couple's divorce was announced in October 2007 and Nicolas Sarkozy's subsequent relationship with the Italian singer and ex-supermodel, Carla Bruni, has been front-page news around the world.

10: He told reporters on Tuesday that the romance was serious but he would not comment on claims that they were about to marry.


@:フランスはパパラッチで有名です。案の定、セシリアさんが標的になりましたね。サルコジさんは、パパラッチをうまく利用しているように思えますが、セシリアさんにとっては否定的に書かれると不愉快なことでしょう。 裁判所だけが頼りでしょうが、そこでも否定されて、お気の毒です。

BBC 「日本の国会が給油支援法を通す」

2008-01-11 | Weblog
Last Updated: Friday, 11 January 2008, 06:56 GMT

Japan PM forces navy bill through

1: The Japanese government has invoked a rarely-used power to force through a controversial naval bill.

2: The ruling party used its lower house majority to override opposition lawmakers, who had voted down the bill in the upper house hours earlier.

3: It was the first such move in more than 50 years, and followed months of deadlock over the proposed legislation.

4: The bill will allow Japanese ships to resume a refuelling mission supporting US-led operations in Afghanistan.

5: The deployment, which Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda says is vital to Japan's standing in the international community, could now be resumed as early as next month.

6: But the opposition argues it violates the post-war pacifist constitution and lacks a mandate from the United Nations.

7: The row had become increasingly embarrassing for the government.

8: The Japanese navy has been providing fuel to coalition forces in the Indian Ocean since late 2001.

9: But the ships were forced to withdraw in November last year after opposition lawmakers - who won control of the upper house in July - blocked an extension of their mandate.

10: The government revised the legislation limiting the scope of the mission but this failed to placate the opposition.

11:* Early on Friday, it made good on its pledge to block the bill in the upper house.

12: The legislation was immediately returned to the lower house, where the Liberal Democratic Party used its sizeable majority to force it through by 340 votes to 133.

13: The move will please the US, which has lobbied hard for a resumption of the mission.

14: "By passing this legislation, Japan has demonstrated its willingness to stand with those who are trying to create a safer, more tolerant world," said Thomas Schieffer, the US ambassador in Tokyo.



BBC 「オーストラリアがビニールバッグ運動に取り組む」

2008-01-10 | Weblog
Last Updated: Thursday, 10 January 2008, 05:32 GMT

Australia to act on plastic bags

1: The Australian government says it wants to phase out the use of free plastic bags, following a similar move by China earlier in the week.

2: Environment Minister Peter Garrett said that action was critical, because plastic bags were harming Australia's land and wildlife.

3: He said he would meet state leaders to discuss the plan in April, with a view to implementing it by the end of 2008.

4: On Tuesday, China said a ban on free plastic bags would start in June.

5: It also banned production of extra-flimsy plastic bags, attributing both decisions to the need to reduce pollution and save resources.

6: Mr Garrett said he thought most Australians would back a move to end the distribution of free plastic bags in supermarkets and shops.

7: "There are some 4 billion of these plastic bags floating around the place, getting into landfills, ending up affecting our wildlife, and showing up on our beaches while we are on holidays," he said.

8: *"We think it's absolutely critical that we get cracking on it."

9: Mr Garrett did not specify whether he favoured an outright ban or whether shoppers would be charged for plastic bags.

10: Several countries have or are considering taking action to reduce the use of plastic bags.

11: On Wednesday, the US city of New York passed a bill requiring large shops to provide recycling bins for plastic bags.

12: Other US cities, such as San Francisco, have already banned plastic bags from grocery shops.

13: In Ireland, meanwhile, under a law passed in 2002, shoppers are charged for every plastic bag they use.

