イザヤ書 53:5 NIV
[5] しかし彼は、私たちの罪のために刺し貫かれ、私たちの咎のために砕かれた。私たちに平和をもたらす罰が彼に下され、彼の傷によって私たちは癒された。
Isaiah 53:5 NIV
[5] But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.
詩篇 103:2-3 NIV
[2] 私の魂よ、主をほめたたえよ。主の恵みをことごとく忘れるな。[3] 主はあなたのすべての罪を赦し、あなたのすべての病を癒す。
Psalms 103:2-3 NIV
[2] Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits— [3] who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,
1ペテロ2:9 NIV
[9] しかし、あなたがたは選ばれた民、王なる祭司、聖なる国民、神の所有物です。それは、あなたがたを暗闇からその驚くべき光の中に招き入れてくださった方の栄光を、あなたがたが宣べ伝えるためです。
1 Peter 2:9 NIV
[9] But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
Give Thanks for Health Renewed
As followers of Jesus Christ, we give thanks because our health is renewed. We have been healed by His stripes and wounds. He paid a tremendous price, at the cross, to reverse the consequences of our sin.
もし私たちが健康に歩んでいないなら、今日こそ、信仰と、健康を与えてくださる神への感謝という新しいライフスタイルを始める日です。イザヤ書 53:5 や、聖書の他の多くの箇所は、私たちの健康はイエス・キリストを通して新たにされるということをはっきりと思い出させてくれます。私たちは神の賜物に感謝します。
If we are not walking in health, then this is the day to begin a new lifestyle of faith and thanksgiving for God’s provision of wholeness. Isaiah 53:5 and many other Bible passages are firm reminders that our health is renewed through Jesus Christ. We thank God for His gifts.
The secular assumption is that when we reach a certain age, things happen to cause our bodies to break down and stop functioning. We are told that it’s normal to have pain; if we live to be a certain age, we can expect inevitable physical ailments. The redeemed man or woman must decide whether they will believe those negative assumptions or whether they will live by faith in the Word of God.
As believers, we are challenged to trust Scripture. Remember, we are healed by Jesus’ stripes. That is the truth. This miracle becomes our divine reality when we know what Christ has provided and when we believe that we are personally included in His action.
Today, let’s lift our hearts and give thanks to God, knowing that everything that was once wrong in our lives because of sin is now made right. Because of the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, our health is renewed.
今日の思い: 今日は、十字架上のキリストの働きについて瞑想します。キリストは世界の破壊を癒し、修復するために多くのことを成し遂げました。神はキリストを通して何と偉大な愛を私たちに示してくださったのでしょう。
Thought of the Day: Today, I will meditate on the work of Christ on the cross. He bore so much to heal and remedy the brokenness of the world. What great love God has shown us through Christ!