


2024-11-28 04:48:29 | 日記
歴代誌上 16:34 NIV [34] 主に感謝せよ。主は慈しみ深く、その慈しみはとこしえに続く。
1 Chronicles 16:34 NIV [34] Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.





歴代誌上 16:34 NIV


神は御子イエスを通して、私たちにご自身との継続的なつながりを与えてくださいました。 私たちに対する神の揺るぎない愛は、私たちの周りで何が起ころうとも永遠に続く愛であり、私たちは決して失うことはありません。ダビデはこのことを認識し、宣言しました。そして毎日、私たちは同じことをする機会があります。


- 祈りで神に感謝する

- あなたのストーリーを共有してください
ヘブル人への手紙の著者は、「神の御名に対する忠誠を宣言する」ことによって神を敬うように勧めています(ヘブル13:15-16)。では、神はあなたのために何をしてくださったでしょうか? あなたの人生を通して、神が与え、守り、現れ、誇示するのをどこで見たことがありますか? 神があなたの中でなさっていることを他の人と共有する自然な機会を探してください。

Clinging to God's Goodness

For years, nothing in King David’s life looked “good.” His family underestimated him, giants despised him, and his father in law spent years trying to kill him. But the whole time, David clung to a promise that God would establish him, and make him king of Israel.

David never gave up or gave in—he stayed close to God, and waited for Him to act. And when God acts, this is how David responds:

“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.”
1 Chronicles 16:34 NIV

Despite the pain David endured, he knew that even when life didn’t look good, he still served his good God. And this same God actively fights for us.

Through His Son, Jesus, He has given us continual access to Himself. We can never lose His unfailing love toward us—a love that endures forever, no matter what goes on around us.

David recognized this, and proclaimed it. And every day, we have the opportunity to do the same thing.

Here are 2 practical ways we can respond to God’s goodness and love:

- Thank Him in Prayer
When Jesus was teaching His disciples to pray, he told them to start like this: “Our Father in heaven, help us to honor Your name.” It’s fine to ask God for things, but real relationships include both take and give. So at least once a day for the next week, go to God in prayer, and thank Him for something He’s done, without asking Him for anything in return.

- Share Your Story
The writer of Hebrews encourages us to honor God by “proclaiming our allegiance to his name” (Hebrews 13:15-16). So what has God done for you? Where have you seen Him provide, protect, show up, or show off through your life? Look for natural opportunities to share what God is doing in you with someone else.

Right now, reflect on your life and thank God for His eternal goodness. Nothing you have faced or will face is too much for the God who loves you and died for you. Bring Him your concerns, surrender your expectations, and allow Him to reveal the evidence of His goodness in your life.

A Prayer of Praise!

God, thank You for being unstoppable, unchangeable, all-powerful, and incomparable. You alone are worthy of all my praise, honor, and glory! Your love endures forever, and I am forever grateful for who You are. Thank You for making a way for me to know You personally. Nothing compares to You! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

