
Intimate Connection
Fellowship – it’s a wonderful word. It’s what you were made for. It satisfies the deepest longings of your heart. It is the answer to loneliness. Nothing in this life compares with it. It starts now and goes on for ever. There is no greater joy in life than fellowship.
ヨハネは、読者にも自分と同じ交わりを楽しんでほしいと願っています。「あなたたちもこの交わりを楽しんでほしい。あなたたちの喜びは、私たちの喜びを倍増させるのです!」(ヨハネ第一 1:3、MSG)。交わりを表すギリシャ語の「コイノニア」は、ほとんど翻訳不可能です。「非常に親密で深い関係…夫婦関係を表すのに最もよく使われる表現です。人間同士の最も親密な関係です」。すべてを共有する生活を描写する豊かな言葉です。これは、ヨハネが神との親密な関係を表すのに使った言葉です(3節)。
John wants his readers to enjoy the same fellowship he has: ‘We want you to enjoy this, too. Your joy will double our joy!’ (1 John 1:3, MSG). *Koinonia*, the Greek word used for fellowship, is almost untranslatable. It expresses ‘a relationship of great intimacy and depth… it even became the favourite expression for the marital relationship – the most intimate between human beings’. It is a rich word that describes a life together in which everything is shared. This is the word that John uses of our intimate relationship with God (v.3).
It also describes our relationship with one another. You can have deep genuine friendships and honest communication. There is no need for masks or ‘spin’ or ‘image’. You can be real before God and before others. The result is a level of authenticity, vulnerability and intimate connection with one another that is best summed up in this beautiful word, ‘fellowship’.
詩篇 136:1-12 NIV
[1] 主に感謝せよ。主は慈しみ深い。その愛はとこしえに続く。[2] 神々の神に感謝せよ。その愛はとこしえに続く。[3] 万軍の主に感謝せよ。その愛はとこしえに続く。[4] ひとりで大いなる奇跡を行う者、その愛はとこしえに続く。[5] 主は知恵によって天を造られた。その愛はとこしえに続く。[6] 主は地を水の上に広げられた。その愛はとこしえに続く。[7] 大いなる光を造られた者、その愛はとこしえに続く。[8] 太陽が昼を治める。その愛はとこしえに続く。[9] 月と星が夜を治める。その愛はとこしえに続く。[10] エジプトの長子を倒した者、その愛はとこしえに続く。[11] イスラエルをその中から導き出した者、その愛はとこしえに続く。[12] 力強い手と伸ばされた腕をもって。 彼の愛は永遠に続く。
Psalms 136:1-12 NIV
[1] Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. [2] Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever. [3] Give thanks to the Lord of lords: His love endures forever. [4] to him who alone does great wonders, His love endures forever. [5] who by his understanding made the heavens, His love endures forever. [6] who spread out the earth upon the waters, His love endures forever. [7] who made the great lights— His love endures forever. [8] the sun to govern the day, His love endures forever. [9] the moon and stars to govern the night; His love endures forever. [10] to him who struck down the firstborn of Egypt His love endures forever. [11] and brought Israel out from among them His love endures forever. [12] with a mighty hand and outstretched arm; His love endures forever.
Thank God
God loves you. We need to be constantly reminded of God’s love for us. Twenty-six times in this psalm the psalmist repeats, ‘His love endures for ever’. Your intimate connection with the Lord is based on his enduring love for you.
Respond by giving ‘thanks’ to God for:
Who he is
He is the ‘God of gods’ and ‘Lord of lords’ (vv.2–3). He is good (v.1).
What he has made
He does great wonders. He made the heavens and spread out the earth; he made the sun, the moon and the stars (vv.4–9).
What he has done
His hand is strong and his arm is outstretched towards you (v.12).
Lord, thank you that your love for me endures for ever.
ヨハネの手紙一 1:1-10 NIV
[1] 初めからあったもの、私たちが聞いたもの、私たちの目で見たもの、私たちが見つめ、私たちの手で触れたもの、このいのちのことばについて、私たちは宣べ伝えます。[2] いのちが現れました。私たちはそれを見て、それをあかしします。そして、父とともにあって私たちに現れた永遠のいのちを、あなたたちに宣べ伝えます。[3] 私たちが見聞きしたことをあなたたちに宣べ伝えるのは、あなたたちも私たちと交わりを持つようになるためです。私たちの交わりは、父と御子イエス・キリストとの交わりです。[4] 私たちは、喜びを全うするために、このことばを書き送ります。[5] 私たちが神から聞いてあなたたちに伝えることばは、神は光です。神には、少しも暗いところはありません。[6] もし、私たちが神と交わりを持っていると言いながら、暗闇の中を歩んでいるなら、私たちは偽りを言っているのであって、真理を実践していないのです。 [7] しかし、神が光の中におられるように、私たちも光の中を歩んでいるなら、私たちは互いに交わりを保ち、神の子イエスの血はすべての罪から私たちをきよめます。[8] もし私たちが罪がないと言うなら、私たちは自分を欺いており、真理は私たちのうちにありません。[9] もし私たちが自分の罪を告白するなら、神は真実で正しい方ですから、私たちの罪を赦し、すべての不義から私たちをきよめてくださいます。[10] もし私たちが罪を犯していないと言うなら、私たちは神を偽り者とし、神の言葉は私たちのうちにありません。
1 John 1:1-10 NIV
[1] That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched—this we proclaim concerning the Word of life. [2] The life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us. [3] We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. [4] We write this to make our joy complete. [5] This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. [6] If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. [7] But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. [8] If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. [9] If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. [10] If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.
ヨハネの手紙一 2:1-11 NIV
[1] 私の愛する子供たち、私があなたたちにこれらのことを書いているのは、あなたたちが罪を犯さないようにするためです。もし誰かが罪を犯したとしても、私たちには父のもとに弁護者、正しい方であるイエス・キリストがいます。[2] 彼は私たちの罪のための、私たちの罪だけでなく、全世界の罪のための、なだめの供え物です。[3] 私たちが彼の戒めを守るなら、私たちは彼を知っていることを知っています。[4] 「私は彼を知っている」と言いながら、彼の戒めを行わない人は偽り者です。その人の内には真理がありません。[5] しかし、彼の言葉を守る人は、神への愛が本当にその人のうちに全うされています。これによって、私たちが彼の内にいることが分かります。[6] 彼の内に生きていると主張する人は、イエスがされたように生きなければなりません。[7] 愛する友人たち、私があなたたちに書いているのは、新しい戒めではなく、初めから受け継がれてきた古い戒めです。この古い戒めは、あなたたちが聞いていた言葉です。[8] しかし、私は新しい戒めをあなたたちに書いています。 その真実は彼とあなた方の中に見られます。なぜなら、闇は過ぎ去り、まことの光がすでに輝いているからです。[9] 光の中にいると言いながら、兄弟や姉妹を憎む者は、依然として闇の中にいます。[10] 兄弟や姉妹を愛する者は、光の中に生きており、その人にはつまずくものが何もありません。[11] しかし、兄弟や姉妹を憎む者は、闇の中にいて、闇の中を歩き回っています。彼らはどこへ行くのか知りません。闇が彼らの目をくらませているからです。
1 John 2:1-11 NIV
[1] My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. [2] He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world. [3] We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands. [4] Whoever says, “I know him,” but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. [5] But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: [6] Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did. [7] Dear friends, I am not writing you a new command but an old one, which you have had since the beginning. This old command is the message you have heard. [8] Yet I am writing you a new command; its truth is seen in him and in you, because the darkness is passing and the true light is already shining. [9] Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates a brother or sister is still in the darkness. [10] Anyone who loves their brother and sister lives in the light, and there is nothing in them to make them stumble. [11] But anyone who hates a brother or sister is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness. They do not know where they are going, because the darkness has blinded them.
Talk to God
John knew who he was talking about. He knew Jesus Christ personally. He was the disciple whom Jesus loved in a special way (John 13:23), and with whom he had spent a great deal of his time.
老齢となったヨハネは、イエスを「聞いた」、「見た」、「見つめた」、「触れた」と書いています(ヨハネの手紙一 1:1)。ヨハネは自分が「見た」ことを「証言し」、「宣言」しようとしました。それは、読者も父と御子イエス・キリストとの親密なつながりを持てるようにするためでした(2-3節)。
John, now an old man, writes that he had ‘heard’, ‘seen’, ‘looked at’ and ‘touched’ Jesus (1 John 1:1). What he had ‘seen’ he wanted to ‘testify’ to and ‘proclaim’, in order that his readers also might have an intimate connection with the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ (vv.2–3).
Astonishingly, you too can experience this intimate connection: ‘we saw it, we heard it, and now we’re telling you so you can experience it along with us, this experience of communion with the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ’ (v.3, MSG).
How can you have this intimate connection with the Father and the Son?
You are enabled to ‘walk in the light’ because of ‘the blood of Jesus’, which ‘purifies us from all sin’ (v.7). Because of this, even though we are still sinners (v.8), we are offered continual forgiveness for our sins. You are called to this intimate relationship with him, where you can talk to him about your sins and be assured of forgiveness: ‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness’ (v.9).
The blood of Jesus continually cleanses you in the same way that the combination of your liver and your physical blood continually cleanses your physical body.
The only requirement is that you admit that you have sinned and confess your sins.
Keep short accounts with God. When you sin, quickly confess, repent and receive God’s cleansing. Get up and keep going.
There is an extraordinary balance here. We are not supposed to sin, but rather to walk in the light. However, we have all sinned and, ‘if we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word has no place in our lives’ (v.10).
This leads to a wonderful combination: John both encourages his readers not to sin, while at the same time assuring them of God’s grace and mercy if they do (2:1). This balance of a call to holiness alongside grace is right at the heart of the Christian life.
Amazingly, when we mess up, Jesus is our ‘advocate’ (KJV), our divine defence lawyer: ‘we have one who speaks to the Father in our defence – Jesus Christ, the Righteous One’ (v.1).
It is the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for you that makes it possible for you to be able to talk to the Father and the Son in the intimate relationship of ‘fellowship’ (1:3). You are called to know God (2:4) and to experience his love for you (v.5). ‘Anyone who claims to be intimate with God ought to live the same kind of life Jesus lived’ (v.6, MSG).
Part of this is seen in our connection with one another in the Christian community. ‘If we walk in the light... we have fellowship with one another’ (1:7). A clear conscience, love, obedience, intimacy with God and intimacy with one another all go hand in hand.
Lord, thank you for the amazing privilege of being able to have fellowship with you and with one another through your blood shed for us on the cross.
ダニエル書 5:17-6:28
Daniel 5:17-6:28
ダニエル書 5:17 新共同訳
[17] ダニエルは王に答えた。「贈り物など不要でございます。報酬はだれか他の者にお与えください。しかし、王様のためにその文字を読み、解釈をいたしましょう。
Trust God
Daniel enjoyed close intimate connection with God. He is a wonderful example of someone who had total and complete trust in the Lord. He refuses to accept Belshazzar’s gifts (5:17). Be careful about simply accepting gifts from anyone. Daniel did not want to compromise his position.
Belshazzar’s sins were: first, pride (v.20) – he did not humble himself (v.22); second, arrogance (v.20) – he set himself up against the Lord of heaven (v.23); and third, idol worship – praising gods of silver and gold (v.23).
Daniel is a superb example of a Christian politician. It is not just that his intelligence completely outclassed the others. What really made him stand out was his integrity. When they tried to find an old scandal or skeleton they could not find anything: ‘He was totally exemplary and trustworthy. They could find no evidence of negligence or misconduct’ (6:4, MSG).
Not all of us can distinguish ourselves as Daniel did (v.3), but we can all have an ‘excellent spirit’ (v.3, AMP). Seek to be trustworthy in your work, and to be honest and careful, ‘neither corrupt nor negligent’ (v.4). Be faithful in your work and most importantly be faithful in your relationship with God.
ダニエルは国内でトップ 3 に入る人物で、大きな責任を負っていました。非常に忙しく、時間のかかる仕事をしていました。それでも、彼は 1 日に 3 回祈る時間を見つけていました。
Daniel was one of the top three men in the country and he had great responsibility. He had an extremely busy, time-consuming job. Yet he managed to find the time to pray three times a day.
Daniel had lived in Babylon for many years by this stage and his attitude to the state is very interesting. He played his full part. He obeyed all the laws. His accusers knew this. They realised that the only way to attack him was to make up a law that went against God – so they made it illegal to pray (vv.5–7). Daniel had no hesitation in disobeying that command openly (v.10).
Talking to God is inextricably linked with trusting in him. Fellowship with God was the number one priority in Daniel’s life. He continued to pray just as he always had done. He refused to compromise. He did not even try to hide the fact he was praying. He kept the windows open as he had done before – so that all could see.
Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den. The whole story seems to foreshadow the last period of Jesus’ life:
Jealousy led to false accusations against him
His enemies were unable to find any basis for a charge
In the end they resorted to a religious charge
A reluctant and weak king was persuaded to take some action he did not really want to take
The great courage of Daniel foreshadowed the supreme courage of Jesus.
The rescue by God foreshadowed the resurrection
Even the empty tomb seems to be foreshadowed: ‘A stone was brought and placed over the mouth of the den, and the king sealed it… At the first light of dawn, the king got up and hurried to the lions’ den’ (vv.17,19).
The key to the whole story is Daniel’s complete trust in God. This made him fearless. It is said that the lions did not eat Daniel ‘because he was grit and backbone’! He served God continually (vv.16,20), and was recognised and thought of as a servant of the living God (v.20). He was at God’s disposal every moment of the day.
Resist the pressure to compromise. Keep trusting God even when everything seems to go wrong. Have the courage to be different.
Lord, help me to keep walking in an intimate relationship of connection with you – thanking you, talking to you and trusting in you.
ダニエル書 5 章と 6 章を見ると、現代では彼のような人が指導者のアドバイザーとしてもっと必要です。ダニエルがネブカドネザルとダリウスに忠実でありながら、信仰を曲げなかったことは印象的です。彼はまず神に従い、次に政治家でありアドバイザーでした。
Pippa Adds
Looking at Daniel 5 and 6, we need more people like him to be advisers to our leaders in this day and age. It is impressive that Daniel was so loyal to Nebuchadnezzar and Darius, but he did not compromise his faith. He followed God first and was a politician and an adviser second.