
How to Avoid Spiritual Infections
19 世紀の医師ジョセフ・リスターは、「消毒手術の父」として知られています。リスターは、術後の感染症で死亡する患者の割合が高いことに不安を感じていました。彼は、肉眼では見えない極小の微生物が感染症を引き起こしていると確信しました。彼は傷の治療に使う消毒液をいくつか開発し始めました。予想通り、感染症で死亡する患者の割合は減少しました。
Joseph Lister, the nineteenth-century medic, is known as ‘the father of antiseptic surgery’. Lister was disturbed by the high proportion of patients who died from post-operative infections. He became convinced that infinitesimal microbes, invisible to the naked eye, were causing the infections. He began to develop a number of antiseptic solutions with which to treat the wounds. Sure enough, the proportion of patients dying from infections decreased.
In a similar way, there are evil spiritual forces at work in our world today. They cannot be seen, but they wreak havoc in people’s lives, causing them to fall into temptation, moving evil people into positions of national power, manipulating people’s emotions, tearing them apart and destroying them. But just as Lister’s contemporaries dismissed his theory of destructive microbes, many people today are ignorant or dismissive of spiritual realities. Yet you have the powerful spiritual ‘antiseptic’ to use against these destructive forces. It is vital that you learn to do so.
Thank God continually
Do you ever feel ‘under attack’ – from powerful temptations, overwhelming fears, major anxieties or from some other form of attack?
The ‘enemies’ in the Old Testament were often physical attacks, whereas in the New Testament they are usually spiritual attacks. But the outcome is the same – God promises to rescue you from all your enemies.
The psalmist gives thanks for what God has done. In particular, he thanks God for freeing us from our enemies (v.24):
‘God remembered us when we were down… Rescued us from the trampling boot... Takes care of everyone in time of need… Thank God who did it all!’ (vv.23–26, MSG).
The final verse summarises the psalm: ‘Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever’ (v.26).
Lord, thank you that you have rescued me through the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Thank you that your love endures for ever.
ヨハネの手紙一 2:12-27 NIV
[12] 愛する子供たちよ、私はあなた方に書いています。御名のゆえに、あなた方の罪が赦されているからです。[13] 父たちよ、私はあなた方に書いています。あなた方は初めからおられる方を知っているからです。若者たちよ、私はあなた方に書いています。あなた方は悪い者に打ち勝ったからです。[14] 愛する子供たちよ、私はあなた方に書いています。あなた方は父を知っているからです。父たちよ、私はあなた方に書いています。あなた方は初めからおられる方を知っているからです。若者たちよ、私はあなた方に書いています。あなた方は強く、神の言葉があなた方の内に生きており、あなた方は悪い者に打ち勝ったからです。[15] 世を愛してはいけません。また、世にあるものも、何であれ愛してはいけません。もし世を愛する者がいれば、父に対する愛はその人のうちにありません。[16] すべて世にあるもの、すなわち、肉の欲、目の欲、暮らし向きの自慢は、父からではなく、世から来るからです。 [17] 世とその欲は過ぎ去ります。しかし、神のみこころを行う者は、いつまでも生きます。 [18] 子どもたちよ。今は終わりの時です。あなたがたは反キリストが来ると聞いていましたが、今すでに多くの反キリストが現れています。これによって、今は終わりの時であると分かります。 [19] 彼らは私たちから出て行きましたが、本当は私たちのものではありませんでした。もし私たちのものであったなら、私たちと一緒にとどまっていたでしょう。しかし、彼らが出て行ったことで、彼らが誰一人私たちのものではないことが明らかになりました。 [20] しかし、あなたがたは聖なる方から油注ぎを受けており、あなたがたはみな真理を知っています。 [21] 私があなたがたに書くのは、あなたがたが真理を知らないからではなく、あなたがたが真理を知っているからです。また、真理からは偽りが出ないからです。 [22] 偽り者とはだれですか。イエスがキリストであることを否定する者です。そのような人は反キリストです。父と子とを否定する者です。 [23] 子を否定する者は父をもちません。 御子を認める者は、父をも認めます。[24] あなたがたは、初めから聞いたことが、あなたがたのうちにとどまっているように気をつけなさい。そうすれば、あなたがたも御子と父のうちにとどまることになります。[25] これが、神がわたしたちに約束してくださった永遠の命です。[26] 私は、あなたがたを惑わそうとする者たちについて、これらのことを書いています。[27] あなたがたは、神から受けた油注ぎがあなたがたのうちにとどまっています。だれからも教えを受ける必要はありません。神の油注ぎがすべてのことを教え、その油注ぎが本物であって偽りのものではないように、教えたとおりに、神のうちにとどまりなさい。
1 John 2:12-27 NIV
[12] I am writing to you, dear children, because your sins have been forgiven on account of his name. [13] I am writing to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning. I am writing to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. [14] I write to you, dear children, because you know the Father. I write to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God lives in you, and you have overcome the evil one. [15] Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. [16] For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. [17] The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever. [18] Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour. [19] They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us. [20] But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth. [21] I do not write to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it and because no lie comes from the truth. [22] Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son. [23] No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also. [24] As for you, see that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father. [25] And this is what he promised us—eternal life. [26] I am writing these things to you about those who are trying to lead you astray. [27] As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in him.
Stay close to Jesus
Pippa and I were very young when we got married. We had no money to pay for our honeymoon. A friend kindly lent us a cottage in Scotland and another friend, called Micky, lent us his car.
On the way home, we crashed the car right outside Micky’s house. We rang his doorbell. Micky could see that we were both very upset. Immediately he said, ‘Oh, don’t worry about my car, it’s only a piece of metal!’ Micky loved God and he loved people. He did not love things; he held them lightly.
Do not love the things of the world (v.15). Don’t love things and use people. Use things and love people.
Your struggle is against the enemy within – sin (v.12), the enemy around – the world (vv.16–17), and the enemy below – the devil (v.14). You have already been rescued from these enemies.
The enemy within (sin)
Jesus has rescued you from your sins: ‘I write to you, dear children, because your sins have been forgiven on account of his name’ (v.12).
The enemy around (the world)
Jesus has rescued you from needing to be intimately attached to the world. John writes, ‘Practically everything that goes on in the world – wanting your own way, wanting everything for yourself, wanting to appear important – has nothing to do with the Father. It just isolates you from him. The world and all its wanting, wanting, wanting is on the way out – but whoever does what God wants is set for eternity’ (vv.16–17, MSG).
The enemy above (the devil)
Jesus has given you the power to be free from the devil – the evil one: ‘I write to you, young people, because… the word of God lives in you, and you have overcome the evil one’ (v.14b). The victory comes from staying close to God: ‘Your fellowship with God enables you to gain a victory over the evil one’ (v.14, MSG).
John then goes on to warn his readers against false teachers who would seek to shake them from this firm foundation (vv.18–23). He encourages them to steer well clear of such false teaching. He highlights some of the marks of the false teachers, which you can use to identify them:
‘Lies’ about Jesus
Lies and deceit are the mark of false teachers, ‘no lie comes from the truth’ (v.21). John explains that ‘whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ’ (v.22) is a ‘liar’ and an ‘antichrist’, opposed to both the Father and the Son (v.23).
Leaving the fellowship
These false teachers were individuals who ‘went out from us’, which was an indication that ‘they did not really belong to us’ (v.19). They often leave the fellowship because they leave the apostolic teaching.
Leading people astray
‘I am writing these things to you about those who are trying to lead you astray’ (v.26).
Have nothing to do with such false teachers, but instead root yourself in the truth of the gospel. ‘Stay with what you heard from the beginning, the original message. Let it sink into your life’ (v.25, MSG). If you do this, then you have nothing to fear.
You have the Holy Spirit living within you to lead and guide you; ‘the anointing you received from him remains in you’ (v.27).
Immerse yourself in Scripture (v.14), and in the fellowship of the church (v.19). This will protect and strengthen you. The key is to stay close to Jesus: ‘If what you heard from the beginning lives deeply in you, you will live deeply in both Son and Father. This is exactly what Christ promised: eternal life, real life!’ (vv.24–25, MSG).
Lord, thank you that you have rescued me from sin, the world and the devil; and anointed me with the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me.
ダニエル書 7:1-8:14
Daniel 7:1-8:14
ダニエル書 7:1 新共同訳
[1] バビロンの王ベルシャツァルの治世元年のことである。ダニエルは、眠っているとき頭に幻が浮かび、一つの夢を見た。彼はその夢を記録することにし、次のように書き起こした。
Remember his victory is complete
Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. Jesus lives within you. Through him you have the victory. When it comes to understanding who Jesus is and what he came to do, this is one of the most important passages in the entire Bible.
God spoke to Daniel through dreams and visions while he was lying on his bed. ‘He wrote down the substance of his dream’ (7:1). (When God speaks, it is wise to write it down so you don’t forget.) Daniel had a vivid dream all about spiritual warfare: ‘making war on God’s holy people’ (v.21, MSG).
ビジョンと夢はすぐに歴史的に実現しました。たとえば、4 つの獣は 4 つの王国、つまりバビロニア帝国、メディア ペルシャ帝国、ギリシャ帝国、ローマ帝国の巨像を表しています (詳細については注釈を参照してください)。
There was an immediate historical fulfilment of the vision and dream. The four beasts, for example, represent four kingdoms – the Babylonian Empire, the Medo-Persian Empire; the Greek Empire and the Colossus of the Roman Empire (see commentaries for details*).
But this dream and vision had a far greater fulfilment. Daniel foresaw that there will come a time when evil is completely destroyed and eradicated from the earth (vv.11,26), and when God will reign supreme and eternally over the whole universe (v.14).
He also foresaw a great victory for the people of God: ‘the horn will be stripped of its power and totally destroyed. Then the royal rule and the authority and the glory of all the kingdoms under heaven will be handed over to the people of the Most High. Their royal rule will last forever. All other rulers will serve and obey them’ (vv.26–27, MSG).
More than that, Daniel foresaw that the victory would be won by a messianic figure in the form of a ‘son of man’ (v.13).
| 「私は人の姿、人の子が雲の渦の中に現れたのを見た...
| 彼は王権の栄光をすべて授けられ、統治する力を与えられた。
|| 人種、肌の色、信条を問わず、誰もが彼に仕えなければならなかった。
|| 彼の統治は永遠に続くものであり、終わることはない。
|| 彼の王としての統治は決して置き換えられないだろう」(13-14節、MSG)。
| ‘I saw a human form, a son of man,
|| arriving in a whirl of clouds...
| He was given power to rule – all the glory of royalty.
|| Everyone – race, colour, and creed – had to serve him.
|| His rule would be forever, never ending.
|| His kingly rule would never be replaced’ (vv.13–14, MSG).
Jesus spoke of ‘the Son of Man… coming on the clouds of heaven’ (Mark 14:62), and ‘the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory’ (13:26; see also Matthew 24:30; 26:64).
この一節は明らかにイエスと彼自身の自己認識に大きな影響を与えました。イエスはしばしば自分自身を「人の子」と表現しました。この表現は福音書に 82 回登場し、すべてイエスの言動の中にあります。
This passage clearly had a profound impact on Jesus and his own understanding of himself. He often described himself as the ‘Son of Man’. The expression appears eighty-two times in the Gospels, all in the sayings of Jesus.
イエスは、他の救世主の称号と同じような政治的な意味合いを持たない称号を選びました。それは、人間と同一視され、「多くの人の身代金として自分の命を与える」(マルコ 10:45)代表的人物について語りました。それは苦しみの概念を伴っていました(ダニエル 7)。
Jesus chose a title that did not have the same political overtones as some of the other Messianic titles. It spoke of a representative figure who would identify with human beings and ‘give his life as a ransom for many’ (Mark 10:45). It carried with it the idea of suffering (Daniel 7).
In his great love for you and me, Jesus, the Son of Man, suffered as a representative of the entire human race, so that you could be rescued from all the spiritual forces of evil in the world. One day, Jesus will return ‘with the clouds of heaven’ (v.13) as he promised, and victory will be complete (Matthew 24:30–31).
Lord, thank you for this amazing victory of Jesus over all the forces of evil. Thank you that all the powers of evil have been defeated and one day will be utterly destroyed.
詩篇 136 では、「主の慈しみは永遠に続く」というフレーズが 26 回繰り返されています。このメッセージが伝われば幸いです。
Pippa Adds
In Psalm 136, the phrase, ‘His love endures forever’, is repeated twenty-six times. Hopefully we have got the message!