

人生を変える言葉 Life-Changing Words

2025-02-11 02:04:12 | 日記
Life-Changing Words

父は死ぬ前にロシアに行きたいと思っていました。私たちは家族で休暇でそこへ行きました。当時、聖書はソ連で厳重に禁止されていました。私はロシア語の聖書を何冊か持参しました。滞在中、私は教会へ行き、本物のキリスト教徒らしき人を探しました。(教会の集会にはしばしば KGB が潜入していました。)ある時、私は礼拝のあと、ある男性を道まで追いかけました。私は彼に近づき、肩をたたきました。誰もいませんでした。私は聖書を 1 冊取り出して彼に渡しました。一瞬、彼はまったく信じられないという表情を浮かべました。それから彼はポケットからおそらく 100 年前の聖書を取り出しました。ページは擦り切れてほとんど透けて見えました。彼は聖書 1 冊を受け取ったことに気づいて大喜びしました。彼は英語を話せず、私はロシア語を話せませんでした。しかし私たちは抱き合いました。彼は喜びに飛び跳ねながら道をあちこち走り回り始めました。
My father wanted to go to Russia before he died. We went there on holiday as a family. At that time Bibles were strictly illegal in the Soviet Union. I took with me some Russian Bibles. While I was there I went to churches and looked for people who seemed to be genuine Christians. (Church meetings were often infiltrated by the KGB.) On one occasion, I followed a man down the street after a service. I went up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. There was nobody about. I took out one of my Bibles and handed it to him. For a moment, he had an expression of utmost disbelief. Then he took from his pocket a New Testament, which was probably 100 years old. The pages were so threadbare they were virtually transparent. When he realised that he had received a whole Bible, he was elated. He didn’t speak any English and I didn’t speak any Russian. But we hugged each other and he started to run up and down the street jumping for joy.

神の言葉は「金よりも、多くの純金よりも尊く、蜜よりも、蜂の巣の蜜よりも甘い」(詩篇 19:10)のです。なぜ神の言葉はそれほど貴重なのでしょうか。イエスはこう言われました。「人はパンだけで生きるものではなく、神の口から出る一つ一つの言葉で生きるものである」(マタイ 4:4)。この言葉の本来の意味は「神の口から絶えず出ている」です。それは流れ出る小川のようであり、泉の流れのように決して止まることはありません。神は絶えず私たちとコミュニケーションを取っておられます。神は主に、人生を変える聖書の言葉を通してそうされます。
The words of God are ‘more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb’ (Psalm 19:10). Why are the words of God so precious? Jesus said: ‘People do not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God’ (Matthew 4:4). The original expression means ‘is continually coming out of the mouth of God’; it is like a stream pouring forth and, like the stream of a fountain, it is never static. God is continually communicating with us. He does so, primarily, through the life-changing words of the Bible.

詩篇 19:7-14 ESV [7] 主の教えは完全で、魂を生き返らせます。主の教えは確かで、愚鈍な者を賢くします。[8] 主の戒めは正しく、心を喜ばせます。主の戒めは純粋で、目を開きます。[9] 主を畏れることは清らかで、とこしえに続きます。主の定めは真実で、ことごとく正しいのです。[10] これらは金よりも、純金よりも、また蜜や蜂の巣の滴りよりも甘いものです。[11] また、これらによってあなたのしもべは戒められます。これらを守るなら、大きな報いがあります。[12] だれが彼の過ちを見分けることができましょうか。隠れた過ちから私を清い者としてください。[13] あなたのしもべを傲慢な罪から守ってください。それらが私を支配しないでください。そうすれば、私は罪のない者となり、大きな罪を犯すことはありません。 [14] 私の口の言葉と私の心の思いが、私の岩、私の贖い主である主の目に受け入れられますように。
Psalm 19:7-14 ESV [7] The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; [8] the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes; [9] the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether. [10] More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb. [11] Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward. [12] Who can discern his errors? Declare me innocent from hidden faults. [13] Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me! Then I shall be blameless, and innocent of great transgression. [14] Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

Let the words of God transform you

We all need the transforming power of God’s words in so many ways. Whether you are seeking wisdom in stressful and complex situations, encouragement when you are downhearted, or guidance on the way forward, you can find help in the pages of the Bible.

David did not have nearly as much of the Bible as you have. But he did have ‘the law’, ‘the statutes’, ‘the precepts’ and ‘the ordinances’ of the Lord (vv.7a–9b).

He described these words as being ‘perfect’ (v.7a), ‘pure’ (v.9a) and ‘precious’ (v.10a).

In this psalm, we see some of the life-changing effects of reading the Bible. It:

あなたの魂を生き返らせます (v.7a)
あなたに知恵をもたらします (v.7b)
あなたの心に喜びを与えます (v.8a)
あなたの目に光を与えます (v.8b)
あなたに危険を警告します (v.11a)
あなたに大きな報酬をもたらします (v.11b)。
Revives your soul (v.7a)
Brings you wisdom (v.7b)
Gives joy to your heart (v.8a)
Gives light to your eyes (v.8b)
Warns you of danger (v.11a)
Brings you great reward (v.11b).

Reading the Bible and praying are very closely associated. Don’t simply read the Bible for information, but to hear God speaking to you. The natural response to that is prayer. It is a two-way process. That is why we finish each section of this commentary with a prayer, responding to what God has shown us through his word. David goes straight from extolling the virtues of the word of God into a wonderful prayer. David’s prayer is my prayer (vv.12–14):

Lord, ‘forgive my hidden faults. Keep your servant also from wilful sins; may they not rule over me… May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer’.

マタイ 26:47-68 ESV [47] イエスがまだ話しておられるうちに、十二人の一人のユダがやって来た。大勢の群衆も、祭司長たちや民の長老たちから遣わされた剣や棒を持って彼と共にいた。[48] 裏切り者は、彼らに合図をして、「わたしが接吻する者は、その人だ。捕まえろ」と言っていた。[49] すると、彼はすぐにイエスのもとに近づき、「ラビ、こんにちは」と言って、彼に接吻した。[50] イエスは彼に言われた、「友よ、あなたがやってきたことをやりなさい」。すると、彼らは近寄ってきて、イエスに手をかけ、捕まえた。[51] すると、イエスと一緒にいた者のひとりが手を伸ばし、剣を抜いて、大祭司の僕に切りかかり、その片耳を切り落とした。[52] そこでイエスは言われた、「剣をもとに納めなさい。剣を取る者はみな、剣で滅びるからです。 [53] あなたがたは、わたしが父に訴えて、父がただちに十二軍団以上の御使いをわたしにつかわして下さることができないと思うのか。 [54] それでは、必ずこうなると書いてある聖書の言葉は、どうして実現するのだろうか。」 [55] そのとき、イエスは群衆に言われた。「あなたがたは、まるで強盗に向かおうとするように、剣や棒を持ってわたしを捕えに来たのか。わたしは毎日、宮に座って教えていたのに、あなたがたはわたしを捕えなかった。 [56] しかし、これらのことはすべて、預言者たちの聖書が実現するためである。」 すると、弟子たちは皆イエスを離れて逃げ去った。 [57] そこで、イエスを捕らえた者たちは、律法学者、長老たちが集まっている大祭司カヤパのところへイエスを連れて行った。 [58] ペテロは遠くからイエスについて行き、大祭司の庭まで行き、最後を見届けるために中にはいって下役たちと一緒に座っていた。 [59] さて、祭司長たちと全議会は、イエスを死刑にするために、偽証を捜していた。 [60] しかし、偽証人は大勢出たが、一つも見つからなかった。ついに二人が進み出て、[61] 言った、「この人は、『わたしは神殿を打ち壊して、三日で建て直すことができる』と言いました。」 [62] 大祭司は立ち上がって言った、「何も答えないのか。この人たちがあなたに対して証言しているのは、何なのか。」 [63] しかし、イエスは黙っておられた。大祭司はイエスに言った、「生ける神にかけて誓う。あなたが神の子キリストであるかどうか、私たちに言いなさい。」 [64] イエスは彼に言われた、「あなたはそう言った。しかし、私はあなたに言う。今から、あなたは、人の子が力ある方の右に座り、天の雲に乗って来るのを見るであろう。」 [65] そこで、大祭司は衣を引き裂いて言った、「彼は神を汚す言葉を吐いた。これ以上、どんな証人が要るだろうか。 あなたたちは今、彼の冒涜の言葉を聞いた。[66] あなたの判決はどうですか?」彼らは答えた。「彼は死に値する。」[67] それから彼らは彼の顔につばを吐き、彼を殴った。そしてある者は彼を平手打ちして[68]言った。「キリストよ、私たちに預言してみよ。あなたを殴ったのは誰ですか?」
Matthew 26:47-68 ESV [47] While he was still speaking, Judas came, one of the twelve, and with him a great crowd with swords and clubs, from the chief priests and the elders of the people. [48] Now the betrayer had given them a sign, saying, “The one I will kiss is the man; seize him.” [49] And he came up to Jesus at once and said, “Greetings, Rabbi!” And he kissed him. [50] Jesus said to him, “Friend, do what you came to do.” Then they came up and laid hands on Jesus and seized him. [51] And behold, one of those who were with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew his sword and struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his ear. [52] Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword. [53] Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels? [54] But how then should the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must be so?” [55] At that hour Jesus said to the crowds, “Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs to capture me? Day after day I sat in the temple teaching, and you did not seize me. [56] But all this has taken place that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled.” Then all the disciples left him and fled. [57] Then those who had seized Jesus led him to Caiaphas the high priest, where the scribes and the elders had gathered. [58] And Peter was following him at a distance, as far as the courtyard of the high priest, and going inside he sat with the guards to see the end. [59] Now the chief priests and the whole council were seeking false testimony against Jesus that they might put him to death, [60] but they found none, though many false witnesses came forward. At last two came forward [61] and said, “This man said, ‘I am able to destroy the temple of God, and to rebuild it in three days.’” [62] And the high priest stood up and said, “Have you no answer to make? What is it that these men testify against you?” [63] But Jesus remained silent. And the high priest said to him, “I adjure you by the living God, tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God.” [64] Jesus said to him, “You have said so. But I tell you, from now on you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power and coming on the clouds of heaven.” [65] Then the high priest tore his robes and said, “He has uttered blasphemy. What further witnesses do we need? You have now heard his blasphemy. [66] What is your judgment?” They answered, “He deserves death.” [67] Then they spit in his face and struck him. And some slapped him, [68] saying, “Prophesy to us, you Christ! Who is it that struck you?”

Be guided by the words of God

Jesus clearly studied the Scriptures very carefully. His whole life was shaped by what he read. It was from his reading of the Scriptures that he understood what was happening to him when he was arrested. His companions try to resist but Jesus says, ‘… how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?’ (v.54). He explains to the crowd that, ‘… this has all taken place that the writings of the prophets might be fulfilled’ (v.56).

It was the Scriptures that gave him the ability to deal with disloyalty, abandonment and false accusation. He set an example of how you can deal with these things in your own life:


Judas appears to be expressing his love for Jesus with a kiss, when actually he is betraying him: ‘The betrayer... embraced him and kissed him with [pretended] warmth and devotion’ (vv.48–49, AMP). It was the ultimate two-faced act.

Jesus knew exactly what Judas was doing. Nevertheless, he calls him ‘friend’ (v.50). However disloyal we are, Jesus remains loyal to us.


All his friends ‘deserted him and fled’ (v.56b). In the moments of triumph – when people get engaged, have a baby or do well in their exams – it is natural to want to make contact and be around them. When people are down, it is much harder to know what to say and the temptation is, in effect, to abandon them.

It is said, ‘When you are up in life, your friends get to know who you are. When you are down in life, you get to know who your friends are!’

False accusation
Have you ever been falsely accused? It is a horrible experience. Jesus faced the terrible injustice of false witnesses testifying against him in order that they might put him to death (v.59).

He exercised extraordinary restraint. He did not answer back: ‘Jesus remained silent’ (v.63), but he allowed himself to be attacked physically (v.67), and he chose not to win the argument but rather to win the war (something for small group hosts on Alpha to remember!). He understood from the Scriptures that all of this had a purpose and would lead, ultimately, to a great victory.

Jesus’ understanding of his own identity and of his mission clearly came from his reading of the word of God. At his trial before the Sanhedrin, where Jesus appears to be a helpless victim, he is actually progressively revealed as the builder of a new temple (v.61), the Messiah (v.63), the Son of God (v.63) and the Son of Man who was to be enthroned at God’s right hand (v.64). In reality, the helpless victim is the one with all the authority and power.

The reference to being the ‘Son of Man’ is a quotation from Daniel 7:13. Jesus understood this as a messianic promise about himself, pointing to his coming suffering, his vindication and his God-given authority.

皮肉なことに、実際に裁判にかけられるのは裁判官たちです。私たちも彼らと同じように、イエスについてどう思うかを決めなければなりません(マタイ 26:66)。
The irony is that it is the judges who are actually the ones on trial. Like them, we all have to decide what we think about Jesus (Matthew 26:66).

Lord, help me to follow the example of Jesus, studying the Scriptures and applying them to my own life.

出エジプト記 6:13–8:32
Exodus 6:13–8:32
出エジプト記 6:13 新共同訳 [13] 主はモーセとアロンに語って、イスラエルの人々とエジプトの王ファラオにかかわる命令を与えられた。それは、イスラエルの人々をエジプトの国から導き出せというものであった。

Obey the words of God

モーセとアロンは神の言葉に耳を傾け、神が命じたことを忠実に実行しました(出エジプト記 7:6)。彼らは神の言葉に従いました。一方、それとは全く対照的に、ファラオは従うことを常に拒否しました。彼は頑固に神の言葉に従わなかったのです。
Moses and Aaron listened to God’s words and did exactly what God commanded them to do (Exodus 7:6). They obeyed the word of God. On the other hand, in stark contrast, Pharaoh constantly refused to obey. He stubbornly disobeyed the word of God.

At this stage in history, Moses may not have had any written words from God. But the Lord spoke to Moses. He heard the word of God over and over again (6:13,28; 7:1,14,19; 8:5,16,20, and so on) and did what God commanded. The heart of God’s word was, ‘Let my people go, so that they may worship me’ (for example 7:16; 8:1; 9:1,13; 10:3).

We should not be surprised that the magicians and sorcerers ‘by their enchantments and secret arts’ (7:11, AMP) were able to perform some of the same miracles as Moses (7:22; 8:7). The devil is an imitator. He is able to perform destructive signs and even some that may appear constructive. His aim is always to deceive.

Today, God often works through the gifts of the Spirit, such as prophecy, healing, speaking in tongues and words of knowledge. The fact that the devil may attempt to imitate such gifts through telepathy, spiritualised ‘healing’ or even speaking in tongues, does not mean that you should avoid such things – but rather be discerning about them.

Look to the fruit. The Egyptian magicians imitated Moses’ miracles ‘by their secret arts’. The effect of these magicians was not neutral. They were evil and had the effect of hardening ‘Pharaoh’s heart’ against God (7:22).

It is clear that Pharaoh hardened his own heart against God, ‘He hardened his heart and would not listen to Moses and Aaron’ (8:15; see also v.32). At the same time, he reaped what he had sown. God hardened his heart (7:3). The two are complementary. God’s hardening of the heart follows Pharaoh’s own hardening.

God gives people so many opportunities. Through Moses, God repeatedly spoke to Pharaoh. Pharaoh had plenty of opportunity to respond and ultimately, he refused to do so. Moses, on the other hand, walked in a very close relationship with God; praying to him often (8:12,30) and listening to his words.

Lord, thank you that in *obeying* your words there is great reward. Help me today not only to listen to your life-changing words but also to put them into practice.

マタイ 26:53
Pippa Adds
Matthew 26:53
It is encouraging to know that Jesus had ‘more than twelve legions of angels’ at his disposal. Even if he didn’t call on them at that time, hopefully they are being sent out all over the world to help us now!

