マタイ 6:6 ESV
[6] しかし、あなたが祈るときは、自分の部屋に入って戸を閉じ、隠れたところにおられるあなたの父に祈りなさい。隠れた所で見ておられるあなたの父が、あなたに報いてくださいます。
Matthew 6:6 ESV
[6] But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
Find Your Secret Place
As we have seen Jesus’ life was marked with intimacy, the flow of His life and ministry was prayerful. He withdrew regularly to pray, and He teaches us to do the same. The word ‘room’ used in this text originates from the Greek word ‘tameion’ which translates as ‘storeroom.’ According to R.T. France “This was an inner room, secluded, probably windowless and possibly with the only lockable door in the house; it is thus proverbial for a secret place.”
Where is your secret place of prayer?
主よ、私をあなたの中の秘密の場所、祈りとつながりの場所に導いてください。そこで私はあなたと完全に会うことができます。Gather25 に向けてあなたと関わろうとするとき、私たちのすべての行いが祈りに満ちたものとなりますように。
Lord lead me to a secret place in you, a place of prayer and connection where I could fully meet with you. As we seek to engage with you for the build-up to Gather25 may all we do be prayerful.