

満足感への召命Called to Contentment

2025-02-13 09:49:06 | 日記
ヘブル人への手紙 4:10 ESV [10] 神の安息に入った者は、神がご自分のわざを休まれたように、自分のわざを休んでいるからです。
Hebrews 4:10 ESV [10] for whoever has entered God’s rest has also rested from his works as God did from his.


安息日を守ることで、私たちは神が世界を創造する際に確立したのと同じリズムに踏み込むことができます。聖書は、神が御業を休まれたのは、御業が完了されたからであると語っています(創世記 2:1)。神は御業の達成に喜びを感じました。

ヘブライ人への手紙 4:10 で、著者は神の休息と私たちの休息を比較しています。「神の休息に入った者は、神が御業を休まれたように、自分の御業を休まれるからです。」私たちは神の存在を喜び、神の神聖な満足感を共有するよう招かれています。




Called to Contentment

Observing Sabbath-rest allows us to step into the same rhythm God established in creating the world. Scripture tells us when God rested from His work, it was because His work was complete (Genesis 2:1). God took joy in His accomplishment.

In Hebrews 4:10, the writer draws a parallel between God's rest and ours: "for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his." We're invited to delight in His presence and share in God’s divine contentment.

This rest isn't about taking a break from good works. It’s about surrendering the need to control by trusting in the completeness of God’s work. Our "rest" releases us from the burden of proving ourselves good enough to earn His love and approval. These things have been secured through Jesus’ finished work on the cross. When we step into this rhythm of rest can we find contentment that spills over into every part of our lives.

Is God is calling you to stop trying to do everything on your own and instead find peace in Jesus’ finished work on the cross?

Lay down your burdens, not out of laziness, but surrender. Believe that the One who made the world also takes care of you.

A Prayer for Release

God, my heart is heavy. I release my burdens to You. I lay them down and surrender them to You. Thank You for holding me in my weakness and weariness. Show me how to rest and refuel in Your presence. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

