

奉仕の方法は様々 Many Ways to Serve

2025-02-17 23:48:34 | 日記
Many Ways to Serve

God has a good plan for each believer and will provide everything needed to accomplish His will.

マタイ 4:18-22 18 さて、イエスはガリラヤ湖のほとりを歩いておられたとき、二人の兄弟、ペテロと呼ばれるシモンとその兄弟アンデレが海に網を打っているのをごらんになった。彼らは漁師であった。 19 そこでイエスは彼らに言われた、「わたしについて来なさい。あなたがたを、人間をとる漁師にしてあげよう。」 20 彼らはすぐに網を捨ててイエスに従った。 21 そこから進んで行くと、ゼベダイの子ヤコブとその兄弟ヨハネが、父ゼベダイと一緒に舟の中で網を繕っているのを目にされたので、イエスは彼らを呼び寄せた。 22 彼らはすぐに舟と父とを捨ててイエスに従った。
Matthew 4:18-22 18 Now as Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon who was called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. 19 And He said to them, ``Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." 20 Immediately they left their nets and followed Him. 21 Going on from there He saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets; and He called them. 22 Immediately they left the boat and their father, and followed Him.

エペソ人への手紙 2:10 10 私たちは神の作品であり、良い行いをするためにキリスト・イエスにあって造られました。神は、私たちがその良い行いの中に歩むように、その良い行いをあらかじめ備えてくださいました。
Ephesians 2:10 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.

People can offer God plenty of reasons why He shouldn’t call them to spread the gospel. But His call isn’t just a nice idea or a suggestion to try if they have time; He expects our obedience and humble surrender.

For Christians, the only appropriate response to God’s call is “Yes.” It’s His responsibility to equip us for the work He assigns. The Lord has a plan for the life of each believer, and He provides us with the temperament and enthusiasm for what He has in mind. Then He sees to it that we have skills that can be developed and the spiritual gifts necessary to fulfill His mission.

神は知恵と識別力をもって召命を決定されます。神は私たち一人一人をなぜ創造したのか、そして神の力によって私たちが何を成し遂げることができるのかをご存知です(エペソ 2:10)。神に仕えるという招きを拒むのは愚かなことです。それは全能の神に間違いを犯したと告げるようなものです。一方、服従は生涯にわたる奉仕、祝福、喜びへの扉を開きます。
God determines His call with wisdom and discernment. He knows why He created each of us and what we’re capable of accomplishing in His strength (Ephesians 2:10). Rejecting the invitation to serve Him is foolish. It would be like telling Almighty God that He made a mistake. Surrender, on the other hand, opens the door to a lifetime of service, blessing, and joy.

Mission work can occur near or far. You could serve at home by writing to prisoners, down the street by volunteering at a children’s program, across the nation by providing flood relief, or in another country by translating the gospel. In short, a missionary calling is whatever God calls you to do.

