ヤコブ 1:5 ESV
[5] あなたがたのうちに知恵の欠けた人がいるなら、その人は、とがめもせずに惜しみなくすべての人に与えてくださる神に願い求めなさい。そうすれば、与えられます。
James 1:5 ESV
[5] If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.
イエスの兄弟であり、ヤコブ書の著者であるヤコブは、ヤコブの手紙 1:1-5 で、霊的成熟の成長過程について語っています。ヤコブは、知恵を求める人は誰でも神に求めればよい、神は求める人に惜しみなく与えてくださると語っています。
神は神との関係を通じて知恵を惜しみなく与えてくださるので、誰も知恵に欠ける必要はありません。 私たちが神とその知恵を求めるとき、神はそれを実践し、神への信頼を深める機会を与えてくださいます。そして、私たちが選択において神を信頼するとき、私たちの人生に知恵が栄え始めるのがわかります。
では、人生で知恵を培うために何をしますか? 最初のステップは、神に助けを求めることです。謙虚に神のもとへ行き、神が必要であることを認めるとき、神はあなたが必要とするすべての知恵を惜しみなく与えてくださいます。
Wisdom for Life
Wisdom is a key aspect of maturity. We often think of growing into maturity as we get older and gain more knowledge, but growing mature in wisdom transcends age. Wisdom grows when we learn to apply our knowledge to everyday choices and situations.
James, the brother of Jesus and writer of the book of James, talks about the process of growing in spiritual maturity in James 1:1-5. He tells us that anybody who seeks wisdom should simply ask God for it, and God will give it generously to anyone who asks.
Growing in spiritual wisdom happens when we use our knowledge of God, the world, and ourselves, to make right decisions about how we should act, live, and talk as Christians. It’s as we get to know God better that we grow in His wisdom and are equipped with the knowledge we need to live abundant lives that honor Him. In this way, wisdom comes from our relationship with God.
Nobody needs to lack wisdom because God offers it freely through a relationship with Him. As we seek Him and His wisdom, He gives us opportunities to practice it and grow in our trust in Him. And as we trust Him with our choices, we begin to see wisdom flourish in our lives.
So what will you do to cultivate wisdom in your life? The first step is to ask God for help. When you humbly come to God and admits your need for Him, He will generously give you all the wisdom you need.
A Prayer for Wisdom
God, You are more than willing to give Your wisdom to me. You want me to know how to live a godly life. Please make me eager to listen and discern Your voice. Give me a desire to obey You so that when You speak, I act with joy-filled faithfulness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.