

人生の戦い The Battles of Life

2025-03-14 13:36:14 | 日記
The Battles of Life

クリスチャン生活は戦いです。私は 40 年以上イエスに従ってきました。この数年間を振り返ると、私が望んだことや想像したこと以上の、大きな祝福の年でした。同時に、多くの課題や障害もありました。何らかの戦いに直面しなかった時期はほとんどありませんでした。これらの戦いの性質は大きく変化しました。強い誘惑、疑い、恐れ、不安の時期など、内面の戦いもありました。深い悲しみ、大きな喪失、死別を経験しました。健康、睡眠、経済、仕事、人間関係をめぐる戦いもありました。激しい反対や批判の時期もありました。
The Christian life is a battle. I have been following Jesus over four decades. As I look back at these years, they have been years of great blessing – more than I could have asked or even imagined. At the same time, there have been many challenges and obstacles. There have been very few periods when I have not been facing some kind of battle. The nature of these battles has varied enormously. There have been internal battles – times of intense temptation, doubt, fear and anxiety. There have been times of deep sadness, great loss and bereavement. There have been battles over health, sleep, finances, work and relationships. There have been periods of great opposition and criticism.

Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa, preacher to the Papal household, speaks of our battle being against a triple alliance: the world (‘the enemy around us’), the flesh (‘the enemy within us’), and the devil (‘the enemy below us’). How can you navigate these spiritual battles of life?

詩篇 33:12-22 ESV [12] 主を神とする国民、主が嗣業として選んだ民は幸いである。[13] 主は天から見下ろし、すべての人々の子らを見ておられる。[14] 王座に座して、地に住むすべての民を見渡される。[15] 主はすべての者の心を形作り、すべての行いを観察される。[16] 王は大軍をもってしても救われず、勇士は大力をもってしても救い出されない。[17] 軍馬は救いの望みを偽り、その大力をもってしても救い出すことはできない。[18] 見よ、主の目は主を恐れる者、主の慈しみを待ち望む者に注がれている。[19] 主は彼らの魂を死から救い、飢えのときにも彼らを生かされる。[20] 私たちの魂は主を待ち望む。主は私たちの助け、私たちの盾である。 [21] わたしたちの心は主を喜びます。わたしたちは主の聖なる御名に信頼しているからです。[22] 主よ、わたしたちがあなたに望みを託すように、あなたの慈しみがわたしたちの上にありますように。
Psalm 33:12-22 ESV [12] Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage! [13] The Lord looks down from heaven; he sees all the children of man; [14] from where he sits enthroned he looks out on all the inhabitants of the earth, [15] he who fashions the hearts of them all and observes all their deeds. [16] The king is not saved by his great army; a warrior is not delivered by his great strength. [17] The war horse is a false hope for salvation, and by its great might it cannot rescue. [18] Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love, [19] that he may deliver their soul from death and keep them alive in famine. [20] Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. [21] For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name. [22] Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you.

Trust in God

The key to winning your battles, according to David, is not to rely on your own strength but to put your trust in God. This goes against the grain, but at the end of the day human strength and power is not enough: ‘No king succeeds with a big army alone, no warrior wins by brute strength. Horsepower is not the answer; no one gets by on muscle alone’ (vv.16–17, MSG).

Rather, God gives victory to those who trust in him: ‘Watch this: God’s eye is on those who respect him, the ones who are looking for his love. He’s ready to come to their rescue in bad times; in lean times he keeps body and soul together. We’re depending on God; he’s everything we need’ (vv.18–20, MSG).

Merciful Lord, grant your people grace to withstand the temptations of the world, the flesh and the devil, and with pure hearts and minds to follow you, the only God; through Jesus Christ our Lord. (From the Anglican *Book of Common Prayer.*)

ルカによる福音書 1:26-38 ESV [26] 六か月目に、天使ガブリエルが神からガリラヤのナザレという町に遣わされ、[27] ダビデの家系のヨセフという名の人の婚約者である処女のところへ行きました。その処女の名はマリアといった。[28] ガブリエルは彼女のところに来て言った、「おめでとう、恵みにあずかっている方よ。主があなたと共におられます」。[29] しかし彼女はその言葉に非常に動揺し、これは何の挨拶なのか考えようとしました。[30] すると天使は彼女に言いました、「恐れることはありません、マリア。あなたは神の恵みをいただいています。[31] 見よ、あなたはみごもって男の子を産みます。その名をイエスとつけなさい。[32] その子は偉大な人となり、いと高き方の子と呼ばれます。 主なる神は彼に父ダビデの王座を与え、[33] 彼は永遠にヤコブの家を治め、その王国は終わることがないであろう。」 [34] マリアは天使に言った、「どうしてこのようなことが起こるのでしょうか。私は処女なのです。」 [35] 天使は彼女に答えた、「聖霊があなたに臨み、いと高き方の力があなたを包むでしょう。それゆえ、生まれる子は聖なる者、神の子と呼ばれます。 [36] ご覧なさい、あなたの親族エリサベツも年老いて男の子を身ごもっています。不妊の女と呼ばれていた彼女は、もう六か月になります。 [37] 神にはできないことは何もありません。」 [38] マリアは言った、「ごらんなさい。私は主のはしためです。お言葉どおりこの身になりますように。」 天使は彼女から去って行った。
Luke 1:26-38 ESV [26] In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, [27] to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. And the virgin’s name was Mary. [28] And he came to her and said, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!” [29] But she was greatly troubled at the saying, and tried to discern what sort of greeting this might be. [30] And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. [31] And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. [32] He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, [33] and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.” [34] And Mary said to the angel, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?” [35] And the angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy—the Son of God. [36] And behold, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son, and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren. [37] For nothing will be impossible with God.” [38] And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.

Unite around the King

Raniero Cantalamessa points out, ‘In the tales of medieval battles, there always comes a moment when the orderly ranks of archers and cavalry and all the rest are broken and the fighting concentrates around the king. That is where the final outcome of the battle will be decided. For us too, the battle today is taking place around the King: it is the person of Jesus Christ himself that is the real point at issue.’

21 世紀の神学上の争いは、カトリック教会と正教会を分裂させた 11 世紀の争いではありません。また、16 世紀の宗教改革の争いでもありません。今日の争いは 1 世紀の戦いと同じです。イエスは普遍的な救世主でしょうか?
The theological battles of the twenty-first century are not those of the eleventh century, which divided Catholic and Orthodox churches. Nor are the battles those of the sixteenth-century Reformation. The battle today is the same as the battle of the first century: is Jesus the universal Saviour?

Luke sets out right at the start of the Gospel a number of claims about Jesus (vv.31–35):

天使は続けて「彼は偉大な者となり、いと高き方の子と呼ばれるであろう」(32節)。これらの節で天使が説明しているように、イエスの誕生は特別なものでした。マリアは処女であったため、「通常の」妊娠は明らかに不可能でした(34節)。代わりに彼女は「聖霊があなたに臨み、いと高き方の力があなたを覆うであろう」(35a節)と言われました。 天使はすぐに、これがなぜ重要なのかを説明します。「生まれる聖なる者は神の子と呼ばれるでしょう。」(35節b)。ここで私たちは、イエスが完全に人間(通常の方法で生まれた)であると同時に、完全に神(聖霊によって受胎した)でもあることがわかります。
The angel says to Mary, ‘You are to call him Jesus’ (v.31). The name ‘Jesus’ means ‘saviour’.
He is the long-awaited Messiah in the line of David. The angel says, ‘The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end’ (vv.32–33).
Son of God
The angel goes on, ‘He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High’ (v.32). Jesus’ birth was unique, as is explained by the angel in these verses. Mary was a virgin, and so a ‘normal’ conception was clearly impossible (v.34). Instead she was told, ‘The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you’ (v.35a). The angel then immediately explains why this is so significant: ‘the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God’ (v.35b). We see here how Jesus is both fully human (born in the normal way), and yet also fully God (conceived by the Holy Spirit).

Christians from all churches – Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant and Pentecostal – believe in Jesus as our Saviour, the Messiah and the Son of God. To be a Christian is to be a follower of Christ. All followers of Jesus are children of God (John 1:12). This makes us brothers and sisters. Furthermore, if we belong to Christ, the Holy Spirit lives in each of us (Romans 8:9).

What unites us is infinitely more important than what divides us. Therefore, the battle should never be with our brothers and sisters in Christ. In-fighting distracts and destroys. Focus on the real battle, which is around the King.

Mary sets a wonderful example of the right attitude. For Mary, the Lord is with her (Luke 1:28), within her (v.35) and over her (v.38). While, of course, Mary is unique as the mother of Jesus, all believers can know this same connection with our Lord.

The way we fight the triple alliance of the enemy is with the triple alliance of the Lord.

First, just as the angel tells Mary that ‘the Lord is with you’ (v.28), so Jesus’ last words to his disciples were, ‘I am with you always’ (Matthew 28:20). Whatever circumstances you face, you need not fear. The King is with you and ‘nothing is impossible with God’ (Luke 1:37).

第二に、聖霊はあなたの中におられます(コリント人への第一の手紙 3:16)。聖霊がマリアに降りて肉体の誕生をもたらしたように(ルカによる福音書 1:35)、聖霊はあなたにも降りて霊的な誕生をもたらします(ヨハネによる福音書 1:13)。
Second, the Holy Spirit is within you (1 Corinthians 3:16). As the Holy Spirit came upon Mary (Luke 1:35), to bring about a physical birth, so the Holy Spirit comes upon you, to bring about a spiritual birth (John 1:13).

Third, the King is over you. You are called to be the Lord’s servant – strong and courageous. Mary is our model of trust. In the greatest and most decisive act of faith in history she offered herself to God as a clean page on which he could write what he wanted. Her response is the model for us: ‘I am the Lord’s servant, and I am willing to do whatever he wants’ (Luke 1:38, TLB).

Lord, help us to focus on the real battle and unite around Jesus.: our Saviour, Messiah and Son of God. I want to say, like Mary, ‘I am the Lord’s servant, and I am willing to accept whatever he wants.’

民数記 1:1–2:9
Numbers 1:1–2:9
民数記 1:1 新共同訳 [1] イスラエルの人々がエジプトの国を出た翌年の第二の月の一日、シナイの荒れ野にいたとき、主は臨在の幕屋でモーセに仰せになった。

Listen to God

The battles of life need not intimidate you. All the way through history, God’s people have faced obstacles and challenges. The book of Numbers is about how God’s people prepare for battle.

In Exodus we see the people of God as a liberated people. In Leviticus we see them as a holy people. In Numbers we see them as a fighting force. In the chapters for today we see a military emphasis that sets the tone for the whole book.

When we read this through the lens of Jesus, we see that the Christian life is a spiritual battle. The apostle Paul describes this as a battle against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm (Ephesians 6:12). You are liberated by the cross. You have been made holy but you have a battle on your hands. As the people of God in the Old Testament prepared for their battles, be prepared.

ここでは、3 つのキーが表示されます。
Here, we see three keys:

「主はシナイの荒野の会見の天幕でモーセに語られた」(民数記 1:1)。神は、人生の乾いた時期や、完全に神を信じていないと思われる場所でも、あなたに語りかけることができます。もちろん、神の指示を聞くだけでは十分ではありません。それに従って行動してください。この最初の一連の指示は、神の民が「主がモーセに命じたとおりに、これらすべてを行った」(54節)という報告で終わります。
Take instructions from God
‘The Lord spoke to Moses in the Tent of Meeting in the Desert of Sinai’ (Numbers 1:1). God can speak to you even in the dry periods of your life, or in a place that seems completely godless. Of course, it is not enough simply to hear God’s instructions – act on them too. This initial set of instructions ends with the report that the people of God ‘did all this just as the Lord commanded Moses’ (v.54).

Raise up good leadership
The leaders were appointed from the community (v.16), and represented it (v.4) but, ultimately, they were chosen by God.
Leadership is key in every level and section of society. Parents are leaders in the home. Teachers are leaders in schools. We need good leadership in the church, marketplace, judiciary, government, media, arts and so on.

3. 人々を動員する

3. Mobilise the people
Everyone had to be listed (‘by name, one by one’, v.2). This expression occurs over and over again in the passage. Each individual matters to God and has an important part to play in his plans. What at first seems to be dry statistics is in fact a key tool in mobilising and equipping the entire people of God.

Eugene Peterson writes in his introduction to the book of Numbers, ‘We need organisational help. When people live together in community, jobs have to be assigned, leaders appointed, inventories kept. Counting and list-making and rosters are as much a part of being a community of God as prayer and instruction and justice. Accurate arithmetic is an aspect of becoming a people of God.’

Lord, I pray that you would raise up good leadership, both in the church and in society, and that you would mobilise your people for the battles ahead.

Pippa Adds
Luke 1:26–38
I am fascinated by Mary. What an extraordinary person she must have been. To be told that you are going to have a baby is a pretty awesome experience. But, when you are young, unmarried and a virgin, to be told that you will be carrying ‘the Son of the Most High’ (v.32) would seem impossible and terrifying. To be unmarried and pregnant in that society was such a terrible thing. Her total faith and acceptance of God’s will is extraordinary. You would think that she would have worried for her own reputation. It would have jeopardised her marriage to Joseph, hurt her family and her life itself would have been in danger. But she simply said, ‘I am the Lord’s servant... May your word to me be fulfilled’ (v.38).

