I Got It! 思いつきの備忘録



2013年01月12日 | log


JR dedicates memorial to woman who died trying to save man on tracks
NATIONAL JAN. 12, 2013 - 07:00AM JST ( 3 )SAITAMA ―

East Japan Railway Co (JR East) on Friday unveiled a stone memorial dedicated to a woman who died while trying to save a man from an oncoming train on the tracks in Honjo, Saitama Prefecture, last November.

The accident occurred at about 3:30 p.m. on Nov 24 at a crossing on the JR Takasaki line. The woman, Noriko Nakamura, 60, had gone onto a crossing to help the man who was crouched on the tracks. The 70-year-old man, who was a hospital patient, had received permission to go out for a while and he had been shopping at a nearby supermarket.

The train driver told police he saw the man on the tracks and a woman trying to help him up. The driver applied the emergency brake but it was too late.

Unveiling the memorial, JR officials praised Nakamura’s courage, TV Asahi reported. Her sister said she was always helping people and that she did a wonderful selfless thing by trying to help the man in trouble.

