07:32 RT from Twitter for iPhone [ 1 RT ] his "Sängersalon" at #HamburgischeStaatsoper in this season where he told us about his history incl. "low point" in his life. #WolfgangKoch (shochiさんのツイート)
07:32 RT from Twitter for iPhone [ 1 RT ] #BayerischeStaatsoper#Rheingold I liked most Wolfgang Koch as Alberich. He's developed his voice largely in the last years. Thinking of >> (shochiさんのツイート)
07:52 RT from Twitter for iPhone [ 1 RT ] 指輪はあげるよ…もしもぼくに愛の歓びをくれるなら。でも命や体が危ないなんて脅すならたとえ小指一本の価値すら無くたって絶対君たちにはあげるものか!なぜなら命や体など…ごらん…こうしてぼくは軽々と投げ出すんだ!byジークフリート bit.ly/x3ewTc#bot (オペラ対訳プロジェクトBOTさんのツイート)