League Cup
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カーリング・カップ決勝 メディアの反応 続き
'Ridiculous Seven' = the Arsenal Four (Kolo Toure, Emmanuel Adebayor, Emmanuel Eboue and Fabregas) and the Chelsea Three (Frank Lampard, John Obi Mikel and Wayne Bridge).
いうまでもなく、「Magnificent Seven」=「荒野の七人」のもじり。
Times on line
Carling Cup = Snarling Cup =「うなりんぐ」カップ?
Chelsea manager pointing at more silverware
“I wasn’t waving at anyone,”
“It was five fingers for five trophies we have won in two and a half years; Premiership, Premiership, League Cup, League Cup and Community Shield.
“Next time, maybe I will use another hand.”
シェヴァの英語のインタビュー…(汗!!)だって and じゃなくて「e(エ)」(イタリア語)なんだもん。
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League Cup
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カーリング・カップ決勝後 モウリーニョインタビュー テリーは大丈夫 その2
JM: チェルシーは勝って、優勝杯を手にしました。(*)今シーズンの最初の優勝杯です。後半のチェルシーは優勝に値するプレーをしました。もし試合が45分ハーフしかなかったら、後半のほうがはるかに良かったと言えるでしょう。前半とは見違えるようでした。守備的にも完璧に牛耳っていましたしね、何も遜色がない。決勝ゴールもあげたしポスト直撃のシュートも2回もありました。後半にはチェルシーはパワーだけではない真の力を見せつけました。
JM: テリーは大丈夫。大丈夫、大丈夫。
Q: それだけですか? もっとほかに…
JM: ほんとに大丈夫なんですってば。彼が意識を失ったときは真っ青になりました。テリーがドレッシングルームに戻ってからは、容態は好転しました。
Q: ?
Q: それはよかったですね。
JM: 何よりです。一番大切なのは友人テリーが無事かどうかだったので。
Q: それはよかったんですが、しばらくは出られないんですよね。
JM: ジョンですか? 2日前に僕はプレスにファイナルには出られないなんて言っちゃって(非難を浴びた)
Q: テリーの回復はほんと驚異的ですよね。
JM: だから出られないなんて言っちゃったんですが、出られたのでね。だから様子見ですね。
Q: お聞きしたいのはあの最後に起こったことなんですが、あなたとアーセンは事態の収拾に努めていましたね。
Q: ?
Q: 4つのトロフィーのうち一つを手にしましたね???
JM: We won. The Cup is ours.(*) いかにもイギリスの芸人に真似されそうなMouringlish. 小泉さんも主語と述語しかない2語の言葉でインパクトを与えていたがそれと似てるんですよ。
「来た、見た、勝った」とか。言葉と言うものはシンプルイズザベスト。 それは日本語でも英語でも同様なのかも。
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League Cup
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カーリング・カップ決勝後 モウリーニョインタビュー on the pitch その2
Q: ジョゼ、チェルシー・サポーターが歌ってますよ、「だから俺たちゃやっぱりチャンピオン~」ってね。あなたのチェルシーはきょうはレベルの高さを見せ付けましたか?
JM: うちの選手は個性を発揮しましたね。(*)レベルの高い試合じゃなかったですよ。アーセナルは私が思うにすばらしいゲームをしました。決勝まで来た所以を示したと言っていい。アーセナルはリヴァプールとエヴァートンとトッテナムを破って勝ち上がったんですから。このようなすばらしいチームとやったんで大苦戦でした。
* - your team showed quality? と聞かれて、
we showed character. と応える。当意即妙のMouringlishはやっぱさすが。
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League Cup
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これはアーセナルの勝つべき(deserved) 試合でしたね。
前半のシオ、それからファブレガス! すばらしかった。
2点目が決まったとき、解説と実況が「シーン」。君たちアーセナル・サポ? いやそんなこと最初からわかってたんだけどさ。
はっきり言って二軍のアーセナルにこんなに苦戦したチェルシーがあと3つも冠を獲れるとは to be fair とても思えん。
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League Cup
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カーリング・カップ決勝後 モウリーニョインタビュー on the pitch
Q: Jose! The Chelsea fans saying that's why we are champions, they showed the quality today?
JM: I think we showed character, I don't think it was a great game, was difficult. Arsenal played , in my opinion, very good game. They showed the reason why they arrived into this game, they beat Liverpool, Everton, Tottenham, and with this team , to have the great team of football was difficult.
But I think in second half, was completely different, we dominated the game, hit the balls on the post. the end of the day we deserved the victory.
But, the pity was what happenned in the final, I don't know what happened but I know was not nice, and specially words (worry) for them because they played good, They gave a great coach, great players, but football is about winning. The Cup goes to us. And they have bad dinner and we have happy dinner, football is about this.
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La Liga
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カーリング・カップ優勝 チェルシーまず一冠
Chelsea 2-1 Arsenal
Carling Cup Final
at the Millennium Stadium, Cardiff
25 Feb 2007
Arsenal (4-2-3-1)
Hoyte, Touré (c), Senderos, Traoré (Eboué 66);
Denilson, Fabregas;
Walcott, Baptiste, Diabi (Hleb 68);
Aliadiere (Adebayor 80)
Scorers Walcott (11)
Sent off Touré (90+5), Adebayor (90+5)
Booked Denilson (28), Eboué (87), Fabregas (90+5).
Chelsea (4-1-2-1-2)
Diarra, Carvalho, Terry (c) (Mikel 62), Bridge;
Makelele (Robben 46)
Essien, Lampard;
Shevchenko (Kalou 90+8), Drogba
Scorers Drogba (19, 83)
Sent off Mikel (90+5)
Booked Essien (35), Carvalho (48), Diarra (51), Lampard (90+5).
勝った!! らしいですね。
you can see them on BBC Photo site.
Arsenal and Chelsea await FA rap
SKY Video
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La Liga
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カーリング・カップ ファイナル いよいよ今夜
Chelsea v Arsenal
Carling Cup final
Sunday 25 February
Kick off: 1500 GMT 2400 JST
Venue: Millennium Stadium, Cardiff
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La Liga
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レアル マドリード・ダービーで引き分け
Atletico 1-1 Real Madrid
24 Feb 2007
国内リーグ第24節 ビセンテ・カルデロン・スタジアム
Leo Franco;
Seitaridis, Perea, Ze Castro, Antonio López;
Jurado, Luccin, Maniche, Galletti (Mista 71分);
Agüero y Torres
Salgado, Cannavaro, Helguera, Torres;
Reyes (Cassano 45分), Gago (Diarra 53分), Emerson, Raúl;
Guti (Marcelo 76分) y Van Nistelrooy
1-0, 11分: トーレス
1-1, 61分: イグアイン
Cassano (47分), Torres (48分), Guti (53分), Galletti (61分), Diarra (85分) 退場 Cannavaro (13分 y 82分)
イグアインはディフェンスを引きずり倒しながらシュート。ゴ~~~~~ル! イグアインのリーガ初ゴールが決まった。よかったね♪ 優しい顔してるストライカーは大丈夫かなあ?と思っていたので。これから成長してね。
11 9
8 7
3 5 4 2
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Champions League
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モウリーニョ カーリングカップ決勝前々日会見 ベンゲルとの舌戦続く
JM: It is quite difficlut to know and say what Arsenal team every weekend, because they have such a big and good squads, they make changes, and difficult to say. With the first choice, Hleb, Rosický or Ljungberg. With the first choice, Senderos or Djourou or Hoyte or Flamini, Fàbregas, Gilberto, you know - difficult.
They have a lot of players, they have good players and the team is very very good and that does not make it difficult normally, their change players keeps their philosophy, the idea of the football, the system. so I don't think they are going to make a crazy change just for final. so normally did they play with the philosophy, and we'll be about this players, that players, I think a they have a good team. You have to ready for that.
For me the competition is competition. It is difficult to say I dont want to win this competiton. It is difficult to say that. I think the only we did it was Premier FA Cup gave against Barcelona, late time play with complete second team, It is difficult to win, after that you have to try to win everything, maybe the end of the day, you get something for you, so we took different competitons serious, we want together, in two thousand what? two-thousand 4? 5? 2005 season? yeah, season 2004-2005 our first competition, we enjoyed to do it.
You know Final is always a final, with a big atmosphere and the great day for fans, the stage is our far. always be a big day to play this game, you do not realize,if the big cup final, if FA Cup is another thing. when the Cup is there, there is always final and you have to try to (get it).
-- all people can speak even better than me my feeling, silverware is silverware. Big Cup Final is a big cup final, no matter to win it is the first time or ten times before, the feeling is always a good one.
In the stadium the Cup is waiting for the captain the end of the game, fifty percent Blue, fifty percent Red? I think always is a great feeling, every player wants to play, every man has want to be there, and I think because I do not know before these three years of the Carling Cup before I came, but these three seasons I am here, you can say the last one was Man United - Wigan. The first one was Chelsea - Liverpool, this one Chelsea - Arsenal, so I think this is very good for the competiton when the big teams they want to win, when the big team arriving to the final.
You never won, these are great muse(?)
because he is the great manager, we do not agree many things but this I agree completely, In Porto I thought-- to win the Champions League does not make you a great manager, the great manager can be a great manager without winning the Champions League, and because I won it once, I feel very very pliviledge, so that is what I told. We do not agree many things but this time, we are completely in the same feeling.
Not many did what I did, I am not saying I am the best, I do not think is this, I am saying in the group of, I do not know, eight,ten, twelve, fourteen around the world, people that made similar things, some did other things some did not what I did.
And I agree with Wenger when he said you do not need to win the Champions League to be agreat manager, he is (emphasized) the great manager without winning the Champions League, I agree completely with him.
I think I did many things what I did in Portugal was unique, nobody did it basicly in Portuguese football(shrugging his shoulders).
So I am, the best in my country, I think that is enough, Portugal is not the third world so what I am there is good enough, I came to England, and in Chelsea, fifty years later, I think I was first to win in the first year in the club. I won twice, I won other competitons, I have a few record in a Premiership, I think, some victories or goals or not conceding goals or something like that. Victories at home or unbeatable at home it is not a record but you are not far from the record.
We did good things, so I feel that I am in that group, I do not think I am better than anyone, but I think I am enough to be (in that group).
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JM:We dont have Boulahrouz and we dont have John Terry. We have one central defender, Ricardo. So from that point,everything changed. I think Essien is one of the players more in-form(*) in Chelsea, he played at the midfield almost unstoppable because of his power and he play central defender again, so we are not in a easy situation.
When John is back, I dont know. But I am so cool about it because of I used of it, every day we lose the player, I think this season we are doing the great great great great job to be the position where we are in all competitions, because it is absolutely unbelievable.
For example, this morning I thought Frank Lampard could not play the game. He was completely ill and he was a real top top top professional to react the way he did because he felt the team needed him to play the game he was the player playing also under very very difficult circumstances.
So we have a lot of problems but we were surviving, we are there, we are in good position in every competitions and we have to fight against all we have. we cannot cry,we have to start against Arsenal with Essien and Ricaldo in the back and we do not have another choice.
Shevchenko was brilliant, absolutely brilliant. The goal he scored is the crucial goal for us, but the work he did we delighted to his working for the team. Fantastic. His efforts to be a team player is amazing. His improvement is amazing and everybody in the team is delighted with the work he was doing for us.
Robben, I think, it was the consequence of go to the pitch without one, he was one on the bench. The change I was going to make was Mikel because you concede the goal, I decided to go with Robben. So he went directly to the pitch we were playing with ten men, he was waiting for the long time, we conceded the goal with ten men and I think because of that he felt something in muscles.
I do not think is the big thing but at half time he said to me,
"Maybe I can try, I feel it but I can try."
and I decided
I lost so many players and I do not want to lose more for long time. I decided to make the change I cannot tell you this time changin--
Well, I think every team can win the competiton, of course in this moment you look to the results of Tuesday, Wednesday. I think not one single team can say we are in the quarter final. Every results was all draws or victory by one goal difference.
So Man United, you can say Man United is this, because the one away home Lille, very dissapointed with what happened, I do not think he can do it in Old Trafford, but after Man United, I do not think not a single team will be in quarter finals. Everything is open. Every team is good, has power.
But I was waiting for Chelsea to play the game a year, instead of they controlled the game, played more emotional more attacking one, but with the circumstances, I think we did well and we saved the game in correct way, I made correct them, options, the players correct decisions on the pitch, I think is the good result.
The next time we will be sent London Stamford Bridge, I am not saying 100 percent, we beat Porto, but we are very confident, we are in a good situation.
* in form = 好調な
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メディア・リアクション in Japan (笑)
「リバプール8強王手!! ゴタゴタ内紛クラブ対決明
大一番前にカラオケ泥酔 ゴルフクラブ振り回し乱闘騒ぎ
殴られたリーセを殴ったベラミーがアシスト 揃って和解強調」
「リバプール バルサ撃破
「バルサ破った! リバプール
『歌え』『歌わん』カラオケで殴り合った2人のデュエット弾 」
「因縁モウリーニョ監督絶賛 シェフチェンコ
「シェバ同点弾 爆撃機ミュラー超えあと5」
テリー負傷 4冠へ黄信号 チェルシー」
「モウリーニョ監督 交代策ズバリ!」
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Champions League
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Champions League
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Sheva "ALMOST UNTOUCHABLES" - this is what Mourinho said yesterday!
Q: Are you happy with the draw?
JM: Yes. Under this circumstances I am happy. we worked completely one week, last week, await to play, you came here after five minutes, you was John Terry, the problem is not to lose John Terry, because if you have central defender on a bench, you keep your strategy and just change one player by another player, because of not John Terry on the pitch, Essien has to play central defender, you have to play Robben, you have to change your system you have to change everything and the coordination between Essien with midfields, Maka and with Diarra on his right side, broken, because we lost everything. We lost John Terry, lost lots of things, tactical, system, players in position, lost everything and we were playing against good team, they scored the goal when we were playing with ten men, after that I think we scored the great goal we deserved that, and after half time we have to make another change again because of injury again, we have to change everything again, and you know the game, the circumstances was very difficult circumstances for us, so the end of the day, we got the positive results, a draw and scoring the goal away of home is positive.
Q: You mention John's injury, how bad is it, do you know?
JM: I don't know, I know is "bad", I know is it's in his ankle, this is Chelsea's this season, I keep saying the work we were doing in my opinion, is the best work we were doing in the last three years, because is more difficult than other years in this moment to be where we are, quarter final in FA Cup, the second position in the Premiership, good position to be in the quarter final of the Champions League, the final in the Carling Cup. because we have problems every day, we lost Boulahrouz last game, now we lost John Terry and Arjen Robben, this season is our live, this season, so circumstances are difficult but the team is fighting hard.
Q: What is Robben's injury?
JM: Muscular. Muscular maybe, because you didn't one, you know he was on the bench and he goes to the pitch immediately, maybe because of that he felt something in his hamstring.
Q: You go off Andriy Shevchenko, a good goal, What he has brought Chelsea to do?
JM: I think he's improving a lot, I'm not saying that because of the goal, I'm more than happy, I'm delighted with the ways he's working for the team, if you can work like that you score goals, a crucial goal like this one, even better, that what we wait for and he was chasing that very very hard, but even if he doesn't score goals in this moment he becomes like almost "untouchables" (with a slight smile) because we are delighted with his efforts.
Q: How much threat Porto still pose do you think?
JM: No, one-one is the better result for the team play at home, now we play at Stamford Bridge, but they have a good team, to be fair as Portuguese, I'm proud to have such a good team to compete again in Champions League, -- their dreams are alive, because they know, of course they know Stamford Bridge is more difficult for them.
Q: Another game is coming up this Sunday, Carling Cup Final, this result rebuilt confidence for that?
JM: No, we have 6 or 7 consecutive victories plus this positive result team is confidence, team is happy, but the problem is problem, we keep losing players and we have no other choice Essien has to play central defender, because you don't have another one, and when you don't have another one, I think Essien is one of the players more in-form in this team, he is midfield player, he is the heart, the power of midfields, and he play central defender, so is a big big blow for us, because we are losing central defenders.
Q: Jose, thank you, well done.
JM: Thank you.
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Champions League
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モウリーニョ CLポルト戦前日(?)記者会見
JM: They(Porto) have a have a team of good players, well organised and they have a lot of confidence. They play, I believe, with lots of confidence, when you read some comments, you can feel they are full of confidence, that is important.
Three years ago, nobody believed in February Porto could be the Champion, and Porto was champion. you know in this moment, if you go to bookmakers, you bet Porto they have the belief, they have the right to have that belief.
If you judge me, if I dont win the Champions League, uh! you have to do the judge every coach in Champions League never win it. Because I did it once, Im in front of lots of them.(People start laughing)
Uh! you know, if I have pressure, imagine the other managers in them all. So I dont think is the bill?
We have ambitions. Ambitions are important. You feel you can do it, is important. To have the desire, I want to do it, is also crucial, but at the same time, you know, we're not kids any more, we are mature, we are not stupid, unintelligent, and we know that we are in the very very difficult competitions to win, many great managers in the world, they never did it.
We have big examples, The big example is not far from us, Arsene Wenger is the top manager in the world, you are laughing, I am not laughing, I am speaking serious, He is a big manager in the world of football, and he never did it, So when I did it once, you know, I can thank God for that because I have the privilege.
JM: ポルトにはいい選手が揃ってるし、チームとして完成されているし、すごく選手は自信を持っています。なんか書かれてるものを見たらわかるでしょう。
あぁ! それをやるんなら、チャンピオンズリーグで優勝してないすべての監督にもそうしてほしいですね。私はもう1回優勝していますからね。私が一番トップの監督ということです。(マスコミが失笑)
あぁ! 私にプレッシャーがあるかって? ほかの監督にはもっとあるでしょうね。
-Mourinho turns up heat with Wenger dig
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Champions League
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レアルマドリー ラウール、ベッカムが大活躍 バイエルンを撃破
Real Madrid 3-2 Bayern Munich
First leg of the Round of 16 of the Champions League
20 Feb 2007
The Santiago Bernabéu stadium
Torres, Helguera, Cannavaro, Roberto Carlos (Raúl Bravo, min.59)
Beckham, Gago, Raúl, Guti, Higuaín (Robinho, min.52)
Van Nistelrooy
Sagnol, Lucio, Van Buyten, Lahm
Demichelis (Salihamidzic, min.45), Van Bommel, Schweinsteiger (Scholl, min.79), Hargreaves
Podolski (Pizarro, min.60) and Makaay
1-0: (min. 10): Raúl beats Kahn
1-1: (min.23): Lucio heads in
2-1: (min.28): Raúl finishes off Helguera's header
3-1: (min.34): Van Nistelrooy taps it in
3-2: (min.88): Van Bommel from long range
Booked Demichelis (min.38), Schweinsteiger (min.55), and Hargreaves (60')
ね? 誰かにそっくりでしょう?
Top scorer of the Champions
Raúl's 56 goals are three more than Shevchenko's; (53).
V.Nistelrooy is third with 52
SKY Sports Video
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