

918Today, really come out a lot of protesters.

2012年09月19日 00時11分31秒 | hot news today

About at 1am in the morning of (Sep 18th), some area surounding Garden Hotel have been put some police blocks for seperated the people.

Today, some employed who are from Japan have gotten the money taking holiday, for avoiding accidents that perhaps would happen by the protesters. Caring for employed's, that is good.

Today, it is said that the group is bigger than Seo 16th. The way that is in front of Garden hotel has been stopped to pass.

Unfortunally, my public bus that will passed there, has been order to use other way. I have to spend more 40 minutes.

From a high crossing place, I saw the far scene, it seems that there are really many many people at about 12:30pm.


2012年09月19日 00時00分27秒 | hot news today



Today(Sep 18th), Japanese should pay more attention at China again.

2012年09月18日 00時43分40秒 | hot news today

Today, it is the memory for the day that broken the war between old China and old Japan. Peopl,e call it "918"(九・一八もというです、

柳条湖事件 満州事変の発端となった事件。1931年9月18日、日本の関東軍は、中国軍が同国東北部の奉天(現在の遼寧省瀋陽)の柳条湖付近で南満州鉄道の線路を爆破したとして攻撃を開始した。2010年の「日中歴史共同研究」報告書で、中国側研究者は「関東軍が中国東北地区を侵略するため発動した」と指摘し、日本側研究者も関東軍による「謀略」と明記した。中国では「九・一八事変」と呼ばれ、14年間にわたる抗日戦争の起点と位置付けられている。(瀋陽時事)(2012/09/18-05:39http://www.jiji.com/jc/c?g=pol_30&k=2012091800053



According to some protest and few riot at the protest, everyone should pay attention. Specially, Japanese should avoid to go to the crowded group, should reduce times and time to go out, should avoid talk and shout by Japanese, ...the best way for Japanese factorys and departments are shortly to stop runing during these 2 days... from the media.

Now, I almost as a reporter at the live at Sep, 16th.(1)

2012年09月16日 21時49分57秒 | hot news today

Just at at 9:18pm(Peking time) today(Sep, 16th), I was on the way when passing the Japan Consulate General of our local Canton.

I was shocked by the scene. (As I caculate simply guess), there are still about 2,000 policemen surrounding and locating around the whole location of Japan Consulate General - Garden hotel, including the anting-riot police with shield.

There havenot been seen those protesters. But they are still at there. I took some pictures. When I was taking, they were leaving too. About at 9:40, I saw those who are locating far over about 300-400 metres away have left totally.

This makes me think that in this morning, I have got the news from a bus terminal of No.1 bus, they said that, "All passengers please notice, for the zhongshan(Sun Yat-sen) road passing Canton Martyrs' Cemetery has been closed, please use the subway." On the way, I really noticed that all the bus passing there designed have used the other way.

As the latest news report, this morning, some people broke the glass of the 1st floor of Garden hotel, and rushed into then destroied a Japanese Resturant locating at the 2nd floor. Police following arrested some. As someone said, the protesters are over 10 thousands at the peak.

Today, I darenot to go to the scene. Because I have saw police have set the iron-block barriers in front of the square of Canton Martyrs' Cemetery and zhonghua Plaza front square had been set that and surround yesterday, it couldnot be used to sit there to protest, I think. 3

My mother told me today, what she had saw, when she go to see the doctor for her some pain on the way. 1st, She could see some youth walked on the way, red big lags in several's hands, some with small flags and shaking. When walking, they just shout a very simple sentence, some shouted"Diaoyu island, " then others followed"China owning". 2nd, she heard 1 couple's talking, boy"I heard the glass of the of Garden hotel have been destroied by some throwing objects", the girl"I havenot been to there, if I were there, I would rush and break some glass..." 3rdly, some middle age people complained, "Those protesters are making some troubles for our bus waiting, making some troubles for our plans..."

On our building, 1 cleaning aunt said, "All this was caused by Japan(government)...".


Now, there are still 1- just a few policemen's group and 1-a small group of normal-wearing people(what they are talking about, are they secrect policemen) group still stand outside the road around the Garden hotel. Now, the clock is showing the time 10:35pm.

In Canton Today, I was in the scene.

2012年08月20日 02時01分58秒 | hot news today

At last week, in order to buy some cheese of "Cheese Baby" of Milkana, we had already visited and searched 3 big DepartmentStore & Supermarket, but we couldnot see any. Today(Aug, 19th, 2012), we went out and did it again. At nother 2, we still couldnot see.

When it is closing to noon, we decided to go home. When we were taken on the public bus, we suddenly decided to go to the highest supermarket named "Taste"to search it again. When we took off the bus, I was suddenly surprised by (about 60-70) policemen with gun who are collecting then turned to the park and walked, I glanced to that way, about 200 - 300 citizens were standing around, several big red country flags in hands, some small in hands, and some some red hang clothing written "Japanese get out Diaoyu Island. Did war with Japan"(about).

I wasnot astonished by this, because a lot of news have spread from the network, wishing people to go to the street and showing the protest or angry for Japan controlled Diaoyu Island. I was astonished by that was I saw 3 Special police cars have arrived and every seat sitting a S.P(total about 80 S.P), and arround the gate of the park, are no fewer than 10 normal police car, a lot of 2-3 a team policemen(about 60) are around the whole area. About 20 minutes later, boards and sticks in hands riot-controll police, R.C(about 50) had reached. Some female and male police were recording the scene by handy digital video recorder. Then later, some Assistent-policemen(about 80) reached again. Adding 2 groups, one who was in front of the gate(about 60) and one who was nearby subway stop(about 60), I guess the total policemen are thrown into here is about 400.

And, including some secrect-plolice(about 50), some secutry people from
basic mangerment organize of local(abot 130, I guess.), there are about 680 guarding people at there. During that time, I could hear some uncle of secutity said, I had took 3 anti-fire air bottles(I think that is for the situation - burning flag.)

And, during the processing, I could see and listen to some policemen and secrey people with careless emotion and careless discussing in face, it seems that as they came out of UFO.

Those protesters firstly stood inside the gate of the park, After the R.C's coming, they moved to the outside and in front o the gate, shaking the flags in hands, and louder shout, even the picture of Chairman Mao was showed(a way to protect and against the rushing by police), "Get out, get out!", "War, war!" ...For a normal Chinese, everyone at there would be boiled the blood.

I wasnot a extrem nationalist.


At about 12pm, they were dismissed by the pressure from policmen. Some went to take the tube, some went to take the bus, and some (about 10), crossed the road, went to Zhonghua Plaza(中華広場, a big shopping centre with some Japanese running stores inside), still with some writing protesting sentences white board, still in front of the entrance, shouting and wishing people wouldnot buy goods from Japan.

Riko and I decided that she went to "Taste"(inside Zhonghua Plaza(中華広場))to search, and I stayed to watch the scene with our baby. So 2 ways scence, we could get to know and understand. At about noon, we went home. We stayed there about 1 hour long. Cheese was short, they would come at about last month.

Today is "qingming" holiday(清明節)。 It is time to commemorate ancestors in our tradition.

2012年04月04日 22時23分50秒 | hot news today

Today, it is the holiday of "qingming" (清明節)。 It is the day that we go to offer sacrifices to our ancestors, in front of tomb or bone ashashes of them. (It is different from Japan, every box of ashashes or bone isnot be put in one big tomb, they are seperated.) Reality, we arenot seriously controlled to go to just in this day, we could go to in the whole lunar month of "qingming" holiday. If your relationship has passed and this is the 1st "qingming" holiday(清明節) that just coming, we must go to a month earlier than the 4th lunar month, that is the 3rd lunar month.

Our lovely grand-pa has passed away 4 months in last year, all of us missed him...


My uncle's treatment by traditional massage has stepped in the 60days today. His illness showed sometimes good and sometimes bad. Tomorrow, he will go to see the doctor for checking again, I wish he would resume soon.

Sorry for all, I donot write some time. Maybe I am busy, I have thrown into all my spare time. After the 1st 5 days, his pain has gone, but coming last days, he became better then worst, now this is the 3 rd time. His underbelly has some bigger, so...

God bless good gay! 

Today is the 1st day of DRAGON lunar new year. Happy, happy and happy...

2012年01月23日 12時56分14秒 | hot news today

Today is the 1st day of lunar new year. Happy, happy and happy...

On the 19th. January, the temperature is still 20 degree. Then this 2 days, it went to about 5 - 8 degree. We seems to stay in the rowing car. But I donot care, because I am the local... ha, ha...

I wish all my families and all my friends have good income and good healthy, leave away illness, happiness go with them in the Dragon-year.

Yesterday, we went to the flower market, there were many people, quite crowded. ..And I lost my camera's hard-bag. Let it be, never mind.


THE CANTON'S welcome new spring FLOWER MARKET OF LUNAR DRAGON YEAR 2012.(photographed at the last day of 2012 LUNAR RABBIT YEAR, 2012-01-22)

1. Overlooking the welcome new spring flower market

2. Gate of the welcome new spring flower market.

3.Notice in front of the welcome new spring flower market.

4. Crowded in the welcome new spring flower market. 

5. People in front of a green plants's selling point. 

6. Talking about the price of "Golden Orange". (meaningful of rich, its colour is as gold.)

7. Artistic plant-"Rich bamboo". (meaningful of rich, using its Chinese word:富贵rich竹bamboo)

8. Grass of looking as "Pig carrying cage"-Nepenthes. (meaningful of rich, money rush into your home, as water rush into a pig carrying cage that is thrown into water(because cage has a lot of hole for pig to breathe ))

9. Discusing about the price of "Lily flower".(meaningful every thing is smoothly, using its Chinese word:百合.)  

10. Holding "Silver line"s(silver willow) in hands.  (meaningful of rich,using its Chinese word:银silver柳willow as a chain)

11. Looking at the beautiful "Peach flowers". (meaningful of having a good sex chance in a coming year, because its colour is pink). 

12. Beautiful funny and lucky crafts.

13. Crowded in front of new year's crafts.

14. People are rushing to the welcome new spring flower market.

15. Enjoying beautiful "Peach flower"s.

16. Looking for which is my likest "Golden Orange".

17. Blooming "Fake flower".(making by a kind of thick stiff silk)

18. "Hey,hey, come to see, come to see!"

19. It's time "to shout for the price together".(in order to make a hit surge moment)

20. Smiling people in the welcome new spring flower market.

100years ago, it was a great moment in our local.

2011年10月10日 21時43分59秒 | hot news today

100years ago, it was a great moment in our local. Because the ever strong and powerful Qing Dynasty had been overthrown at last, the 1st shoot in this victory revolution war just broke out 100years ago's today. After a lot of sacrifices and failure, a new country has built by grand Sun Yat-sen, and Qing has become the history in the books.

Reality, the beautiful country didnot come because of a lot of reasons. As he said before he passed away, "... all comrades must still fight for it(for the people, by the people, of the people三民思想)"

100years later, this target still shaking the hands far away in front of every one in our local. When it will be seen?

Holidays are being almost touched!

2011年09月30日 02時23分06秒 | hot news today

I will be on holiday since from the 1st, Oct to the 8th, Oct.

I have to pause my writing. Sorry for all of those friends who are loving me.

Yesterday, it was raining from about 2:30pm to 5:30pm, the 2nd heavy rain was from about 8:00pm to 9:30pm. How long they are! Luckly, it wasnot on the heavy traffic pressure period.

All, have to thank for the No. 17th typhoon.

My net-store has sold 2 goods this evening.

2011年08月31日 22時39分48秒 | hot news today

This evening, about at 20pm(Japan time), my net-store get 2 orders. 1 guest likes 2 of my goods. Tomorrow, I could post them by post-office. I begin my net-trade since today! How funny and joyful!

Good day! (My store open since the 6th, August 2011)

I wish that posting is smooth.

Heavy rain in this morning.

2011年08月08日 23時25分53秒 | hot news today

At about 1am this morning, I suddenly saw lighten in the sky. I couldnot leave. When at about 230am this morning, I left when I saw that there is no rain still. But good moment is short, it rained again after I just left about 200 metres long. I could go back home with wet head, wet hair, wet clothing...

A suddent rain, but drive off the high temperature! This is still good.

Remember Lugou Bridge War(Seven-seven war) before 74 years today.

2011年07月07日 22時39分02秒 | hot news today

74 years ago, a big war began. This is a pain day couldnot be earsed in a people or in human's history. A people to another people's war began and lasted 8 years long. Many lives had to be disappeared and a lot of families had to be broken, cultures, enviroment etc...too. I donot want to point out 1 by 1...

Wars must be decreased slowly. I hope, and I pray.

Another name of Lugou Bridge War(or Seven-seven war):(七七事変,蘆溝橋事変,七七蘆溝橋事変).