

Stars came again, rain come again, low temperature come again.

2013年11月28日 22時39分08秒 | グルメ

At the 25th, 26th midnights, I suddenly saw stars shinning in the sky, it was so clearly. I was surprised, I couldnot see them long. This cause by the bad air. Maybe this is the common sense in the big city in China.

But at the 27th midnight, it had changed. There were a lot of cloud in the sky, a group of & a group of white cloud...

At the lunch time of yesterday, I began to see the rain drops. It lasted until this morning, I could hear of the drops' sound even at 2am.

But after that, the temperature has fell down. It is said this following 3days, the lowest of a day would be down to about 6-7degree. Here, local, the temperature is always like to take the roller coaster.

Specially, some seniors couldnot get with it.

10years later, I couldnot image that......

2013年11月24日 21時41分44秒 | 僕の考え

1 evening on last Wednesday, I talked with Mr. Hakata(羽片さん).

I got some points.

He said, he liked to live at here. Why? He said, he loved here. Because he said, when he lived at Peking before, the big city nearby that is just 1-Tianjin, no others. There arenot any other big city. The travel time is just about 2 hours. But you see, when I lived in Canton, nearby big cities are a lot of: shenzhen(深セン),zhuhai(珠海)、zhongshan(中山),foshan(佛山), & there are Hongkong(香港), Macau(マカオ)... Many interesting places & shopping centres to go.

And, the yellow sand storms could be meet often. He said, Peking's air pollution is very seriously. Some reasons is by the rocketing amount of automobile; some reasons is from the Seberia's cold current would bring a lot of sands passing those vegetation cover losing places...

I hadnot been to Peking long. Last time is 2003-2004, last last time is 1987. 2003-2004 was in winter. 1987 was in summer. 2times travel wasnot brought bad sense to me. But I couldnot be thinkable that just 10years later, people would like to escape an ever such beautiful captial of this country.

There are a lot of changes in our company after my writing last time.

2013年11月20日 21時28分41秒 | 僕の会社に生活

Since I stopped to write about our company affair, it has passed over 2years.

During this term, our company has been in & out some people. As my last blog, Seito(斎藤さん) has come. But she has returned to Tokyo in the 1st, Aug, 2013 after her 26months local services. Then Hakata(羽片さん)came and instead of her position. After hanaoka(花岡さん)'s leaving, our company came a quite beautiful girl, Matsuda(松田さん), but she just worked a quie short period, she said she want to go to university to study then she left in May, 2012. But ,this isnot finished. One day, our colleague hodota(程田さん) announced he was going to marry in this new year2013. I saw why the bride's name is the same as  Matsuda(松田さん), I darednot to ask himself. One day, I couldnot help myself. Then I asked 1of my better colleague, he said, "That it is, she is that girl." Woo, a new proved office loving marriage...

Hodota(程田さん) has been to Hongkong branch to work on the same day as Seito on 31st, July, 2013.

At Feb, 2012, our company has enter a new local boy, name Yan(), he is just about 28-years-old, & he worked in Japan for several years before, his Japanese is quite good, as Yoshizawa said, "What his written Japanese is as local Japanese. "

At Dec, 2011, our company also came a new girl name munetsuna(宗綱), she is a quite working hard girl, but her healthy is a little bit weak. 1day she talked with me, maybe when her mother was in a delicate condition, she still smoked & drank, and her father is the same. So she guessed maybe this is the reason. I told her, she could go to see the Chinese traditional-medicine doctor and could be physical conditioning(nurse her health) by Chinese medicine. And the Chinese medicine should be the traditional way of decoction of cut crud drug, but not the Chinese medicinal granula. And I had contact a famous doctor for her, but maybe she refuse to decoct the drug, then there is no result. Since this Nov, 2013, she transfers to Peking branch, too, maybe she is really a excellent assistant in our company.

Luckly, I wasnot born in a rich family.

2013年11月19日 22時37分30秒 | 僕の考え

Maybe  a lot of people donot agree with my point. But it is my point.

But this is really shouted off from my heart. When I  was young, I had ever dreamed of wearing flashing clothing, crowded by a lot of beautiful girls, spended a lot of money to buy what I want...

But when I growed up, I read many stories about a lot of devoiced couple who ever hand with rich, I read a lot of stories about a lot of crazy people who suddenly be rich by suddenly, I read a lot of stories about a lot of rich people's sons, grand sons being the society foolish in the future... I like to be pour a glass of water in the hot summer, clear.

I am happy I wasnot born in a rich family. I have my thought to select, I have my life to select, I have my society relationship to built...

Even I couldnot solve all my problems by myself, by my family, but I could have a freedom life, I could have my own dream, ...

Rich people, rich people's son, ... , they couldnot have, they just struggle in "live & die" before they are borned.

I think. And, this is what I get today. I wish it isnot just now...

Yesterday(17th) is a wonderful day.(2)(0063)

2013年11月18日 22時47分10秒 | ベビーAbout Baby

Nothing is better than get the trust from others. Special your friend.

I  mailed something to my friend in Japan. Really, I spent a lot of time to pack in order to reduce the damage on the way, solid the box 1time, & 1time.....

At last, I got the return, she said my package was very excellent, nothing was damage. Great, thank you. Nothing is better than get the prize from your friend.

This evening, my baby said a sentence when he was sleeping, that is "Donot wash the hands".

This sentence, recently, he would like to said when we  wash his hands, "Donot wash the hands", "Donot wash left(right) hand", or"Donot wash hand inside", or "Donot wash the foot"...... or other "Donot do something......"Now I really understand what the truth it is. Before that, I think, that is a joke. But now, I really understand what the books told, "Babies have their own thought & want to show them, & insist it, that is the 1st turnover(rebellious phase) period of the child during 3-6years old."

To write these for those who have babies' problems as mine.

Yesterday(16th) is a wonderful day.

2013年11月16日 23時53分46秒 | グルメ


Because, 1stly, yesterday following the day before yesterday, sun came out. A lot of clothing could be air under the sun. Haha, our clothing had been keeping wet for several days. Slowly dry, really slowly.

2ndly, I used a webcam successfully talk with my friend for about 2hours. The sound is quite clear & this could save a lot of fee, then it has a lot of fun. I havenot seen her for about almost 3months.

Today, it has been raining almost 10hours long.

2013年11月12日 21時16分38秒 | グルメ

Since at about 11:35 this morning, it began to rain. Now, there is still none stop symphone.

It come because of the NO.30th typhone. The day before yesterday, it rained a little. Yesterday, it didnot rain even a drop. But this time, I was so wise & didnot dry any clothing outside the open air.

This evening, cool wind plus cool rain drops is equal to cold. I can said.

It is said that this NO.30th typhone is the strongest typhone during these 20years on the westen Pacifice Ocean.

And it is said that this typhone has brought about over 10,000 people's lives in Phillipine. Althought we have aggruments with Phillipine, we pray for hers people. Good luck!

Good luck for everyone, too.