Our baby's 1st swim: 2nd Jan, 2011.
Now, he has swum 9 times. From the 1st time, he cried till no sound,(At the 2nd time, he showed crying just during half time. The 3rd time, he just showed a little fearness in the begining.)Till the 4th time he showed totally no fearness and no crying. Since the 8th time, he showed not to leave the water when we lift him from the pool. Then, when we wash him in the big basin, his legs would like to moving as showing in the pool, quite funny.
My baby's 1st went back to hospital: 7th Jan, 2011.
Mainly to check for his health as a new-born child and his mother's health as a new-born mother.
Our baby's 1st went back to anther hospital:21th Jan, 2011.(Check the right eye, because that eye was infected by one kind of bacteria-since his came out from her mother, I guess that he got it in his mother.)
Then he went to his borned hospital to cure for it 3 times.
Our baby's 1st definite sound:1st, Mar, 2011.
His 1st crying definite sound is: crying sound-heyaheya(へや、へや)。His 1st definite sound is: e,e(え、え)。Now his crying sound is:eya-eya(えや、えや)。
Our baby's 1st taste his finger: 6th, Mar, 2011.
Now he just could taste the middle of the 1st and the 2nd fingers' crossing position. But he could make the sound quite louder-ZUZU(ずず)。
Our baby's 1st went to see the doctor because of cough(no fever):12th, Mar, 2011.
He went to see the doctor totally 3 times-10th, Feb;14th, Feb; 21th, Feb. Although the doctor's prescription was just 3 medicine, (and all had sweet taste), he cryed. So I felt, feeding medicine to a baby is a very difficult. (For I would spend almost 20-30 minutes every time.)
Our baby's 1st successfully turn over: 20th, Mar, 2011.(But till now)
But the eye-witness, Riko said, "He use some skill, that is-2 hands moved to nearby the mouth, then do his best, and success. ", "After he have done it 2-3 times, he has tire enough to do it again." Because the left eye is showing the similar symptoms as the right eye. I donot know why the eyes would be influenced by these... How I wish he wouldnot need to got these pain. These several days, when we held him, when his face got a chance to facing our chest, he turned around and shook his face on our clothing, even he couldnot touch it, he would shake and shake. We have no experience. We just thought he was just for showing his friendly for his dear ones. Now we have to guess, his eye is very uncomfortable at that time. Last evening, we found his left eye is quite serious-full drops and unclean drops. So, we decided to take him to see the doctor tomorrow.
Our baby's 1st went back to hospital to check for the left eye: planing
Our baby's the highest record as changing diaper in one night:10 diapers(おむつ).
Now, this wouldnot happen again, because some of our friends give us paper-diaper. They could help to reduce our parents' cold feeling when they are washing the diapers(おむつ), and reduce our jobs. Since his born, he has used (for NB)1 pack of 75 brand: huggies(ハギーズ 新生児用), (for NB)1 pack of 90 brand: pampers(パンパース 新生児用), (for NB)1 pack of 48 brand: pampers(パンパース 新生児用), (for NB & S)1 pack of 76+8 brand: pampers(パンパース 新生児用&Sサイズ), (for S)1 pack of 74 brand: pampers(パンパース Sサイズ).Since 15th, Mar, we began to use S size. Now, he would almost have the bowl movement after finishing to drink the milk.