

村田さん's cold and an experience that asking for fast food service.

2011年01月25日 21時03分31秒 | 僕の会社に生活

This is the 4th day I could see the air breathed out from my mouth-White in this winter. Maybe this could prove this winter is cold enough.

Last Thursday, when I came in office, I suddenly saw a short hair with a pink mouth-mask girl sitting on 村田さん's chair, because she was wearing a pair of glass, that was made me be surprised enough. Maybe you could imagine that in the brain. That was 村田さん. She got a cold with some cough. I taught her that she may boil some white-vinegar in her room and that could help her to resume more quickly. She said thank you. And, I told her that in order to get a good treatment the patiences in out local chest hospital doctors shouldnot allow them wearing mask, for this would prevent that they could breathe freshing air and delay their resuming. (Since this week, she really dumps mask. And although she isnot the best, and she has been better and better.)

Last evening, she still worked late. When she met me, she asked me whether there is fast food service to office or not. I told her yes, because at that time is 20:30 not yet. But when I search and dial phone, I thought I met a big problem. I called 9 resturants. Some has closed down, some has canclled this service, some couldnot find someone to listen, some said they were cleaning and washing even the service time ending at 21pm. I never thought to ask a fastfood service was so difficult. Last I dial the nearest Kentucky, but they asked me dial the service hot-line, or they couldnot support. I searched it on net, and found Kentucky could support ordering on the net. But when 村田さん finished a lot of items on the form on the net, it couldnot move the next step. Woo,... She has to take the phone again and said that hot-line maybe better. But trouble coming again, maybe her not so beautiful Chinese(reality, her Chinese is good.) Kentucky's Service girl couldnot get to know our building's address. She had to put off the phone and said "So trouble, I exit."

I asked her why not try again fast-noodle? She said, "I have have it at noon, and I need to have some others."

After a while, I thought, even there is some trouble, I ought to help her to ask this food. (because she is a foreigner...) I asked her whether I could help her. She said sure. Then I called for her. Because that is a China range service call, that operating girl couldnot understand Cantonese. (Some words she need me to use it make a phrase, this seems that I go back to school...haha...)But with my smart, I finished this order at last. And service has arrived at shortlly about 20 minutes later. (She asked a kind of hamburger, an glass of cold-orange juice and a coun of sweet corn. Pommes frites couldnot be serviced.) Adding 7 yuan service fee, it is 33 yuan. I asked her why she like to have pommes frites and cold drink during she is having a cold. She just gave me a smile. I think this is not so good, but I didnot say anymore.

This is an experience that asking for fast food service. Not very zigzag, but it made me think about it... Maybe we should go down and buy food by ourself would be more comfortable and more easier.

24 hours before being a father(2).

2011年01月20日 20時05分15秒 | 僕の考え

I was bearing almost night. After about 5 am, I could have a short snop, then those cleaning worker began to  clean the corridor, then cleaned the bed room. After that, nurses came in and did some treatment for some patients. I didnot got a sleep almost all night. (Haha, this is just the begining of a father's life...)

Sun has been climbing out the mountain. New year At about 8 am, my mother came. I bought some breakfast(porridge of rice-お粥,steamed buns with meat-肉まん and red bean stuffing-アンマン) at downstair store. Riko asked me to tell her mother(my mother-in-law)she has stayed in hospital. We met together at noon.

During the whole morning, riko was surffering the pain. Her cervix was opening, but it wasnot suit of allowing to entering borning centre. The allowed to entering rule is that cervix should open about at 3-4 wide of a finger. At about 2:05 pm, she suddenly felt a strong pain and felt some water rushing out...(amniotic fluid rushed) She couldnot walk, I found a wheelchair and carry her to the check room. After checking, she was allowed to push into the borning centre. Since 2:15pm, I pressed myself in front of the door of the borning certre.

Because there is few chairs in front of the borning centre, I have to sometimes stand and sometimes sit.(I have to share the chair with those women who came to check.)

After a very long waiting, the clock has gone to about 7:00pm, there was not any news coming out of the borning centre. I moved closely nurse station, and asked whether here support food for borning women. She said, no! And asked me buy some food(for example: porridge of rice-お粥) for your wife soon. I went to sick room at once and told these to my two mothers. We decided to bring some milk, chocolate and cookies in.

When I pressed the bell on the borning centre, after a while, a doctor(or a nurse)came out. I told her riko's Chinese name, she sparked out, "She", "she has borned a male-kid at 17:58. Because we are busy, we forgot to tell you." At that time,  my brain couldnot run. I just felt the happiest feeling rush and be full of my whole body from the toe to the head. A very strange and extra happy feeling I never got it in my life..."She need some hot food, and you couldnot give her these cold food." She was pointing those food in the hand...I just could say thank you and thank you, again and again.

I turned over and asked the nurse who I just asked her at the nurse station. "My wife has borned." She said,"I just promote you to buy some porridge of rice-お粥. Why you donot do as my advice?""I, I ...""I just think the downstair store has been closed. So, ..." Then, I asked her one nearby resturant's address. "Crossing the road of here."...

I went out with my mother soon. Looking for and looking for, we got it. On the way to hospital, we dail the 1st call is to my younger brother. The 2nd,  I dail it to my grand father who cares for me very much. While I told him this, tears was rushing out of my eyes. I canot help tearing. After a lot of setbacks, I have my kid at last. After a long time longing for,  I have someone to call me "Dad.". Maybe this feeling could be felt by myself...



Today is lunar year's "big cold day"(大寒)。 It is very cold at outdoor, about 6-8 degree. As tradition, we should enjoy sticky rice- sitting around, because riko's stomach didnot feel very well yesterday, we have to give up in this year...

24 hours before being a father(1).

2011年01月13日 19時05分19秒 | 僕の考え

Dec, the 31st, 2010. The last day of being not a father.

This morning, as the plan, 1 of my friend will go with us to drink tea(one traditional breakfast in Canton). But riko felt not very good on the bed, so we have to call for him and canclled it at about 7:00. At the whole morning, riko always didnot feel very good and her plan to wear her those lasting beautiful pregnant clothings to taking some pictures(she have taken some.)have to been canclled again. I let her sometimes lying on the bed and sometimes walking and walking. I just did my best to clean my email-box. Since without entering it a long time, there are too much spams. I crazid to delete a lot...(but there are still remaining about 6,000.)

In the afternoon, we had to go to hospital(Canton women and children's hospital and health institute 広東省婦幼保健院) and register an emergency to check whether she need to stay in(check in)or not. The doctor asked her to check in, but at that time, she didnot feel very painful, then we dialed the doctor who she was usually being followed. He said, if you feel pain 2 times every 10 minutes, then you must check in, otherwise you donot need it. In this morning, she has monitored about 1 time every 17-20 minutes, and in the afternoon, she has got the new data as 1 time every 12-13 minutes. Considering a break, as his advice, we sign the refusing checking-in in the emergency-room(At 28th, we plan to check in, after we arrived, the doctor has advised us not in.) The time is about 17:10, before new year's eve, there remained few and few doctors and nurses...foetal monitoring couldnot be operated. Till about 18:30pm, the ultra-sound exam has done. We decided to come again tomorrow morning. At that time, riko's feeling is better.

We went out the hospital together, we took in No.111 trolley bus. But something made me angry again, all passengers on the bus, refused to give a free chair to support a pregnant over 9 months girl. After standing a long bus stop, before 1 boy took off, she got a seat. Now, she felt some uncomfortable again.

After we took off, we went to a big noodle resturant(店の名前:第一面) to enjoy an expensive, luxury and unusual noodle then with some desserts, totally costing 38 yuan(about 500円) 。 

After we went home, she felt more and more uncomfortable. After I watched TV an half hour, her pain frequency has being at about 1 time every 7 minutes. My mother and I decided to rush to hospital again. The time is about 10:45. After some checks, we checked in at about 11:15. This evening, I stayed with her in the hospital, she felt pain, and I felt cold and tiredness(because I had just have a chair.). My mother will come back tomorrow.(for hospital's rule-just allow 1 member to stay.) Crossing us the 26the bed, that girl cried all night, sometimes she was helping to walk slowly by her mother. Why her crying made us feel so worried, tomorrow I got to know it.

In this evening, I met a new friend from Syria--David. His wife was going to birth too.(She will born a girl at about 16:30 tomorrow afternoon, just 1 and a half hour before my son.)They checked in just after us about 20 minutes. Tomorrow, during the long waiting for wife's birth, we talked and talked some topics, and become new friends.

Dec, the 31th has passed.


...,maybe I could say I has been older 11 days...

2011年01月11日 20時34分06秒 | 僕の考え

Time is sneaking away quitely, whatever you do something or not, maybe I could say I has been older 11 days ...

After my son's born, everyday my mother and my mother-in-law come and help almost all of our house-working, ...mopping the ground, cleaning baby's wearing, cooking, washing vegetable and bolws, washing for baby, ... a lot and a lot, in this way, I cannot help saying thank you.

But as a sword with two blades, old man has something you would feel uncomfortable. Because we use mama's milk to feed my baby, not cow's, we should feed the kid at whenever he need. But they order we feed him every 2 hours. Because riko has surging milk's supporting, and as doctor's pointing: the part of 80% milk is made of water, baby is needednot to add water after feeding. But they insist to add water to feed. As doctor's advance-alcohol is not suitable for brain of baby's growing, but they add wine in the food of riko everyday for the traditional coming from the ancient, let the new mother has flash and shining face. Others, you couldnot hug the baby, or it would relying on this to sleep. ...

Sometimes I have conflicts, worries even some annoying. But, but, but...

Maybe this is a epitome of modern society: conflict between tradition society and modern society.

Tradition  is a very good treasure, but society is moving, something that is not suitable should be changed. That is what I think.

Today, it is raining. With cold weather, someone would feet uncomfortable. But I amnot, haha, because I am a local.


2011年01月03日 16時31分58秒 | hot news today

2011年1月1日、午後17:58分、私の赤ちゃんは生まれました。 男の子です。





分娩室Born Centre.
