

今日, I maybe hear the most romantic words recently.

2010年07月30日 22時05分02秒 | 僕の考え
Today, in order to take some pictures about Myrtaceae syzygium samarangense, I drove my bike and did a lap around luhu(麓湖). I really took some, but I couldnot catch any those trees, just saw 2 syzygium samara trees, and the most unwanted to see was, 2 trees havenot bloom a flower and a fruit yet, ...

But at a Memorial park-xinghai yuan(星海園), I hear some maybe the most beautiful words recently, I think.

A senior couple with hand in hand, was brushing against me, suddenly I heared the following sentences:

Female(about 60)said with some peevish: If we come to here everyday, that you could say it was luxury. But if we could come someday we like, that still be nice...(Cantonese-広州語:你话如果日日嚟呢就话有点奢侈嘅,不过,间唔中嚟下呢,就几好嘅。……)

These sentence is used by our local language. Very beautiful tone and sound. By these words, I could feel the youth's hearts are still in their mind. Yes, even the senior, they need the young life, romantic is not just owning by the youth. Everyone should own their own young life, it is the good way to delay the lose of activity in our life. 2ndly, I think walking in a fulling of flowers and trees, beautiful place, it would give you a health and strong body. So, donot always stay at home and bad situation area.

I got these thought. How could I say, just want to say thank you!

This noon, it rained again. A quite strong rain!

1.星海園介紹01(星海園案内-Introduction of Xinghai Memorial)

2.星海園正門02(星海園正門-Gate of Xinghai Memorial)

3.星海的塑像03(冼星海的塑像-Sculpture of Xinghai)

Rain continue to fall.

2010年07月29日 20時23分45秒 | 僕の会社に生活
This evening, I could see 吉沢さん again. He said he liked the 27th dinner, 潮州菜. I said that it was my pleasure, and if we could have time, I would like to introduce more famouse local food for him.(But he told me a sad story, his cousin suicided in this morning. He had to go back to Japan tomorrow. He said his cousin suicided for emotion.)I think the life is God's givenness of life, everyone shouldnot have wasted this chance.

Rain continue to fall. At about 6pm this evening, the thunder and lightening, bad weather and heavy rain came at last. I have taken some pictures.

Recently, local area's weather is quite cool, sometimes we even donot need to turn on the fan. It is about 25-28 degree.

After the new-rain, it gave us fresh air, clear road, shining building outlook, and a lot of fruit, why?(because when I passed some villas located huanshi dong lu, I saw a lot of fruit fallen on the pavement. I searched the source upper, and found they came out from the yard of some villas. At least there are 2 kind of fruit, I know 1, named Myrtaceae syzygium samarangense; and I donot know another. ) They made the ground red and yellow. I like Myrtaceae syzygium samarangense, reddish and waterish and with some lightly acid.

Even the ground is wet, some free-TV audiences still occupy some upper positions where the pedestrian crossing-bridge is and begin their evening entirement. They love to watch, me too. But I have my TV set, they donot have. That is the difference.

Tomorrow rain will fade out slowly, but I really like it could stay more days, even sometimes I will be wet.

(Because this Mac system couldnot use all functions, I will go back and paste some pictures.)

These 2 days, it rain and rain.

2010年07月26日 21時08分59秒 | 僕の会社に生活
吉沢さんのfriend will arrive in here at about 20:30-local time(She has delayed her arrangment). But maybe the bad weather, aircraft delay its arrival. From airport to our company, there is a hour way to go.

Our local biggest TV station-Canton(Guangdong) TV center will turn on(just picture, but no sounds) 2 big TV screen where are on the wall at about 18pm., When the night fall, in front of it, at the open-air area, some workers,or vagabonds who couldnot have the abilities to watch TV programs would sit on the ground or find something where could sit, then begin their short wonderful precious culture dinner(as the screen just open from about 18:00 to 21:30). Sometimes even it rain, they would staidly insist on their position.

Everytime when I see this, I would happen some unhappy from my deep heart. Society has being increased, but the whole society has still being seperated, someone live well and better well...till very well, but someone would stll live bad and worse...very worse.

Maybe the whole society is fusing and confusing. No one would stay away. If you are lucky, then you could enter a good environment and eat well, live well. If you arenot lucky, you would born in a very poor or bad situation family, then the nightmare would follow you, whatever how hard you work, you would hardly change your life's fate.

What could I do, when I face those poor guy in the society? Sometimes I reallly cry from my heart.

吉沢さん gave me a piece of 東巴紙 bookmark today.

2010年07月22日 22時13分02秒 | 僕の会社に生活
Today 吉沢さん give me a piece of 東巴紙(dongba-paper) bookmark, it is a very fomous paper made by hand and by traditional technology. Thank you very much. Tomorrow, 1 friend of his will come to our city and I will be her guider.

About dongba paper's introduction東巴紙の案内.

Our paper of tomorrow, one of the place (at the amout of money) should be written as "**10thousand(万)**(円)en", but written as"****(円)en" . But I could not find our editor. I have to correct it by hand. I could just tell him tomorow.

Today, because of No.3 typhoon, it rain a little but blow a quite strong wind. Seeing the sky, you could see the clouds run quite quickly in the sky, sky is quite blue, building are so beautiful, everything are quite clear now. I love this kink of weather. Would you?

I met 1 cheater again.

2010年07月21日 22時16分09秒 | 僕の会社に生活
In these days I could see several stars in the sky. I feel good. At the best day, I counted totally 12stars I could see. 3 are brighter, 5 are middle bright, the last 3 are dime. And I could see some cloud and green sky. On the TV program, they said the good weather and low pollution days just appeared 8 years ago. Oh, I didnot lie. It is very rare.

This evening, I could see cloud but couldnot see the clear moon, the moon seems to wear a thin veil.

Last evening, I met 2 girls, one of them hand and touch my hand, and said"please help me, and buy a bread for me." Oh, I see, I just saw she told with a black fat boy, but he seemed to go his way. I just thought he was their friend. Because I met these many times, I just shook my hand and said sorry, then move away quickly. You should know, if they(or she) could talk with you the 1st sentence, then they would talk to you a lot and could quickly catch your heart(a lot of cheater would study psychology), at the end they would tell you a lot of their miserable story and you would be cheated not only the price of a bread but also a lot of money.

Several days ago, I was asked by a man, he said I donot want to say, this is not good for a man, he showed his besides a woman and a child, we want you could buy a train ticket to ... believe me, you donot need to give me money, you could just directly buy the ticket then give us. I walked away quickly. Because I thought, after I give you, you could sell them at the ticket office at once. I couldnot do it.

At this area, maybe this is the 6th times that I met. Maybe I have honest look or stupid look, I really donot know. Keep clearness is very important and be on alert is very important in the society.

Tonight, I have a little bit tiredness.

2010年07月19日 21時32分04秒 | 僕の会社に生活
This evening, no one except me is in the office. The goodness is the air-conditioner is still cool.

This afternoon, my neighber told me he couldnot share the netline with me, because his daughter is in summer holiday and want to watch movie on net. But his speed is 6M, ??? I pay him???

When I asked another, she refused too.


I asked one more, but I didnot get the answer, she said she must wait till her husband came back. Why so difficult?

It made me upset.

When I came back, I saw a man who was with crimping feet and was difficully moving(by the hands), he is just about 60cm high and foot couldnot be used to move. Before this, sometimes I could see another guy who had the same situation would wait in the bus stop, because he is too short, in order to seen the NO. of bus, he must wait in a place where no one is in front of him and shade him, when he could see his bus come, he must move quickly(by the hands and almost no-useful feet), and difficultly take in the bus.

I donot where is our government, what have they done?

And at the same time, I thank God, I am healthy and physically well developed. Whenever I think this, my upset and unsatisified to life completely gone with the wind. Why do I complain and why I am not happy and why I have too much trouble? I am very luckier than a lot.

Thanks God very much!

Something about 2010 world cup-03

2010年07月18日 21時19分15秒 | 2010 FIFA
The last, I want to say about 2010 FIFA.

By this 2010 football world cup, I have to search something new for me, that is English discription and expression for football. Words I know them in Chinese, but I donot know them in English. In order to writing, I have to look for them on the net and dictionary. And even some football special language in Chinese which I donot understand completely, by this 2010, I understood.

So how to write some football special language in English and to understand some background of football language in my language, is my harvest in this 2010 FIFA.

Yesterday is the 1st day after typhoon, it rained a lot. Unfortunately, I washed a lot of clothings, what could I do, I could just hang them in my room.

Which picture do you like?

2010年07月17日 00時30分12秒 | 僕のフォト
In this evening, I took 2 pictures.

night-Cross of luhu lu and huanshidong lu Canton夜の広州麓湖路口環市東路口

1. Use zoom function, f=5.2, expose time=4 seconds,focus=17mm,ISO=100.(by Fujifilm A175)

You could see just the road is bright, the lower part arenot bright. Maybe I use the zoom function and make the expose-time not fit the whole photo? Focus on the main building-bridge?

2.No use zoom function, f=3.6, expose time=4 seconds, focus=19mm, ISO=100.(by Fujifilm A175)

The whole picture are brighter than the upper. You could see the lower part clearly.

Which picture do you like?

Something about 2010 world cup-02

2010年07月15日 21時49分44秒 | 2010 FIFA
Last night, because I help my colleague(君) to burn about 10 DVD-dise, and unluckyly the computer didnot install the any burning software, I have to search free burning software, but after installing them till the 3rd software, it just could work properly. And they wasted our 3 disces. I clumped back my home, it is 2am morning, but I just burn 2 successfully. My God! I couldnot help to say.

Now, continue to write something about 2010 world cup.

During watching the TV transform, I really want to say I donot like those football-prsenter in our local TV station. Why?

1st, they didnot know those player's name from unfamous team.

2nd, they didnot often tell you player's name even from famous team(they know or unknow? I donot know.)Not everyone would catch those shoot about who got the ball and who pass the ball, etc.(even the No. of the player.)How could they transform football match like this?

3rd, they didnot tell you something about the "formation" and "player's position"of this team in this match(actually, every match would tell these at the begining of the competition, but a lot of people wouldnot or couldnot watch at the begining, a lot of people would join in after begining the match, who should tell them?) I often just watch and couldnot know it more. They should tell us sometimes during the match, I think.

4th, they didnot tell you this attack use what technology or way. They just could tell you "free kick, corner,off-side"I know, but I need more to be tollen.

5th, they told you a lot of no relattion to the match, for example: player's thoughts in their mind(how do you know that?) , coach's habit, player's girlfriend, etc. I just want to know more about the match and improve my knowledge of football. Relating subject they donot tell you, but no relating, they like to irrigate you.

6th, in this year(I donot know before, because this is my first time to watch carefully), about the transform I want to say 2 points: 1, I donot like just show the total time at the screen(90+30, ) I like to seperate the 1sthalf and 2ndhalf to show the time(45 mode), so I donot need to change and cacullate the time. 2, as the REPLAY, at the past, they would show a big "R" icon at the left or right corner of screen and replay it. But this time, when I was watching the match normally and suddenly they replay the excellent moment and didnot show any hint. I think this is not good for watching.

Now, I just could think them today.

Today, it rained a little. I hung many clothing, but I met it. It made me in a difficult situation. Tomorrow No.2 typhoon would come. Beware!

Something about 2010 world cup-01

2010年07月13日 21時46分43秒 | 2010 FIFA
Last night, we couldnot watch any new match about 2010 FIFA again. Suddenly, I felt some nounse feeling, feeling seem to losing something in the heart. In almost a month(32 teams' fighting), I watched and watched, till the mid-night. (even if I have some sleeping period). And insist to write and write my blog about it. (Although I didnot write it too good, I did it.) But I still really thank you for my every reader.

This year, many unthinkable results came out from the match. But I think this is football, and this is competition. So some casino's player lose their money. I really hope that the Casino couldnot attack and destroy our passion of football, and Casino would get rid of from every field that we love.

Do you like last night's match?

2010年07月13日 01時35分06秒 | 2010 FIFA
Last night, Spain to Holand, do you like it?

I think it was not too exciting as I wished before. Maybe 2 teams were afraid of losing, what they fighted had some nevious. So shooting were few and not too much scaring. But yellow card were quite many and at about the 20minute of addtional 30 minutes' period, Holand got a red card, and lasted only 10 players. Then, the chance of Spain came at last. After 5minutes of showing the red card, Spain shot in 1 goal and keep the result till the end. 12 yards's shooting, wasnot needed it. The most exciting moment last night was Holand's attacking at the period after Holand was shot in this goal. Spain won and got the chance to holding Hercules Cup. But because I donot know the arrangement, I missed the closing ceremany. I surprised why there wasnot it at last night. Now I know.

Last night, I could see 12 stars again, including, 4 are bright, 5 are middle, and 3 are dime.

Nice sky again!

Last night, I try to show the match at keyhole TV, but because I only have an old pc-camera, it wasnot showed good. I am looking for a better solution.

Last night, I think 2 teams all did their best!

2010年07月11日 22時13分15秒 | 2010 FIFA
Last night's match, how could I say, excellent!

Totally they shot in 5 goals. Uruguay to Germany, Germany won the 3rd. The last result is 2:3.

The 1st goal, Germany firstly shot on the Uruguay's goalkeeper's body, reflected, and Germany player stepped in and shot in the goal easily and elegantly. Nice! The 2nd shooting-in is from Uruguay, before his feet was blocked by Germany's defensing player, I think, just quicker 0,01 second, he shot in the goal directly. Then each side you 1, I 1, and after one side shot in, the other side would follow in quite short time(after about 10 minute). Excellent.

About at the 86th minute, Germany shot in the last goal at this match. And keeping it till the end. When Germany thought they would win at last, at the addtional time, at the last minute, one attack from Uruguay(the last attack) almost reverse this, because No.3(I donot remember very clearly)made an intentional-foul near penalty area, and gave a free-kick as a gift to Uruguay. Unfortunately, goalkeeper had caught the goal's track, and it shot on the crossbar, Uruguay lose this chance(but I think before that Germany's No.3 would live in high scaring and pressing for this mistake). Then, the sound of whistle gave off, ending the match.

At this match, I found Germany's player liked to use head-kicking again.

This evening, when I passed that 2 closing bar and found that they have opened again. Maybe they have been punished enough and been allowed to opened again. I wish they could run again.

Today it rained a little, really very little at noon.

About stars.

2010年07月10日 00時56分44秒 | 僕の考え
Last night, I could calculate 12 stars, among of them: 3 are bright, 5 are dim,others 4 are middle strong.

But tonight, it is not lucky, for there are many clouds, I just could see 2. And when I try to capture by camera, no imagine(no 1 star) could be seen.

But I show 3 picture that I took last night. 1 by high ISO 1600, another by ISO 800, the last by ISO 100. You could see dim effect to clear effect.

1. (7.8 by カメラfujifilm A175)Night sightseeing(by ISO 800)--after enlarging, you could see a lot of Noise-points.

2. (7.8 by カメラfujifilm A175)Night sightseeing(by ISO 100)--even after enlarging, you could still see very clear and beautiful building's colour and shape, white clouds...etc. Because I didnot use tripod, even I did my best, there was some moving. I would do it best later.

Last night, I think, just 2 highlights.

2010年07月08日 21時06分04秒 | 2010 FIFA
Since the day before yesterday, 2 bars that are on my way home still donot open. Maybe about sex-service or casino, I donot know.

Last night, Spain to Germany, the last result is 1:0, Spain won.

At the 1sthalf, Spain donot run too quickly, maybe they scared Germany team players young energies, they wanted to keep the power. They shot in at about the 70th minute. There was a defense-player holding his hand on the goalpost. But he seems not to do any action. Maybe experience is not enough is why Germany would lose.

Highlight at this fight: 1. in front of penalty area, 3 Germany players relayed to use header to transfer out the ball and clearancekick the threaten. 2. in front of penalty area, after 2 Germany player contiuned to use header to kick out the ball, but the 3rd kick was prevented by 1 Spain player, he used header to push forward the ball to attack. I like these 2 shows very much.

Now, we could rest some days and wait for the most exciting match in this 2010.