Today, in order to take some pictures about Myrtaceae syzygium samarangense, I drove my bike and did a lap around luhu(麓湖). I really took some, but I couldnot catch any those trees, just saw 2 syzygium samara trees, and the most unwanted to see was, 2 trees havenot bloom a flower and a fruit yet, ...
But at a Memorial park-xinghai yuan(星海園), I hear some maybe the most beautiful words recently, I think.
A senior couple with hand in hand, was brushing against me, suddenly I heared the following sentences:
Female(about 60)said with some peevish: If we come to here everyday, that you could say it was luxury. But if we could come someday we like, that still be nice...(Cantonese-広州語:你话如果日日嚟呢就话有点奢侈嘅,不过,间唔中嚟下呢,就几好嘅。……)
These sentence is used by our local language. Very beautiful tone and sound. By these words, I could feel the youth's hearts are still in their mind. Yes, even the senior, they need the young life, romantic is not just owning by the youth. Everyone should own their own young life, it is the good way to delay the lose of activity in our life. 2ndly, I think walking in a fulling of flowers and trees, beautiful place, it would give you a health and strong body. So, donot always stay at home and bad situation area.
I got these thought. How could I say, just want to say thank you!
This noon, it rained again. A quite strong rain!

1.星海園介紹01(星海園案内-Introduction of Xinghai Memorial)

2.星海園正門02(星海園正門-Gate of Xinghai Memorial)

3.星海的塑像03(冼星海的塑像-Sculpture of Xinghai)
But at a Memorial park-xinghai yuan(星海園), I hear some maybe the most beautiful words recently, I think.
A senior couple with hand in hand, was brushing against me, suddenly I heared the following sentences:
Female(about 60)said with some peevish: If we come to here everyday, that you could say it was luxury. But if we could come someday we like, that still be nice...(Cantonese-広州語:你话如果日日嚟呢就话有点奢侈嘅,不过,间唔中嚟下呢,就几好嘅。……)
These sentence is used by our local language. Very beautiful tone and sound. By these words, I could feel the youth's hearts are still in their mind. Yes, even the senior, they need the young life, romantic is not just owning by the youth. Everyone should own their own young life, it is the good way to delay the lose of activity in our life. 2ndly, I think walking in a fulling of flowers and trees, beautiful place, it would give you a health and strong body. So, donot always stay at home and bad situation area.
I got these thought. How could I say, just want to say thank you!
This noon, it rained again. A quite strong rain!

1.星海園介紹01(星海園案内-Introduction of Xinghai Memorial)

2.星海園正門02(星海園正門-Gate of Xinghai Memorial)

3.星海的塑像03(冼星海的塑像-Sculpture of Xinghai)