A:(Hong Kong)Today 1 flushing water pipe broke.
1 flushing water pipe locating at Gloucester Road(Hong Kong) broke and a lot of water rushing on the road at about 7am this morning.
The street was blocked and cars' queue was about 4kms long.
The repairing workers wish some part of the road could be reopened before this evening and could be reopened the whole road tomorrow.
The pipe was laying in 1986. Since 2008, it has been broken 3 times. The pipe already has the plan to change, but because of the traffic plan it couldnot be begun yet.
B:Tickets of East Asia Games are begun to sell at Hong Kong today.
210 thousand tickets of East Asia Games are begun to sell at Hong Kong today. Open ceremony's price is 1,000 HKDs, others are 50-100 HKDs. Everyone only could buy 3 tickets one time, but could re-queue again.
Internet buying is about 20% of the sum. (But reporter tested it and found the ticket-selling website could not be entered after waitting 15 minutes, speed is too slow.)
First 2 weeks of selling, each one could get 10% discount.
When watching the game, everyone could quit at anytime, in one day he(she) could be allowed enter again. Guards only confirm the ticket and allow everyone who own it could enter again..(noon 13:00&18:30 08-31-2009 news)
source来源:HongKong TVB News、香港TVBテレビニュス、根据HK翡翠台新?。