Our baby has begun some likely creeping since 16th, June, 2011. But this is not the true creeping, because his hands couldnot move from LEFT to RIGHT, then naturally move forward. What he could use is to move his foot 1 or 2 together forward, then his body drops down as a mountain's collapsing, and hands could move further again, so body could move a little bit further than before. A very funny movement. Although there is still a little Dunce in this exercise, he could do it very easily now.
Since the day before yesterday, our baby could begin to trying to sit. He could cross his 2 feet, then try to sit. 2 days ago, he did free 1 hand 1 time. Yesterday, he could do it 2-3 times. Today, he could do it 4-5 times. Although he couldnot just sit alone by himself, he could rely on our body for quite long. He could free 1 hand, maybe it is not so far before he could free 2 hands, it will be 2-3 weeks? Today, he did this trying many many times!
In the 5th month, our baby seems could understand others call his name, and he likes to catch everything in his hand-field, and he likes to put everything in his hand into his mouth, and he seems to recognize his mother, (because 2 of us had a hair cut together on 18th, 2011, but he could recognize me again since yesterday--after 10 days ).
Since the middle of April, our baby has use 4 package diapers(おむつ), they are 1 pack of brand: pampers(パンパース M), 1 pack of 64 brand: (花王メリーズパンツ S), 1 pack of 66 brand: (媽咪寶貝 M) , 1 pack of 10 brand: (菲比Fitti M).