

Our baby's record(0025)-Our baby could do some sitting since 2 days ago.

2011年06月29日 21時07分41秒 | ベビーAbout Baby

Our baby has begun some likely creeping since 16th, June, 2011. But this is not the true creeping, because his hands couldnot move from LEFT to RIGHT, then naturally move forward. What he could use is to move his foot 1 or 2 together forward, then his body drops down as a mountain's collapsing, and hands could move further again, so body could move a little bit further than before. A very funny movement. Although there is still a little Dunce in this exercise, he could do it very easily now.

Since the day before yesterday, our baby could begin to trying to sit. He could cross his 2 feet, then try to sit. 2 days ago, he did free 1 hand 1 time. Yesterday, he could do it 2-3 times. Today, he could do it 4-5 times. Although he couldnot just sit alone by himself, he could rely on our body for quite long. He could free 1 hand, maybe it is not so far before he could free 2 hands, it will be 2-3 weeks? Today, he did this trying many many times!

In the 5th month, our baby seems could understand others call his name, and he likes to catch everything in his hand-field, and he likes to put everything in his hand into his mouth, and he seems to recognize his mother, (because 2 of us had a hair cut together on 18th, 2011, but he could recognize me again since yesterday--after 10 days ).

Since the middle of April, our baby has use 4 package diapers(おむつ),  they are 1 pack of  brand: pampers(パンパース M),  1 pack of 64 brand: (花王メリーズパンツ S), 1 pack of 66 brand: (媽咪寶貝   M) , 1 pack of 10 brand: (菲比Fitti   M).



2011年06月28日 20時50分48秒 | 文化

《薬》 (魯迅)      


      西關外靠著城根的地面, 本是一塊官地; 中間歪歪斜斜一條細路, 是貪走便道的人, 用鞋底造成的, 但卻成了自然的界限。 路的左邊, 都埋著死刑和瘐斃的人, 右邊是窮人的叢冢。 兩面都已埋到層層疊疊, 宛然闊人家裏祝壽時候的饅頭。

      這一年的清明, 分外寒冷; 楊柳纔吐出半粒米大的新芽。 天明未久, 華大媽已在右邊的一坐新墳前面, 排出四碟菜, 一碗飯, 哭了一場, 化過紙, 呆呆的坐在地上; 仿佛等候什麽似的, 但自己也說不出等候什麽。 微風起來, 吹動他短發, 確乎比去年白得多了。

      小路上又來了一個女人, 也是半白頭髪, 褴褛的衣裙; 提一個破舊的朱漆圓籃, 外掛一串紙錠, 三步一歇的走。 忽然見華大媽坐在地上看他, 便有些躊躇, 慘白的臉上, 現出些羞愧的顔色; 但終于硬着頭皮, 走到左邊的一坐墳前, 放下了籃子。

      那墳與小栓的墳, 一字兒排著, 中間只隔一條小路。 華大媽看他排好四碟菜, 一碗飯, 立着哭了一通, 化過紙錠; 心裏暗暗地想, “ 這墳裏的也是兒子了。 ” 那老女人徘徊觀望了一會, 忽然手腳有些發抖, 跄跄踉踉退下幾步, 瞪著眼只是發怔。

      華大媽見這樣子, 生怕她傷心到快要發狂了; 便忍不住立起身, 跨過小路, 低聲對他說, “ 你這位老奶奶不要傷心了, —— 我們還是回去罷。 ”

      那人點一點頭, 眼睛仍然向上瞪著; 也低聲吃吃地說道, “ 你看, —— 看這是什麽呢? ”

      華大媽跟了他指頭看去, 眼光便到了前面的墳, 這墳上草根還沒有全合, 露出一塊一塊的黃土, 煞是難看。 再往上仔細看時, 卻不覺也吃一驚; —— 分明有一圈紅白的花, 圍著那尖圓的墳頂。

      “ 他們的眼睛都已老花多年了, 但望這紅白的花, 卻還能明白看見。 花也不很多, 圓圓的排放一個圈, 不很精神, 倒也整齊。 華大媽忙看他兒子和別人的墳, 卻只有不怕冷的幾點青白小花, 零星開著; 便覺得心裏忽然感到一種不足和空虛, 不願意根究。 那老女人又走近幾步, 細看了一遍, 自言自語的說, “ 這沒有根, 不像自己開的。 —— 這地方有誰來呢? 孩子不會來玩; —— 親戚本家早不來了。 —— 這是怎麽一回事呢? ” 他想了又想, 忽又流下淚來, 大聲說道: ——

     瑜兒, 他們都冤枉了你, 你還是忘不了, 傷心不過, 今天特意顯點靈, 要我知道麽? ” 他四面一看, 只見一只烏鴉, 站在一株沒有葉的樹上, 便接著說, “ 我知道了。 —— 瑜兒, 可憐他們坑了你, 他們將來總有報應, 天都知道; 你閉了眼睛就是了。 —— 你如果真在這里,聽到我的話, —— 便教這烏鴉飛上你的墳頂, 給我看罷。 ”

      微風早經停息了; 枯草支支直立, 有如銅絲。 一絲發抖的聲音, 在空氣中愈顫愈細, 細到沒有, 周圍便都是死一般靜。 兩人站在枯草叢裏, 仰面看那烏鴉; 那烏鴉也在筆直的樹枝間, 縮着頭, 鐵鑄一般站着。

      許多的工夫過去了; 上墳的人漸漸多, 幾個老的小的, 在土墳間出沒。

      華大媽不知怎的,似乎卸下了一挑重擔, 便想到要走; 一面勸著說, “ 我們還是回去罷。 ”

      老女人歎一口氣, 無精打采的收起飯菜; 又遲疑了一刻, 終于慢慢地走了。 嘴裏自言自語的說, “ 這是怎麽一回事呢? …… ”

      他們走不上二三十步遠, 忽聽得背後“ 啞—— ” 的一聲大叫; 兩個人都悚然的回過頭, 只見那烏鴉張開兩翅, 一挫身, 只向著遠處的天空, 劍也似的飛去了。




Typing: Teppei





2011年06月27日 21時39分30秒 | 文化

《薬》 (魯迅)      


      店裏坐着許多人, 老栓也忙了, 提着大銅壺, 一趟一趟的給客人沖茶; 兩個眼眶, 都圍着一圈線。

      “ 老栓, 你有些不舒服麽? —— 你生病麽? ” 一個花白胡子的人說。

      “ 沒有。

      “ 沒有? —— 我想笑嘻嘻的, 原也不像…… ” 花白胡子便取消了自己的話。

      老栓只是忙。 要是他的兒子…… ” 駝背五少爺話還未完, 突然闖進了一個滿臉肉的人, 披一件玄色布衫, 散着紐扣, 用很的玄色腰帶, 胡亂捆在腰間。 剛進門, 便對老栓嚷道: ——

      “ 吃了麽? 好了麽? 老栓, 就是運氣了你! 你運氣, 要不是我信息靈…… 。 ”

      老栓一手提了茶壺; 一手恭恭敬敬的垂著; 笑嘻嘻的聽。 滿座的人, 也都恭恭敬敬的聽。 華大媽也著眼眶, 笑嘻嘻的送出茶碗茶葉來, 加上一個橄榄, 老栓便去沖了水。

      “ 這是包好! 這是與衆不同的。 你想, 趁熱的挐來, 趁熱喫下。 ” 滿臉肉的人只是嚷。

      “ 真的呢, 要沒有康大叔照顧, 怎麽會這樣…… ” 華大媽也很感激的謝他。

      “ 包好, 包好! 這樣的趁熱吃下, 這樣的人血饅頭, 什麽痨病都包好! ”

      華大媽聽到 “痨病 ”這兩個字, 變了一點臉色, 似乎有些不高興; 但又立刻堆上笑, 搭赸着走開了。 這康大叔卻沒有覺察, 仍然提高了喉嚨只是嚷, 讓得裏面睡著的小栓也合夥咳嗽起來。

      “原來你家小拴碰到了這樣的好運氣了。 這病自然一定全好; 怪不得老栓整天的笑着呢。 ” 花白胡子一面說, 一面走到康大叔面前, 低聲下氣的問道, “康大叔 —— 聽說今天結果的一個犯人, 便是夏家的孩子, 那是誰的孩子? 究竟是什麽事? ”

      “ 誰的? 不就是夏四奶奶的兒子麽? 那個小家夥! ” 康大叔見衆人都聳起耳朵聽他, 便格外高興, 肉塊塊飽綻, 越發大聲說,“這小東西不要命, 不要就是了。 我可是這一回一點沒有得到好處; 連剝下來的衣服, 都給管牢的紅眼睛阿義拿去了。 —— 第一要算我們栓叔運氣; 第二是夏三爺賞了二十五兩雪白的銀子, 獨自落腰包, 一文不花。 ”

      小栓慢慢的從小屋子走出, 兩手按了胸口, 不住的咳嗽; 走到竈下, 盛出一碗冷飯, 泡上熱水, 坐下便吃。 華大媽跟着他走, 輕輕的問道, “ 小栓你好些麽? —— 你仍舊只是肚餓? …… ”

      “ 包好, 包好! ” 康大叔瞥了小栓一眼, 仍然回過臉, 對衆人說, “夏三爺真是乖角兒, 要是他不先告官, 連他滿門抄斬。 現在怎樣? 銀子! —— 這小東西也真不成東西! 關在牢裏, 還要勸牢頭造反。 ”

      “ 阿呀, 那還了得。 ” 坐在後排的一個二十多歲的人, 很現出氣憤模樣。

      “ 你要曉得紅眼睛阿義是去盤盤底細的, 他卻和他攀談了。 他說: 這大清的天下是我們大家的。 你想: 這是人話麽? 紅眼睛原知道他家裏只有一個老娘, 可是沒有料到他竟會那麽窮, 榨不出一點油水, 已經氣破肚皮了。 他還要老虎頭上搔癢, 便給他兩個嘴巴! ”
      “ 義哥是一手好拳棒, 這兩下, 一定夠他受用了。 ” 壁角的駝背忽然高興起來。

      “ 他這賤骨頭打不怕, 還要說可憐可憐哩。 ”

      花白胡子的人說, “ 打了這種東西, 有什麽可憐呢? ”

      康大叔顯出看他不上的樣子, 冷笑著說, “你沒有聽清我的話; 看他神氣, 是說阿義可憐哩! ”

      聽著的人的眼光, 忽然有些板滯; 話也停頓了。 小栓已經吃完飯, 吃得滿身流汗, 頭上都冒出蒸汽來。

      “  阿義可憐—— 瘋話, 簡直是發了瘋了。 ” 花白胡子恍然大悟似的說。

      “ 發了瘋了。 ” 二十多歲的人也恍然大悟的說。

      店裏的坐客, 便又現出活氣, 談笑起來。 小栓也趁着熱鬧, 拼命咳嗽; 康大叔走上前, 拍他肩膀說: ——

      “ 包好! 小栓—— 你不要這麽咳。 包好! ”

      “瘋了。 ” 駝背五少爺點着頭說。


Typing: Teppei




2011年06月26日 21時10分35秒 | 文化

《薬》 (魯迅)      


      老栓走到家, 店面早經收拾幹淨, 一排一排的茶桌, 滑溜溜的發光。 但是沒有客人: 只有小栓坐在裏排的桌面前吃飯, 大粒的汗, 從額頭上滾下, 夾襖也貼住了脊心, 兩塊肩胛骨高高凸出, 印成一個陽文的“八”字。 老栓見這樣子, 不免皺一皺展開的眉心。 她的女人, 從竈下急急走出, 嘴唇有些發抖。

      “ 得了麽? ”

      “得了。 ”

      兩個人一起走進竈下, 商量了一會; 華大媽便出去了, 不多時, 拿著一片老荷葉回來, 她在桌上。 老栓也打開燈籠罩, 用荷葉重新包了那紅的饅頭。 小栓也吃完飯, 她的母親慌忙說: ——

      小栓—— 你坐著, 不要到這裏來。 ”

      一面整頓了籠火, 老栓便把一個碧的包, 一個紅紅白白的破燈籠, 一同塞在竈裏; 一陣紅的火焰過去時, 店屋裏散滿了一種奇怪的香味。

      “ 好香! 你們吃什麽點心呀? ”這是駝背五少爺到了。 這人每天總在茶館裏過日, 來得最早, 去得最遲, 此時恰恰蹩到臨街的壁角的桌邊, 便坐下問話, 然而沒有人答應他。 “炒米粥麽? ” 仍然沒有人應。 老栓匆匆走出, 給他泡上茶。

      “ 小栓進來罷! ” 華大媽叫小栓進了裏面的屋子, 中間放好一條凳, 小栓坐了。 他的母親端過一碟烏的圓東西, 輕輕說: ——

      “ 吃下去罷, —— 病便好了。 ”

      小拴撮起这東西, 看了一會, 似乎拿著自己的性命一般, 心裏說不出的奇怪。 十分小心的拗開了, 焦皮裏面竄出一道白氣, 白氣散了, 是兩半個白麫的饅頭。 —— 不多工夫, 已經全在肚子裏了, 卻全忘了什麽味; 面前只剩下一張空盤。 他的旁邊, 一面立著他的父親,一面立著他的母親, 兩人的眼光, 都仿佛要在他身裏注進什麽又要取出什麽似的; 便禁不住心跳起來, 按胸膛, 又是一陣咳嗽。

      “ 睡一會罷, —— 便好了。”

      小栓依他母親的話, 咳睡了。 華大媽侯他喘气平靜,才輕輕的給他蓋上了滿幅補丁的夾被。



Typing: Teppei




2011年06月23日 21時56分22秒 | 文化

《薬》 (魯迅)      


      秋天的後半夜, 月亮下去了, 太陽還沒有出, 只剩下一片烏藍的天; 除了夜遊的東西, 什麽都睡著。 華老栓忽然坐起身。 擦著火柴, 點上遍身油膩的燈盞, 茶館的兩間屋子裏, 便瀰漫了青白的光。

      “ 小栓的爹, 你就去麽? ” 是一個老女人的聲音。 裏邊的小屋子裏, 也發出一陣咳嗽。

      “ 唔。” 老栓一面聽, 一面應, 一面扣上衣服; 伸手過去說, “ 你給我罷。 ”

      華大媽在枕頭底下掏了半天, 掏出一包洋錢, 交給老栓老栓接了, 抖抖的(地)裝入衣袋, 又在外面按了兩下; 便點上燈籠, 吹熄燈, 走向裏屋子去了。 那屋子裏面, 正在窸窸窣窣的響, 接着便是一通咳嗽。 老栓侯他平靜下去, 才低低的叫道, “ 小栓…… 你不要起來。 …… 店麽? 你娘會安排的。 ”

      老栓聽得兒子不再說話, 料他安心睡了; 便出了門, 走到街上。 街上沈沈的一無所有, 只有一條灰白的路, 看得分明。 燈光照著他的兩腳, 一前一後的(地)走。 有時也遇到幾只狗, 可是一只也沒有叫。 天氣比屋子裏冷得多了; 老栓倒覺爽快, 仿佛一旦變了少年, 得了神通, 有給人生命的本領似的, 跨步格外高遠。 而且路也愈走愈分明, 天也愈走愈亮了。

      老栓正在專心走路, 忽然吃了一驚, 遠遠裏看見一條丁字街, 明明白白著。 他便退了幾步, 尋到一家關着門的鋪子, 蹩進檐下, 靠門立住了。 好一會, 身上覺得有些發冷。

      “ 哼, 老頭子。 ”

      “ 倒高興……。 ”

      沒有多久, 又見幾個兵,  老栓又吃了一驚, 睜眼看時, 幾個人從他面前過去了。 一個還回頭看他, 樣子不甚分明, 但很像久餓的人見了食物一般, 眼裏閃出一種攫取的光。 老栓看看燈籠, 已經熄了。 按一按衣袋, 硬硬的還在。 仰起頭兩面一望, 只見許多古怪的人, 三三兩兩, 鬼似的在那裏徘徊; 定睛再看, 卻也看不出什麽別的奇怪。在那邊走動; 衣服前後的一個大白圓圈, 遠地裏也看得清楚, 走過面前的, 並且看出號衣上暗紅色的鑲邊。 —— 一陣腳步聲響, 一眨眼, 已經擁過了一大簇人。 那三三兩兩的人,也忽然合作一堆, 潮一般向前趕; 將到丁字街口, 便突然立住, 簇成一個半圓。

      老栓也向那邊看, 卻只見一堆人的後背; 頸項都伸得很長, 仿佛許多鴨, 被無形的手捏住了的, 向上提著。 靜了一會, 似乎有點聲音, 便又動搖起來, 轟的一聲, 都向後退; 一直散到老栓立着的地方, 幾乎將他擠倒了。

      “ 喂! 一手交錢, 一手交貨! ” 一個渾身色的人, 站在老栓面前, 眼光正像兩把刀, 刺得老栓了一半。 那人一只大手, 向他攤著; 一只手卻撮一個鮮紅的饅頭, 那紅的還是一點一點地往下滴。

      老栓慌忙摸出洋錢, 抖抖的想交給他; 卻又不敢去接他的東西。 那人便焦急起來, 嚷道, “ 怕什麽? 怎的不拿! ” 老栓還躊躇; 衣人便搶過燈籠, 一把扯下了紙罩, 裹了饅頭, 塞與老栓; 一手抓過洋錢, 捏一捏, 轉身去了。 嘴裏哼說, “ 這老東西…… ”

      “ 這給誰治病的呀? ” 老栓也似乎聽得有人問他, 但他並不答應; 他的精神,現在只在一個包上, 仿佛抱着一個十世單傳的嬰兒, 別的事情,都已置之度外了。 他現在要將這包裹裏的新生命, 移植到他家裏, 收獲許多幸福。 太陽也出來了; 在他面前, 顯出一條大道, 直到他家中, 後面也照見丁字街頭破匾上[ 古*亭口 ]這四個暗淡的金字。


Typing: Teppei




2011年06月21日 22時10分08秒 | 文化



1、(HK TVB ニュース周嘉儀)

2、(HK TVB ニュース 林小珍)

3、(HK ATV ニュース林詠雯)

4、(HK ATV ニュース)

5、(HK ATV ニュース)

6、(HK TVB ニュース 郭詠嘉 )

7、(HK TVB ニュース)

8、(HK ATV morning program 朝プログラム)

9、(HK Observatory 天文台)

10、(HK TVB スポーツニュース伍家謙)

11、(HK ATV ニュース)

12、(HK TVB ニュース)

13、(HK TVB ニュース 盤翠盈)

14、(HK TVB ニュース 周嘉儀&林小珍)

15、(HK TVB ニュース 盤翠盈etc.)

16、(HK TVB ニュース 盤翠盈etc.)

17、(HK ATV ニュース)

18、(HK TVB ニュース 郭詠嘉etc.)

撮りの日: 辛卯年(兔年)五月初三(4th, Jun, 2011)

文学:「記念劉和珍君」(魯迅)(7)Commemorate Miss Liu hezhen(7)

2011年06月19日 21時41分58秒 | 語学堂

《記念劉和珍君》 (魯迅)      


      我已經說過, 我向來是不憚以最壞的惡意來推測中國人的。  但這回卻很有幾點出于我的意外。 一是當局者竟會這樣地凶殘,  一是流言家竟至如此之下劣, 一是中國的女性臨難竟能如是之從容。

      我目睹中國女子的辦事, 是始于去年的, 雖然是少數, 但看那幹練堅決, 百折不回的氣概, 曾經累次爲之感歎。 至于這一回在彈雨中互相救助, 雖殒身不恤的事實, 則更足爲中國女子的勇毅, 雖遭陰謀秘計, 壓抑至數千年, 而終于沒有消亡的明證了。 倘要尋求這一次死傷者對于將來的意義, 意義就在此罷。

      苟活者在淡紅的血色中, 會依稀看見微茫的希望; 真的猛士, 將更奮然而前行。

      嗚呼, 我說不出話, 但以此記念劉和珍君!



Typing: Teppei

As I wrote in this article before: I am never afraid of guessing every behavior done by some Chinese is extremly bad. But at this affair, there are several points are out of my suppose. 1 is that government could be so cruelly to do it, 1 is that those rumors-makers could use so despicable ways, 1 is that Chinese women could face disaster by such calm.

I saw Chinese women's action since last year(as written in this article before). Although they were a small number of, I have already shook for their experience, their resolution, and their tough spirit. As for this time, they showed a fact that is to help and save each other during the storm of shooting, even if they would die and didnot fear. This fact is an obvious evidence to prove the brave of Chinese women, to prove even though they were repress over several thousands years by schemes, but they didnot die out.  If someone want to look for the meanings of death and the injured,  I think, this is.

Those who are still for alive but lose someone's dignity in such light bloody slaughter, will lightly see the dim hope; those true fighters, will struggle to follow this action more harder.

I am very angry, I couldnot say anything, I write this just for commemorating Miss Liu hezhen.

the 1st, April



文学:「記念劉和珍君」(魯迅)(6)Commemorate Miss Liu hezhen(6)

2011年06月16日 21時29分17秒 | 語学堂

《記念劉和珍君》 (魯迅)      


      時間永是流逝, 街市依舊太平, 有限的幾個生命, 在中國是不算什麽的, 至多, 不過供無惡意的閑人以飯後的談資, 或者給有惡意的閑人作 “流言” 的種子。 至於此外的深的意義, 我總覺得很寥寥, 因為這實在不過是徒手的請願。 人類的血戰前行的歷史, 正如煤的形成, 當時用大量的木材, 結果卻只是一小塊, 但請願是不在其中的, 更何況是徒手。

      然而既然有了血痕了, 當然不覺要擴大。 至少, 也當浸漬了親族, 師友, 愛人的心, 縱使時光流駛, 洗成緋紅, 也會在微漠的悲哀中永存微笑的和藹的舊影。 陶潛說過,  “親戚或余悲, 他人亦已歌, 死去何所道, 托體同山阿。 ” 倘能如此, 這也就夠了。

Typing: Teppei

English Translation: Teppei

Time passes forever, the city, the streets in the city are still peaceful, those several lives, are not worth anything, maybe, it would just become some topices for those normal public talk when they are free, or, maybe, it would become some "source" for those lost conscience government supporters to attack those sacrifices. And, the deeper meaning of out of 2, I always think that there isnot, because this is just a unarmed petition. As those fighting, wars ... in the human's history,  a lot of people would die, as the coal's forming, it would waste a great deal of wood, then at last they just became a piece of coal, but petitions werenot inside of them, specially, for those unarmed petition.

But after the bloody affair has happened, it certainly shouldnot be kept in calming. At least, the blood should infuse relations, teachers, classmates, friends, lovers heart, even if time has passed, and washed red blood to become light, their light smile and genialty of the likeness of the deceased should be keep in our minds forever. Taoqian has ever written in a poem: "...(for 1 death)relations maybe still keep some sadness; others who knows the death maybe has sung dirges for him (or her), what could they do for remaining; what could everyone know after death, just let their bodies stay with mountains, just it." If we could keep them in our heart's mountain, that is good enough.



文学:「記念劉和珍君」(魯迅)(5)Commemorate Miss Liu hezhen(5)

2011年06月14日 21時30分31秒 | 語学堂

《記念劉和珍君》 (魯迅)      


     但是, 我還有要說的話。

     我沒有親見; 聽說, 她, 劉和珍君, 那時是欣然前往的。 自然, 請願而已, 稍有人心者, 誰也不會料到有這樣的羅網。 但竟在執政府前中彈了, 從背部入, 斜穿心肺, 已是致命的創傷, 只是沒有便死。 同去的張靜淑君想扶起她, 中了四彈, 其一是手槍, 立仆(扑); 同去的楊群君又想去扶起她, 也被擊, 彈從左肩入, 穿胸偏右出, 也立仆(扑)。 但她還能坐起來, 一個兵在她頭部及胸部猛擊兩棍, 於是死掉了。

     始終微笑的和藹的劉和珍君確是死掉了, 這是真的, 有她自己的屍骸為證; 沈勇而友愛的楊群君也死掉了, 有她自己的屍骸為證; 只有一樣沈勇而友愛的張靜淑君還在醫院裏呻吟。 當三個女子從容地轉輾於文明人所發明的槍彈的攢射中的時候, 這是怎樣的一個驚心動魄的偉大呵(啊)! 中國軍人的屠戮婦嬰的偉績, 八國聯軍( 註釋: 這裏的八國聯軍並非是指1900年(庚子年)以軍事行動侵入中國的英、法、、俄、美、日、意、奧的八國, 而是指日本於1926年所糾合的八國軍隊。 )的懲創學生的武功, 不幸全被這幾縷血痕抹殺了。

     但是中外的殺人者卻居然昂起頭來, 不知道個個臉上有著血汙。

Typing: Teppei

English Translation: Teppei

But, I want to say more again.

I didnot see this scene with my own eyes; just heard of, she, Miss Liu hezhen, was pleased to go without any misgivings. Certainly, just a petition, those who has normal human's minds won't foresee there was a such arrangement and trap. Miss Liu went so far as to be hit by bullet in front of Duan Government, shot from back, cut through the heart, it has become a fatal hit, but this didnot make her die at once. Then, Miss Zhangjingshu who went with her wanted to support her body with her hands, hit by 4 shoots, 1 was from a pistol, she fell at once; Miss Yang dequn, another who went with them wanted to support again, hit again, bullet shot in from left shoulder, cut through chest and from right side, she also fell at once. But, at that time, she could still sit on the ground again, then a soldier gave her 2 clubs at the head and chest, she died.

Miss Liu hezhen, who is a girl always with smile and genialty has died, this is true, there is her body proving it; Miss Yang dequn who is a girl with gentle and friendly has died, there is her body proving it; only Miss Zhang jingshu who is also a girl with gentle and friendly still were pained in the hospital. When these 3 girls calmed to be shot by those guns that were invent by those claiming civilization people, I have to say this is a what a honorable invention it is! The glory was won by those Chinese troops slaughter Chinese children and women in other places... the power was shown by those the Eight-Power Allied Forces(comment: it doesnot mean that 8 countries that invaded China at late Ching Dynasty, it just means 8 countries that Japan band together in 1926.) slaughter students... were all eclipsed in front of this bloody event.

But, those whoever Chinese or whoever foreign killer actually are raising their heads, seem not to know that everyone's face was splashed by blood...



文学:「記念劉和珍君」(魯迅)(4)Commemorate Miss Liu hezhen(4)

2011年06月13日 20時58分03秒 | 語学堂

《記念劉和珍君》 (魯迅)


      我在十八日早晨, 我知道上午有群眾向执政府請願的事; 下午便得到噩耗, 說衛隊居然開槍, 死傷至數百人, 而劉和珍即在遇害者之列。 但我對於這些傳說, 竟至於頗為懷疑。 我向來是不憚以最壞的惡意, 來推測中國人的, 然而我還不料, 也不信竟會下劣兇殘到這地步。 況且始終微笑著的和藹的劉和珍君, 更何至於無端在府門前喋血呢?

      然而即日證明是事實了,  作證的便是她自己的屍骸。 還有一具, 是楊群君的。 而且又證明著這不但是殺害, 簡直是虐殺, 因為身體上還有棍棒的傷痕。

      但段政府就有令, 說她們是“暴徒”!

      但接著就有流言, 說她們是受人利用的。

      慘象, 已使我目不忍視了; 流言, 尤使我耳不忍聞。 我還有什麽話可說呢? 我懂得衰亡民族之所以默無聲息的緣由了。 沈默呵(啊), 沈默呵(啊)! 不在沈默中爆發, 就在沈默中滅亡。

Typing: Teppei

English Translation: Teppei
In the morning of 18th, I got to know that some masses would go to government's building to petition; in the afternoon, I heard that government's troop unexpectedly shot them, the number of killed and injured came to over sereral hundreds, and Miss Liu hezhan was inside. But after I heard of this kind of news, some doubts in my mind made me not easily believe it. Usually, I amnot afraid to guess every behavior done by some Chinese are extremly bad. But this time, what they did are out of my imagine. I difficultly think they could do it so fierce and cruel. And, why my student Miss Liu hezhen who is a girl always with smile and genialty would go to there and be killed in front of government's building?

But in the same day, it was proved. The evidence that came out was her own body. And another body is Miss Yang dequn's. On their bodies, evidence showed that they not only were killed, but also they were slaughtered, because of there were some wound by sticks on their bodies.

But Duan government said, "They are rioters!"

Shortly, some rumers spreat that, "They are some cheated by someone."

Suffering scene, has made me not want to see; rumers, specially made me not want to hear. Is there anything that still need me to say again? Now, I get to know why there is no power in the world for a nation that is becoming feeble and die. Keep silence, keep silence! If a nation couldnot wake up to resist from the silence, and he would die in the silence.



文学:「記念劉和珍君」(魯迅)(3)Commemorate Miss Liu hezhen(3)

2011年06月12日 21時51分08秒 | 語学堂

《記念劉和珍君》 (魯迅)


     在四十余被害的青年之中, 劉和珍君是我的學生。 學生雲者, 我向來這樣想, 這樣說, 現在卻覺得有些躊躇了, 我應該對她奉獻我的悲哀與尊敬。 她不是 “茍活到現在的我” 的學生, 是為了中國而死的中國的青年。

     她的姓名第一次為我所見, 是在去年夏初楊蔭榆女士做女子師範大學校長, 開除校中六個學生自治會職員的時候。 其中的一個就是她: 但是我不認識。 直到後來, 也許已經是劉百昭率領男女武將, 強拖出校之後了, 才有人指著一個學生告訴我, 說: 這就是劉和珍。 其時我才能將姓名和實體聯合起來, 心中卻暗自詫異。 我平素想, 能夠不為勢利所屈,反抗一廣有羽翼的校長的學生, 無論如何, 總該是有些桀驁鋒利的, 但她卻常常微笑著, 態度很溫和。 待到偏安於宗帽胡同, 貸屋授課之後, 她才始來聽我的講義, 於是見面的回數就較多了, 也還是始終微笑著, 態度很溫和。 待到學校恢復舊觀, 往日的教職員以為責任已盡, 準備陸續引退的時候, 我才見她慮及母校前塗(途), 黯然至於泣下。 此後似乎就不相見。 總之, 在我的記憶上, 那一次就是永別了。

Typing: Teppei

English Translation: Teppei
In those over 40 killed students, Miss Liu hezhen is my student. "She is my student." I thought about this as normal, and call her as normal, but now I am wodering if I could think about and call her as this again? I should ought to present with my great sadness and respection to her. She is not a student of mine-"a man who are still for alive but lose someone's dignity", she is a Chinese youth who dead for her country's future-China's future.
I could see her name the 1st time since last early summer, Ms Xia yinyu, the Master of Peking Women Normal University, expelled 6 students of the organization of students self-management. 1 in 6 was her, Liu hezhen, but I still didnot recognize her at that time. Until later, Liu baizhao( Education Secretary at that time) leaded those hired thugs, pull those students out of university, at that time someone pointed 1 of them and told me, "that is Liu hezhen". Then, I could begin to relate her name and herself together, but I had some surprise at that time. In my mind, I related those students who resist a master who has wide backgroud and power, and wasnot bent by them, actually should be those who have some stubborn and some outstanding. But she is a girl who is always with smiles and with very tender to others. After they(those students who were drive off university) rent several houses to contiune their studying at zongmao lane, I(with some starffs) went to there to teach them some, and since that she began to listen my lessons. Then, the chances that we met has been more. At that time, there are still always smiles on her face, and she was still with very tender to others. When university began to resume to normal, those teachers who went to teach them were going to be back to university. After she knew that, because of worrying about the future of University, she felt miserable and cry for it. After that, it seems not to see each other again. After all, in my memory, this is the last time that I saw her.



文学:「記念劉和珍君」(魯迅)(2)Commemorate Miss Liu hezhen(2)

2011年06月10日 01時24分52秒 | 語学堂

《記念劉和珍君》 (魯迅)


      真的猛士, 敢于直面慘淡的人生, 敢于正視淋漓的鮮血。 這是怎樣的哀痛者和幸福者? 然而造化又常常為庸人設計, 以時間的流逝, 來洗滌舊迹, 僅使留下淡紅的血色和微漠的悲哀。 在這淡紅的血色和微漠的悲哀中, 又給人暫得偷生, 維持著這似人的世界。 我不知道這樣的世界何時是一個盡頭!

      我們還在這樣的世上活著; 我也早覺得有寫一點東西的必要了。 離三月十八日也已有兩個星期了, 忘卻的救主快要降臨了罷, 我正有寫一點東西的必要了。

Typing: Teppei

English Translation: Teppei

A true brave fighter, dare bravely to face dark side, dare bravely to face running blood, they are the person who are respected and happy in their lifes. But the world often controlled by those non-fighters. They want to use time to dilute the truth, and just leave light blood and light sorrow. Under these light blood and light sorrow, people seem to get rid of threaten, and continue to maintain this world where a normal couldnot live in.

We are still living in this world, I think I should write something early. Today has 2 weeks after 18th, March. The oblivion will come soon, so I think I should write something early.



文学:「記念劉和珍君」(魯迅)(1)Commemorate Miss Liu hezhen(1)

2011年06月10日 01時18分02秒 | 語学堂

《記念劉和珍君》 (魯迅)


     中華民國十五年三月二十五日, 就是國立北京女子師範大學為十八日在段祺瑞執政府前遇害的劉和珍楊群兩君開追悼會的那一天, 我獨在禮堂外徘徊, 遇見君, 前來問我道,  “先生可曾為劉和珍寫了一點什麽沒有? ” 我說  “沒有” 。 她就正告我, “先生還是寫一點罷;  劉和珍生前就很愛看先生寫的文章。 ”

     這是我知道的, 凡我所編輯的期刊, 大概是因為往往有始無終之故罷, 銷行一向就甚為寥落, 然而在這樣的生活艱難中, 毅然預定了《莽原》全年的就有她。 我也早覺得有寫一點東西的必要了。 這雖然於死者毫不相幹, 但在生者, 卻大抵只能如此而已。 倘使我能夠相信真有所謂“在天之靈”, 那自然可以得到更大的安慰, ——但是, 現在, 卻只能如此而已。

     可是我實在無話可說。 我只覺得所住的並間。 四十多個青年的血, 洋溢在我的周圍, 使我艱於呼吸視聽, 那裏還能有什麽言語? 長歌當哭, 是必須在痛定之後的, 而此後幾個所謂學者文人的陰險的論調, 尤使我覺得悲哀。 我已經出離憤怒了。 我將深味這非人間的濃的悲涼; 以我的最大哀痛顯示於間, 使它們快意於我的苦痛, 就將這作為後死者的菲薄的祭品, 奉獻於逝者的靈前。

Typing: Teppei

English Translation: Teppei
On 25th March, the 15th year of the Republic of China(03-25-1926), it is the day that Peking Women Normal University held a memorial ceremony for Miss Liu hezhen and Miss Yang dequn who were killed in front of Duan qirui Government's Building while they were protesting on 18th, March, When I was thinking in front of the hall, I came across Miss Cheng. She came toward and asked me, "Has Chow Sir written something for Miss Liu yet?" I told her, "No." She seriously talked to me, "I think Chow Sir should write something, because Miss Liu very liked to read your articles before she was killed."
I know that. Maybe because of those periodicals that I edited were forced to close often, sales and distribution were bad. Even under this worse enviroment, she was one who subscribed a whole year long of-Mengyuan(name of a periodical)(《莽原》). I have early deciede that I need to write something to her, although she donot get to know it now, for those who are still alive, that is the only 1 thing I could do. If I could believe there are souls, then I would feel more satisfaction for what I will done. But, maybe it is the only that I could do.
However, I really donot know what I could write. I just feel this is not a world where a normal person could live in. Those over 40 being killed youth's blood, were threaten around me, they make me hardly breath, my eyes and ears couldnot bear to see and listen this again in these days. Are there any words that I could say? To write something covered my sadness must be done after I have gotten off the pain. Specially those scholars who wanted to exculpat for government make me feel serious sadness. I am very very angry. I will deeply think and feel the serious sadness and pain that this world where a normal couldnot live in brought to me in my writing. I will show my deepest sorrow in this world where a normal couldnot live in in my writing, to make the government couldnot get their happiness after this killing. My writing would be a small wari for those victims, and for consoling their souls satisfied in heaven.



Just for enrollment test, nothing else could do.

2011年06月07日 22時12分34秒 | hot news today

Today(20110607), our area held university-enrollment-test(高考,大学入試), it will be continued tomorrow.(Front gate of Guangdong Overseas Chinese middle school広東華僑中学正門 photo day撮影の日:20110608)

Since 20110615, our local area will begin high school-enrollment-test(中考,高等学校入試).

Since stepping in May, those students who need to take part in these 2 tests, are trapping in going over, nothing else could do, just read and read. And, at the same time, around them, a lot of parents, relations are anxious as them.

Today is Dragon Boat Festival day(旧暦の竜船節、端午節)

2011年06月06日 21時46分36秒 | hot news today

Today is our area's traditional holiday- Dragon Boat Festival day(旧暦の端午節、竜船節). 

It is well know to memory about 2500 years ago, Chinese famous person: quyuan(屈原).

Today, people will keep to watch dragon boat show, dragon boat competition, eat dragon boat lunch, eat zongzi(粽子-ちまき)-a food that is used glutinous-rice wrapped in bamboo leaves(etc.) then steamed.

Maybe a lot of people connect the network, the net often down today. Writting something is becoming uneasy. 


zongzi(粽子-ちまき):(made by my friend, none business production)

1. Salty taste: Glutinous-rice wrappeded with bacon, soy beans, fatty meat, (others whatever you like), salt water, ...and dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves(etc.) , then steamed. (ベーコン、脂身加入するの粽-ちまき)

2. Sweet taste: Glutinous-rice wrapped with the lye-for-food, small red beans mixed with suger, ...and dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves(etc.), then steamed. (食用の灰汁製の粽-ちまき)

3. Above 2 kinds of zongzi are set together.